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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.49450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.49589
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>inb4 every board gets merged into one mega board for maximum chaos

>> No.49605


>> No.49665

That's pretty funny

Why didn't they do that?

>> No.49672

You spelled rejoice wrong.

>> No.49713


Not /out! Anyboard but /out/!

>> No.49774

The only concern is how it affects the archives especially for the people storytiming. It's fun right now though.

>> No.49868


>> No.49885
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In the ensuing alt-right alt-left political war weebs will come from behind and reclaim the site.

>> No.49931

I hope /vp/ and /e/ get merged. My dick will go ofd

>> No.49946

I like this shit, assuming it doesn't last more than a couple days. It's a fun little mixer between boards to create hybrid memes.

>> No.49956

These are all new boards, I assume that they just put a hold on all of the old threads and removed access to them.
When they remove /cock/ and bring back /co/ everything should be right where we left it.

>> No.50037

What horrible mess will I wake up to in the morning?

>> No.50052

Yeah, normal /co/ is still there, just inaccessible. There was a small glitch earlier where it wasn't redirecting properly and you could still get to /co/

>> No.50060

/mo/ is no longer
I guess it didn't worked well
I pity /outsoc/ tho

>> No.50105

/outsoc/ is an odd combination. /soc9k/ would have been a riot.

I also hope for /rs/, if only for nostalgia.

>> No.50140
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>tfw I proposed an annual /thunderdome/ merging of the boards back on /q/ and it might happen

>> No.50180

>>>/mlpol/ should stay so we can weed out the annoying losers self-parodying in /pol/

>> No.50198

But some people have continued their storytimes on /cock/. What happens to those threads when the merge ends?

>> No.50255

>>>/mo/ is still there. It is just mostly car shit and not fun mech stuff

>> No.50404

I assume they'd be deleted since /cock/ is a separate board.

>> No.50529

Those poor bastards.

>> No.50535

/cmco/ WHEN

>> No.50597
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We Third Impact now

>> No.50707


Poll con /mlpol/ to keep it that way

>> No.50744

that is awful

>> No.50843

What's the most ungodly combination you can make out of the remaining unmerged boards?

Mine's /advr9k/

>> No.50844

/spa/ seems chill as fuck, not surprising at all, it has been known for a long time that the userbase of /a/ and /sp/ overlaps a lot.

>> No.50921
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/vint/ has flags

>> No.50925


>> No.50930

All the time!

>> No.51311

Nah, its cause there are only like 12 people on /sp/ at any given time because no sports are played between the superbowl and MLB opening day and because jannies fucked the shit out of /sp/ so hard and got rid of literally every single good thing the board had back when it was the third biggest board

>> No.51406

>When they remove /cock/ and bring back /co/ everything should be right where we left it.


It's Flashpoint /co/

>> No.51489
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>> No.51641


Anybody missing?

>> No.51667


anything merged with /soc/ is cancer. soc used to be /b/ but it was too cancerous for /b/ and needed a containment board. I feel so bad for /out/

>> No.51826

/abcdefggifhhrkmoprstuvvgvrwwgiicr9ks4svipcmhmlgbty3acoadvanaspbizcglckcodiyfafitgdhchisintjplitmlpmunnewsoutpopolqstscisocsptgtoytrvtvvpwsgwsrx/ WHEN?

>> No.51833

/b/ /a/ and /n/ to form /ban/

>> No.51848

I wish that /vp/ and a porn board got merged. It would be the greatest thing ever because you'd have unlimited porn threads

>> No.52041

I wish they had merged Sci with X

>> No.52119


>> No.52172

>not merging /d/ and /ic/

>> No.52207

They should have merged /polgbt/.

>> No.52220

>Visit /can/
>almost die of a heart attack
Jesus christ I wasn't ready.

>> No.52271

There's probably plenty of overlap between lgbt and mlp.

>> No.52322

Is it all still Kemono Friends posting? When I went there it was getting spammed pretty hard.

>> No.52371

Oh that would be good.

