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4932515 No.4932515 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you guys addicted to caffeine?

I've been on two cups of coffee per day for the past couple months. I don't know if I've built any sort of dependency, though, because I haven't skipped a day. I expect that I'd at least get a headache or something if I went without.

How about you?

>> No.4932523

how old are you op

>> No.4932525
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I'm taking tablets for the last 25 years. I can't even get up in the morning without one or two of those.

>> No.4932542

Two cups per day is nothing.

I usually have 2 double espressos per day and have no issues stopping every once in a while.

>> No.4932546

Eh. I don't feel very lively without coffee, and I just don't feel like doing anything. I can still function though. But when I have a strong cup of joe, I'm like WHEEEEEEE

>> No.4932554

It's not the coffee itself, you have other health problems and the coffee just helps you hide the problems by overtaking your metabolism.
High chances you are actually low on iron, since coffee makes it hard to assimilate. It's a vicious spiral.

>> No.4932565

i drink about 5 cups of tea a day, but im in england so thats pretty standard

i dont really drink sodas so i dont hate myself for it

>> No.4932593


I am 22.

>> No.4932597

3-5 on a normal day, 7 on a special day.
I also sometimes smoke because I'm hooked on stimulants.
Was on adderal through college too. . .
Noticing a pattern

>> No.4932600

I'm afraid I may be horribly addicted. I drink a beverage that has caffeine in it about once a week, and I'm getting scared.

>> No.4932601

I drink coffee because I like coffee. I only have about 2-3 shots of coffee on days that I do drink coffee, which is not every day and is a pretty low amount for where I'm from.
My mother takes about 6-8 shots of coffee daily without fail.

>> No.4932604
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I don't have much trouble waking up in the morning
I'm groggy for like half an hour then perfectly fine

When I was trying to start drinking coffee in the morning, I'd only find myself awake 20 minutes quicker than usual and jittery for the rest of the day

>> No.4932620


a cup of coffee has the same caffeine as two espresso shots...

>> No.4932639

5-6 cups a day is normal for me

>> No.4932645


At that point I start worrying about the cost. I'm not buying cups of coffee from Starbuck's or anything, but I do buy my coffee for ~$11 a can from a local roaster and at 2 cups/day I'll go through a can in about two weeks. If I did 4 cups/day I'd be spending $11 a week, which isn't bank-breaking or anything, but that shit adds up.

>> No.4932653

I used to be drinking at least 6 cups of coffee a day.

Then I started getting a fast irregular heartbeat and palpitations. So I decided to cut out a lot.

>> No.4932657

Used to be a two pot a day union production line worker. High energy output job, very physically demanding. I think the job itself allowed my body to have a little more control over what caffeine was doing. No jittery, no gut rot.
My pots were about 1200ml each. I usually use 10 scoops of grinds, and put a cinnamon stick in the pot before I turn on the drip.

When I quit that job, I sorta quit coffee, and the withdrawal was insane. Thought I was gonna die for a few days there.

Now I have a one cup a day on weekdays habit. Posh management/manufacturing job now.The one cup is from the nearest gas station. Not bad, but not great.

Now when I make a pot on the weekends (which is rare, once a month maybe), I get about 2 cups in, and I feel like I no longer have a heart beat. It's not beating, so much as humming. Beating so fast it would show up as flatline if monitored. After I finish the pot, I can't believe this stuff is legal. I get so jacked up, i don't think I should be legally allowed to drive. Fun as all hell. Sometimes I nap, or get drunk to try and come down off the high. Cocaine doesn't fuck me up, like a good pot of joe will.

>> No.4932660

Cost can be an issue. Instead of buying from starbucks, now I just buy cafe bustelo bricks. Its strong as hell and not that expensive

>> No.4932776
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You buy...pre-ground coffee...?

>> No.4932780

No coffee. The occasional energy drink makes me a cheery, much more productive anon though.

>> No.4932791

I usually have 1 cup of the good shit in the morning, not so much for the caffeine but because it's a nice ritual and lets me collect myself for the day with that and a smoke. I like to switch around Stumptown roasts, grind it myself, and use an Aeropress to make the coffee.

Then I go to my warehouse job and drink like 6 cups of shitty coffee.

>> No.4932796

Yes, I know im a pleb

>> No.4932821


I buy bustelo bricks. My family was super into coffee when I was a kid so I was a total sperg about coffee in my teens and early 20s. I refused to buy anything roasted more than 3 days ago, I had a personal relationship with my local roaster, I always carefully dribbled my exactly 203.5 degree bottled water heated in a squeaky-clean kettle over the perfectly measured, perfectly burr-ground coffee nestled in a crisp, stiff Chemex filter, little by little. I drank Blair Estate Kauai, the occasional Timorese or Sulawesi microlot beans, or whatever the roaster recommended that was new. I splurged on Wallenford Estate JBM and Kona a few times a year, usually around the holiday season. Always black, always deeply concentrated cups.

Then I moved, the only roaster near me was shit, and I completely lost it and went with Bustelo with boiled tap water, dumped unceremoniously over the grounds, and mixed with whole milk and sweetened with panela. I've found better roasters since then but the spell was broken and I'm a different person having been forced out of my coffee autism for a few hard years.

You're not going to die if you drink cheap coffee. Deal with it nerds.

>> No.4932826


Disproportional response, the post.

>> No.4932844

>Any of you guys addicted to caffeine?

Yes but I drink coffee as a PWO and because I like it, not to sate my addiction.

>> No.4933018

I like you.

>> No.4933094

i usually drink 5-6 a day, get a headache around 11am if I don't have one by then.

