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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4955045 No.4955045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets get a instructional thread going, shall we?

>> No.4955048
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Dumping what I have.

>> No.4955050
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>> No.4955052
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>> No.4955054
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>> No.4955056
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>> No.4955059
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>> No.4955062
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>> No.4955063

everyone of these recipes so far looks disgusting

>> No.4955064

I think that's the point


>> No.4955068
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>> No.4955070

epic meal time/10

4 real they all look they're really greasy

>> No.4955075
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>> No.4955077

no wonder he and his family are so fucking fat

>> No.4955078
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>> No.4955082
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>> No.4955091
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My last one.. Just to be clear, I saved them while lurking around and am always looking for more..

>> No.4955094

see >>4955064

>> No.4955102


Ooooorr I could just pay attention. Thanks!

>> No.4955103

>30 biscuits
>2 slices of pepperoni per biscuit

>Requires 56 pepperoni slices

>30*2=56 on 4chan

>> No.4955104

Whenever I see instructional shit for really shitty looking food it kind of pisses me off. The whole "gorge on bacon" shit is getting really old and the fact that people actually think it's fun to basically chow down on a blanket of meat stuffed with meat on top of meat just grosses me out.

>> No.4955105


>> No.4955139

Tried this it doesn't work

>> No.4955168
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>these fucking recipes have been written by someone who thinks he's hot shit for having invented a pleb version of a normal dish
>also: "lol i looooove bacon so much i put it on evrythin <3333"

>> No.4955321
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Made eggs in a basket this morning, that stuff is the best.

Also tried this once. It worked out pretty well.

>> No.4956567

Oh shut the fuck up and quit complaining.

>> No.4956617

Can someone help? A while back there was an image for how you slice up a potato without seperating the slices, coat it in olive or canola oil, bake it at a high temp and then salt it, and it's supposed to be crunchy and tasty as fuck. Anyone got it?

>> No.4956633

i got it

>> No.4956635

Actually seems like a really good idea if you made it with half decent cheese instead

>> No.4956638

Will you please post it? You're a lifesaver.

>> No.4956640

Nah, i will not.

>> No.4956645
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>> No.4956663

This is actually nice

>> No.4956668


>> No.4956674

WTF is the point of this.
Its fucking toast with melted cheese. Jesus christ..

>> No.4956679

I guess ist's just easy to eat.

>> No.4956683

$5 will get you a carton of eggs and two veggies AT LEAST, there, bang, omelette, ten thousand times better than fucking pack bread and cheese food product

>> No.4956692

Can someone post the one with oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies?

>> No.4956697


The one were you make choc chip cookies and mold it round an oreo?

Why do you need some shitty picture explanation. Its so easy its not funny. Use your fucking brain.....

>> No.4956699
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>Fuck yeah, Chicken Crunchwrap Supremes

>> No.4956700


>choc chip cookies
>stuffed with oreos

just a guess but you probably stuff cookie dough with an oreo

>> No.4956702
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>frying sausages in a pan

>> No.4956704

dat garlic. Pig disgusting.

>> No.4956705

And how else would you propose to fry them?

>> No.4956706

More fun to eat, more creative, better presentation, etc.
Why are you even here?

>> No.4956707

You don't. You cook em in water.

>> No.4956710
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>take out the stem

>> No.4956713

There IS water in that pan, retard.

Also, the best way to cook sausage, aside from grilling is to simmer them in water, then lightly fry in a dry pan to get some browning.

>> No.4956764

me and a few friends made something similar to this once just for fun. Had it with baked potatoes, tasted pretty great

>> No.4956780
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There's also this.

>> No.4956793

>implying people all over Europe don't pan fry sausages

>> No.4956795

>make six shitty american cheese sticks for one meal instead of three grilled cheese sandwiches for three meals

>> No.4956802

Can I make this with laphroaig 10 instead of cognac?

>> No.4956807

jesus those recipes are so fuckign terrible.. i always thought /ck/ actually cooked quite well

>> No.4956814



Hot-dogs have roughly 30% content of artificial chemicals that stabilize it, give color, consistency, keep from dissolving in water and so on. It makes the waste meat actually half-edible. But it doesn't take kindly to frying.

>> No.4956817

What sort of hot dogs are you eating? I have never had this problem before.

>> No.4956820


Actually, I'm tempted to try that. Probably I'd use meat beaten to shape instead of minced and rolled, far superior. But cheese-stuffed chillies as core of *any* rolls seems like a thing I should enjoy.

>> No.4956823

There are hundreds of types of sausages, and 99% of them are fine for frying. Hot-dogs suck when fried though. You can boil or microwave them just fine, but frying is no good.

