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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4937226 No.4937226 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I fucked up. I can cook, not amazingly, mind you, but I can do it with relative amounts of success. My girlfriend of two years is coming over with her mother so I can meet her for the first time. I invited them for a lunch I would cook and I made a Cajun Garlic Chicken dish. In my nervousness, I accidentally over-seasoned it MUCH too much and now it's almost inedible. How do I cut down the flavor? I was thinking of having a kind of creamy linguine or something, but I don't know how to make it. Please, I have two hours until they arrive.

>> No.4937267

You need to serve it with something that will absorb the flavors, like plain white or brown rice.

>> No.4937272

Just go to Costco and buy a rotisserie chicken.

>> No.4937276

Yeah, like this dude said. Dice your over-seasoned chicken up, cook some rice (or cous cous, that's actually quicker and more impressive to people who don't know what it is) Once it's like 95% done and still has some liquid to it (so it can strip some of the seasoning and flavor the rice) toss the chicken in. Bam galic cajun chicken rice

>> No.4937274

But I feel that the textures won't be very complimentary. I mean, I thought of it, but I don't think they'd be very good together.

>> No.4937277

> 2 hours
Run to the fucking store now
Why have you been together 2 years and you're just now meeting the mother?

>> No.4937278

No. I want to impress her mother, not just sit there dick in hand.

>> No.4937280

If things get grim, just lie and grab a pre cooked chicken. They're delicious, and it's not like you're lying about cooking... you just fucked up bro. Do your best or give up, just never serve them garbage. I'd probably still eat it, I can never get enough garlic tbh

>> No.4937285

Run to the store and get what? More chicken and start from scratch? I never met her before because we just never really had the chance, she's two states away but she seems nice from what my girlfriend tells me and she says her mother seems like she likes me from what she tells her...

>> No.4937286

Well if things keep going the way they are now, you're going to serve them over seasoned, "almost inedible chicken" and you have only two hours to fix it. I'd disassemble that chicken and look around the house for things that could absorb the flavor and accent the chicken. I can't really suggest things since I don't know what you have though.

>> No.4937287

Go to your local whole foods or trader joes (they have tastier shit) and get some premade stuff brah. A good dinner impresses anyone far more than an okay homecooked meal

>> No.4937290

Why the hell would you serve "cajun chicken" with a creamy pasta side anyway? That sounds absolutely awful.

Maybe try and half ass a jambalaya. The flavors might mix better.

>> No.4937294

I'd rather not have to buy something premade, but if it comes to that I will. But just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. I don't mind going out and buying what you guys recommend, even if it is the last resort premade...

>> No.4937296

Well, you can either have an oddly textured dish that tastes pretty good or a completely inedible overseasoned mess, your choice.

Or you could do like everyone else suggested and grab a grocery store rotisserie chicken before it's too late.

>> No.4937301

Is it like chicken breasts or whole chicken? My advice would be to use it to make some sort of soup, since a heat and salt and garlic can all be quite pleasant in soup. Then you can make your real dish, I dunno, some 2" thick ribeye or something.

>> No.4937303

No shit you idiot, its not that fucking hard to make it's goddamn chicken. /ck/ has given you the best options and since you'd being a prick I hope she spits out your disgusting chicken

>> No.4937310

How the fuck do you over-season Cajun chicken? Did you literally add like a cup of salt? That's the only thing I can think of that would be a problem. For anything else just tell them it's supposed to be like that.

>> No.4937318

Like, cubes. I cut them into cubes and rubbed each one down with some seasoning.

Okay, I'll start from scratch. It's no big problem on me, I was just hoping there was an alternative.