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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4925802 No.4925802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you eating organic food?

>> No.4925809

Bacause not a hippy faggot.

>> No.4925810

I'm frugal and I don't care.
Benefits or no, environmentalism or no, blah blah blah: don't care. I'm just cheap.

>> No.4925815

I'm drinking non-GMO beer right now, while cooking polenta from non-GMO corn grown in upstate new york, and thawing some short rib ragu from local grass fed beef from a small farm near Ithaca (not organic certified because the farm is too small and too snobby to bother).

So the reason I'm not eating organic food is that organic designation only serves to enrich the portfolio companies of huge agribusiness holding corporations that have their fingers in everything. Organic in the original 1970s sense of the word is in the domain of indie farmers who want nothing to do with any of that Hain/Celestial/Organic Valley claptrap.

Enjoy your garbage food, op.

>> No.4925817


Enjoy your artificial food


Enjoy your consistent doctor visits

>> No.4925818

I do. Thank goodness for socialised healthcare.

>> No.4925820

Actually, as I'm sure you don't know, the term "organic" means contains carbon, as in organic chemistry. Which means that technically, all vegetables, fruits, and meats are organic. Checkmate, loser.

>> No.4925827
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>water is a chemical

>> No.4925830

organic foods don't offer any more nutritional value than non organic. Its a wast of money.

>> No.4925832

Your mum's a waste of money.

>> No.4925836

what about non-organic(as if that's possible) is artificial?

can you cite any studies that show a correlation to eating "gmos" (as if all modern foods haven't been genetically modified for thousands of years) and increased health problems?

>> No.4925839

Because I am a robot who doesn't need carbon based sustenance to continue my existence.

>> No.4925840

go back to /b/

>> No.4925842

Consistent doctor visits are a good thing. I see my doctor consistently one a year.
Perhaps you meant 'constant'.

>> No.4925849
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>People assume all organic certs are equal
>People think all non-organic food is GMO, not knowing that GMO is mostly reserved for corn, wheat, soy, and canola
>People don't realize when you buy good organic certified foods (not USDA) you're mostly supporting small farmers who actually give a shit about what they're growing instead of big agribusiness.

Honestly though, shopping at the farmer's market is nice because I talk to the guy about each variety of potato he's selling. He'll go on about the distinct qualities of each type of apple he sells. It's nice if you like food.

>> No.4925854

because i dont give 2 shits. ive been eating non organic shit my entire life, i see no reason to change now given that im really halthy

>> No.4925867


Not when they try to throw more pills down your gullet. They're essentially drug dealers.

>> No.4925874

Go back to Reddit.

>> No.4925900

>Enjoy your consistent doctor visits
I eat cheap veggies.
Haven't had check-up in 15 years. I plan to start again soon, though.
Haven't taken prescription meds in 5 years.
I'm healthier than most of my friends.

>> No.4925992

How are you not aware that "organic" is a scam

>> No.4926040

apathy is the bane of modernity. your lack of social consciousness is appalling.

>implying that organic agriculture isn't better for farm workers, ecosystems, and consumers vis a vis reduced biocide levels

>> No.4926061


>> No.4926073

I'm in college, I can barely afford what I have

>> No.4926074

I always ring up conventional fruit as organic when using a self scan.

>> No.4926079

Organic as conventional. I am retarded.

>> No.4926090


This is how it is done, people.

I am not paying $3 for a red pepper just because it's "organic," those standards should be law. I'll pay regular price thank you.

>> No.4926105

Video related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q96-e042bk

>> No.4926117

>>implying that organic agriculture isn't better for farm workers, ecosystems, and consumers vis a vis reduced biocide levels

can you explain how this is the case, or are you just regurgitating what you've heard?

>> No.4926235

Rat piss is organic. Rat piss is an insecticide. Rat piss is used on your organic veggies. Enjoy.

>> No.4926244

I'm silicon based life-form and eat only nonorganic food, you filthy human.

>> No.4926270

Farmer here. Organic laws are so loose. We've been certififed organic but there are some things that are def not organic. All it takes is some guy to come to your farm to give it a quick look over.

