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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 320x240, seeking_to_ban_trans_fat_1072430000_20131107174353_320_240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4931581 No.4931581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fucking Libtards. How are we supposed to eat good tasting food again? I'll die before they take away my crisco.
What do you all think of this?

>> No.4931586

lrn2cook n00b

>> No.4931587

Our govt has to keep us from killing ourselves.

>> No.4931592

I don't generally use it and my cooking is really quite tasty. I know this is bait and you're to receive about 200+ replies. Admittedly, I use shortening to caramelise onions as it results in a fast, better caramelisation than any other cooking fat I've tested.

>> No.4931594


>using Crisco

White trash detected.

>> No.4931597

>trans fats are bad
>red food dye #425 is okay

>> No.4931602

>dis nigga hasn't deep fried with crisco. It's the secret to Burger King's fries

>> No.4931606

> trans fats unsafe for human consumption

Time to get drunk and chain-smoke, I guess.

>> No.4931609
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>amerifatting intensifies

Life begins before ejaculation, evolution is a trick by the devil, foreigners hate us for our freedom, and the corporations know what's best for us (if they didn't why else would they be so rich). More news at 11.

>> No.4931616

Pardon my ignorance but how are these worse than normal saturated fat?

>> No.4931626

>Trans fats
>Essential to make good tasting food
>Being this pleb

>> No.4931627

>The FDA plan won't affect Crisco, crucial to flaky crusts, because the vegetable shortening maker removed trans fat from its product several years ago.

>> No.4931629

>Time to get drunk and chain-smoke, I guess.
This. How are cigarettes and alcohol still legal? Oh wait, they have lobbyists.

>> No.4931634

You don't think places like Krispy Kreme have lobbyists?

>> No.4931636

Not on the scale of alcohol and tobacco companies.

>> No.4931638
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They aren't.

It's all about singling it out because of "intent". Take a moderately unhealthy poly unsaturated fat, add hydrogen on purpose, make it unhealthier = profit = bad.

This same shit happened when they caught the tobacco companies intentionally adjusting nicotine levels of their smokes. Nevermind its all the same, but when intention is involved, its evil I tells ya.

>> No.4931641

They're not necessariy worse than sat fats, and in fact some studies show health benefits, but other studies show health risks, and since none of them are irrefutably convincing, the FDA is banning them because Obama hates culinary freedom. Oh and dairy lobbyists paid him $7,262,249 last year to reduce their competition.

Wikipedia excerpts:
Trans-isomer fatty acids, or trans fats, are a type of unsaturated fat, which is uncommon in nature but can be easily created artificially. Because their configuration is a double carbon–carbon bond, these trans-isomer (E-isomer) fatty acids are sometimes monounsaturated or polyunsaturated, but never saturated. The FDA has issued a preliminary determination that trans fats are not "generally recognized as safe", which is expected to lead to a ban on trans fats from the American diet. In humans, consumption of trans fats increases the risk of coronary heart disease by raising levels of the lipoprotein LDL (so-called "bad cholesterol") and lowering levels of the lipoprotein HDL ("good cholesterol"). There is an ongoing debate about a possible differentiation between trans fats of natural origin and trans fats of man-made origin, but so far no scientific consensus has been found. Two Canadian studies, which received funding by the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency and the Dairy Farmers of Canada, have shown that the natural trans fat vaccenic acid, found in beef and dairy products, may have an opposite health effect and could actually be beneficial compared to hydrogenated vegetable shortening, or a mixture of pork lard and soy fat, by lowering total and LDL and triglyceride levels.

>> No.4931652

Fair, but obesity is a far bigger problem than alcohol and tobacco. And the illegal alchy and tobacco trade is a much bigger deterrent to banning them than the illegal trans fat trade

>> No.4931668

If trans fats are as bad as they say they are, and if the food companies could easily find a replacement, then so be it.

>> No.4931679

The problem isn't just saturating fats, it's that the C=C double bond does not always take to being saturated, sometimes it flips becoming a trans bond (previously it was cis double bond), which allows it to further produce bad cholesterol in the body (ok my understanding kind of falls apart here, I'm a chemistry man, not biology)

>> No.4931680

I'd be against this, but if you need to ban weed for the same reasons then I say fuck you, welcome to my world.

>> No.4931694


You found the reason why you'd want to be the last man standing?

>> No.4931699

How DARE you come into this thread with your FACTS and RESEARCH.

>> No.4931732

Saged, hidden, reported, called the FBI, bought a dog.

>> No.4931743

The joke's on you, Anon!

You will still be getting plenty of low density lipoproteins! Transfats being removed changes nothing.

Nobody seems to be into chemistry as to just -why-.

Okay class, what ALSO changes into that low density shit when the body gets done processing it? Anyone? Anyone?

>> No.4931750

>using trans-unsaturated fats in situations where saturated fats will do
Learn some chemistry, shit head.

>> No.4931765
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That's right the government knows best, let them look after you

Personal responsibility and freedom to choose whats that?

