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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4957603 No.4957603[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: Gross shit even your dumbass tasteless 10 year old self couldn't get into.

>> No.4957604

that's fucked 'cause purple is supposed to taste like fruit. not tomatoes.

>> No.4957608

I see what you done did thar.

>> No.4957617
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I remember watching other kids try it for the first time. They all hated it as much as me.

>> No.4957620

>tfw I bought that once
>tfw I prefered to look at it than drink it

>> No.4957640


I loved its looks.

It just tasted bitter and medicine-like. I wish they'd bring it back, but actually make it taste pleasant.

>> No.4957642

I had the green ketchup, it was p good.

>> No.4957648


i liked these :(

>> No.4957651

So you were the one.

>> No.4957650

It wasn't really the taste, just the fact it felt like it was watered down jello was a little off putting.

I only tried it once, it wasn't as bad, but it wasn't nearly anywhere near good enough for me to buy it a second time

>> No.4957656

I thought it was gonna be fun, but it kept mentally fucking with my head everytime I looked down at the plate, seriously reminded me of the colors of sick.

>> No.4957710

yeah, I think the color green has been shown to reduce people's appetite

>> No.4957716

I remember talking my mom into buying me on. Had like a stale flat taste to it. Never got it again.

>> No.4957722

Japanese super high end sushi made from raw chicken.

>> No.4957727

>super high end sushi

at 10? really?

>> No.4957737

I swear that can kill you.

>> No.4957743


fuckin japs man.

to a certain extent a lot of what is eaten as fine cuisine in japan seems more to be an example of a cultural predisposition towards eating food for the sake of testing extremes of flavor than actually eating for the sake of innate pleasure.

I guess it comes from the culture that develops in resource limited islands.... there is a vein of that in the UK as well.

but when I saw that episode of Iron Chef where they cooked the fucking bird-saliva-nests and did shit like dissolve the bird saliva nests to make soup.....

I kind of threw up in my mouth a little.

>> No.4957759

Like... They bowled nests to get the bird saliva out? Jesus

>> No.4957769

Swallow's nests are Chinese cuisine... and what do you mean by there being a vein of that in the UK as well? I can't really think of any extreme flavours in British cuisine.

>> No.4957783

Not that guy, but isn't it a stereotype Brits got bitter food?

>> No.4957789


I cant remember what type of bird it is. they spin their nests by literally spitting out saliva that then hardens into a sort of calcium-carbonate rich almost rock like structure.

they are used in ridiculously high end asian cuisine (as the nests themselves are worth like $10,000 a pop or something like that; almost like white truffles).

however, you are still eating dried bird spit.

like I said, there was an episode of the legit Japanese Iron Chef, which is totally different from the american remake, in the sense that there literally is a Japanese culinary institute and the chairman or whatever really is some super rich guy who really does go out and purchase a shitload of expensive ingredients for the purposes of a TV show.

on that episode the secret ingredient was these fucking spit-nests.

the defining disgusting feature of the episode was dissolving the spit nests in stock to make spit-nest soup.

literally bowls full of flavored bird spit, because they are reconstituting them with water.

>> No.4957791

I didn't know that. I thought the stereotype was that the British had bad or boring food.

>> No.4957799


>swallows nest
>extremes of flavor

Lol, swallows nest has very little flavor, if any. It's about the mildest tasting food there is. The point of it is the texture, not the taste. The flavor comes from the stock the soup is made with.

Two things, really:

1) The French term for boiling food is "la Anglaise", or "in the English manner", so according to the French, the English boil everything.

2) The rationing during WWII is responsible for a lot of very bad English cooking, and even worse stereotypes.

>> No.4957800

When I was little we had berry bushes in our garden that for a few months would have dark green berries on them, birds would eat these green berries and shit bright green slimy crap everywhere, the green ketchup looked exactly like that green bird poop.

>> No.4957816
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>> No.4957829
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No, unless you mean the beer

>> No.4957836

I just figured with the vinegar, the worcestershire sauce, and blood pudding and all that jazz was where the stereotype came from

>> No.4957843

Oh, those are certainly quite strong flavours, excluding the blood pudding, but I wouldn't say bitter.

