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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 670x503, covering mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4926764 No.4926764[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do some women cover their mouth while eating? Are they embarrassed? Ashamed? Self conscious?

Here's some asian chick doing that while eating out with her family.

I saw another video before of a white girl in a high school cafeteria doing that too. She was covering her mouth and looking all around like she thinks everyone is watching her eat.

I was at a casino buffet once and this woman across from me was sniffing every bite of food before she put it in her mouth and then proceeded to cover her mouth and look around.

>> No.4926771

I loathe eating in front of people.

>> No.4926772

>tfw you do this

>> No.4926773

I've seen this and it's pretty pointless if you chew with your mouth closed to begin with.

>> No.4926775

Don't expect nervous habits to have any logical aspect.

>> No.4926776

I hate buying toilet paper because everyone will see what I wipe my butt with.

>> No.4926777

Covering your mouth draws more attention to someone than just chewing food though.

>> No.4926778

I do this a guy, too. I developed it off a girl a few years ago, she said she didn't like people watching her eat, which made sense. I don't go crazy about it, but if my bite is too big for my mouth i tend to let my fork hand hang limply in front of it for a moment.

>> No.4926781

I cover my mouth when I talk while eating. Yeah, call me rude but at least I'm giving you a food force field.

>> No.4926783

How about not talking with food in your mouth like a civilized person?

>> No.4926784

But that makes sense. Their mouths are closed, their heads are down, hand is up covering their mouth while chewing and eyes are darting back and forth. It doesn't make sense to me. Everyone else is eating. You're in a restaurant. Stop caring if someone sees you.

>> No.4926787

I do this occasionally, I'm a guy though

>> No.4926788

Why don't you give us a lesson on the etiquette of fine dining Sir Fagcocksuck? Here, I'll even help you off that horse.

>> No.4926789

>stop being anxious

Surely you've got a nervous habit anon. One you don't even mean to do and aren't aware of.

>> No.4926791

He just did. Keep your cock holster shut while it's stuffed with food.

>> No.4926792

Did your parents never teach you not to chew with your mouth open or not talk with a mouth full of food? I thought this was pretty basic stuff that most children are taught.

>> No.4926795
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Pooping in a public restroom. But if it's a single room I don't care. Stalls have too big of a gap in between and too many people just hang out in a bathroom doing nothing.

>> No.4926796

I though it was just the polite thing to do. I grew up with my entire family covering our mouths, even though we ate with our mouths closed

>> No.4926798

The only people I see cover their mouth to speak are usually female friends.
You faggots have never seen this? Really?

>> No.4926799
File: 1.03 MB, 4209x2975, classic-burger-liberation-wrapper-image-2000-31261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just reading about "solution" to this "problem"...you know how the Japanese are about inventing solutions!

>> No.4926806

Girls get taught they should be dainty and pretty, and chewing is none of those things. A lot of girls are actually embarrassed about being seen eating, on some kind of subconscious weird level, considering how much pressure there is to be skinny.

It doesn't make sense objectively, but anxiety and embarrassment in social situations usually don't.

>> No.4926808

Yeah sure, because McDonald's and bk is a 5 star restaraunt. I'll be classy in a classy setting. When in Rome...

I bet you eat a big Mac with a fork

>> No.4926809

To ridiculous problems nobody should have. Like, "how do we take the shame out of buying used panties?" to which they answered, "Vending machines!"

>> No.4926817
File: 41 KB, 205x271, 29384675582374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an entire family covering their mouths while eating at the dinner table

>> No.4926822

It's not about being classy it's about manners.

>> No.4926826

i hate this habit in people.

>> No.4926828
File: 63 KB, 452x600, ramen-hairguard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But some have been crucial breakthroughs for humankind...the Ramen Hairguard!

>> No.4926829

It originated long ago with forcing manners upon women.

God forbid we show that we too consume food vigorously or in a carefree manner...

>> No.4926830
File: 24 KB, 400x293, warmfood cooler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chopstick-mounted Warmfood Cooler!

>> No.4926831

Don't go bleeding heart feminist on people.
Men do it as well.