Don't think for yourselfs let us do it for you


>> No.4931767

Okay. Thanks. You too.

>> No.4931772

>mindlessly parroting "free thinking" libertarian nonsense planted in your head by corporate shills

It's no coincidence that you chose a mildly retarded lower middle class rural caucasian male cartoon character to represent yourself on the internet.

>> No.4931776

>fat makes you fat

>> No.4931777
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How do you feel about drug prohibition?

>> No.4931784

I do not give two shits either way.
If you want good tasting fats, rend your own lard.

>> No.4931794
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I actually lean towards facism and social libertarianism, you're projecting too hard by the way it strikes me as no coincidence since you are unable to rebuttal my point and rather attempt to trivialize my position because you are incapable of critical thinking and having a proper argument

Here I'll change reaction images


People are going to drugs whether or not they're legal, keeping them illegal if not only naive but harmful because it creates a black market but because America is a bully and forces other western countries to keep drugs illegal so no one realises what a mess they've made, Mexican cartels have gone wild and gangs have more power in cities than ever, the amount of tax revenue weed made for california was considerable

>> No.4931804
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>I actually lean towards facism (sic) and social libertarianism, you're projecting

I think you meant "your projecting"

>> No.4931831

It's stupid, ineffective, expensive, and unconstitutional.

>> No.4931842


It's a bulky Molecule, in comparison to monounsaturated or even saturated fats, so as such a big molecule, it's difficult to move since the body usually doesn't waste time in breaking it down. Since it's so bulky, it's easy for it to get caught in various arteries, thus, plaque builds up faster.

It really isn't a problem if you just balance your diet and don't eat them much, though.

>> No.4931862

Just so long as this doesn't ever extend to naturally occuring trans fats like in cheeses I'm okay with it. I'd prefer other alternatives though.

>> No.4931872
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Don't worry, the dairy industry is too powerful and intertwined with the government for any dairy ban to happen

>> No.4931905

I don't doubt that dairy as a whole is here to stay for a great many years, trans fats or not. I'm more worried about it some day being used against imported cheeses or whatever.

>> No.4931918
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pic related: its OP
>captcha: luida mammoths

>> No.4931932
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>This entire thread.

>> No.4931934
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I'd be more concerned with the gov't making the same argument about sat fats. There's actually substantially more evidence that sat fats increase health risks than trans fats, and while it's naturally occurring in many foods, they could easily take the same approach of "naturally occurring is okay, but adding any is illegal." It will probably have to wait for the next nanny-state demotard prez though...Chris Christie sure as hell won't ban anything tasty.

>> No.4931939

Get ready for national foie gras ban and stricter oversight at all levels of the dairy industry.

>> No.4931942

Expect Chistie to overcompensate especially if his lap-band surgery is a major success.

>> No.4931955

>I actually lean towards facism (sic) and social libertarianism,
What the fuck.

>People are going to drugs whether or not they're legal
Interesting that you don't bring up 'muh liberty', though, where drug prohibition is concerned.

>> No.4931961

That pic is total bs. Doctors preferred Chesterfields.

>> No.4931964
File: 75 KB, 300x360, Jackie chan feeds Kanye West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not American so I don't really know what you mean by "muh liberty" would you elaborate?

>> No.4931986

This post:

>> No.4931999

That's it. I'm starting up a Trans-fat cartel.

>> No.4932006


Yes I see your post

I still don't see your point though, are you suggesting I don't support the freedom to put whatever substances you want into your body whether it may trans fats, heroin or cyanide?


Works for cheese

>> No.4932018

>says the coroporate lobbyist who is trying to severely limit everyone's choices to that of only what their company sells.

>> No.4932025

>Liberals banning obese transsexuals
Bullshit, source.

>> No.4932039

I actually lol'd. Like really loudly. I think I scared the neighbour's dog because she started to howl as I spat out my giggles.
Good job.

>> No.4932058

Can the surgery cause any serious backlashes? No one wants to see this fat fuckball running for office.

>> No.4932061
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>> No.4932083

Maybe with the tumblr Fat Acceptance cows. Everybody else would see it as either "a good first step" or a shortcut, neither of which would really hurt him as far as politics goes. I know he's already lost a few inches at least from it

>> No.4932108

>There's actually substantially more evidence that sat fats increase health risks than trans fats
Citation where? Saturated fats are necessary for your body to function properly.

>> No.4932110
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>> No.4932125
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His second chin ate his first chin.

>> No.4932127

No I mean by backlashes, I mean can the surgery go wrong and fuck him up physically?

>> No.4932155

There haven't been any long term studies on lap-band/stomach stapling that I know of. The worst case scenario for someone that I have seen is they modify their eating to the point of a slow all day gorge which negates the benefit. As an executive at the state level he probably does snack a few times in between meals, but he spends a lot of time in front of the judging eyes of others too. He will probably be successful in his weigh loss.