>> No.4933108

I drink coffee wherever I can get it free/cheap and is actually decent coffee
That being said it can vary from about 2-6 cups of coffee a day with no cream or sugar because my coffee ends up either being overly sweet or tasting like shit if I try to add anything

>> No.4933115

I can do better than that, I keep a jar of instant coffee around for when I'm too lazy to use my single cup filter in the Keurig.

>> No.4933290

>tfw I have never gotten any kind of effect at all from coffee, tea, or anything with caffeine
>tfw I've never in my life gotten a sugar high

Sometimes a blessing, sometimes a curse

>> No.4933479

I work at sbucks .,,,,

so yes

my poor heart

>> No.4933700

On weekdays, I drink between 5 and 10 cups of espresso (all before 6pm, otherwise I can't sleep). Two or three cups on the weekend.

Without caffeine my brain just does not wake up. And I get in a foul mood.

>> No.4933736

I can't stop drinking Soda, if that counts.

As a result, I am now very fat.

>> No.4933779



>> No.4933782

you're just not very aware of your energy level, or else are taking it when you're already feeling fine.

try a cup of coffee before bed and you'll see that it had an effect.

>> No.4933806

I used to consume quite a bit of caffeine. Usually an energy drink or two a day and a few cups of coffee, all out of desperation to stay awake through the day.

Then I got diagnosed with sleep apnea and got myself onto a CPAP machine. Now I typically have one caffeinated beverage a day, maybe more if I am socializing late into the night and want to stay up.

>> No.4933919

>try a cup of coffee before bed and you'll see that it had an effect.

Might sound odd, but that's actually when I have the majority of my coffee - right before bed.

Never have I ever gotten a caffeine rush, or any effect for that matter. I could be tired, I could be feeling good, I could be just waking up or just about to sleep, it doesn't matter.

>> No.4933991
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Oh shit, is it...?

>> No.4934005

I drink a fuck ton of soda.
I think it's more the sugar than the caffeine.

It's all fun and games until kidney stones.

>> No.4934045

start every day with 5-600mg and then consume varying amounts of coffee/tea for the rest of the day, I mostly stop at around 5 though. mostly.
Not getting some can be a bit of a bitch but I used to have it much worse, I'm currently reducing my intake and hope to almost completely stop before the year is over.

>> No.4934055

2 cups of coffee per day is nothing. I've taken up to 4 doses of ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin) a day, and washed them down with a pot of coffee

>> No.4934057

All true tea lovers not only like their tea strong, but like it a little stronger with each year that passes — a fact which is recognized in the extra ration issued to old-age pensioners.

>> No.4934100

no, im addicted to cigarettes

>> No.4934229

only two cups?
I never have any problems when i don't get my morning coffee

>> No.4934290


I studied life sciences. I realized everything was an addiction.

I jdc anymore. Heroin, apples, LSD, sex, alcohol, just air, food in general, gambling, talking, writing, smelling, etc. Everything was an addiction. Running... whatever.

Life is driven by chemical addiction.

Life...has to end.

>> No.4934298


>you guys are pussys check my out max drugs 420 blaze it

>> No.4934303

I drink green or white tea throughout the day, and occasionally eat cacao nibs. I try to keep my caffeine down because I used to drink way too much coffee in high school and it stunted my growth and made me burn out.

I find sipping on green tea throughout the day just gives me better mental clarity

>> No.4934310

No. It's a just drink I usually have in the morning. Half coffee, half milk, and the coffee is weak as shit anyways.

>> No.4934318

When I used to drink strong coffee and energy drinks all the time, I remember taking two caffeine tablets and going to bed and sleeping through. Crazy times. I don't even drink green tea two hours before bed anymore

>> No.4934322

You're just changing the definition of a word to suit yourself.

>> No.4934335
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Try as I might, I just can't get into coffee. I mean, it tastes alright (when not desecrated by those disgusting flavored coffee creamers), but not to the degree that I could ever get addicted to it or drink it every day. I enjoy drinking it, especially in the evening or the middle of the day. But in the morning it just makes me feel hot and the caffeine doesn't really even affect me; and I have never been able to drink it with breakfast.
I just don't see what all the hype's about. It makes your breath stink, it's hot, it's not all that effective. I'm honestly glad I'm not addicted to it.

Tea is a objectively better and more versatile drink.

>> No.4934364

>I remember taking two caffeine tablets and going to bed and sleeping through

What was your aim, here? Why would you take caffeine pills and then go to bed?

>> No.4934432
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I used to just drink a single cup of moka-brew every morning and then would or wouldn't drink any other caffeine that day - however the day turned out. I've done for about three or four years now until about a couple of months ago.

I drink 2-3 cups of moka-brewed coffee every morning nowadays, usually with a 200 mg caffeine pill crushed up into the last one.
I also drink a few energy drinks (Low-Carb Monster Import, or a Zero-Calorie Monster, preferably) throughout the day, sometimes with a caffeine pill or a half powdered in.

I very frequently feel unsuppresable bouts of low-esteem and motivation, usually escalating to crippling self-loathing and disgust, usually while I'm riding my bike or lifting or working out or something.

Picture related, my pill of choice.

>> No.4934458

I wanted to stay awake, but I laid down and fell asleep five minutes after taking my tablets.

>> No.4934501

Sugar high isn't a real thing though, so I wouldn't feel too bad about that.

>> No.4934513

[citation needed]

>> No.4934532


Sugar high can happen but it depends on a lot of habitual, at-the-moment and also hereditary biological circumstances.

Ever work on your feet in a fast-paced environment for six or seven hours after biking ten miles up and down hills and then eat a banana after it all?
I could almost feel the sugar reviving me.

>> No.4934540

I need something on a daily basis. If I know it'll be a shit day I'll make mate if there's time, or make some strong coffee.

Generally I always have at least a cup of tea with breakfast.