>> No.4926832


I'm not sure what part of "nervous habit" still hasn't sunk in for you

I think I might do it sometimes if I'm talking face to face with someone while chewing, I'm not sure though

>> No.4926835

If it's a nervous habit, why even eat in public?

>> No.4926839

Got it from my sister who wouldn't stop talking even when she ate. Now its just kinda habbit

>> No.4926840

That picture is unsettling.

I've never been around someone who starred at you while they ate. Usually, everyone just minds their food and will look at one another during conversation between bites.

I feel like this is a similar awkward to someone kissing with their eyes open.

>> No.4926844

>chewing with your mouth open
>chewing loud enough other people can hear you

fucking scum of the earth

>> No.4926846

Might be a cultural thing, i have never seen that happen here. (finland)

>> No.4926862

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.4926879
File: 199 KB, 638x603, 1343515353628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating dinner with large group
>Accidentally bite off a bit more than I can chew with my mouth closed due to shooting the shit or otherwise too preoccupied
>Chew it slowly, making sure to not be unsightly
>Accidentally smack once

Yeah I'd cover my mouth with a hand too if it means I get to avoid that situation.

>> No.4926891

I think it's classy.

>> No.4926896

If it was my choice, I wouldn't. But it's seen as kind of rude to constantly decline people's offers to go to restaurants and, such.

>> No.4926899
File: 897 KB, 280x206, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating in front of coworkers, family

too ED for this shit

>> No.4926933

the video wont load, can someone make a mirror?
I really, really need to see it.

>> No.4926946

>female friends.
>calling others faggots
Enjoy being a friend-zoned beta.

>> No.4926953

This is not /b/, stop being a little turd.

>> No.4926958


>> No.4926962

I'm the turd for calling him out, but he's perfectly fine for calling everyone who has good manners faggots? Okay Mr. Wants to be a mod.

>> No.4926971

I cover my mouth if I'm eating something messy or in public, not really a 'nervous habit' tho it just seems polite to me

>> No.4926986

Let me guess, you don't hang out with girls?

>> No.4926987

No, he is also an asshole. But atleast he stays on the fucking point, this "hurr-durr if you have female friends you are a beta faggot" spastic american bullshit should be kept neatly in the /b/ and /v/

And people who speak when chewing food, should be slapped. You are right on that one.

>> No.4926995

I always chew with my mouth closed like a civilized person. The only reason I cover my mouth is if I'm among other people talking and they directly talk or ask me a question. I will cover my mouth and speak but most of the time I'll finish what I'm chewing and wait to respond. It's not that big of a deal among friends.

>> No.4926997



>need toilet paper
>all stores except one are closed
>store is quite far away from my home, in the middle of the city in the most populated area
>go there
>realise I'd have to walk around the town with a pack of 12 toilet paper rolls would I buy my regular paper
>realise all people would see it
>youths would laugh at me
>cute girls would giggle
>decide to get one of those packs with just 2 rolls of paper
>just one type of it in the store
>it comes in bright pink, 4 layers of paper because it's for women and their delicate women ass and vaginal area
>for fuck's sake
>take it to the register
>young girl sitting there
>put paper on the belt
>she looks at me
>"You sure you want that?"
>"But the 12-packs are far cheaper"
>-"I know I-I-I uh...don't need it though. It's just for...travelling"
>she looks me in the eye
>"You just don't like walking around the town with toilet paper, right?>
>"I don't, either."

She was a mentalist or something.

>> No.4927005


You're autistic. It's not like mostly everyone in the god damn world buys and used toilet paper, right? I wish I could see what you look like just to have a laugh at you.

>> No.4927006


>long roadtrip
>go into public restroom
>the stall walls are quite high above the ground
>sit down and try to relax
>suddenly a fucking mop gets underneath the stall walls
>cleaning lady decides this is the fucking best moment to fucking clean this stall's floor


>> No.4927008

I do. I just haven't seen it.

>> No.4927010


Do you really think that I don't know that I have problems? Fuck, man, OCD, depression, social anxiety, that's just not fly.

BUT, on the bright side, all of it is really toned down now. And when I'm drunk I think I can be a really charming bloke

>> No.4927011

Ookkonää kenties helsingistä?

>> No.4927012


No. You only think you're being charming because you'e drunk. Have fun with all that shit, sure feels good to be normal.