>> No.4932199

>>There's actually substantially more evidence that sat fats increase health risks than trans fats
>Citation where?
Plenty of websites, but when I cited them I kept getting spam msgs trying to post it, so just including journal cites you can google.

Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation (2003). Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases (WHO technical report series 916). World Health Organization. pp. 81–94. ISBN 92-4-120916-X.

Kris-Etherton, PM; Innis, S; American Dietetic, Association; Dietitians Of, Canada (Sept 2007). "Position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada: Dietary Fatty Acids". Journal of the American Dietetic Association 107 (9): 1599–1611 [1603]. PMID 1793695.

"Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fats, including saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, and cholesterol". European Food Safety Authority.

Micha, Renata Mozaffarian, Dariush (Oct 2010). "Saturated Fat and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes: a Fresh Look at the Evidence". Lipids 45 (10): 893–905.

Mozaffarian D, Micha R, Wallace S (March 2010). "Effects on Coronary Heart Disease of Increasing Polyunsaturated Fat in Place of Saturated Fat: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials". In Katan, Martijn B. PLoS Medicine 7 (3): 1–10. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000252. ISSN 1549-1277. PMC 2843598.

Siri-Tarino PW, Sun Q, Hu FB, Krauss RM (March 2010). "Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease". The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 91 (3): 535–46. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27725. PMC 2824152. PMID 20071648

Skeaff, Murray; Miller, Jody (Sept 2009). "Dietary fat and coronary heart disease: Summary of evidence from prospective cohort and randomised controlled trials". Annals of nutrition & metabolism 55 (1–3): 173–U287.

>> No.4932201

Now what about all the studies that conflict that view?

>> No.4932243

some states have banned trans fats for years, as a result, most name-brand junk food and fast food have completely removed trans fats from thier menu because thats easier than just having separate products/menu items for certain states.

>> No.4932291
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>40 years ago
>saturated fats are bad for you
>why would you eat animal fat?
>transfats are good for you
>population gets sicker and sicker
>well... uhh guys transfats are bad for you

Vegetarians and politicians

>> No.4932297

Vegetarians are retarded, what else is new?

>> No.4932302

So I thought the research behind trans fat was unanimously conclusive in that it specifically elevates heart risk factors, independent of just being a hard-arteried fatass.

>> No.4932303
File: 26 KB, 680x510, 1383841867000-D-butter-Portions-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The structure of trans fats found in butter are different than those from hydrogenated oils and may be healthier

>> No.4932324

>So I thought the research behind trans fat was unanimously conclusive....
Not sure if trolling, but no, plenty of evidence of its benefits, and no conclusive evidence that it's bad. The ban is based on industry "campaign contributions," not science. See wikipedia's page on trans fats for links like
http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/2608879/trans-fats-from-ruminant-animals-may-be-beneficial/ ("Trans Fats From Ruminant Animals May Be Beneficial") or http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-04/uoa-ntf040208.php ("Natural trans fats have health benefits, University of Alberta study shows")

>> No.4932338 [DELETED] 

Trans fats in dairy and other animal products can range from 2-5% of the total fat. Modern hydrogenation processes, blended with soybean oil, can produce oils that have the desired cooking/storage properties with 5-6% trans fats, a reduction of 87%.

I think the labeling and voluntary trans fat elimination works. All but the cheapest shit margarines have minimal if any trans fats at my grocer.

>> No.4932343

Trans fats in dairy and other animal products can range from 2-5% of the total fat. Modern hydrogenation processes, blended with soybean oil, can produce oils that have the desired cooking/storage properties with 5-6% trans fats, a reduction of 87% from the old process.

I think the labeling and voluntary trans fat elimination works. All but the cheapest shit margarines have minimal if any trans fats at my grocer.

>> No.4932364


Usually no one listens to them rambling nonsense ?

>> No.4932366


The problem is that nobody is using animal-based trans fats, aside from the small amounts naturally occuring in butter.

The trans fats being used, and therefore affected by the ban are those artificially created via hydrogenation.

>> No.4932578

I've stopped using all oils and fats that need to be extracted or created through chemical means.

Been working good so far. Clarified bacon fat is so godly.
Just need a source for beef fat. Wish the big grocery stores would let me buy their scrap.

>> No.4932607
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this. Ghee too is amazing

>> No.4932615

I imagine the content of your arteries is fuckin beautiful.

>> No.4932618

>source for beef fat
Tallow? Where do you live? I detest tallow, and wind up with a little here or there from time to time when I cook something beefy. I store it in the fridge because I don't want to just chuck it so if you're not far, I'll give it to you.

>> No.4932625

Look for Suret (Beef fat from around the kidney ... usually. Check labeling) or Beef Tallow.

A little suret brushed lightly on a steak after plating is godly and a cheap trick used in NYC steakhouses.

>> No.4932630

Suet you mean.

>> No.4932636


>> No.4932641

there was a funny episode of american dad about this

silly americans

>> No.4932669

Crisco has already had transfats removed from it for a year or two now IIRC.

