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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4965315 No.4965315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know Hell has frozen over when Fox News says that America needs to be more vegetarian.


>> No.4965320

Thread hidden, as per usual with this crap. Take it to /pol/ where it belongs.

>> No.4965321

>I live my life in accordance to what major news networks opinions are

>> No.4965326

Pretty fluffy article without much chew to it, OP. Basically what I expect out of Fox News. Nothing new, regurgitated for easy reading.

Eating less meat is a good idea. But what we really need is a complete overhaul of American factory farming and the sheer excesses that industry has led to. Lobbies, subsidies, massive waste...how much food do we have that simply rots so futures traders can make money?

>> No.4965328

>eat LESS meat
>eat synthetic meat
>eat more aquaponic farmed fish

Nowhere in the article is actual vegetarianism even suggested.

>> No.4965331

High meat consumption itself is the issue. Meat consumption per capita has risen dramatically in the past century, and with the rising population--and third world countries adapting the high meat Western diet as their economies expand--the problem is going to get exponentially worse.

We have to either
A) Eat less meat
B) Stop eating animals like cows and pigs that are very detrimental to the environment when factory farmed, and go for insects instead
C) Bioengineer animals that don't produce waste or pollutants, and switch our industries from fossil fuels.

A is the only realistic solution since this isn't a sci-fi world.

>> No.4965334

OP says "be more vegetarian" not "be vegetarian." Eating less meat = being more vegetarian.

>> No.4965344

Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from meat in one's diet. America being more vegetarian would mean more Americans being vegetarian, i.e. abstaining from meat in their diet.

Nowhere in the article is it suggested that Americans stop including meat in their diet.

>> No.4965348


>Nowhere in the article is it suggested that Americans stop including meat in their diet.

Except the title of the article

>An American diet without meat? How we’ll feed 11 billion people in 2100

>> No.4965363



lol, Fox News reprinted the article from LiveScience and added "An American Diet Without Meat?" to the title so that their readers would fly into a rage and click the link.

>> No.4965390
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How about you stop telling me how to live my life and how 11 billion people is somehow my responsibility?
I'll eat all the meat I want in the glorious US. Because capitalism.
The Africans and other third worlders can eat dirt for all I care.

>> No.4965396

The title was a question. They weren't suggesting anything, they were just asking a question, like "Is Obama a secret Muslim?" or "Are flu vaccines a secret plot to turn you gay?"

>> No.4965415

>I'll fuck over the planet and you can't stop me.
Hold the edge, son.

>> No.4965425

Maybe someday you'll grow up and figure out that life is a rough place.

>> No.4965428

>The United States Midwest, also known as the farm belt, is capable, if pushed to its limits, of feeding the entire human population of 7 billion for one year.

>> No.4965430

I eat quite a bit of fake meat and stuff, just purely for a more 'healthy' alternative. It has it perks, though often that stuff has to be seasoned quite a bit to taste good. Do you have Quorn in America?

>> No.4965432

It's always easier to look at consumption/production instead of going into the more intricate efficiency issues.

Just look at the issue of energy. Instead of making fossil fuels/nuclear/the grid more efficient, its politically easier to knock down the strawman of evil smoke and angelic green options.

It's kind of like most politics in that issues are just dumbed down to the lowest common denominator because public opinion means more than the truth.

>> No.4965437

Thank you based hiding function.
You veg fags should stick to talking about the food itself.
It's so obvious when you mooks just want to talk about the ethics and economics effects of becoming a vegetarian.

>> No.4965442

>>>>>>>>>I'll fuck over the planet and you can't stop me.

>>>>>>>>>I can have as many children as I want, God wants me to have as many as I can ferk you

>> No.4965450

How exactly do you plan on making mass beef production anywhere near sustainable in light of the vast raw resources, pollution, and land use requirements?

It'd require living in a sci-fi world.

>> No.4965476

It will never be as efficient as crops.

Yet crops will never be meat.

It all comes down to the minutia of feed, land usage, waste management, and genetics. I'm of the opinion that domestic livestock is a commodity, so we should say fuck the haters and continue on to the unknown reaches of genetic engineering with a good dose of safety testing.

>> No.4965503

The problem really is population. All beef wont feed everyone, neither will all grain. There is only so much soil, nutrients and pollution we can produce. We need to sit down and as a society, talk about the entire problem. But this isn't going to happen, so we're all fucked. Anyone here want to have a real discussion about this? inb4 im on 4chan

>Thread hidden, as per usual with this crap. Take it to /pol/ where it belongs.

Also, while we aren't talking strictly food/recipes, the board is called food & cooking, don't see anything wrong with talking about our food sources here

>> No.4965513

We seem to be doing fine right now. Rice, beans, and eggs are still plentiful and cheap. I'm quite confident that the market will adjust for any population increases. The more likelihood is that meat would become a higher luxury item and prices will affect demand, which affect supply.

Straight economics.

>> No.4965528

Yeah, pretty much this.

