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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 400x227, steak-well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4953355 No.4953355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ like their steaks?
i prefer mine well done

>> No.4953361

I actually like A1 steaksauce on mine
can't fucking handle those damn sesame seeds that they use for seasoning

>> No.4953358


>> No.4953363


It's tomato sauce you nigger

>> No.4953370

I like my milk steak boiled over hard with a side of jelly beans served raw.

>> No.4953374

I fucking love ramen

>> No.4953383

I drench mine in ranch dressing and drink it all down.

>> No.4953393

I cook it till its charcoal since I'm not a dirty meat eater.

>> No.4953400

I prefer well done.
And that's why I don't eat steak.

Certain people freak the fuck out and cause a big scene just because I actually prefer dry, tougher meat.

>> No.4953401

>inb5 500 post brindlestorm

when i used to eat meat i would always make it 110% well done. it feels safer and in my opinion, tastes better.

but i am 99999999% vegetarian now, i never go out of my way to intentionally seek meat or fish etc.

>> No.4953407
File: 35 KB, 540x330, BBQ_Marinade3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sticking steaks into those Jack Daniels marinade pouches. And I keep them in there for a couple days so the steaks absorb as much flavor as possible.

>> No.4953612

I prefer oak, and straight through the chest cavity into the heart.

Oh, sorry, meant to be in /x/.

>> No.4953618

i come from a third world country so meat can get sketchy at times
well burnt to a crisp for me

im pretty sure ive eaten cat and horse

>> No.4953646

Sounds good to me. Steak and, well, pretty much all meat in general is bland as fuck until you flavor it up.

>> No.4953659

charred to the point of anthacite coal, cooked over a gasoline fireon a nuclear waste drum. then smothered in ketchup, a-1. and heinz 57. no salt or pepper. eat off a paper plate with microwaved tater tots and miracle whip. a warm craft ipa with a hair in it. enough already

>> No.4953660

Ur butt is in pain breh.

>> No.4953676

Sorry, a bit edgy, I guess. at least I left off the lime jello/canned pears and 'nilla wafers for dessert.

>> No.4953686

I'm so sorry, no one deserves to live in America.

>> No.4953800

seared on both sides for a few minutes over charcoal and wood chips hot enough to to make steel glow.

You really should hook up an electric leaf blower to your grill and turn it into a furance.

>> No.4953871
File: 52 KB, 526x720, WalkenOhYou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I think I love you, Anon.

>> No.4956037
File: 328 KB, 1052x451, 1383416642799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to have my steak well-done.

People who feel the need to be uppity cunts over how a steak is cooked aren't worth anyone's time.

>> No.4956044

>People who feel the need to be uppity cunts over how a steak is cooked aren't worth anyone's time.

that's not a very neighbourly thing to say, anon.
you can't post an image of mr. rogers and then go and call people worthless cunts.

>> No.4956056

Well done topped with ketchup, mayonnaise, and some melted Kraft Singles.

>> No.4956062

Someone has to call them a cunt anon.
Are you going to make Mr. Rogers do it?

>> No.4958212

rare. rare as possible without killing me

>> No.4958217

A -raw- steak won't kill you. At worst you'll get the shits for a day or two.

The purpose of cooking a steak isn't to preserve your life, it's to add flavor with dat sear.

>> No.4958221

Those singles better be American.

No one makes cheese like the Americans.

>> No.4958245

I prefer my steak flash-seared then broiled. Rare.

>> No.4958253

rare on one end, gradually getting more doneness until the very end which is burned to a crisp

>> No.4958269

I squeeze a lime on to mine, anyone else do this?

>> No.4958271


>> No.4958277


>> No.4958287

Season lightly with peppercorn and a little bit more salt than most people, then depending on how it feels outside I'll either pan fry it 45 seconds on each side or grill it 4 minutes each side. Or just until it's medium rare.
Gonna try sous-vide soon.

>> No.4958296


>> No.4958297

Medium is ideal. I'll eat anything but rare though.

>> No.4958300

Blue rare slathered in mayonnaise

>> No.4958304

Medium rare, I don't like it dripping blood or anything.

>> No.4958312

I like mine with semen. Not sperm.

>> No.4958313

An ex gf liked it charred black, burnt. That's one reason why she's an ex. I was more than happy to buy food for the two of us but turning a nice steak into a piece of charcoal was too pathetc, she was a hottie but not that much of a hottie.

I'm relegated to being alone for a few years.

>> No.4958319

Why didn't you just buy her a cheap cut like Chuck or something and buy you whatever you wanted?

>> No.4958329

I meant at restraurants. Sure if I was cooking it myself I'd throw her a piece of an old shoe and she wouldn't know the difference, but in restaurants it was embarassing.

>> No.4958335

You actually broke up with a woman because of the way she ordered her steak?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4958343

>well done
fuck you

>> No.4958357

Reading comprehension... learn it. I wrote "...one reason..."

That wasn't the whole reason. She wanted to exist to pump out kids and have that white picket fence existance. I didn't. I didn't want to waste her time so I engineered a reason to break up. I engineered it so that she broke up with me.

That was the main reason. There're a whole list, also I'm not claiming that I was a perfect boyfriend or marriage material either. I still love the girl and I always will but it was best that I made it a clean break so that she thinks that she controlled the situation and can move on.

>> No.4958379

My wife prefers her steak rare too, but knows it's a faux pas to order like that in a restaurant.

She usually orders lamb if it's a nice steak place.

>> No.4958384

depends on the cut and the quality.

leaner cuts should ideally be cooked less. What "level" of doneness is arbitrary and up to you.

fattier cuts should ideally be cooked more. this includes high grade marbled beef like prime and kobe/wagyu.

This is counterintuitive to a naive beef connoisseur who might think "duh the highest quality beef should always be cooked medium rare or less, rite?"

In reality the benefit in flavor you get from marbling, aka fat, is the result of the fat rendering.

fat rendering does not occur at the sub 140 F temperature of rare meat.

simple example:

rare prime rib eye.... extremely fatty cut of beef. if its heavily marbled, and especially if it was aged, the fat that is a component of the actual meat (the marbling, as opposed to the explicit fat deposits between the eye and the outer meat) will not render to the same degree as the rest of the fat.

the result will be a slightly odd consistency in the meat.

even the greatest chefs in the world would cook a wagyu/kobe ribeye to medium/medium-rare

>> No.4958403

The fact that it was only one reason out of many is no less idiotic. Seriously, why do you fucking care?