>> No.4932672


Wow. Mention crisco, get rage. Mention glorious animal fats, and have positive helpful replies. I don't even. Is this /ck/?
You are gentlemen amongst gentlemen. I raise a frosty glass of bacon fat in your honour.

I'm a Central Alberta boy, born and raised. Funny, being in such a cow producing area, finding beef fat should be piss easy. I think they know they have a good product, and actually turn a profit on selling it bulk. Us petty small consumers get left out of the beef fat fold.

Tallow for deep frying is supposedly the ultimate in deep frying. After trying lard in the 'ol frying pot, when I got rid of the canola criso bullshit... My gods. Such a wonderful difference.

Everyone check out the movie: Fathead
You can find it on you tube. Pretty funny, pretty good information too.

>> No.4932677

Also, for an interesting read on how important fat is, try looking up the traditional inuit diet. Remarkable what the human body can consist on, and they had outstanding health, and lived for a very long time... You know, unless a polar bear, or jacked up moose got to them first.

>> No.4932792


>Everyone check out the movie: Fathead

As long as you don't actually take any information in it or regard anything it presents as fact

>> No.4932812


>they had outstanding health, and lived for a very long time

Their life expectancy rates have always been pretty low

>> No.4932884

Fact, no. It is a censored production after all. But it tends to be less biased than the seemingly endless lobby funded movies.
It got me looking into cholesterol and such. Dietary, versus others. I like how he bashes "Supersize Me", a movie which I also enjoy, because I always end up getting a terminal amount of McDonald's afterwards. Not sure if advertisement, or bashing.

Long story short, he teaches you that you can be healthy just by keeping active. Most of all this garbage is broscience, when you should just get out and walk more.

>> No.4932892

Does this mean coconut oil will be banned ;_;

>> No.4932897

nevermind, I misread it as a saturated fat ban and freaked out

>> No.4932902

Not true per se.
If you go back before the various northern invasions of foreign people and germs, They were some of the longest living people of the time.

Going back a few centuries, they have record of some reaching 100 years old, which is rare for a pampered society, let alone a survival society with no real medical technology past fat salves and the rare berry mush. The numbers are often diluted with deaths associated with their environment, not health issues.

When you take into account the time frame, they had a remarkably healthy society, on very little dietary variety.

Nowadays, they have all the same boxed crap the rest of the world has, so the numbers pretty well line up with most forst world death rates.

>> No.4932910


>Going back a few centuries, they have record of some reaching 100 years old

Got anywhere I can read about that? It seems a bit sketchy

>> No.4932916
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Exercise is definitely important, but diet is the most important factor in long-term health. Seems like nobody thinks about the long-term these days though. CT Fletcher ate cheeseburgers to fuel his workouts and got buff as fuck, then eventually his heart exploded

>> No.4932918

>lower middle class
The Hills aren't bad off.
You can see the city from their backyard fuccboi
Talk shit get hit

>> No.4932928
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An American Dad episode is becoming reality.

>> No.4932959

Burger King's fries are crap.

>> No.4932977

That statement is strange to me. BK has some of the best fast food fries I've ever had. Always nice and crisp, with a good flavor. Maybe it's location. McD are pretty soggy here.

>> No.4932996

whenever I eat BK fries I get this wierd after taste. similar to drinking orange juice right after brushing your teeth.

>> No.4933001

Wow...thanks for reminding me.

>> No.4933012

No idea what that's about and never had that happen to me.

>> No.4933022

Not off hand, no. What I learned was from good old fashioned library books. I did a social studies paper on the inuit in grade 12. But that was decades ago. I'm sure a google search can pull up relevant data.
Modern studies are bleak. But pre common cold era, they were just as bad ass as vikings.

The men were men, and the women were too.

Like I said, a good read. They would leave meat, and only take fat if the sleds were loaded too much. Fascinating stuff.

>> No.4933025

All truth.
I don't like sugar, so I've got an easy diet. I eat anything and everything. Everything is in moderation, because there's different stuff to try.
Variety is my main goal. I'll eat fast food if I want, but my laziness keeps it down to 1930's levels of going out.

>> No.4933039

I hear that happens when they overheat the oil. Chemical breakdown causes foul flavours. Can't remember where I heard that, but it's a problem during rush hours when they crank the grill for speed and oil it up. Oil burns and has an almost soapy after taste.

>> No.4933086

Why the fuck does the government always have to get in the way of natural selection, first I'm not allowed to walk down the middle of the highway, now this.

>> No.4933111


So ban hydrogenated oils, if you must ban something.

>> No.4933114

Saturated fats are better for you than polys. Prove me wrong.

>> No.4933118


CT Fletcher ate roids to fuel his workouts and got buff as fuck, then eventually his heart exploded.

>> No.4933119


Not from the fat from the animals, but the fucking chemicals, sugar, and poly fats used to cook everything.