If the government wants to do something more about it, they could stick a tax on animal feed.

>> No.4965545

>Yet crops will never be meat.

That's what GMOs are for. Soon we'll have beefsteak trees.

>> No.4965557

What are the best likely chances to quickly progress us into a sci fi age? Shortages to our most beloved food production.

>> No.4965563

>15 year old telling others to grow up
Have mercy on my sides, sir, I beg you.

>> No.4965574

Sure, tax the farmers that'll go well. Expanding on that, why would you justify farmers using shit like say, chemical waste to feed their livestock when the traditional feed is increasingly taxed.

>> No.4965586

Exactly. The market can work out naturally a lot better than a top-down national approach can.

Don't have the government address pseudo problems that the market can attenuate for.

>> No.4965588

Meat being one of the top causes of environmental damage is one of the reasons I decided to go veg. It's an easy change with a big impact. Easier than switching from a car to a bike, that's for sure.

>> No.4965598

Ooh, I bet your farts smell delicious.

>> No.4965623
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Amerifats, please.

>> No.4965632


If government systems worked so well then why did East Germany need an army of spies, machine gun posts, walls, and barbed wire to keep their population from fleeing to the West?

>> No.4965639


>> No.4965649

Re phrase for you're making little sense.

>> No.4965681


>False dilemma fallacy
>Muh Red Scare

>> No.4965684



Nice grandiloquence, faggot

>> No.4965688


History has shown us that non-market-based economies are miserable compared to capitalist versions, for example, East vs. West Germany. Life in East Germany (which was not Capitalist) was so miserable that people were willing to risk death to escape. Same with Russia during the days of the "Iron Curtain". Same with North Korea right now. History has shown us time and time again that communism and socialism do not work as well as a capitalist system. Study some history bro.

>> No.4965710

>implying the food supply of the United States or any other first-world nation is entirely free-market and not already full of taxes and subsidies

>> No.4965734
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How about you study some philosophy/economics/politcal economy/political theory/history/not being a fucking idiot, bro?

What you just said reeks of a community college educated Republican from a flyover state who thinks socialism is government "redistribution of wealth".

Read more books instead of fingering your navel while you watch children play in the park, faggot.

>> No.4965746

known it all along. if waiting on fox, abc, cbs, nbc, bbs, nprs or aljerih, fark or 4 chan b to give the facts, you might have a long wait. even ck possures, imposters and charltains including me. not everyone is a fake. including me. be very careful. wery werry cafeful. we hunting wabbits now. elmer fud ( whome i idendify with and no way, not norwary will oay or repay last or future costs. nopw and fore eveer, amen ( plus tax,shipping and handling and recurennt charges on your cc) one time only offer I can get cook ware, knives. pans, and stuff at distress sale prices at the local wally world or rite aid read the fine print, always. easy to join, hell to get out..

>> No.4965750

We aren't lacking food anytime soon, even with the current diet of the world. The only reson some people can't eat these days are because of war, political blocus and a few basic education and basic infrastructure.

>> No.4965794

>History has shown us time and time again that communism and socialism do not work as well as a capitalist system. Study some history bro.

Actually, history has shown us that virulent dictators do not work so well, for the general population. Kim jong would argue that dictators are awesome, but that's beside the point. Moving on to food sourcing.


I was not talking about the govt. getting involved. I am saying as an entire whole, everybody in the country needs to sit down and talk about this. From the youngest children to people who wont be alive next week, not just the politicians

>Rice, beans, and eggs are still plentiful and cheap. I'm quite confident that the market will adjust for any population increases
>Straight economics.

Economics is not going to help. It is a stopgap. When the population gets to 11 billion, can you say with certainty that there WILL be enough food to go around? How much land and top soil do we need to destroy to feed all those people? Yes, grains could replace meat completely except for the people at top. But are we really ok with this? I don't want to stop eating meat. Then what happens when the population booms again to 15B? Where do we get water? Will we run out of land to continue growing food? Well, I imagine at this point most people would be limited to empty, fast grown veggies, bugs, and algae. Again, population boom. 20B. What then? I cant even imagine what it would be like at that point, or that we could even let it get to this point.

Yes, I know what some of you are thinking.
>But anon, that's the futures problem, has nothing to do with us
>Let them take care of it

>> No.4965795

But that's exactly the problem, and what im advocating taking care of now. This is not the govts problem, though it does affect them. This is humanitys problem. You can already see areas around the world where having a reducing population is a big problem, one of which being japan. Im getting a little too /pol/ here, but it needs to be said. The problem isn't limited to just food. They have to work longer hours, less land per person. Japan is desperate for more children, to take care of the old transitioning out. Do you see the problem with this? What about when the children of today are old, they need even more young to take care of them?

tl;dr population is going to keep increasing until it collapses. It may not happen within our lifetime, but it will happen.And it will be awful, but we could keep this from happening by having a nationwide discussion.
Mods of /ck/, sorry if this doesn't fit on this board, I can move this to political if need be

>> No.4965797

We don't need better ways to feed more people. We need better ways of killing more people. How can we easily wipe out a few billion?