>> No.4927017


That might be true. Hm. But as luck has it, I'm slightly tipsy now so I don't care as much as I might otherwise

>> No.4927020


Sounds like you're already forming a drinking habit to deal with your shitty life/problems.

>> No.4927021
File: 242 KB, 576x720, 1379072472189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shopping anywhere
>see someone walking round with toilet paper
>imagine them wiping their ass with it
>try to hold back my laughter and disgust

>> No.4927022

If he gets therapy over his toilet paper shame, he may stop drinking all together.

>> No.4927023


Yeah. I'm actually quite scared that I might already be an alcoholic. Or really close to it.
But when you can only really feel something when you're at least slightly drunk, well, you get slightly drunk.


I don't have the toilet paper problem anymore.

>> No.4927025

My cousin does it because she has schleroderma and cannot close her lips all the way.

>> No.4927030
File: 49 KB, 604x453, jeremykyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to say
>it's fer me mum m8

>> No.4927031


I'm not British, though

>> No.4927034

Wow, that's a good idea.

>> No.4927038

Then say.

>> No.4927039


Okidoki. I hope I'll get the pronunciation right

>> No.4927040

what kind of jungle ape doesn't fold the paper?

>> No.4927044

women = fucking stupid, no matter where you go or where you are

>> No.4927046

What kind of faggot actually needs to fold paper?

You're supposed to push the paper slightly inside your anus with your middle finger and then slide it out all whilst making a forward motion with your arm.

>> No.4927049

oh god xander you got old

>> No.4927050


It's something American.

I was in America and you know what? Regular toilet paper for Americans seems to be 1 or 2 layers. And it's not thick layers, no, it's so flimsy that holding it inbetween your fingers might rip it already because of gravity. I'm exagerrating here but fucking hell, three or more layers are what you guys over there need, not another war or something.

>> No.4927051

My dad stands up when he is wiping his ass. If people bring it up in conversation he throws things and leaves the house.

>> No.4927055

We already have enough of those glorious wet wipes clogging our sewer systems. 4 layer TP just seems excessive.

>> No.4927056

2 layer toilet paper is not worth wiping your ass with. I always buy 3 layered. And I fucking fold it like a civilized human being.

>> No.4927059

it's amazing how many people don't know how to wipe their anuses properly.
Teenamaturemodels just proves this, so many of them have crusty, shitty assholes.

Rolling the paper up in a ball and dragging it along your clenched anus is not going to get the shit out, it is going to stay inside and fester away until you think it's a great idea for someone to take an extremely high quality picture of your ass.

>> No.4927063
File: 170 KB, 1434x765, ass wiping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4927064

You do know assholes are naturally stained grey and or dark brown right?

That's why people pay for bleaching

>> No.4927065

if you get enough fibre wiping your ass isnt that big a deal

you need two squares of tp
one to wipe
and one to polish

im gay i take it up the butt a lot i know all about shitting

>> No.4927067
File: 17 KB, 370x370, 1299011730608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would this even get brought up in conversation? who sees your dad wiping his ass?

>> No.4927068

No, you can actually see the pieces of brown shit inside their asshole.

>> No.4927070

How long does bleaching last?

>> No.4927071


I-I do that..

>> No.4927072

on a scale of 1 to 10 on the autism scale thats about 11

>> No.4927073

How the fuck do you see INSIDE the asshole?
You have a minicam or someshit?

>> No.4927074

mine isn't.

Stop projecting your own gross asshole onto everyone else.

>> No.4927075

>he doesn't watch 4k porn

>> No.4927076


I used to do that as a child. I don't even know why but it feld right.

>> No.4927077

Because when you bend over parts of your anus that are not seen whilst standing is exposed.
Look, I can see their shit. It is there. I'm trying to find some pictures I saved right now.

>> No.4927080

post those efukt videos with the guy "it just leetle bit of shit it okay"

>> No.4927081

please dont!!

>> No.4927083

you're watching some really shit-tier porn then.
jokes aside, watch something that doesnt involve poop when you masturbate

>> No.4927086


>hur hur hee uses bing!
Yes, I don't know how to disable the filter on google.