>> No.4933136

Sounds likely. I'm the guy that said I like BK fries, and I guess it makes sense that I haven't encountered this problem since BK isn't very popular where I live, and "rush hour" doesn't seem to be an issue for the BK chains here. Once or twice per week I stop buy a BK close to work and it's always low traffic, and the staff are (surprisingly not fat) elder women. They're also very kind. Love it.

>> No.4933159

I thought it sounded likely too. Never had the problem as well, but have hear of it enough to take notice.

What seems off to me, is the burned oil taste there. What the hell does their oil breakdown into, and why does it have the ingredients to break down into that?
Oil at home never tastes like that when burnt.
I'm guessing it's some sort of stabilizer to keep the oil from clouding and get a few more uses out of it.
Tinfoil hat theory though. No evidence of such a thing. Any BK employees on that can list the 'ingredients' on a box of oil?

>> No.4933169


Prove yourself right

>> No.4933360

>NY tries soda restrictions
>But muh freedom to be fat and unhealthy!

>> No.4933512

Not a US Citizen... but shouldn't it be your choice to be fat or not?
It should be a freedom. Without true freedom, darwin's law cannot take effect.

I don't think governments should dictate the persons health choices. On the counterpoint, if you rely on the government (the taxpayers), you should have the obligation to maintain a health that allows you to repay what the tax payer loaned you to get back working.

>> No.4933518

Why the fuck is it any of the government's business if people are fat and unhealthy?

>patriot act
>But muh freedom to taliban!

this is what you look like

>> No.4933522

Having a fat fuck population increases health costs and results in a larger amount of people who have to rely on government services and welfare because they become too big to work or get diabetes and lose a leg, etc.

If people continuously make poor decision just because they can, then maybe someone should step up and decide for them.

>> No.4933534

OR, the government stops worrying about any of that shit and starts doing what it's meant to.

>Having a fat fuck population increases health costs
Which is (or should be) their problem. The government shouldn't be fucking with health care.

>and results in a larger amount of people who have to rely on government services and welfare
Also solved by not giving free money to people for being unhealthy fucks.

>> No.4933537

>what is personal responsibility?
>how can we possibly live without the government doing everything for us?

>> No.4933552

>I don't think governments should dictate the persons health choices. On the counterpoint, if you rely on the government (the taxpayers), you should have the obligation to maintain a health that...
Imagine the fucking bureaucracy needed to attempt (and fail at) that little piece of totalitarianism.

>> No.4933555


I live in a country with long established tax paid health care. I don't really agree with it. If anything at all, there should be a government credit service, that allows you to pay back expenses when used, and all interest goes into infrastructure.

Lol, infrastructure, and not self voted raises, and multi million dollar studies on why shit sucks when they raise taxes.

If you can't say no so a half million super size offers, why should I pay for your rascal scooter?

Freedom is the result of responsibility and obligation. It's not some fairy tale lollipop land where you can be a useless sack of self loathing shit and people will tell you how unique and beautiful you are. Life is ugly, and so are you. You gotta be willing to put in, before you pull out. Just like dating.

>> No.4933559

>The government shouldn't be fucking with health care.
wow so masochism

such badass

>> No.4933562

What about your responsibility and obligation?

>> No.4933566

Not really totalitarianism. It's like insurance. If you get a DUI (or DWI) more than once, why should the insurance company not charge you more? Shouldn't a citizen have the right to pay for their own needs, and not some other shmoe who's milking the 'system'?

If a US citizen... Just try to imagine realistic health costs though, 'cause that health system is really fucking dumb. What is with that inflation?

>> No.4933569


The thing about government is, it's there to protect people and to keep society running. When people are unhealthy, they're just a drain on society and make the country a shittier place for everyone else. There should at least be age restrictions on junk food like we do with alcohol and tobacco, and make it illegal to buy it for minors so that parents can't raise their children on McDonalds

>> No.4933572

Government involvement with personal shit does not help, ever. Once upon a time health care in the US was a free market (and no I'm not bitching about obamacare, it stopped being a free market long before that) then the government stepped in, over-regulated the shit out of it at the request of hospitals and insurance companies, and since then health care costs have skyrocketed to the point that you can't survive without health insurance JUST IN CASE MAYBE SOMETHING HAPPENS. Once upon a time you only paid for healthcare if you actually needed to see a doctor.

The government should not be fucking with health care, you ignorant twat.

>> No.4933575

Comes off my cheque every 2 weeks. But I think it should go to roads, schools, teachers, actual public servants (see: theorized government employees). I don't think joe taxpayer, should have to pay for a person who has quit trying, and finds solace in knowing that the government will design ambulances with forklifts to haul them to a hospital when their heart can't pump blood through all 600 lbs of their poor me lifestyle.

>> No.4933577

The government is there to protect people from fucking foreign armies and shit, and form a basic infrastructure for society to work with. It's not meant to dictate moral or personal decisions. The problem is too many fuckers are under the impression that it exists to let them enforce their personal worldview on other people, which is why shit like gay marriage and trans fat bans are considered more important issues in elections these days than foreign policy.

