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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 266x300, lizawhitacre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4938016 No.4938016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe it, I'm bawwing now /ck/...
I know this is old news, I just didn't know!

>> No.4939679

i never heard of this story too.
damn that's like her in the youtube and stuff.

>> No.4939681

Real life can be hard.

>> No.4941689

This is from four years ago. So?? Did you know her or something? I'm guessing no, since you just found out.

>> No.4941718

>Her approach to being was so simple - love it, whatever it is.
I hope her approach to not being was the same.

>> No.4941722

Who cares...

>> No.4941745

I'd have done her.

>> No.4941748

Seems like dumb bitch should have look where she was riding...

>> No.4941750

Goddamnit, /ck/

Must I don my armor and call a paige to fetch my standard? WHY DO YOU FORCE ME TO WHITEKNIGHT?

The article is four years old. Let it rest.

>> No.4941861

>someone somewhere died 4 years ago
>lets making a thread about it and shit up /ck/

>> No.4941886

Yes, this thread does not belong in /ck/.

>> No.4941996

she made purty /ck/ food art in coffee dranks ;_;

>> No.4942022


>Latte art

Yeah, I'm guessing she got wrapped up in the idea that bikes have the same rights as cars.

>> No.4942059

oh, god, the way she was working that coffee dispenser was getting me hot

>> No.4942083


>> No.4942104

Do you think that dirty hippy smells worse now being underground for 4 years or when she was alive?

>> No.4942121


But they do, you fucking moron. Learn to share the road.

>> No.4942122

No, she got wrapped up around a truck tire.

>> No.4942133
File: 28 KB, 339x333, hipstergarbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a fucking tattoo of a coffee plant on her arm?

>> No.4942174

I didn't read the OP's article and don't really care to, but in what way is that tattoo bad? At least she got one of something that means something to her, instead of just getting some generic thing for the sake of having a tattoo.

>> No.4942182

tattoos are shit in general. especially on women. girl in video: 8/10
girl in pic: 6/10

>> No.4942189

Everyone with a tattoo is human trash.
Women even more than men.

>> No.4942196

This is why if I bike in the city I go on the sidewalk or take up the right car lane. Fuck the police.

>> No.4942256


What a neat comment asshole. Let's be clear--I don't drive at all, I bike. I'm just aware of two things:

1. Most bikers are assholes. They think they're cars, they think they have the right to get in the way, but they don't need to follow traffic laws like stopping at lights, signs, etc.

2. Bikers think that the laws of the city/county/state/whatever will protect them. The laws of nature disagree. Splat!

>> No.4942353
File: 199 KB, 800x633, dsfgdsfgdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so apparently the comments aren't moderated.

>> No.4942385


If you can't drive properly, you shouldn't be on the road. Though I'll admit your generation does have a certain air of smugness about them when it comes to biking- you certainly have one about your pseudo-intellect- anyone who isn't a retard follows the rules of the road, whether in a bike or a car. I'm sorry you're a child and it's a difficult concept for you to understand, but decent drivers/bikers don't get into accidents. You're probably not one of them.

>> No.4942389


Also, 95% of the time, if there's a bike-car accident, it's always the car's fault. Car owners are insecure about the fact that they're fat and lazy and bad at driving, so they blame it on the biker. It's pretty hilarious, actually. I own both and I've never been in an accident on either because I'm not a fucktard, but most of 4chan is.

>> No.4942408


My working theory is that people hate checking their blind spots and believe on a deeply personal level that 'I didn't see him there' is a legitimate excuse for not watching where they're going and doing damage to another person or their property. 'It wasn't my fault [that I wasn't looking]. He should have known that these are the risks you take when you leave the house [and be somewhere near me on the road, because I am a terrible, terrible driver and human being].

>> No.4942416
File: 51 KB, 427x640, flowertat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but in what way is that tattoo bad?
>what way
Really, there's only one? In the interest of brevity, I'll focus on just one: the style of artwork. The heavy black outlining of everything, leaves shown growing only in left or right profile, and uniform separation of non-overlapping objects along an undepicted one-dimensional ground are reminiscent of western art development circa 5,000 BC in Ancient Egypt, when people were always depicted in profile, non-overlapping along a single line. As kids learn to draw they go typically go through a similar developmental stage around age 4-10. So if the tattoo artist was 5 or Ancient Egyptian, that's cool, but for a professional artist it's embarrassing. I don't mean to say there's only one good style of tattoo, or that heavy outlining is bad in itself, there's all sorts of wonderful approaches you could take. This isn't one.

