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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4954633 No.4954633 [Reply] [Original]

Helloe there /ck/entlemen,

Tonight (over here it's afternoon) I'm going to throw stuff I think will come out nice into a pot and cook it. It's not really a "one pot no hassle" type but you could fry it all in one pot too.

500g beef (stew)
3 carrots
1 bellpepper
2 potatoes
3 toes garlic
1 toe fresh ginger
1 onion
3 spring onions
handfull cherry tomatoes
handfull bamboo shoots
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can coconut milk
1 lime
1 habanero pepper

4 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp red curry paste
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp paprika
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp kurcuma
1 tbsp instant miso soup (or another instant broth)
150 ml water

Oil, salt n pepper

>> No.4954642
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Peal onion, carrots, potatoes, garlic, ginger.
Wash and "debone" bellpepper, wash habanero.

>> No.4954647
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Cube potatoes, carrots and bellpepper.
Press or dice garlic, finely dice ginger and habanero, dice onion.
Cut the stew beef in moderately thin slices.

Also don't fucking touch your face after cutting habanero, my nose burns like all hell.

>> No.4954650

What kind of pan is that on the left? It looks like one from Jamie Oliver

>> No.4954653
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Heat up some oil in a pan and fry the beef slices at high heat, just brown them. Then put them out of the pan.
I did this in 2 steps but it's not really nessecary.

>> No.4954654

Im insterested keep going!

>> No.4954656


is that the jamie oliver frying pan?`

>> No.4954657
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It is, my dad got it for my and frankly I love it!

Allright: Add another tbsp oil in the hot pan, fry the onion, add the spices and the curry paste right away and the habanero, garlic and ginger too. fry for around 3 min.

>> No.4954661
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Then add the potato, bellpepper and carrot cubes and fry a little more.

>> No.4954665
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Shortly before the transfer, add the soy and fish sauce.
Transfer your stirfry and the meat into a pot and add the two cans (tomatoes and coconut milk), salt and pepper, bring to a boil.

>> No.4954671
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"If you like it then you should put a lid on it" as beyonce sings.
Low heat, keep it simmering for like an hour before you begin preparing the final steps and the side dish (In my case, as you might have guessed, rice).

I'm half an hour in now and beginning to get hungry.
Will update when done.

>> No.4954676

Looking forward to it

>> No.4954684

Ah, the water goes in too with the instant broth.

>> No.4954687

>Red "Thai" Beef Curry
Oh great great great

>1 tbsp red curry paste
What's in there?

>> No.4954694
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Don't really know, it's store bought, but I've used it a lot and it's really good. I guess oil, chilli, coriander, cumin, garlic and such.

>> No.4954707

Thai curries from scratch:
I have to try them all

>> No.4954720
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Nice, that's the next step!

While we're at it, here my bulletproof way to get good rice:

2 cups rice, 3 cups COLD water.
Heat it up until boiling, lid on it, let simmer on lowest heat for 20 minutes. Done.

>> No.4954722

Also I took the lid off the curry because it's a little too liquid. Will let it simmer open for the rest of the time.

The habanero really kicks, added a little more soy sauce.

>> No.4954729
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>> No.4954739

>not using a gas stove

>> No.4954740

not that anon, but
>live in an area with no gas lines

>> No.4954742

>handfull bamboo shoots
those appear to be bean sprouts, not bamboo
da fuq?
>1 tbsp red curry paste
c'mon maaaaaaaaan

>> No.4954746


not op: he means turmeric

>> No.4954751
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Sorry, soy sprouts I meant. Non-native speaker.

Wash and slice the spring onions, half the cherry tomatoes, wash the soy sprouts.

>> No.4954755
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Add everything 5 minutes before serving, press half a lime in the curry.

>> No.4954756

>Sorry, soy sprouts I meant. Non-native speaker.

it shouldn't matter that much anyway because you can see most ingredients and they aren't that uncommon.

>> No.4954757
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Here it is, came out pretty darn good. Sorry for using storebought curry paste, next time I will experiment with making my own.

>presenting my whiskey in the shot because I know /ck/ loves that shit

>> No.4954760

goddammit bro with all dat whiskey you should be able to afford better (i.e. non-discounter) ingredients.