>> No.4956824


Unless you're making the other one to give to a friend or other family member, don't be the fucking pig that makes more than one. Oink, oink.

>> No.4956836


I was sure it was viral marketing from some pork producers industry group. Now I'm pretty sure it was viral marketing that just got totally out of control of the evil fucks who started this.

>> No.4956839


Weird, I grew up eating it almost every day. It was the one breakfast food they showed us how to make in junior high home ec classes.

>> No.4956842


My grandfather tortured me with stories about a dish like this that they ate every day in the depression. For the rest of his life he became almost nauseated whenever he smelled cooking tomatoes.

>> No.4956855

Po Tay Toes. It like, accordians the potato and then the resulting array is fried by the oil that's all over it.

>> No.4956901

>not buying G-d's chosen Hebrew National
Now THAT'S a hot dog you can trust!

>> No.4956979

So, I just made this. Stupidly I did not take pics but really, its not much to see.

I left the crusts on since the bread was fresh and it flattened out nicely that and why waste the crusts? I had some left over "plastic" cheese slices.

I substituted the tomato soup with pumpkin soup, overall it wasn't terrible because its almost impossible to fuck up. If I ever decide to do it again, I'll be using some nicer cheese, although having soup with it may or may not be worth it.

>> No.4957117

Saw this and thought it looked lovely.

The reality is a fucking greasy mount of shit.

Do not try.

>> No.4957156


>> No.4957190


Anyone idea how strong this would be?

>> No.4957220
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anyone ever tried this? It looks great, but not sure if it's tasteful

>> No.4957250

Is there seriously an infographic for making burritos?

>> No.4957252

Mileage may vary.

>> No.4957260

the schnapps and the bailys is not a winning combination

>> No.4957274

Not to mention they used mozzarella, butter for ground beef, and can't wrap a burrito to save their life

>> No.4957276

And seasoned the meat with fucking curry...

>> No.4957278

What about cooking the fucking egg?

>> No.4957283

> Alien brain hemorrhage
It's a shot for the brave, as baileys makes the aftertaste not sweet, but bitter and really tangy to your tounge.
But it sure is a shot to get people to speak up, thats for sure.
Peach schnaps.. never again

>> No.4957310

alright so you get a potato

then you make slices in the top, but don't cut all the way through it

put it in a tray

oil that shit

roast it

add salt

>> No.4957323

>boil hot dogs

>> No.4957391
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>> No.4957396

why is this an infographic

>> No.4957415

Salmonella is wayyyyy overplayed. I've eaten dishes with raw eggs dozens of times and never gotten sick.

>> No.4957419

eggs cook really fast
the hot pan and hot pasta cooks it enough that it won't be raw

>> No.4957423

Attempted this one once and the bread broke in half as i rolled it, What am i doing wrong? i cut the crust off because that seems to break straight away, then in the center it would just rip the moment i tried to roll it.

>> No.4957426

Bread probably wasn't fresh enough
Don't bother though, they taste exactly like regular old grilled cheese

>> No.4958798
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I tried it. The Bailey's doesn't actually turn stringy and stuff, instead it turns into tiny droplets or flocks like in sour milk.
The whole thing is utterly sweet and sour, the flavors don't go well together at all and overall, it's pretty awful.

>> No.4958804

>actually doing any of this instructional shit
>not just improvising with what you have and cook something that's actually decent and not shit
Did you know guys? There is this new place on the internet called 420chan where white thrash and lazy people in general post. You could even get even more helpful "recipes" there!

>> No.4958812

This again... it sounds like a good idea but it's impossible to get the eggs cooked right and the flavor is uneven because all the egg is contained in the middle.

>> No.4958868


>Low on cash?
>Cook half a loaf of bread

>> No.4958937
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google "Hasselback potatoes"

>> No.4958950

I've tried it. It tastes like you just take a random hand full of candy in your mouth. Nothing special but not bad either. Looks really cool though. Gazed at it for like 5 minutes before I finally took it.

>> No.4959033


>> No.4959053
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With regards to eggs, I understand it is more contaminated (read: shat on) egg shells. As long as you aren't eating the goddamn shell, you should be okay.

>> No.4959054

Using bread yeast? About 6-9% ABV and still quite sweet (if a little musty) This is a good intro to mead making, but would really be better served by committing to using REAL mead yeast.

>> No.4959186

I scrolled to the last photo...my roommate walked by and went "DUDE! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT!"
apparently to a far sided man that looked like a bloody creampie...thanks /ck/.

>> No.4959473

Well, they say AIDS causes your vision to fail...

>> No.4959546


Really dude? Also, stop making shit up..

>> No.4960027

I tried it today. Nope, it sucked