>> No.4933579

>Not really totalitarianism.
How do you suggest that a government enforce 'the obligation to maintain a [certain] health' other than with massive, vague, overreaching, totalitarian bureaucracy?

>and not some other shmoe who's milking the 'system'?
Oh, because it's so leisurely to fall continually ill and require medical intervention. How dare they enjoy themselves by getting gravely ill at _your_ expense! What an outrage.

>What is with that inflation?
Profit motive in an essential, unavoidable utility.

>> No.4933581

Truth. You should get what you earn. Someone else should not get what you earn.

If they cannot earn it themselves, why are they citizens? It used to be a big deal to become a citizen. Now it's a frigging joke. 500lbs, 15 years old? 3 more years and you get benefits! For what you ask? For being infirm. Whereas the guy who missed his college acceptance by 3 points, will work another year to get another chance, could have just gained 100lbs and claimed discrimination and depression for a free ride.

Fuck all that.

>> No.4933583

>Oh, because it's so leisurely to fall continually ill and require medical intervention.

We're talking about fat fucks who eat junk all day in this thread, being obese from eating shit all day is not a valid reason to get government assistance, even if you do agree with government welfare systems for some stupid reason.

>> No.4933584


>form a basic infrastructure for society to work with

What does that mean to you?

>> No.4933585

You're talking about imagined examples and you know it. Do you lose sleep thinking that you're continually being mugged by the obscenely obese 0.000000000002 per cent of the population?

Ah, so a ban on gay marriage has nothing to do with being 'under the impression that it exists to let them enforce their personal worldview on other people', and so it should be left unchallenged so we can focus on More Important Issues.

>> No.4933586

Like mr. bacon fat here?

>> No.4933587

>It used to be a big deal to become a citizen.
What are you on about?

>If they cannot earn it themselves, why are they citizens?
What do you propose -- execute 'them'? Send 'them' to Timbuktu? Put 'them' in labour camps?

>> No.4933588

>Ah, so a ban on gay marriage has nothing to do with being 'under the impression that it exists to let them enforce their personal worldview on other people', and so it should be left unchallenged so we can focus on More Important Issues.

That is literally the opposite of my point. People who want to use the government to ban shit like that are the problem. The government has no right to tell people they can't suck each other's dicks all day, bans on gay marriage are unconstitutional and SHOULD be irrelevant because they shouldn't happen. It's not the intended function of government to dictate MORAL FUCKING ISSUES.

>> No.4933590

I don't suggest the government enforce anything. Governments are supposed to be loose temporary systems to maintain a positive growth. I don't think you can justify most first world nations as maintaining a positive growth for the majority of the citizens.

As much as it sounds crude and primitive, if somebody continually falls ill, it's a sign that resources can be used elsewhere. Spoiler alert: That's exactly how we got to this point. Survival and innovation used to drive us. Now indulgence and political correctness rule the new world.
Can't cut a fart in the US without being sued. You may have the right to fart, but you don't have the right to offend anyone. Skin is so thin nowadays I'm surprised the movie Wall-E and Idiocracy aren't truth already.

Cold, yes. Logical, yes. Truth hurts, but man up and take it. If we don't cut the dead weight, then we will be like every organism in history that didn't: Extinct.

>> No.4933591

Then I agree!

>> No.4933592


Do you have to be married to suck each others' dicks all day?

>> No.4933593

Why not be proactive in your ideology and start Putting Down disabled people?

As you say, it's logical. Do your bit for the human race, lest we become extinct.

>> No.4933594

You don't, but generally the people who want to ban gay marriage don't have a specific homophobia against gay marriage licenses. Usually they're mad about the fags themselves and have just decided that banning marriage is a good way to fuck 'em over (no homo though).

>> No.4933596

cool logical fallacies brah, everyone who disagrees with our shitty welfare system just wants poor people to die for no reason, and everyone who disagrees with Obama is a secret racist too.

>> No.4933597

History man. It's really neat stuff, that makes sense.

A person became a citizen of a country when they performed duties to warrant such a title. Being a citizen gave you the right to vote, and to take part in any public services offered. Only those that paid in, got a pay out.
It's what built strong nations. The US itself had the same policy. But the US has not been a nation worthy of respect in a few decades.
US Citizens know it, and they hate to see it, but they can't say anything in the land of free speech, lest they offend a passerby who will out lawyer them and seize all possessions based on pain and suffering.

I think if the former world power had another civil war. Went back to their constitution. The rest of the world would again respect, and hopefully follow suit. I don't live there, but I am jealous of their constitution, and wish they would fight for it, instead of their government.

>> No.4933598

>everyone who disagrees with our shitty welfare system just wants poor people to die
That is what the poster suggested. If the person is sickly, divert resources. That is what was suggested. The consquence of that is obviously life-threatening illness and no way to deal with it.

>> No.4933601

It's been done. It's called eugenics or some such thing. And they stopped it in the 70's.