>> No.4954762

What's your problem? Aside from the curry paste (which I apologized for) the fresh ingrediences are from the corner veggie store, the meat from my butcher and the canned stuff is just fine from the supermarket.


>> No.4954763

you are a retard

>> No.4954764


>Instant miso broth

>> No.4954765


>> No.4954772

why do you get so mad? there are HUGE differences in the quality of canned tomatoes for example. i recommend mutti, it's the best brand in my opinion.

>> No.4954775

>preground caraway

i appreciate your effort, i'm just saying if i had the money to afford all that whiskey, i'd only get the best ingredients possible for my cooking as well.

>> No.4954779

good thread OP, looks tasty.

I'd probably use 4 habaneros or so instead of just one but I'm not normal when it comes to curry. BTW if you scrub your hands with some cooking oil after handling hot peppers, it really helps to remove the heat.

>> No.4954787

You're crazy... It's really good, but any hotter and I couldn't eat it anymore. Thanks for the tip, I's already gone now.

>> No.4954789

why wouldn't you fry all the veggies in a pan until a golden brown and reduce then deglaze and use the resulting sauce to just braise the meat?

>> No.4954795


You certainly could do that--and it would be delicious--but it would be a different dish. OP was making a Thai-style curry. That is made without browning the veggies.

>> No.4954803

I suppose, but it would certainly give a lot more depth of flavor.

>> No.4954814


Yeah it would, it would just be the wrong flavor for a thai dish.

>> No.4954825

I mean, the 'wrong' flavor is a little subjective. But then, I have tried neither method so I really can't comment on the change of flavor.

>> No.4955428

My roommate just reheated a bunch und said it was to hot for him.


>> No.4955463

Nice wusthof santoku. My nigger.

>> No.4955485

Wo kaufst du die Currypaste? Sieht gut aus.
Sieht insgesamt sehr lecker aus.

>> No.4955487

Die gabs beim Netto vor nem Jahr als Angebot, heute hab ich sie wiederentdeckt und gleich auf Vorrat gekauft weil ich sie damals ziemlich gut fand. Deswegen gabs heut auch Curry.

>> No.4955492

Alles klar, dankesehr

>> No.4955515

Looks good OP, looks good.

>> No.4955523

Thanks very much, I reheated myself a bowl right now and it's even more delicious.

>> No.4956126

looks decent OP. Well documented and enjoyable thread.

>> No.4956352

yeah I'm crazy, but whatever. one of these days I'll get around to documenting my habanero sauce and posting it here for you guys. hopefully we'll have more threads like this where someone is actually cooking food then.

>> No.4956406

Too many ingredients, did not read, would not make.

Excuse me, must run for Chipotle Bell for a McRib. Applebee's tomorrow.

>> No.4956409
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Nice thread OP. This is why I come to /ck/.

>> No.4956844
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Thanks for the positive reactions guys. You're what motivates me to document my experiments. I'm not claiming to be a great cook, I just want to share with you my successes and fails in the kitchen.

Till next time!

>> No.4956876

heilige scheiße anon, 26 different ingredients ... I'd never have the patience for that .. one of them would ALWAYS be missing

>> No.4956878

I've written it very detailed and it's not an actual recipe, it's just what I found in my kitchen and decided to use. You can choose for yourself which ingrediences you want to alter/eliminate if you want to try something similar.

Und ich hatte einfach viel Gemüse das gemacht werden musste.

>> No.4956977

Another anon, but I wonder what your minimalist cooking tastes like.

>> No.4958181

OP, you are Bavarian Anon what posted the winterfell goulash a while back right? You are reason I am on /ck/ more than /co/ now.
Thanks for another awesome recipe and thread

>> No.4958208


Where should I shop here?

I have a REWE, LIDL and a Netto near me.

>> No.4958696

Yeah, indeed i am! Nice to be recognized and I'm really honored I triggered your interest in cooking!

Are you me?
I don't buy at lidl for moral reasons (friend worked there got threated like shit and other stuff), I go to netto for the day-to-day items (milk, butter, flour, eggs etc) and to rewe if I need something netto doesn't have.

I live in a nice neighbourhood so I have the luxury to have a veggie store and a butcher right around the corner.

>> No.4959397


>> No.4960851

You should compete in the next /ck/-off, if and when there is one. HeartsOnFire needs some competition to provoke her into posting more. :-)