That brief list of items has gotten me hungry, though...

>> No.4957864

Yeah me too.

I want a full english breakfast now, with a side of bacon.

>> No.4957866

You're thinking of blue you moronic dolt.

>> No.4957867
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A few years ago my friends and I found a case of these inside this abandoned flea market. All the things had sunk to the bottom, and they tasted poisonous.

>> No.4957871

>"How dare you get such obscure facts wrong!"

>> No.4957875

I made the packaging for that.

They sent a lot of it for free when it was first released.

It was weird to eat stuff with bright green ketchup all the time. And I'm glad it didn't catch on.

>> No.4957906

Well you did a fine job sir, it's quite attractive, and it made my 10 year old self want it.

Shame their skill wasn't quite up to par when it came to the actual ketchup part

>> No.4957930


u jok rite?

>go to england
>go to super upscale pub in Norfolk
>they have a super fancy restaurant in addition to the pub
>cousin of my friend whose family we stay with orders an item called "bait"
>he explains its "fish"
>food comes
>his food is a fucking gigantic pile of tiny fish
>so small that their bones are basically cartilage
>bait is ingested by taking big forkfulls of entire fish, and chomping down on them whole.


also they serve baked beans in chinese buffets in the UK.

>> No.4957973

Not if it's really fresh. Like, 'point-at-the-chicken-you-want-to-eat-in-20-minutes-and-we-will-kill-it-for-you'-fresh. Had yakitori done this way in Osaka once, they were pretty okay. If I butcher my own chickens, I usually eat the breasts immediately, and a bit undercooked. I kinda appreciate the texture.

>> No.4957982

you could eat raw chicken if you gamma irradiate it

>> No.4957983

>plants, literally 80% of the natural diet, are unappetizing

>> No.4957989

not me, but you were just being an autist

>> No.4957995


literally raw dude. at most they pound the meat.

they don't treat it with acid (eg with citrus), nor do they heat it.



That will be $150 please.

>> No.4957998

Whitebait, basically baby fish, is a common dish in England. It's also done by the Portuguese, who do it, quite unsurprisingly, very well.

My personal experience with common English food is that it's food for factory workers; simple, nutrient-dense, and cheap. If you look at some of the more modern British chefs, like Marco Pierre White, Paul Rankin or Fergus Henderson, you'll find that they are able to make great dishes with produce available from the British Isles; lobster, clams, lamb, prawns, sea urchin, salmon, pheasant, venison, and the likes. So while British food used to be quite boring, British high-end cuisine is on a rise.

>> No.4958002

>not me, but you were just being an autist
Jokes on you, that was my first post ITT

>> No.4958005

>super fancy restaurant
I think we've found the problem here

>> No.4958007


>> No.4958008

Hmm, I could imagine that not necessarily being unhealthy, although I don't see the appeal in raw chicken without as much as marinade or spices.

>> No.4958011


>gamma irradiate it

>implicating bacteria doesnt survive on the hulls of spacecraft in the year/multi month long voyage to mars while relativistic protons and gamma from extra solar and extra galactic sources are bombarding it from every direction


radiosterilization is never 100% effective.

if it was, canned food would literally last forever, since that is the way that 99.9999% of the canned food is treated.

>> No.4958016


>80% of the natural diet

lol lern2paleoanthropology

95% of the natural diet was meat for about 2.1185 million years buddy.

>> No.4958021

Bacteria that have adapted to withstand gamma radiation, are quite unlikely to also have perfectly adapted to survive in the human body. Normally, canned food would not spoil because of microbial activity, but it would slowly start to dissolve the can, lose some taste, and look unappealing. Still perfectly edible, apart from maybe the traces of dissolved metal from the can.

>> No.4958030

>99% of canned food is irradiated


>> No.4958437

Since when is whitebait a common dish in the UK? Granted I'm quite far inland but I can't remember seeing it on a menu anywhere in the country

>> No.4958451

It was a old cockney dish like jellied eels and pie and mash that went out of fashion. I haven't seen it served anywhere though.