>> No.4942436

I didn't really mean the artistic merit of the tattoo so much as what it was of, because that's what the person I was responding to seemed mad about. Besides that, I thought it was probably supposed to look like an old botany sketch, especially how you see different parts of the plant drawn separately underneath it. Those sketches are often somewhat simplified and do have dark outlines. Not sure if that's what it is or not, just saying.

>> No.4942437


>Here is a recent photo of Liza - she had just gotten a tattoo of a coffee tree. The image of the tree came from Dr. Illy's book on coffee - an incredibly scientific, long winded, and difficult book to grasp. Liza read it in 2 days.


>> No.4942440

By the way I should add that the tattoo you posted is indeed a lot nicer looking, I'm not arguing that.

>> No.4942441

>he image of the tree came from Dr. Illy's book on coffee - an incredibly scientific, long winded, and difficult book to grasp. Liza read it in 2 days.
Top lol of the day

>> No.4942443 [DELETED] 

Sweet! I've just received my free Riot Points!

>> RiotPointCodes.oRg <<

>> No.4942453

>If you can't drive properly, you shouldn't be on the road.

Agreed 100%.

My problem is that this rule seems to be followed differently depending on who is driving what.

I very rarely see cars ignore stop signs or stop lights. On the other hand, at least in my area, it appears to be the norm for bikers to ignore signs and signals and blast through intersections even if they have a stop sign or a red light. Likewise you never know when a cyclist on the sidewalk is going to suddenly decide to get into the road, or if a bike is going to come out from a blind alley or other spot where they are difficult to see. I am always paranoid driving around cyclists because I have learned from experience that they often times do not follow the law.

If you're a cyclist who actually obeys traffic then you have both my respect and my thanks, because not many cyclists do that--in my experience, anyway.

>> No.4942565

Tatooed Baristas are a dime a dozen.
Like retro bush is coming back , one day people will look forward to seeing clean skin handling their food and drinks.

>> No.4942606

This. I am fucking paranoid of driving near cyclists now because they just go whenever they feel like and half the time seem totally oblivious to how much fucking madness they cause in the road.

>> No.4942645
File: 274 KB, 1001x914, 1352844792022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same road, same rules. Except on your schwinn.

I fucking hate cyclists.

pic related, some faggot on a bike getting away with murder

>> No.4942657

Fucking this. I am perfectly happy to share the road, but cyclists need to share the rules.

I can literally count the number of bikers I've seen stop for stop signs on one hand. I see cyclists all the time on the wrong side of the road, not using hand signals, wearing dark clothing and no lights at night, etc. It's ridiculous.

>> No.4942686
File: 92 KB, 455x594, Thomas+Voeckler+Liege+Bastogne+Liege+2012+o9eNbnV7PwDl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some faggot on a bike

that faggot is Thomas "the Fucker" Voeckler

>> No.4942795
File: 66 KB, 500x675, 1374105259925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She lived more in 20 years...
>tfw turned 21 today and realise nobody would care if you died

>> No.4942842

I bike in the middle of the lane. If you have a problem, then drive in the left lane.

>> No.4942849

she was 20? I'd have guessed early to mid 30s, she must have done a lot of drugs and whoring in or during her pre barista days

>> No.4942856

hmmm, nah, I'll just barely avoid running you over, scream obscenities and spit at you

>> No.4942884

>I am on an anonymous cooking board and am going to tell you what I would pretend to do to you if I wasn't so meek and actually had a vehicle

Cool stuff.

>> No.4942887

as a cyclist I follow the rules of the road but find that a lot of cars simply don't respect you. Some drivers, especially younger ones will literally tailgait you for kicks or pull up behind you and lean on the horn to try to make you wipe out.

>> No.4942890
File: 98 KB, 300x300, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She lived more in 20 years than anyone that I have ever known.