Now we have procreative retards having perfectly functional kids. Who raises the kid of a retard.. not the retard. If you pay taxes, it's you. Average cost from birth to '18' the mystery magic number of voting rights is $200000. Vasectomy in a non US first world nation: $725. Oh no, don't take a retards reproductive rights, but of please take everyone's money to raise it's kids since they forgot to wear a rubber somehow.

>> No.4933602

>A person became a citizen of a country when they performed duties to warrant such a title.
Show examples. Unless you mean National Service (Scandinavia-style conscription) then I don't know of any examples.

>when they performed duties to warrant such a title
Oh so you're now in favour of Public Services?

I think you are, in fact, America. Are you a liar or an Americophile?

>> No.4933604


Nazi Amerifat hambeast.

>> No.4933605

I disagree, the only reason you may think that is because you can see obesity, you can't really see alcoholism as easily or early cancer developing

>> No.4933606

All of which has nothing to do with government. If a private firm has the desire to tackle the situation, or the person has the capital, or the asset to get it done, then hell yeah.

If you get sick, reality is, sometimes you die. It has to be a cost/worth ratio. Government is not supposed to be your live in maid. Government is supposed to be the cold calculating logic that keeps the gears spinning.

Stop trying to rosy it up with emotions. Save that for your family and friends. Government should care about the preservation of the whole, not the one.

>> No.4933609

You seem to be under the impression that the government is the only entity in the universe that can do anything about any problem. If there are people who genuinely care about helping people who can't help themselves, that's what charity is for. The government does not have the right to decide whether taxpayers are going to pay for other peoples' personal issues.

>> No.4933610


Disabled people can't help how they are, people who got sick and fat eating bad food directly caused their own problem

>> No.4933613

I shouldn't have to cite specifics here. Just google citizenship rights in history. Yes, even the US had criteria for it. You had to be serviceable in the military to vote, if you could not vote, you were a civilian, not a citizen. Boys and men have died through countless countries reigns, so many, without the voice of change.
If you vote, you should have the voice to change. If you vote, you have provided for your country to earn that vote.
If you do not provide, you do not vote. If you do not vote or provide, you damn well better have someone to take care of you, because the voters and tax payers owe you nothing.ar

>> No.4933618

Also; disabled is not useless you glass half empty naysayer.
Put down useless people. We do it with horses, and dogs. Always preaching 'keeping them alive is hurting them'. If I end up a vegetable, then shoot me. If I lose a leg? Put me to work on a drill press or a lathe. Disabled, but still able to provide for oneself. Not disabled, and society owes me because I have one leg.

>> No.4933634



>> No.4933645

This is serious, /ck/; I've been wanting to make a thread about this for a while.

I have a chronic, debilitating and progressive illness of unknown origin. One of the symptoms of my illness is that I have constant headaches as well as moderate/severe cognitive dysfunction, aka 'brain fog'. One of the things that severely aggravates both my headaches and brain fog is trans-fats.

I discovered this by accident after reading a magazine article on the health dangers of trans-fats, which includes strokes, etc, and since I have a family history of strokes I decided to quit eating trans-fats on general health principles. Within 24 hours after stopping eating trans-fats (at the time I was eating lots of peanut butter crackers, packaged cookies and frozen pizzas since my ability to cook was (and remains) limited, all of which are loaded with trans-fats), both my headaches and brain-fog dramatically reduced.

Since then, which was probably a decade or so ago, every single time I have eaten trans-fats I have immediately (within a couple hours) been subjected to severe brain fog which lasts for several hours and then gradually goes away. It would even get to the point where I would stare off into space and almost start drooling. It might sound like bullshit but it's true.

My question is, even if my situation is obviously anomalous, what if something similar is happening on a possibly reduced level to the population at large and they don't even know about it?

>> No.4933648

And what if all the air in the world was made of wood?

>> No.4933653

Then people need to be more like you, and take a conscious step back and decide what's worth eating for fun, and what's worth eating to thrive.

Not all people will have your reaction obviously, but if more people got adverse reactions to certain non adapted food stuffs, we might not have such a market for manufactured garbage.

To be honest... If everyone had the same effect, it would change nothing. If anything, it would become illegal, and people would sell trans fats in little baggies to people looking for the same symptoms you hate.

You are wise to change. Doesn't mean they will, or should. The kid who shoves too many marbles up his nose, does not grow up to have kids of his own.

>> No.4933674

Its just called 'being fat'

>> No.4933698

They're still legal to purchase, but smoking is slowly getting banned everywhere.

>> No.4933707

This is one example of an actually valid reason for the government to step in. Smoking on private property should be the choice of the owner, but in public areas that the government is responsible for it makes sense to ban, since second hand smoke does actually affect the people around the smoker. The government exists to protect the rights of the citizens, and non-smokers have the right to not be around cigarette smoke if they choose.

>> No.4933742

Considering all wood is made of air...

>> No.4933747

There are too many things wrong with that assertion to even comprehend.

