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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 612x450, KC-new-pkg-design[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4950311 No.4950311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are /ck/'s biggest guilty pleasures?
>pic related

>> No.4950320

When you make that, do you heat up the pudding too? Do you have to eat like... warm pudding?

>> No.4950321

Because Brits need their pud pud.

>> No.4950464

When I was a kid I did indeed have it warm.

>> No.4950512

I used to eat this shit all the time when I worked in this tiny shitty deli just out of highschool. We got $5 a night in free food, a chicken nugget box was like $1.50 or some shit, just enough that a coke and something small to go with it. The pudding was always a molten pit of death and the nuggets always had to go back in for another minute.

>> No.4950523

I still eat Chef Boyardee at least once a week as a snack...

>> No.4950535

Is that why they call everything pudding?

>> No.4950540

I still like to eat crayons.

>> No.4950541

Can they eat it if they don't eat their nuggets? How can they have any pudding if they don't eat their nuggets?

>> No.4950554

why is white meat listed as good as vitamins and protein

>> No.4950808


Corn dogs and Slurpees.

Usually not at the same time, though.

>> No.4950822
File: 15 KB, 250x191, skyline_chili_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bam. This chili smells like my childhood.

>> No.4950828

because its a frikkin rarity these days in prepackaged foods

>> No.4950829

Dude no. That is fucking disgusting.

>> No.4950840

You could not be more wrong. Skyline chili awakens my shameless, inner redneck, and it's a fucking delicious experience.

>> No.4951094
File: 37 KB, 270x295, pizza_for_breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in the very center never gets as hot as the others so I rotate it out with a corner one in the middle of microwaving.

>> No.4951102

ovenbake pizzas with jalapenos, pineapple or tomatoes spread on top

mcdoubles are hella good, im just glad i never really crave them.
I really crave jack in the box, good thing i dotn live by one.

i really really crave pesto, but is it bad for you? looks like it is mostly oil

>> No.4951110

I don't have a picture but Totino's Pizza Rolls.
If they weren't so bad for you, I'd eat a whole box of them in one sitting.

And not like the small box. I mean like the big Sam's Club/Costco box.

>> No.4951133

i picked up these 40ct bags of pizza rolls for a dollar each. theres about 20 bags in my fridge and whenever anyone is sitting at the table, ill go pop in about 10 of them... and they cook in like less than 10 minutes, its amazing

>> No.4951142

they come in cheesey garlic, meatball marinara, and chicken paressiam, and all have their own distinctly sweet taste unrelated to their description

im going to start using them as toppings on my pizzas, i threw them in my mac n cheese last night, fucking tits... made with weed butter :D, gonna make some more right now, actually, lol

>> No.4951635

About once a month, I buy a box of Kraft mac and cheese and eat the entire thing in one sitting. It's also the first thing I go for when I'm miserably sick.

>> No.4953877