Oh Christ I hate this sort of mourning masturbation. If she lived THAT MUCH BETTER a life in 20 years than any of the rest of us, why be upset she's dead. She obviously used up all the time she was meant to be here.

>> No.4942900

Yet god forbid one gets hurt, it's always 'hurr durr we need to change things to make the roads safer for cyclists' instead of, as it should be 'we need to make cyclists obey the fucking rules that are there to keep them safe'

>> No.4942911


You don't have tits.

>> No.4942908

>implying you would do that
>implying you're not a spineless neckbeard in real life and wouldn't just get out of their way meekly
>implying you even own a car

Sure, I'm sure you're really going to do that.

>> No.4942934

>lived more in 20 years
What does she do that is so exciting?

>> No.4942937


>> No.4942972

right because the other threads here are so compelling..thats why we're in here reading it.

>> No.4943006

she reminds me of angie

>> No.4943016


>> No.4943024
File: 64 KB, 752x750, G8VWVue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barista is spanish for "If I was hotter I'd be a bartender or cocktail waitress"

>> No.4943031

even scarier because Angie stopped posting around 2009...


>> No.4943188


Who or what the fuck is/was an Angie?

>> No.4943192

gtfo newfag cancer

>> No.4943201


So Angie was a nobody whore. Got it. Thanks.

>> No.4943202

Don't be laughable.

>> No.4943250

ahahaha your newfag is showing

>> No.4943269


I'm simply a resident of Angieisdeadtown.

>> No.4943289

Unless you are cycling at 30MPH or if you are a nigger in Tennessee no car will tailgate you.

>> No.4943294

Way past decomposition. There's no more fun or excitement in her life.

>> No.4944290

Just because they (think they) are saving the earth doesn't justify paying so little respect to the other road users, including pedestrians.

>> No.4944296

>a cager in a hurry murdered a person on a bike because "I was just checking my phone and she just came out of nowhere"
>no criminal charges were filed

Another day on the meat grinder.

This is why I take the subway.

>> No.4944326
File: 37 KB, 600x337, the-human-car-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They think they're cars
>they're cars

>> No.4944343
File: 1.07 MB, 320x240, turboteen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4945413

This just in: bitch is still dead. As is Angie.

>> No.4945430

Wow, what a coincidence that the first comment on the gapersblock site in 4 years shows up just a few short days after this post:

Jim Rustles / November 13, 2013 2:43 PM

That's terrible. i cum so hard while hurtling through space toward a decommissioned space station. slowly, i pull my knees to my chest and close my eyes as my bowels begin to expel hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful, symmetrical turds, brown as the day is long. i laugh like a young girl as my turds drift aimlessly behind me; they are as butterflies to a child frolicking in the fields of elysium.

i approach the station's docking port, flaccid cock in hand, and prepare to float gently into its inviting confines. i extend my cockless arm jubilantly, as to celebrate the majesty and depth of space, and thank jesus christ for this ultimate gift and blessing. but suddenly, my outstretched arm collides with the outer rim of the docking port, and the trajectory of my quaggy body is violently halted.

the ftes afford me barely enough time to turn his head before the turds arrive. one thousand turds, each one seemingly larger than the last. i try in vain to cleanse mu eyes of the shitsting, but succeed only in smearing my own fecal matter into a fine asspaste, which slowly seeps into my eyes and nasal cavity. i inhale three hundred and twenty four Space Turds; my lungsare permeated completely with my own shit. i hang lax, spirit broken, defeated by poop. i will never be the same. i am forever a shit faggot

>> No.4946428

i was bemused by this. surely only a 4chan netizen would accomplish such a piece?

>> No.4946471

It's weird as fuck to see that here. It happened a block from my house and there's still a memorial up. She was like friends of friends.

>> No.4946488
File: 485 KB, 1579x854, street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll add that she was hit on a street that is right after a stop sign by a semi truck that went into the wrong lane (there's only a one block stretch in that lane where it's available because it's a park and there's parking on the next 3-4 subsequent blocks and 2 previous ones so the semi would have had to merge back into the other one within 10 seconds anyways)

apparently the truck pulled into that lane right after the stop sign and dragged her like 100 feet.