>> No.4958483

It seems pretty common over here in London. It's pretty much like a tiny version of fish and chip fish, with bones. I don't like it very much.

>> No.4958495

I'm British and I've literally never seen this in my life.

>> No.4958533


they basically pass the cans by a Cobalt-60 or Cesium-137 source that blasts gamma rays at the can.

in theory you could kill all of the bacteria and other pathogens still present.

the downside is that any irradiation will also destroy some of the actual nutrients in the food.

so there is tradeoff.... at what exposure does the food start to taste and smell weird and lose its nutritional value compared with the exposure required to kill enough of the microorganisms to keep the food safe for an acceptable amount of time.

They do make food that is murdered to death, so that it would literally last as long as the packaging (potentially "forever"), but its specialty.

they use it in the military, in space (mostly because you simply cannot risk getting sick in space), and sell it to "survivalists"

>> No.4958566

>Oh! Battered and fried whitefish bait!
>All I can taste is the batter

FFS, man.

>> No.4958594
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>He thinks Chairman Kaga was a real person.

You got worked.

>> No.4958628


"Edible bird's nest soup" is Chinese, dumb fuck.

>> No.4958638

Yet they made it on Japan Iron Chef, it's almost as if... More than one country makes it.... Dumb fuck.

>> No.4958640

soda, pop, soft drink, whatever. disgusting.

>> No.4958644

The claim that it's a Japanese food when it's actually Chinese is false though

>> No.4958680

only its not chinese because the fucking indonesians harvest it
The Chinese will eat ANYTHING, and so they import all the weird shit or impale a bunch of sharks

>> No.4958708

Well my tasteless 10 year old self didn't like ketchup, so yeah that would be some pretty gross shit even today.

>> No.4958715

It's Chinese cuisine, saying that Indonesians harvest it doesn't make it Chinese is like saying the tandoori chicken isn't Indian cuisine because the chicken wasn't raised in India.

Also, you're supposed to cut the fins off the sharks, not impale them.

>> No.4958740

Dude who fucking cares.

>> No.4958769

Sometimes some people prefer to be corrected so they don't continue to distribute false information.

>> No.4958774

>implying the shit on this thread isn't gross regardless of age

>> No.4958777

>who cares abut bein wrung xdddddddd
Anyone that tries not to be a fucking moron should, in fact, care about not spouting shit he doesn't have a clue about. Go back to facebook where your brain dead ilk dwell and reign supreme, inter exchanging likes for spouting garbage as vitriolic and inane as yours.

>> No.4958807


impaling them would be kinder, they'd die quicker

>> No.4958826

Those gelatinous fruit drinks. Squeezers was it? They always tasted so bitter.

>> No.4958842

MA hominid paleobiologist chiming in.

Hunter gatherer societies rarely eat meat and neither did hominids. They tended to only when herds migrated and they were able to drive them off cliffs. Meat was plentiful then but rare at other times.

>> No.4958850

The one with aloe vera in them? Yah, aloe vera is quite bitter.

Suprisingly, the bitter taste seems to be pretty well neutralized by pineapple juice and/or honey.

>> No.4958865


No, these were from... like 1988 or so I would have guessed. They came in blue and red. Flavors, who the fuck knows because it was horrible. So bitter.

>> No.4958880

Never heard of them. Got a pic?

>> No.4958892


they put the food in the can, then heat it to 165~ F.

what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.4958894
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I think you mean Squeezits

>> No.4958902



Those things. They weren't thick like Jello or outright liquid. Like a.. heated gravy that congealed. Really kind of gross. My brother drank them/ate them all the time.

Oh, and the McRib. I've always thought those were disgusting.

>> No.4958905

There's sterilization by heat, irradiation or by using Ethylene oxide.

>> No.4958907

Nope, never heard of them. Guess they didn't have them where I grew up.

>> No.4959255
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Back on thread topic, I always hated these sad excuses for hot dogs.

I think I just had a bad experience when I was really young. I was staying at some person's house and there were three other kids there. Their mom gave them all cold, raw, slimy oscar meyer wieners just to eat as a snack. She gave me one and as I was watching the other kids enjoy their shitsticks I just reticently nibbled on mine and struggled to hold back vomit.
I can still remember the rubbery feel and the crappy smell.

