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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4923772 No.4923772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>try to minimize meat in my diet
>have a big bowl of granola and yogurt for breakfast
>hungry by 10am
>eat a cliff bar until I get out of class
>still hungry
>have a huge bowl of meatless corn and potato soup
>try to survive on chips and salsa
>try making plate of cheese and crackers with fig spread
>by 7pm I buckled and get a huge burrito from Willys

How in the fuck do vegetarians do it? I'm not even a big guy for you.

>> No.4923787

How long have you tried doing this?
I know I get weak and jittery feeling if I don't even eat meat for a whole day. I haven't had any in three days and I feel terrible and I have a massive migraine.

Perhaps our bodies are addicted to meat.

>> No.4923797

>Minimize Meat
OP confirmed veggy fag

>> No.4923798

You aren't eating enough dummy.

>> No.4923800

>eat more to supplement lack of meat

hahaha check out this sound advice

>> No.4923802

Just look at what OP ate
He isn't eating enough
Hence hunger

>> No.4923811

>big bowl of la di da
>snack in between
>huge bowl of this and that
>10 other snacks before dinner

can you even read cunt?

>> No.4923814

Missing most of the important minerals and zero protein.

You will need to supplement really good multi vitamin / minerals or eat a ton of veg / green stuff.

Try adding some protein shakes, pea protein or rice protein may help.

We are omnivores as a species so meat is meant to be in our diet. Hence you will need to supplement a LOT to cut it out.

>> No.4923818
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Given what you said this is roughly what you had during your day.

All in all you're getting too much fat, not enough carbohydrates or calories.

If you are going to eat this way you need to cut down on the fat, and stop with the restrictive mindset, and go towards an abundance one instead. 2500 is very minimum for males, I recommend rice, potatoes/yams, dates, and bananas if you are having issues meeting that quota.

>> No.4923821

Eat mushrooms.

If the expensive dried gourmet mushrooms were the same price as the average white button mushroom, I'd never eat meat again.

>> No.4923835

It's like you're trying to be the first vegetarian to develop type 2 diabetes. Processed and sugary crap from a package for almost every meal. Whole grains, vegetables (and not just taters & sweetcorn), fruits, nuts, legumes...I mean fuck dude, I don't mean to be rude but it's the same nutritional advice that's been preached for the last quarter century. You're seriously gonna eat chips and crackers and glorified candy bars and then wonder why you're hungry?

>> No.4923909

>abysmal protein
>all processed
>zero whole foods
>no fibrous vegetables
>no fruits
>no nuts
>chips and salsa
>no eggs
>no tofu
>eating cliff bars instead of real food
>no unprocessed wholegrains
>starchy potatoes with corn
>still abymsal amount of protein

learn to count macros, troglodyte

>> No.4923940

Fiber and calories. What looks like a big serving of food might only be like 400 calories, and that's a shitty way to start the day. Two of the most filling things I eat are lentils and sweet potatoes. Soup and chips isn't going to satisfy hunger

>> No.4924605 [DELETED] 


>bare minimum for males

...If I eat over 1500 I gain weight. Is my metabolism seriously fucked up or something?

>> No.4924637

It seems like op needs to make a meal before classes or a snack before class his whole description sounds like my terrible diet and I am no fatty just extremely unhealthy

>> No.4924659

OPs a woman. She thinks a half cup of granola and a yoplait is a "big bowl." Classic case of retardation.

>> No.4924700

>muh cow
>muh pig
>muh chicken

>> No.4924708

Make sure you drink a lot of water during this process. What may feel like hunger pains is probably just dehydration.

>> No.4924723

Do this

>make a huge pot of black and red beans
>in a pan, fry up some onion and garlic
>put beans inna pan, mash and fry
>you now have a buttload of refried beans
2 cans gets me 4 meals. it keeps well and is good hot or cold

>eat rice erryday

for breakfast-
Eggs, scrambled, over easy, or hardboiled
lactofermented oatmeal

hardboiled eggs
leftover beans and rice

dinner is more of the same
maybe mix it up with some salads

and still eat meat. eat meat at between 2-3 times a week. I roast a chicken on sunday, leftovers go into sandwiches or whatever on tuesday and wednesday

friday i like to have a steak

>> No.4924724

Just eat some lean meat you faggot.

Chicken, turkey, and all matters of fish are good for you.

>> No.4925988

your problem is psychosomatic i think.

>> No.4926386

black beans rice fajitas mild/hot sauce, lettuce guac cheese
no meat

>> No.4926389

Can anyone recommend a vegan some suppliments that I should be taking? My hair has been thinning out and my parents said I look pretty pale
>inb4 eat meat faggot
I don't give a shit what you eat, so I can only ask the same out of you for me.

>> No.4926390

Eat something a little more substantial for breakfast. Have oatmeal with fruit and nuts for breakfast, peanut butter or hummus on toast with fruit, a breakfast burrito, or beans or a tofu scramble on toast. You could go all out and make a full english style breakfast with hash browns, fried tomatoes and mushrooms, beans, tofu scramble and toast. I don't think anybody gets filled with a plain bowl of granola and oatmeal on it's own, you do need to add additional things onto it or up the portions, but personally I find just adding fruit and lots of nuts to my oatmeal makes it last me about five or six hours.

>> No.4926393

Get some low/no fat cottage cheese or french quark to start your day. It's like basically no calories and lots and lots of proteins, that should surpress your hunger and help you build muscle tissue too if you work out a bit.

>> No.4926424


Depending on how long you've been vegan you may need B12, but anything else I don't think you'd need a supplement for, you likely just eat shitty food. Eat some vegetables

>> No.4926437

>try to increase my diet
>wake up at 11am cause im a useless member of society
>hungry by 4pm
>have 1 meal
>not hungry until midnight
>have some hard bread and tea

How in the fuck do americans do it? I'm 53kg and ~173cm

>> No.4926444

>thinking meat is needed to make you feel "full"

FIBER. You retard. Eat whole fruits vegetables. So basically, yeah... A healthy vegan diet will make you feel full.

>> No.4926464

I never feel full
doesn't matter what i eat.
I can eat healthy ass vegan meals with my friends
disgusting food while I'm out
healthy lean meat containing meals at home

>> No.4926471

here's how you vegans can get full as fuck. I'm not even vegetarian and I know this.

1. cook up some beans, any kind works really

2. cook up some rice

3. make hot sauce from the hottest pepper you can find

4. eat the beans and rice until you're sick of them. in other words, about 4-5 bites.

5. eat more beans and rice until you'd rather die than continue. so another 4-5 bites.

6. apply hot sauce directly to beans and rice. enjoy.

>> No.4926474

Bowl of oats for breakfast and a bowl of beans for dinner. There you're not hungry.

>> No.4926475

also drink more water. not because of the hot sauce, but dat fiber. and water makes you less hungry for a while. I've been broke and hungry before, I know how to get full off of a damn pine tree if I have to.

>> No.4926495

>>eat like shit
>>eat like shit with less meat

Guess what you're doing wrong fatty?