This is the stretch where it happened, obviously no reason for a truck to drive agressively or get in the other lane as it's a pretty quiet intersection (relatively for a main street.) She was dragged all the way to the end of the length of the park on the right.

>> No.4946493
File: 365 KB, 1558x729, memorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is the end, the memorial's set up on the right side with the bike and someone keeps dropping off fresh flowers every week.

I hate bicyclists as much as the next person but I'm pretty sure it was the truck's fault.

>> No.4946507
File: 4 KB, 524x166, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone ded simbly ebin :^)

>> No.4946665
File: 1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 20131115_041046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall some mad ass cagers, fucking butt-devistated little faggots. I bike everywhere everyday, Houston, I don't stop if I don't have to, I run stop signs in front of cops damn near daily, they don't give a shit because it's not a problem, you motorists are just jealous of the freedom you watch me have from the confinement of your little bubble. Don't mistake what I said for being reckless, I don't even cause a vehicle to slow down, I always give right of way when it's due, I just don't stop for little bullshit, you people know that is the case with 90% of cyclist doing stuff you don't like, it's not inconvenience, it's jealousy, you wish you could be having fun, passing up a bunch of miserable motorists, staying fit and saving money and "muh environment". I also carry pic related within reach on every ride, as do many cyclists, you throw a can or something at me and I will murder you in the street and pedal my ass away. Stay mad you gaggle of fat lazy plebs.

>> No.4946667


Lol /k/ tries in vain to troll /ck/, btw your penis is showing.

>> No.4946676

Not even /k/ douchenozzle, just an annoyed cyclist waiting for you to give me a reason to pop your ass.

>> No.4946680

is this real life?

>> No.4946702

I ride a push bike and drive a car, not at the same time of course.
Even though I run red lights, ride on the foot path, ride into oncoming traffic and a bunch of other cool things I do but when I'm in my car don't give me no crap cause the slightest thing and I just might snap, Drivers are rude, Such attitudes, But when I show my PIECE, Complaints cease, Something's odd, I feel like I'm God, You stupid dumb-shit god-damn motherfucker!

>> No.4946708

god damn right

>> No.4946742
File: 220 KB, 1151x662, 1379164377079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She lived more in 20 years than anyone that I have ever known
>Coffee, biking, friendship, school, figure skating


>> No.4946777

i love you anon

>> No.4946789

>she had some what looks like great tits ;_;

>> No.4946798

I'm a pedestrian. Next time a cyclist refuses me the right of way on a pedestrian crossing, I'll just flippantly grab his handlebar and then pretend he unrightly ran into me.

>> No.4946813
File: 38 KB, 380x240, DealWithIt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like with bikes and cars, as a pedestrian, getting hit can never be your fault, ever
it is always the bikers fault

>mfw i kick bikers off the sidewalk
seattlites are scum

>> No.4946816

fucking 4chan
seattlites are scum
there are bike paths out the ass but they all insist on riding on the sidewalk
i've gotten 37 stitches over 4 collisions with bikers while living in washington

>> No.4946817

Keep your head up.

>> No.4946818

>victim blaming

>> No.4946820

Yeah, what kinda weirdo is concerned about their safety?

>> No.4946823

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.4946830

I live in an area with the highest concentration of bikes and dogs. I chose to look out for bikes instead of worrying about stepping in dog shit.

I've never been hit by a bike or stepped in dog shit. Maybe there's a bit of victim blaming but stop walking into traffic.

>> No.4946832

>stop walking into traffic.
I'm not walking in traffic
road vehicles are illegally using the sidewalks

did you even read my post?

>> No.4946843

The law is arbitrary. The methodology is up to you and I. You keep getting hit by bikes so I really don't give a shit about yours and I've been hit by cars twice before I learned to look both ways.

>> No.4946848

remember to tell yourself that when your kids gets ran over by a drunk driver

>> No.4946849
File: 157 KB, 300x225, applause.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4946854

I don't really get your point.

Both of us dislike biciclysts.

You got hit by one

I made fun of you for it

Then there's these last few posts. I'm glad you're okay but you probably would have been better served by a bike that happened to give you psychiatric treament afterwards.