>> No.4959271


I have NEVER understood how people eat those straight out of the package cold, it's fucking disgusting to me. Same with certain sausages. blargh

Back on topic, I physically cannot eat Chocolate Cupcakes to this day. At my elementary school party for going to middle school we were swimming and eating snacks. I ate 3 chocolate cupcakes and sat in the hot tub feeling horrible. From then on for like 6 years if I even SAW a chocolate cupcake I would almost vomit.

>> No.4959289

I convinced my mom to buy the green colour when i was a kid.. I remember thinking "green ketchup this is so cool" put it on a hotdog,took one bite and couldn't finish the rest
that shit was horrifying and the op pic makes me cringe.

>> No.4959296


i never did understand the squeamishness around green or purple ketchup. my mom freaked the hell out and only bought the green once, i kept asking her how green dye was any worse than red dye but she never had an answer.

>> No.4960312

t 99.9999% of the canned food is treated.


>> No.4960330

Why did other kid's moms suck so bad? I went to one kid's house and we were only allowed to drink water. Another mom got mad at me for dropping vanilla ice cream on her kitchen floor. When I asked for a paper towel to clean it up, she came storming in seriously fucking mad and her daughter (my friend) was like "Nice going. She's really mad at you." She acted like I just smeared shit all over her house. One glob of ice cream on her tile floor. Then we couldn't come back in the house for the rest of the day. Fuck, what a whore.

>> No.4960345

It's probably because they're sick of dealing with their own kid(s) and the last thing they need is them dragging home more like they would a diseased, flea-ridden puppy.

>> No.4960355

>also they serve baked beans in chinese buffets in the UK.

>Going to a Chinese Buffet anywhere
> and expecting anything resembling food let alone chinese food

>> No.4960368

Cold?! What the fucking hell? I think you hung out with some particularly retarded rednecks as a kid. Yes, hot dogs are fully cooked sausages, but who in their right mind eats them cold?

>> No.4960378

You have never heard of whitebait? My god, what third world cess pool do you come from?

Or did you expect someone to fillet each fish for you?

>> No.4961737

You weren't part of the cool lunch box crew in 2st grade, without a Squeeze it.

Betty Crocker and Keebers use to make delicious nutritionally absent snacks.

>> No.4961765

We had lunchables with them pizza things.

>> No.4961799

Tbf, doesn't Kopi Luwak go through some wild cats digestive tract before its ground down and sold off? cos that shit is mad expensive and very popular to hig bend, indulgent people in the west

>> No.4961819
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Have you ever had canned sardines? Because you eat those bones too.
yo bitch nigga ass need to gtfo

>> No.4961824

I used to drink cups and cups of sunny d as a kid

>> No.4961829

That shit tastes good. I'd love to drink it now but if I'm gonna have sugar I want straight up dessert.

>> No.4961841
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>Sunny Dick

Growing up in Florida with access to REAL Orange juice has always made me hate that crap.

>> No.4961843

It's more delicious than it sounds

>> No.4961855

What do they taste like? Is it like soda pop? Or some kind of jelly liquid with little tapioca balls in it? I always wanted to try these but they never sold them in my area.

>> No.4961856

>yfw those kids hunted down the Squeeze-its gang and sucked them to death.

>yfw that got you hard.

>> No.4961866

A classmate of mine did a science project on this colored ketchup stuff, he blindfolded people and then fed them squares of bread with the different ketchup on them. Then had us described what each tasted like and if there were differences. I can't remember exactly what the conclusion was, but it was like the colored ketchups were described as more sour than the regular ketchup.

>> No.4961872

The vast majority of canned food is usually only heat and/or pressure treated. Irradiation is usually much more expensive so not the first option. I does preserve the texture/structure much better though.

Food's not the only use though; coming back into Aus after living in Fiji had to get any raw wood furniture irradiated.

>> No.4962014

What the fuck is that?

>> No.4962016

it's fruit juice with bits of flavorless lime floating in it for no reason.
gellan gum i think.

>> No.4962018

flavorless slime, rather.

>> No.4962095
