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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4942069 No.4942069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I have an interview for a nice Italian restaurant tomorrow and I'm really nervous as I haven't worked in a kitchen For some time as Ive been working in fast food for the last 7 years.

Help me calm my nerves /ck/

>> No.4942072

well, youll probably get A job there but you better buckle up and be read to do real work. Do anything and everything they ask, always. Never say no. This is the best advice anyone will give you.;

>> No.4942073

Walk in and talk like super mario. Italians think that's just the funniest thing in the world.

>> No.4942093

Get ready to get shit on by the other cooks and do all of the bitch work no one else wants to do. If you pay your dues, put in some time and get to know the staff, you'll do fine though.

Which position on the line are you going for? If you're really worried you're going to fuck it up, ask them if you can do pantry, you'll do soups, salads and deserts! You can learn new stations while working there too, my first cook job I went from Barback to Pantry to Saute!

>> No.4942134

If it's your first time working in a fine dining restaurant, you'll be doing prep work (peeling potatoes, cutting veggies, etc.) and maybe working pantry (salads, soup, appetizers).

It's not any more difficult than what you've been doing in fast food, but shit doesn't just come pre-packaged and prepared - you gotta do that shit yourself.

Mise en place, motherfucker. Get your shit set up so that you're not running into the back every 30 seconds to grab this or that. From that point it's just assembly and memorizing the dishes.

Once you've proven that you're not a fuckwad, the other cooks will teach you how to do all the other shit.

Give it two years of dedicated work and you'll be a master in the kitchen.