We can charge a lot more now.

>> No.4926281

because it was $5 for a half gallon of organic milk at Albertson's, or $3 for a bleached white gallon that probably tastes less like cow piss

>> No.4926296

Anyone who hasn't lived in an agricultural setting has their head buried so far up their ass when it comes to food. Read some shit some environmentalist hippy with no actual experience or fact writes and take it as gold.

>> No.4926350


>> No.4926572

Because it's a con.
Because it's overpriced.
Because it's not a viable route to producing food for the modern world.

And last but not least: because there's little, if any, evidence that the food produced by organic means is nutritionally superior. I have no doubt that some of it is, but independent testing has shown that in many cases there's NO difference.

>> No.4926591

Because the food I can afford at nonorganic prices is better for me and provides a more well-rounded diet than the food I can afford at organic prices.

Also because I actually grew up in a farming area, and hence understand that food produced with the aid of pesticides and animals who receive veterinary attention is just as real as food made by hippies with spray bottles of 5% honey who'd rather shoot any sick cows than call a vet.

>> No.4926593

I used to live in the pristine and rural Bronx.

>> No.4926599


>> No.4926607
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Because if you really care about the environmental impact caused by your food, you would choose local, not organic. Most organic crops are grown in South America and the fuel cost to get them here is absurd.

I'd prefer to buy some veggies with pestacides on them and just wash them off than waste fuel on sending my money down to South American farmers clear cutting the rainforest.

It's just fucking common sense, OP.

Mfw I responded to such a troll thread

>> No.4926608

I make a good living selling organic food to you rubes.

>> No.4926614
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Unless you're a fan of medium rare marble blocks on a bed of sand, everything you eat except salt is organic.

>> No.4926615

OP, why are you eating organic food? You are the one implying a claim here, so the burden of proof is on you, not us. Does anyone into logic?

>> No.4926620


This nigga knows.

>> No.4926626

its funny, the only thing not in your picture is bait.

>> No.4926639

Yes. Water is a chemical substance.

>> No.4926647

and pepper

>> No.4926656
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DHMO kills right? LMAO these chemophobes are so funny!

>> No.4926681

I really hope you're trolling.

>> No.4927107
File: 83 KB, 400x709, 1322196726746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the biggest issues revolving around GMO crops are companies such as Monsanto who patent their genetically engineered seeds. It just so happens that many of their farms that which use those seeds cross pollinate with organic farmers next door. Guess what Monsanto does next? They sue the farmers until they have no money left and are forced to disband their entire farm. This is probably the biggest reason why genetically modified food is incredibly fucked up. One by one they're destroying legitimate farmers so that they can control the food supply.

This is why I vote for organic food. No corporation should ever control what nature produces. The excuse to engineer food is not needed when there are far more efficient ways to produce food such as vertical gardening which cab be used in cities if needed. You guys should check out a new trend happening in a few major cities where people put greenhouses on top of tall buildings and Aquaponics to grow crops. The potential is there to mass produce food across the planet in a healthy way that doesn't fuck people over because of some mega corporation.

Go watch the Food Inc documentary if you want to see how fucked up it truly is, or go listen to the stories of farmers who are committing suicide because they lost everything because of some engineered seed got onto their land.

>> No.4927224

from what i understand the reports of monsanto doing those things are greatly exaggerated or completely made up. Do you have any cases you can point to to support those claims?

>> No.4927237

because im only going to die anyway

>> No.4927240
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He sourced Food Inc.
Pic definitely related.

>> No.4927272



>> No.4927275

>organic agriculture isn't better for farm workers, ecosystems

Actually, regular methods of farming destroy the lands they grow them on and have smaller yields.

>> No.4927279
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>> No.4927299

Organic food is completely unsustainable. If you're anti-GMO, then you're pro-wanting Africa to starve to death.

>> No.4927337

What if I'm pro GMO AND want Africa to starve to death?

>> No.4927350

then you are a hypocrite because supporting GMO's is the most selfless, noble, humane thing you can do

>> No.4927498

The only thing I don't mind are the organic/Bio! Ja Natürlich eggs.