Enjoy 2000 shitty assholes.

>> No.4927091

One of those pictures is literally an asshole and penis smothered in shit.

>> No.4927093


>filter on google

You mean the...wait a fucking second. What the fuck has happened to Google's layout? Fucking hell, Google, get your shit together for fuck's sake

>> No.4927102


>> No.4927105

They stopped us from finding porn via images. You can now only have strict filter or ultra strict filter.

>> No.4927189

thats fucking great for you, but almost everybodys is

>> No.4927220

I'll cover my mouth if I want to say something while I'm eating because I'm not a Neanderthal, but that's about it.

>> No.4927239

Swallow your food you cretin.

>> No.4927273

......that's actually a pretty good idea. When I eat noodles in my bedroom I have to turn the giant standing fan on too help cool them faster so I can eat, but then I end up getting cold, especially now like in winter. But a fan that targets JUST the food? That's genius.

>> No.4927420


>> No.4927427

I know a girl that does this but she has no lips so its understandable

>> No.4927491

At least your stupid fucking question got traction on /ck/ when it failed on every other board. Well done trying to prove you exist, sad loner.

>> No.4927811

>wiping back to front

Enjoy shit on your balls

>> No.4927818

Girls have enough to be embarrassed about by having periods and needing to buy bras. Chewing should be the least of their concerns.

>> No.4927844

I do this, I also hover-shit because toilet seats gross me out. I live alone and installed a brand new seat and still won't sit on it

>> No.4928475

Because when I was younger I was frequently made fun of for making stupid faces when I eat, so now when I'm forced to eat in public I find a seat where most people can't see my face or I cover my mouth with a napkin/hand.

>> No.4928488
File: 10 KB, 250x222, 1383690316715s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen a fast food commercial for McDonalds or Wendys or some shit? When there's a guy eating something he's got his hands around it like he's trying to grapple with how big it is, and whent here's a girl eating she takes a dainty bite that looks like she just brushed her lips against it.

>> No.4928524

Some of us leave the basement and enter the 3D world and seeing other people eat is a daily occurance.

>> No.4928551

jesus fucking lol

also of course i stand up to wipe my ass, i am not sticking my hand in the toiler

>> No.4928973

But doesn't that just cause your shit to smear between your cheeks when you stand up? You act like something is going to bite your hand if you reach in the toilet.

>> No.4928984

not standing up straight. Kinda arched over. Just "up" enough so you can reach around easily.

>> No.4929077
File: 93 KB, 450x370, 1330806760417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visiting family
>dad eats like a fucking pig
>the longer I listen to it the more I'm grossed out
>finish food fast

>> No.4929248

I chew with my mouth closed all the time, but if I'm eating (or want to keep eating) and am asked a question or am going to talk, I cover my mouth with my hand.

There's no reason not to. If you're going to talk that is, if a person does it for no real reason, they're retarded.

>> No.4929275

>talking while eating
>covering your mouth

I still can't understand a word you're saying. Chew your food first, I'll wait for your response. Please don't expect me to vault over the table when you start choking because you couldn't wait to talk.

>> No.4929278

My grandfather made a lot of noise while eating. Mouth open, smacking lips. When I asked him why he eats with his mouth open (I was just a kid), he said he had poor fitting dentures and they will fall out if he doesn't eat like that. Looking back, I'm not sure if that was a legitimate answer or if he was just trolling me as a kid because I called him out on his bad table manners.

>> No.4929339

We could just stop having a retarded, toxic shame culture. But fuck it, ridiculous burger napkins."

>> No.4929577


It is a secret.

>> No.4929606


How can you not see this is a joke?


>> No.4930886
File: 238 KB, 800x1067, o0800106712734969667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related thing.

>> No.4930922

>Fuck, man, OCD, depression, social anxiety, that's just not fly.

I have all those, but I'd proudly buy a twelve-pack of shit jack and squire it about town. Give in to your dorkiness, dude, you'll never be normal, you'll always be a weird freak, so fucking enjoy it

>> No.4930931

I think of it as more of a polite thing to do rather than embarassing. Who want's to look at the mush in my mouth when i speak?

>> No.4930935

I do.