>> No.4933750

yeah, and all humans are made of diamonds right

>> No.4933752

all transfat does it float around in your circulatory system. there's no way for your body to metabolize it. It's literally NOT FOOD. It's akin to putting plastic or sawdust in someone's food, only worse since it clogs your arteries.

>> No.4933765
File: 290 KB, 665x462, 1361674807062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck this thing excatly do to the food? It's like becoming more tasty or something? Trans fats are banned in my country as I know.

>> No.4933892

Thank god. That shit stays in your body forever, there is no way to burn it off like normal fat.

>> No.4933899

trans fat isn't something to defend. it's damaging enough to justify banning it. seriously, fuck your trivial feelings. the benefit of this outweighs the cost of you not being able to enjoy tastier chicken.

>> No.4933910

Killing people and buying some shitty drink bad for your health are 2 different things.

>Not a US Citizen... but shouldn't it be your choice to be fat or not?
When you have a downward-spiraling health rate the way we do, sometimes a little push in the right direction is a good thing.

>darwin's law cannot take effect.
Are you kidding? We effectively stopped evolution when we started living safer, having healhcare systems, and letting everyone breed and live until 100 or whatever.

>> No.4933942
File: 23 KB, 431x550, t4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4933951


Yeah, and same thing with voicing your political or religious opinions; do it on your own land. One guy on a soap box in Central Park preaching about homosexuality really affects all of us around him, I'd like to see public free speech completely banned. Oh, and guns. Private property only. Oh, and alcohol. Oh, and skateboarding. Oh, and dogs. Wear a helmet, brush your teeth, eat a balanced breakfast, don't be late to work!

>> No.4933965


Lmao, fuck off man; you haven't got the slightest clue what you're talking about.
Our body will metabolize it, might not be clean or efficient but it will be used and shat out none the less.

Remember don't take acid because it stays in your spine forever and causes flashbacks!

>> No.4934001

>freedom means you love corporations

Wow you are a faggot.

>> No.4934042

>implying expressing an idea you don't like around you is the same as actually subjecting you to shit that's bad for you health without your consent.

I ain't even mad, you're bad at this son.

>> No.4934064

>ctrl+f american dad
>find this

That's exactly what I thought of when I read the OP.

>> No.4934098
File: 157 KB, 632x437, eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related: its OP!

>> No.4934130
File: 27 KB, 320x320, 6Tarkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, trans fats are a problem because the enzymes in your body can't process them. They can process cis-fats because they're natural, but they can't process trans fats because they're chemically synthesised. therefore they pretty much just get stored and never leave.


>> No.4934142

trans fats serve no purpose other than cost control. Buy some lard and shut the fuck up.

>> No.4934150


Crisco Ingredients:



yeah just loaded with healthy hydrogenated and chemically-purified and chemically-deodorized fat

I'll stick to clarified butter and pork leaf lard I get from a local farm.

>> No.4934157

Burger King fries are awful. McDonald's fries in beef tallow (or they used to and still try to emulate the taste) and it's awesome.

>> No.4934169

Contrary to belief, people who aren't you have self control.

>> No.4934176

Can't. We don't know what it is either.

>> No.4934177

It's likely you're trolling. In the case you're not: why not render your own?
If you make white pork stock (such as that used for tonkotsu ramen), lard will be a natural byproduct. If you make chicken broth, you will rend usable chicken "lard," too.
Also, clarifying your own butter is super, super easy if you don't follow the silly Good Eats method. That one can burn your butter, ruining your efforts.

melt butter over gentle heat
skim foam
gently add a bit of boiling water
off the heat and allow to cool until still liquid, but easily able to be handled
pour into a food-safe bag that's in a tall jar or measuring cup
put bag, jar/cup and all in fridge
when clarified butter has solidified, pull bag from the jar/cup and poke a hole in the bag's bottom to drain off the water moisture
remove the clarified butter and remelt it over gentle heat to evaporate any remaining water vapour
store in jar

easier, but a tad (10 minutes or so) time consuming

>> No.4934181

See the problem with banning trans fats is that it's more than like going to lead to the development of a more processed and unhealthy alternative. Plus, it'll probably taste like shit.

>> No.4934185

It can. You're basically putting a foreign object-in the shape of a plastic ring-into your body and wrapping it around the top of your stomach. All sorts of things can go wrong with that-slippage, herniated stomach, ring attaching to other organs, etc-in addition to all of the other risks associated with surgery.

>> No.4934195

>wishing death upon someone you disagree with politically

>> No.4934214


I wasn't...uhm...trolling at all.

What I menat to say was I buy pork fat and butter from a local farm and render it all myself.

It's much cheaper that way, of course.

>> No.4934227

Why cant we put food in our bodies if we want that said food to be in our body?

>> No.4934250

Because your body is not yours, obviously you silly anarchist.

>> No.4934258

use better fats like the French.

I can't wait for lard to come back.

>> No.4934268

Pumping hydrogen into fat can't fucking be healthy for any one.