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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 500x328, oliebol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4927585 No.4927585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In my homecountry of the netherlands, we have a special treat we eat around newyears..
If you are not dutch it is likely you have never hear of the "Oliebol"
I suggest you make it sometime, believe me, you WILL be hooked.
I dont have any recipe of it myself, so i'll share a link of a recipe i found on the internet.

>> No.4927587

I love oliebollen!

>> No.4927593

i am also dutch.
I wonder if olliebollen are known outside of the netherlands... can any non-dutchys tell me if they ever heard of this?

>> No.4927602

I need a fryer :(. I can never control the temp at home.

>> No.4927659

Never heard of them. They seem pretty close to beignets though. I know those are fucking awesome so I'm sure these are too.

>> No.4927664

Ausfag here. You occasionally see them in market stalls, but they are not well known. Fucking delicious though

>> No.4927668

yeah, there are a lot of dutchys in Australia... i actually have some family there

>> No.4927672

>fried dough

>> No.4927676

im just talking about this perticular food item.... i know there are a lot of things that are quite simular, but that doesn't mean this particular thing can't be one of the most heavenlyest of them all

>> No.4927683

In my homecountry of X, we have a special treat we eat around Y-time-of-year.
If you are not from X-country, it is likely you have never heard of the "Z-food-with-X-country-language-name-but-is-actually-a-rather-common-food-the-whole-world-over."
I suggest you make it sometime, believe me, you WILL be hooked.
I dont have any recipe of it myself, so i'll share a link of a recipe i found on the internet.

>> No.4927692

lol, ok well i guess you're right.... Being OP must have faggotised me.

>> No.4927695
File: 2.91 MB, 2880x2160, cornetto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my homecountry of Italy, we have a special treat we eat at breakfast.
If you are not from Italy, it is likely you have never heard of the "cornetti."
I suggest you make it sometime, believe me, you WILL be hooked.
I dont have any recipe of it myself, so i'll share a link of a recipe i found on the internet.

>> No.4927697


>> No.4927713
File: 318 KB, 655x367, Налисники.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my homecountry of Ukraine, we have a special treat we eat around easter.
If you are not from Ukraine, it is likely you have never heard of the "nalisniki"
I suggest you make it sometime, believe me, you WILL be hooked.
I dont have any recipe of it myself, so i'll share a link of a recipe i found on the internet.

>> No.4927715

Its not that great.

Source; im dutch

>> No.4927718


>> No.4927720

those are known as croissants in most every other part of the world...

>> No.4927729

OP's food is known as 'doughnut/donut' in most every other part of the world.

>> No.4927750
File: 26 KB, 640x426, laugengipfeli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my homecountry of Switzerland, we have a special treat we eat around Carnival.
If you are not from Switzerland, it is likely you have never heard of the "gipfeli."
I suggest you make it sometime, believe me, you WILL be hooked.
I dont have any recipe of it myself, so i'll share a link of a recipe i found on the internet.

>> No.4927786
File: 30 KB, 700x500, cocaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my homecountry of the colombia, we have a special treat we snort around newyears..
If you are not dcolombian it is likely you have never hear of the "Cocaine"
I suggest you make it sometime, believe me, you WILL be hooked.
I dont have any recipe of it myself, so i'll share a link of a recipe i found on the internet.

>> No.4927814
File: 250 KB, 426x282, constitution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my homecountry of America, we have a special treat we enjoy all year round.
If you are not from America, it is likely you have never heard of "freedom."
I suggest you try it sometime, believe me, you WILL be hooked.
Enjoy this recipe for it.

>> No.4927838

In my homecountry of poland, we have a special treat we do around newyears..
If you are not german it is likely you have never hear of 'stealing german cars'
I suggest you make it sometime, believe me, you WILL be hooked.
If you are german deal with it we EU nao.

>> No.4929113

donuts are so very diffrent from oliebollen you whouldn't be able to even imagine it

>> No.4929125
File: 485 KB, 500x259, 1356071398652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Corporate Police Church State of Amerifats

>> No.4929131

They're not different at all. Maybe if you're used to only a single variety or style of doughnut, yeah, but fried dough/doughnuts are a common food the world over and are all basically the same.
Where I'm from, our version is made of potato dough for example but is otherwise identical to beignet.
The only thing that makes oliebollen different is that they are made with bicarb rather than yeast (I think; they lack that yeasty taste). An oliebol is just a chemically leavened beignet rather than a yeast-leavened one. Big whoopdie-shit.

>> No.4929144

Is dat some ableskiver

>> No.4929153

So it's zeppoli? Am I missing something here?

>> No.4929167

dutch-canadian here
I make this shit every new years for my friends and family. delicious

>> No.4929188
File: 28 KB, 176x195, 1329691817365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA, good one

>> No.4929209

Are these filled with something OP?
We have Berliner here in germany, it's pretty much a filled jelly donut without a hole and coated with sugar.

>> No.4929214

seems similar to something here that loosely translates to 'backed mice'.
my grannie made them, wasn't really seasonally restricted, mainly something sweet for a birthday or similar.
austrian here btw.

>> No.4929218


Canadians are legally restricted from making Timbits® or Timbit® related food accessories without expressed written consent from Tim Hortons Canada.

>> No.4929273

In Slovenia they are called "little mice". But usually we don't make them for New Years Eve, I can't remember if we make them for a special occasion or in winter time in general.

>> No.4929281

P-please sir.. Dont tell the donut inspectors. I dont want to lose my last bag of maple syrup.

>> No.4929293

of course I meant *baked mice
and I think >>4929273 it could be a slovenian think, my grannie being from there and all that

>> No.4929595


Fuck Tim Hortons.

Dunkin' Donuts' donuts are much better, and so is their coffee. Nationalism never brings anything good to the table, and this is a prime example.

>> No.4929611

Tim's was fine until they got bought out by Wendy's. freezing doughnuts and shipping them across the country instead of making them fresh has really brought the quality down and they haven't done anything to fix it since they bought themselves back out.

>> No.4929639

In English speaking countries these are called "doughnut holes", "timbits", and "dutch doughnuts", or "dutchies". There are probably other names out there.

>> No.4929642

why do American corporations have to ruin everything?