>> No.4965801

Bring back Bubonic plague.

>> No.4965816

>how can we easily wipe out a few billion?

run out of food. Same way it works in nature. When there aren't enough mice to eat, the extra hawks stave to death. All populations are self-limiting, it's just that we humans haven't hit the limit yet.

>> No.4965827
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>> No.4965847

If the word 'for' stimulated your vocabulary insecurities I apologise... For I meant no disrespect.

>> No.4965851

France is socialist, they seem quite happy. I can't say for certain but other, consecutively high rank countries in regards to happiness such as Denmark, Sweden and Norway appear to be socialist.

>> No.4965859


>your use of for
>an issue of vocabulary

Your English skills are terrible, are you black?

>> No.4965862

It surprises me that Norway tops the list each year with their relatively high suicide rate. It's double that of my country. Happy people don't kill themselves. They just don't.

>> No.4965863

Steady on the contradictions there. You argue like a nigger. Are you black?

>> No.4965869


>using the wrong word to express an idea again
>thinking you're clever

Yep, we got a nigger here. A real, live one.

>> No.4965870

Personally I believe they are brainwashed, tin hat aside, the gov't and all these lists each year are constantly telling the people of Denmark for instance, that they are happy and some of the happiest people on the planet. But when you live there it's nice, don't get me wrong, but it's boring and the people are more or less the same as anywhere else in regards to character. It's like living in a sci if utopia only no one has look what's behind the back door yet.

>> No.4965873


Not enough gay bashings, McDonalds and shootings for you, Amerifriend?

>> No.4965877

If you can't recall, though I'm sure you're capable of scrolling upwards, the implication of my level of intelligence came solely from your perception, hence my apology.

If you want to continue this discussion you best start constructing sentences, providing an opinion on something other than my speculative ethnicity.

>> No.4965878

sure enough, eradicate the surplus population. has been tried a time or two I'm willing if you are. but... you go first. did not think so. nimby. not in my back yard. like land fills( garbage dumps) rock quarries, asphalt plants, airports, power plants( certainly not nuc) everyone wants the benefits, no one wants the results. you take a big city , nyc, la london, tokyo, bejing . bombay, berlin, rome, sidney... when they spit in the sink or flush x billions per day, you think that goes to neverner land? no. fresh water table I am very conservative, no tree hugging eco lib eco freak, but even I know you don't shit where you eat. or drink. I am christian, but if jesus taries, the human race a we know it might rub itself out. not with war or bombs, but pollution of water and air. and I am the worlds worst. i set my heat pump at 69 f in winter and 77 f in summer. not because i must. too costly otherwise. I drive less and recycle. not because I'm told, but because trash pick up is costly. and has to go somewhere.

>> No.4965880

Because there are only two countries in the world, Youropoor and 'Murrica. I put it to you, that you are in fact the Hurrdurrican.

>> No.4965883


>Thinking the continent of Europe is a country

top kek Cletus. Go Gators! Git er done, skeeter! Pray for baby Jesus! USA USA USA

>> No.4965890

>Cannot into sarcasm
Are you the same faggot, nigger green texting the guy who offended you with the word for?

>> No.4965894

wooo murrca! git er dun!

>> No.4965905
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Yeah you're right I have no idea what sarcasm is you should teach me because you obviously know so much about being able to pick up on insincere posts, which you obviously just displayed by not picking up on that post.

>> No.4965916

>”I'm not stupid I was merely trolling.”

But wait, I was being sarcastic about being sarcastic. So as it turns out your still the idiot here.

>> No.4965919


Nice try faggot, take a lie down, have a burger and pray to Jesus before you hurt your brain.

>> No.4965922
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>> No.4965934

>cannot into irony either

>> No.4965939

Unless of course this is a continuing scarception in which case I apologise, more fool me.

>> No.4965971

>You know Hell has frozen over when Fox News says that America needs to be more vegetarian.

Why, because Fox is finally right for a change?


>> No.4965998

what show is gif from? pls someone respond

>> No.4966019

France is actually a shithole.
>they wish they were like germany instead

>> No.4966024

>implying there is anything wrong with gay bashing

>> No.4966025

>The problem really is population. All beef wont feed everyone, neither will all grain.

1970's pseudoscience please go

those theories have long ago been debunked and are confirmed as globalist plots to reduce population in their favor for consilidating control

>> No.4966062


Posters like >>4965795
and >>4965794
falsely still beleive that population isnt going to stagnate at around 10 billion around 2100

most populaion experts including the ones i nthe u.n. agree on this

they fail to realize that women in developed countries are having closer to 1 children which dwindles the rplacment rate see video


the same process will happen to african countries like its happening to chinese population now

>> No.4966063

isnt going to continue to grow and is going to stagnate*