>> No.52385
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Shark thread is cute, cute!

>> No.52541

Outsoc is such a horrible fusion. /out/ers didn't deserve to have their board destroyed by the freakshow that is /soc/

>> No.52627

I always forget /soc/ exists.

>> No.52698

>/b/ and /r9k/ will be in the same place

oh God...

>> No.52739
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>every board
>even /mlp/

>> No.52802

>every board merged
so /b/?

>> No.52820

We are in for a ride now if that happens. April should just be a month where the entire site just FUSES together into one massive board. Even trash comes in.

>> No.52823

>/coy/ and /cohm/ still haven't become a thing yet

Just give the people what they want

>> No.52877

/a/ is already part of /spa/ though.

>> No.52882

>April should just be a month where the entire site just FUSES together into one massive board.

Fuck off, we have playoffs to worry about. Do it in August

>> No.52957

your joking right? /b/ is a shell of what it once was even fucking /ic/ is more of a threat than /b/ at this point

>> No.52979

Not to mention /asp/ took away what was already a dwindling userbase.

>> No.53004

>Fuck off, we have playoffs to worry about. Do it in August

There is literally no sport that plays playoffs in April. Playoffs are played in October and January

>> No.53015

Or maybe they'll merge and become Communist Space Weeaboo Nazis

>> No.53025

We ran back in time just to learn to cook? Fucking hell.

>> No.53053

Devilman Anon here.

This worries me a bit. IDGAF, I'll start up with chapter 2 when /co/ comes back.

>> No.53070

Furpuck, though

>> No.53107

At least they forgot about /tg/. I am thankful. I want to shitpost about Space Marines in peace thank you very much.

>> No.53118

I guess in theory, but if every board was literally combined it would be an entirely different monster. /b/ in its current state is just a playground for normalfag tourists who exclusively browse /b/.

>> No.53131

Your point is?

>> No.53210

You'll miss some quality threads for pulu, but it will be a glorious hellhole I'll just watch. Maybe teamups from /k/, /pol/, and /fit/ could be a good government, and containment of the crap boards would be good

>> No.53222
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Holy cow

>> No.53225


Best new board.

>> No.53284

we already get enough of those fags that they will never be our allies

>> No.53293

Basketball and hockey you nigger

>> No.53336

/b/ escaped its containment a decade ago.

>> No.53519

>tfw I opened up a new window with all the catalogs open
>realize I can't browse /tv/, /ck/, and /int/ (okay maybe /int/ didn't really change too much) anymore right now
At least /v/ is fine, just hiding.

>> No.53558

Basketball is staged like wrestling
And no one watches Yiffskate

>> No.53662

I had /co/'s catalog in one tab, the threads haven't moved from the last time

>> No.53670
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I hope they at least keep the boards up for a little while tomorrow. I had shit to do today and missed out on everything for the most part.

I just think it's fucking hilarious that the end result of this is somehow despite all rational expectations, that everyone actually made friends and played nice for a day.

>> No.53773

they should have merged /an/ and /trash/

>> No.53798

>doesnt know basketball playoffs

>> No.53887

v is the v in vint nigga

>> No.53922

regular pol exists now

>> No.53925

Nah, I'm talking about /v/. You can still post on it normally, it's just hiding.

>> No.54066 [DELETED] 

Actually, /v/ is functioning, just hidden.

>> No.54080

As far as I've seen /vint/ is five times as much shitflinging as usual. The relatively easy going boards like /co/ and /ck/ continue to be easy going and the shit boards continue to be shit.

>> No.54231

just about all of them are around now

I think co is the only one that cannot be found

>> No.54304

I don't think you can post on /int/. That's the only other one I tried posting on, however.

>> No.54454

I've loaded /co/ a few times but you can't post

>> No.54534
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>> No.54547

>it's real
the absolute madmen

>> No.54852

Fuck though, it was entertaining as hell seeing /mlpol/. Wish that also stayed merged.

>> No.54854

Why can't this merge be permanent?

