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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4958434 No.4958434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Japan, France and Switzerland are home to some of the world’s most expensive restaurants in the world, with a meal at the most lavish eatery estimated to set diners back $600 a person.

According to The Daily Meal, the most exorbitant meal in the world is served at Kitcho restaurant in Kyoto, Japan, which British chef Heston Blumenthal calls "extraordinary."

Described as the high temple of kaiseki -- a ceremonious multi-course affair that originated with Japanese tea ceremonies -- diners at Kitcho can expect to shell out about $600 USD for dinner and drinks.

Rounding out the next most expensive restaurants is Le Meurice in Paris, where a meal will cost about $509 USD. But with a gold-gilded dining room inspired by Versailles, a dining experience at the mythical restaurant makes guests feel like royalty, suggests The Daily Meal.

Coming in at No. 3 is Masa in New York, where a tasting menu at the Japanese, three Michelin-starred eatery will run about $450 USD.

The list includes three restaurants in Japan, two restaurants in France and two in Switzerland.

>> No.4958443 [DELETED] 

So... places to avoid listed by some homosexual blogger. Am I supposed to care about that or give some blogger credence?

>> No.4958446 [DELETED] 

To me, those are places to avoid.
Anything listed by a blogger is something that I avoid. Simple and done.

>> No.4959394

You guys don't know the essence, you know?
The important thing is information.
Format doesn't matter, and you should read what is written.

>> No.4959403

of course kaiseki would be the most expensive.

I'm disappointed that the west hasn't invented a more ridiculously expensive course, though. let's have a $15,000 meal consisting entirely of seahorse tails, goosetrich (goose-ostrich hybrid) eggs, rattlesnake sirloin and granny smith apple moonshine reduction.

>> No.4959427

>Served in a edible "10-Gallon Hat" made of Beef, Pork, and Buffalo, rendered and held together with agar based "Meat Glue".

>> No.4959443

I know this is probably easily found by google search, but why not include link to article?

>> No.4959455

might as well throw in a trucker hat made of woven bacon and a denon dedicated link cable.

>> No.4959518

You're an idiot if you go out to expensive restaurants. Fuck me, I could buy nine weeks of groceries with $600.

>> No.4959706

60,000 yen is 1/6 of my 1-month pay, and Kyoto is very distant.
So I wouldn't have a chance to visit without a big anniversary of something.
No, I might not have a chance in my life, possibly.

>> No.4959714

>You're an idiot if you go out to expensive restaurants. Fuck me, I could buy nine weeks of groceries with $600.
Some of us have money poorfriend.

>> No.4959715 [DELETED] 
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>muh calories per penny!

The point of a nice restaurant is not to ensure your survival until the next meal can be scrimped together. They're meant for people whose survival is assured.

>> No.4959723

It's for the experience of it. Like going to Disney World instead of just renting Pirates of the Caribbean or something.

I'd still never go though because muh impoverished practicality.

>> No.4959732

>Like going to Disney World instead of just renting Pirates of the Caribbean or something.

I went on that ride in the early 1990s. It wasn't worth $600.

>> No.4961269

And I could snort baking powder instead of cocaine, but it just wouldn't be the same somehow.

>> No.4961285

its recommended by heston blumenthal,

I'd probably go on that alone if I had the money. guy only cares about dining experiances. probably the best guy you could ask.

>> No.4961821

Oh, I see.
You're' saying that we should go to KITCHO with clutching $600 tight in our hands (those are covered in sweat), aren't you?

>> No.4961830

HOLY SHIT, even the web page for this place is fucking pretentious as fuck. Goddamn ridiculous.

>> No.4961864

Good boy, nice boy.
Don't be angry so much because I'll take you to Kitcho.

>> No.4961907
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As long as we are talking about expensive shit...

Today I went to Picasso, the two Michelin star restaurant in Vegas, for a whiskey tasting. We had johnny walker gold reserve, platinum 18, blue label, and king Henry V. This was paired with their foie torchon w/ raisin fig chutney, milk fed veal chop, roasted turbot, quail with lentils, and chocolate Grenache with mango sorbet.

On the way out, they gave us all a bottle of JW blue with our name engraved on the bottle.

This was all free, naturally. Fun times! Was really a great stroke of luck I was invited.

Pic related, their torchon. They did a little "egg" of JW platinum and mango.