Eggs are the only thing I've found with a real, tangible difference between caged/barn eggs and organic/freerange ones.

>> No.4927517

>implying you should actually care

>> No.4927527

and getting them straight from a small farm is even better
the color and taste of the yolk is just so much better.

>> No.4927571

a documentary is not a valid source. Actual court cases would be nice

>> No.4927592

>Go watch the Food Inc documentary if you want to see
>I watched a documentary, I am so free-thinkingly conscious of everything

>> No.4927604

I grow certain things in my garden..


I don't really want to spend the extra time going out to either those expensive farmers markets or to an actual farm... And honestly, you can barely taste the difference.

Meat on the other hand... Now that shit you can taste a huge difference between the genetically enhanced packaged meat you buy in the store vs actual butchered meats

>> No.4927628

Organic foods is a scam. Grow the shit yourself.

>> No.4927666


Where I live the winter is too harsh to grow any food. I could see if I were living in California then yeah... grow all year round.

The whole point of food that's certified organic is to make it as basic and simple as possible.

Simple ingredients without crops being sprayed with pesticides and insecticides.

>> No.4927707

last i heard all you have to do is use organic pesticides instead of synthetic. Also who says you have to grow all year round? Preserves bitch!

>> No.4927711

also greenhouses. Whith the money you'll spend on organic nonsense why not just invest in a greenhouse?

>> No.4927899

I am.

>> No.4927905

Get a greenhouse or make a poly tunnel. That's what I do. Check out the Homegrowmen thread in /out/: >>>/out/213984

>> No.4928781
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We need more people like you in this world.

>> No.4928783


It's too expensive for no actual upside to the food quality.

>> No.4928784

>there are loads of pesticides that can be used which still allow food to be classed as organic
>many of these are throwbacks from the 60s and became obsolete with the introduction newer pesticides which are now 'not organic'
>buying organic is totally pointless unless you can see that the quality is actually significantly better (if this is the case then it is a simple cost = quality equation and has nothing to do with 'organic' status)
I'm an agronomist

>> No.4928795

I buy organic produce because if it's only a $1 difference between organic and not organic, might as well spring for the better stuff.
Also I only eat food that is in season in my region (PNW) so no getting fruits and veggies from other countries.

>> No.4928834

Dunno 'bout your 'murrican organic certificates, but in most of the world:
- No pesticides => better for farm workers
- Only natural fertilizers => reduced eutrophication problems.
- Higher demands of vessel quality (like, plastic containers have to have a lower BPA count etc) => less intake. Note that these chemicals most often won't induce acute symptoms, unless you count reduced sperm quality as acute for the species survival.

>> No.4928848

I do. As a matter of fact I work with organic food, in a warehouse that acts as a wholesale distributor for several local farms in my area. So I get a 30% employee discount off whatever produce I order from work on top of paying wholesale order price.

I get really good produce for much less than most people pay for the worse stuff, I can do all of my produce shopping (and even order quality local meat if i want) at work and all of it just get deducted from my paycheck so I've never gone hungry waiting to get paid when shit has gotten rough.

>> No.4928849
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>> No.4928853

Because your typical organic food found in supermarkets is just regular chemical sprayed food washed with soap and water.

>> No.4928918

Wow, mostly strawman rethorics, but some points:
The problem with starvation is transportation - NOT production, with or without organic farming.
Also, this doesn't touch on the subject of ecology, which is the biggest winner.

>> No.4928945

I always buy Fairtrade if I can. I don't really need to buy organic because where I live, almost no GM shit is sold anyway. That said, people who are against GM food on principle are retards. Higher crop yields save literally billions of lives.

>> No.4929011

Really? Describe how!

>> No.4929019

>Higher crop yields save literally billions of lives.
How do glyphosate resistant and Bt-transgenic crops, the most popular and planted GM cultivars, save "billions of lives" in areas where famine is a result of environmental conditions?

You can't simply say, "GM crops save billions!" without actually bringing up some evidence.

There is also the much maligned idea that saving millions (or "billions") of people who live in a climate that doesn't adequately support the population isn't actually a long-term success...