>> No.54946

/spa/ just looks like regular old weeb-filled /sp/

>> No.54947


Where is /scix/?

>> No.55037

>Start getting a little bored
>Decide to check out some of my alternate boards
>First stop was to check out /ck/

Oh, right...

>> No.55135

Please post this in the /cock/ sticky. Mods are around. If we can keep the prank longer than a day I want all the fusions to fuse and so on and so forth until we end the week with the whole site on one board.
> that board will basically be /b/
>after all these years
>everyone returns

>> No.55145

fuck i want it now

>> No.55196


>> No.55207


I want me some /histg/ and /toybiz/.

>> No.55233

I want to see /diy/ + /lgbt/, /d/ + /x/, and /h/ + /biz/.

>> No.55242

Keep merging. Then doing quad boards instead of duos.
I want to see
and /momtw/
and so on

>> No.55252

As a /tg/er, all /histg/ would be is the Historical Wargames General, but as an entire board.

>> No.55280
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> /trv/ + /r/

>> No.55311

>thrid impact
Let the final board be /tang/

>> No.55400
File: 85 KB, 227x259, So+detailed+_81d0eb3c75acea9b8013e0af5c0c2170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>/aco/ + >>>/d/ = >>>/cod/

>> No.55500

Yeah, it'd be great.

>> No.55612

As a Historical Wargamer, it would be comfy at least. Hundreds of threads about Wargaming different Historical periods. It would be Wargames Illustrated as a chat board.

>> No.55700

I can see it now.

/4chan/ - One Board To Rule Them All

>> No.55740

Honestly just leave /mlpol/ as it is, those chucklefucks would be busy getting mad at ponies than flooding the other boards with shitposts or /v/ and /mlp/ just to curb the /v/ crossboarders on /co/

>> No.55757
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Well, I'll be.

>> No.55813
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>Your favorite board hasn't been merged and probably won't

>> No.55824

But just for two days. The mayhem would be incredible.

>> No.55856
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>> No.55864

A pity they'll literally wind up gassing themselves in the process.

>> No.55891

You see /tg/ on /his/ anyway. It sounds fun but it's a shit prank. Either way I am keen to see who they merge /tg/ with.

>> No.55896
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>Warhammer bulls drive out histacucks just like in /twg/

>> No.55911

What's hilarious is that some of /pol/ prefer it that way because the pony porn dumps have driven off the redditors and shills and somehow lead to LESS shitposting.

That said, no merger can possibly compare with /fitlit/

>> No.55983

/fitlit/ and /can/ should be official boards imo

>> No.55988

Hey, I play both 40k and Historicals thank you very much. They can co-exist.

>> No.56305

Is anyone else sad that /r9k/ didn't get merged with anyone? Or is it just me?

>> No.56387

What the hell is /soc/ about? I tend to stick to /co/

>> No.56437

I want history threads back on /tg/ dammit!

>> No.56525

/can/'s threads have convinced me I need to visit /an/ more often. Birds sure are cute.

>> No.56673

People exchanging personal info and dick pics.
Basically Grindr.

>> No.56680

/y/ and /u/ really needed to merge.

>> No.56687

cams and meet-ups.

But really it's for dick pics and actual faggotry. Meeting girls on there is almost a myth. Like finding a unicorn.

>> No.56752

/an/ is a good board. I pop up over there once in a while and always end up staying for a while.
It's pretty slow though and you've got your regular "I found [animal] what do?" boring threads.

>> No.57020

Dick pics, fags exchanging Snapchat usernames, fat girls posting pictures of their sweaty pussies and acne-ridden butts.

>> No.57094
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>cgl and r9k still didn't get merged
so close yet so far

>> No.57247

>create thread
>immediately 404's due to being pushed off the front page

>> No.57289

They're doing them in waves and pretty late in the game too. There may still be time

>> No.58765

haha wow /fap/ is so full of hatred

shoutout to the poor bastards at /outsoc/ tho

>> No.59663


it fits perfectly