>> No.4961909

>the richest niggs on /ck/ have a kitchko meetup

B-back that ass up, gomenasai...

Plz respondu ;_;

>> No.4961917

That is some pretentious looking shit right there

>> No.4961935

It's just placed on a plate with a little drizzle, that's pretty average IMO

>> No.4961945

A little drizzle?
Nigga it's a little everything. No good restaurant serves such tiny portions.

>> No.4961955

Naw man, it's like super rich. Any more than that would be way too much of it, you'd get pretty sick of it after that much.

>> No.4961964

I think I would be directing it.
Because droplets will give us a feeling of calm in some cases.

>> No.4962745

>I think I would be directing it.
Because droplets will give us a feeling of calm in some cases

Wait... What?

>> No.4962836

>Anything listed by a blogger is something that I avoid. Simple and done.
So you don't go to restaurants? Because every single eatery in the world has been mentioned on someone's blog, from the most expensive restaurants to the filthiest hole. Every single one.

>> No.4963768
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Half or more of $600 is for make an atmosphere to space, it would be enough about $200 if take just dishes.

For example, you take a pizza set and pay $15.
It is also possible to eat in your room alone, but you will feel even more delicious to eat with friends or lover. Though it is same 15 dollars, different in taste.

At Kitcho, they are directing the four seasons that make feel of spirit "Wabi, Sabi" on Japan using a their wide and large site. It will bring out the best flavor of the dishes when let meal in the space of one with nature.

Incidentally, Kitcho (吉兆) means an auspicious sign.

Sorry in poor English, but I hope you could understand that about I want to say.

>> No.4963823

>No good restaurant serves such tiny portions.

Are you serious? Have you seen the portions at The French Laundry. They are smaller than anything I've ever had, but you leave completely full after nine fucking courses.

>> No.4964535

I... ok? I think I get what you're saying.

Although I think that Kitcho is probably more of an "Art installation" than a restaurant

>> No.4964777

>I... ok? I think I get what you're saying.

Thank you for your power of reading comprehension.

>Although I think that Kitcho is probably more of an "Art installation" than a restaurant

And I say you are right. It is able to say that Kitcho and other many famous restaurants are the art museum which is based on cooking.

>> No.4964840


that sounds like a fairly decent amount of money.
i don´t see why you wouldn´t save a hundred bucks per month for a while to then treat yourself.

>> No.4965029

Because much of money also have to leave me.

>> No.4965304

expensive restaurants make me horny as hell.
I fucking love being wined and dined. The fancyer the better.
My current bf took me to a restaurant where some guy with a bow tie cut up my fish for me. Would've fucked the shit out of him but I was too stuffed.

Fact is that I love expensive restaurants

>> No.4965419

yeah, pt barnum said a sucker born every day. Maybe I am wrong, but that is dumb. 4-5 hundred usd per meal? what are they serving? loin of unicorn and golden gosse eggs? your money, and free to spend it as you wish. the differnce 'tween a ford and a lincoln, or a chevy and cadilac is 15 k and a name plate. like flying. 1st or common herd. only be in the air< a day. and the plane lands at the same time. keeping up with who ever is a fool's game. I have a toshiba 36 tv and kenwood in home dvd/ vcr sterio and five speaker. it's nice. remodeled the whole family room. spared no expence. shit happens. 5 years hence? watch most tv on a twenty old magnavox. I don't have an expensive cell, no coverage round here. not sad, just the way it is. me and extended family ( and the yuongest at 54) chose to rein( pun implied) it in a bit. several years ago spent six thousand , mostly on credit cards. at 7 -12 interest. you mis a payment- 24. I like ck, and 4 chan, but that is something never get out of. not jew ( actually am, a bit, also scotts ) calm down. how many sweaters, pefrume or junk do you need? Black friday indeed. will become blue feb. when you get those bills.

>> No.4965509

I'm certainly not wealthy and not trying to sound pretentious - $600 is out of my price range....

But is anyone else shocked that the number is that low? Just last night I was watching a show on E! about where celebs hang out in LA and they non-chalantly mentioned a place that's $500/plate.

It's easy to find places that are $100-$200 per person. Just suprised that $600 would be "most expensive"

>> No.4966762

There's gotta be some places that are even more expensive. What's the restaurant in that giant hotel next to that Muslim cube thing?

>> No.4968861

If I retire with any bit of money, collecting Michellin stars will be my hobby.