>> No.4929020

because the world can't afford making food production any harder than it is

keep living in your utopist Animal Crossing world, hippie scum

>> No.4929021

>muh feelings

More anti-science nonsense. Is there anyone who doesn't read naturalnews in here?

>> No.4929026

>There is also the much maligned idea that saving millions (or "billions") of people who live in a climate that doesn't adequately support the population isn't actually a long-term success...

>> No.4929041

I don't even know what naturalnews is. Though I'm not the poster you responded to.

>> No.4929069

>There is also the much maligned idea that saving millions (or "billions") of people who live in a climate that doesn't adequately support the population isn't actually a long-term success...
>People who weren't fortunate enough to be born in Europe/America deserve death
Good god I hope I never have to meet you in real life. You're fucking horrible.

>> No.4929073

GM food can thrive where normal crops can't. They can also give a much higher yield per harvest than normal crops can. That means less people starve and die.

>> No.4929262
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>> No.4929287

Enjoy paying 3 times more for genetically identical veg. Plus, theres no regulation on what can be sold as organic. No official definition. Odds are its raised in almost exactly the same way.

>> No.4929308

There is no organic food possible anymore, well maybe somewhere in tibet or in middle of taiga.
If it grows anywhere in euope or north america its poisoned with all chem we are using for last 100 years.
There is no escape, even if farmer does not use pesticides his neighbor overuses them.

>> No.4929354

'Organic' is a fucking scam made up by farmers and hippies who were mad that their shitty overpriced vegetables were being undercut by larger farm operations.

Some people fall for it, and they have my pity.
Like the old saying "Theres a sucker born every minute."

>> No.4929465

>organic food in mainstream shops or gardens

>> No.4929862

Where the food go and how it would get there are still the bigger problems of starvation and poverty.
There is already a very diverse flora and very many, even harsh, areas can be farmed due to this, but perhaps not with the highest paying crops.
The problem with GMO's and non-organic food is really a widespread problem of monoculture, artificial fertilizers which lead to run-off problems and overgrowth elsewhere, and so on and forth in what seems an eternity.
This is too much to rectify in one swoop, so switching to organically grown foods is a consumers indication that you want change, and is prepared to pay for one.

There is, at least in some places of the world.

>> No.4929924

a) sometimes it's too expensive

b) the organic place is only open until 9 so sometimes I have to go to safeway instead

c) I eat at restaurants sometimes

d) I eat at friends' places sometimes

>> No.4930051

Because i think that the rocks taste better than any squishy flora or fauna.

>> No.4930062

nigga im not going to live to be 300 years old. i dont give a fuck to what happens to the world after im gone

>> No.4930074

Because putting x name in front of your foods name doesn't make it anymore special.
Hey op why don't you drink special coffee
Hey op why don't you drink organic coffee
see my point?

>> No.4930104
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I work at a Whole Foods and get a pretty good discount, so I do end up buying some organic fruit and veggies. Organic makes a huuuuuge taste difference in thin skinned (stuff that would have gotten more shit on it if non-organic) like apples and berries.

The meats and boxed goods, fuck that shit filet mignon is 25.99/lb. I go to shoprite and shit for all that.

>> No.4930119

Because it's hard to find organic products with near-expiration discounts.

And organic peanut-butter's awful.

>> No.4930181
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>> No.4931990

are you asking me to teach you agricultural science? because i'm not going to do that. not that i couldn't, i just don't have the time.

>> No.4931996

like i said, you're a narcissistic little shit and the world would be a better place without you.

>> No.4932461
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But I do OP!
~Love /k/

>> No.4932666

>>People don't realize when you buy good organic certified foods (not USDA) you're mostly supporting small farmers who actually give a shit about what they're growing instead of big agribusiness.
>People give a shit who gets their money


>> No.4932946

>simba and scar in the middle right of center


>> No.4932958

Likely a reference to the film's wildebeest scene.

>> No.4933158

Because it's expensive, otherwise I would. I have been forced to buy it before when the store was out of normal stuff and it was really good.

>> No.4933179

All vegetables, fruits, cereal, dairy and meat are organic.