>> No.4930963

I hate seeing people eat and also hate people watching me eat, so I try to avoid those situations. I don't think I've ever covered my mouth though unless I was slurping something up though like spaghetti or those long strands of lettuce in a burrito bowl from Chipotle.

>> No.4931300
File: 52 KB, 378x363, 1369180954464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I actually think it's kinda cute when girls do this

>> No.4931310

I love how I can go into a /ck/ thread and talk about wiping your anus without any judgment.

>> No.4931317

Would you fuck someone with half-chewed curly fries spilling from the sides of their mouth?

captcha = sweeping ngulysn

>> No.4931318

used to be the banhammer in here

>> No.4931331

Yeah, probably. Would you walk out on someone just because they had a little piece of food on their face?

>> No.4931334

some people do it to hide less then perfect teeth, andr grow big bushy mustashes.or some ladies act fawning, and some you don't know. like me. last week i shattered s last upper wisdom tooth. .and always been "buck tooth". like a mule eating brirs through a chin link fence. and dont feel bad. and it is the culture in some places. demure, etc.. not around here. we revere moms and grandmas, but otherwise you best speak up, or get trampled. this is 2013. not 1965. i don't wanna in your face, but i dont want a servant either. just a . somebody put up with me. cuase i got plenty of faults. and if your teeth ain't perfect, i mean really bad... mine ain so great. maybe a crude 'merrican. but i dislike that. simpering . and if too fat,only one can change that, guess who?. try

>> No.4931347

one of my housemates is the noisiest eater ever. he smacks his lips constantly and i cringe myself half to death if he ever eats in the same room as me.

>> No.4931348


I don't know about the rest of the world, but the reason asian women cover their mouths when eating, laughing, smiling etc is because it used to be considered bad manners to show their teeth.

It's a holdover from feudal eras.

>> No.4931387


Because women are retarded.

>> No.4931646
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>> No.4931691

a girl i know eats apples inside her shirt. no other food, just apples. she has some bizarre reason for it but im pretty sure she just does it because she doesnt want people to see her eating. ill cover my mouth when eating if i need to reply quickly, otherwise i just swallow then reply

>> No.4931701

eating an apple in your shirt draws way more attention to yourself than just eating an apple normally

>> No.4931714

i know. shes also a bit of an attention seeker, so it could be that. i think her reasoning for doing it was because 'i dont like people breathing on my food!' which is easily solved by taking a step back from who youre talking to. god damn.

>> No.4931746

People usually cover their mouth when they need to talk in the middle of a bite.

That's the only time I ever see people of either gender do it.

>> No.4931912

I once got nervous about carrying a big pack of toilet paper home from the shops. But then I realised that everyone except for those with particular health conditions or extenuating circumstances shits at least once a day, or at least multiple times a week.

Your mother and father shit. Your siblings (if you have any) shit. If you have a bf/gf or husband/wife, they shit.

More than that! Most people will have something go wrong with their shits at least once in their lifetimes. That pretty girl you like to see who works at your local coffee shop or place of work? She has probably had to deal with one of the greasiest, foul-smelling turds ever after a night of drinking and debauchery. The kind where even after ten attempts at wiping, you won't feel clean until maybe you have a shower or something.

So why should I care that people are going to see me carrying the thing I use to wipe shit from my butt? I'm not going to be using it in public.

>> No.4931931

Pretty much. I have a little fan on my desk I keep close by that I use exclusively for setting by my noodle bowl.

Though I think a bowl mounted solution would be better. On the chopsticks seems a little cumbersome.

>> No.4931938

I'm a man and I do this.

Does this mean I'll eventually start sucking cocks?

>> No.4931945

You're only fooling yourself

>> No.4932038

>liberation wrapper
That sounds like it should me more of an American invention than a Japanese one.

>> No.4932091

I'm not neurotic enough to cover my mouth, but whenever I'm eating with a girl who isn't a family member, I eat very slowly because I don't want to make a lot of noise while eating. Usually this means I never finish my meal and have to get it wrapped up. Good thing I rarely eat with women.

>> No.4932272

Its only in the last centuries that people started to give up their strong desire for privacy. Food was consumed in private because motherfuckers would take it away from you or raid your stash.