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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4923686 No.4923686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If celery takes more calories to burn than you get from it why don't fat people just eat celery all fucking day to lose weight?

>> No.4923690

You are stupid.

>> No.4923689

Go to your kitchen, pick up a stalk of celery and eat the whole damn thing. That's why.

Not to mention fatties would just down it with peanut butter.

>> No.4923695

It fills you up and doesn't add calories. How is this stupid?

>> No.4923698

You would starve to death eventually.

>> No.4923702

Because WHAT to eat isn't the fatties problems it's that they just can't do it. Also I'd like to see you diet on celery for 3 months

>> No.4923714

Well obviously you eat other things too. You still have meals and shit but instead of snacking on chips or whatever you just mush celery into your face.

>> No.4923715

I eat tons of celery. Every day, in fact. I love it, always have, ever since I was a kid. I like it plain just fine, but I also like it with mustard (which, btw, is also calorie free). Very occasionally I'll eat some with cream cheese, because that's the bee's knees, but I try not to eat that very often because dairy gives me a rash. Cream of celery soup is glorious as well (homemade of course).

>> No.4923718

>calorie free

Incorrect. It has calories but so few that you'd have to drink liters of it each day to notice anything.

>> No.4923721

Could you be more autist? Yeah, we know, but in relative terms, it's calorie free.

>> No.4923723

Because that's not actually true.

>> No.4923726


Bullshit, I eat a shitload of honey mustard daily and I feel like it's affecting my waistline.

>> No.4923727

In relative terms my ass. Speak in absolutes or not at all. Calorie free means 0 calories. End of fucking story.

>> No.4923728

>honey mustard

There's your problem. Shit's delicious but calories nigga.

>> No.4923732

Celery is the devil's vegetable. Only good when sauteed for soups and shit.

>> No.4923738

You have no idea how much I fucking love mustard. I go through nearly a liter a week of the shit. 2 parts yellow: 1 part dijon, shit's bonkers yo. Also lost like 40 pounds in the last few months from it.

>> No.4923749

Or just vegetables in general? It's how I lost all my weight. The constant hunger was what kept me fat, not my love of fatty foods. So by filling myself with low caloried foods I lost about 50 pounds in 2 months.

>> No.4924143

you are fucking stupid
a man must eat a lot of celery and why you may ask

While celery may not be the first food that comes to mind when you're thinking sex, it can be a fantastic source food for sexual stimulation. This is because it contains androsterone, an odorless hormone released through male perspiration and turns women on.

>> No.4924150

Because celery is fucking disgusting.
I tried to eat celery regularly a couple years ago and it was very painful for me to digest. Awful stuff.

Point blank fatties just need to eat less. Imo I think they should all be offered bariatric surgeries. Their brains and stomachs need to literally be altered from the tolerance of stuffing their faces. Then you got cheap-o conglomerate food companies who put additives in their products to make them more addictive, which is even worse.

A few friends I knew from high school said their appetites were practically uncontrollable even if they consciously counted calories and ate healthy. So they got bariatric surgeries and they look great. One has kept the weight off for over five years and he used to be ~350+ pounds.

>> No.4924162

Then there are people like my mother who had a gastric band put in several years ago and is still obese. The main deterrent from eating for her is that the band sometimes makes her puke from overeating.
I was up to 260 pounds and went down to 160 through calorie counting, though.

>> No.4924191

I really tried to eat raw celery
but after a third of the stalk, the taste became so overwhelming I just couldn't finish it.
Now I just use it in a lot more dishes, because I actually like the taste, but raw it's just too strong.

>> No.4924197

Celery tastes like shit. It and cilantro are the two things I fucking hate eating.

>> No.4924244

You do know eating tons of celery can cause kidney stones?

>> No.4924246

why dont fat people just starve themselves and eat multivitamins?????

>> No.4924250

The same reason why they don't just eat a reasonable 2000 calories and exercise an hour every day.
Doing these things requires willpower and it's not just fat people that lack willpower.

Aside of that, raw celery disgusts most people. At least let them eat it with hummus, the most flavorful and least fattening dip you can find.

>> No.4924256

>least fattening dip you can find.
lol no

>> No.4924277

"Celery is often incorrectly purported to be a "negative calorie food" based on the idea that the body will burn more calories during the digestion of the food than the body can extract from the food itself. However, the fact that the body uses very small amounts of energy in digestion compared to what can be extracted even from a low-calorie food like celery disproves this hypothesis"

>> No.4924279

be kind and name some, for fatties' sakes

>> No.4924282


>Honey Mustard

No shit. YELLOW MUSTARD, the standard mustard has so few calories you could drink gallons of the shit and it wouldn't budge your weight.

>> No.4924283

I lost 40 lbs in 2 months just dipping ice cubes into water and snacking on that.

>> No.4924301

Okay, maybe I should say "less fatty than American choice dips like ranch dressing".

>> No.4924310

i went and looked up androsterone
this is what i got
Androsterone is often advertised as influencing human behavior

>> No.4924312

It's probably better for you too nutritionally

>> No.4924544

> celery takes more calories to burn than you get from it

This is a myth.

>> No.4924545

Beyond the fact that that's blatantly not true, raw celery tastes like absolute ass. Hell, I can barely even deal with it in soups unless all the flavor's gone from it.

>> No.4924565

>Speak in absolutes or not at all

How's life in your anti-social nerd fortress going for you?

>> No.4924599
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>> No.4924606

Because it's not tasty?
We are usually fat because the food that tastes like we like is usually the most greasy piece of crap available.

I mean, a fucking plate of fried potatoes or a fucking stick of paper.

No fucking wonder, huh?

>but you'll live longer

Well yeah, eating shit I don't like.

Remember, to many fatties food is a 'hobby'.

>> No.4924615


I like her comics, they are funny

>> No.4924641

because these invalids are unable to control their decisions and succumb to the carb gods on the regular

>> No.4924732

So dealing with absolute numbers and values makes you autistic? I guess every engineer, doctor and accountant in the world is autistic.

>> No.4924736


>> No.4924744


>> No.4924755

There's this thing called "casual conversation". You should read up on it. Engineers, doctors and accountants keep formal conversation for appropriate work environments. Do you really think they talk like that all the time? You must not know very many of them. Doctors in particular are notorious slags outside of work. And don't even get me started on engineers. Now stop being autist on the internet and go somewhere else to feed your need to be perfectly literal every second of the day.

>> No.4924848

I'm not autistic. Trust me, I've been tested. You're just mad because you're wrong about mustard having 0 calories.

>> No.4924866

what buffet serves cheetos puffs?

>> No.4924871
File: 73 KB, 960x960, 1343893945814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been tested.

So at some point either you or somebody else suspected you to be autistic enough to make you take an autism test? You might not be full on autistic but you song like you have a classic case of Asperger's.

>> No.4925030

>You might not be full on autistic but you song like you have a classic case of Asperger's.
>you song like you have a classic case of Asperger's.
>you song

>> No.4925241

have you ever seen the calorie content of hummus? It has more calories per 100g than potato chips. And if you have ever made it yourself you would see you need a shit ton of oil. Healthy and flavorful, yes. Least fattening dip, hell fucking no.

>> No.4925248

The best buffet in the whole fucking world...

>> No.4925258

that's a myth OP

>> No.4925346

whenever i have celery in the house i do this. it tastes just fine.

>> No.4925658

this faggot just keeps flailing

>> No.4925663

If you make it yourself you can control the amount of olive oil you put in. Just a teaspoon per can of chickpeas is enough to make some pretty good tasting stuff

>> No.4925686

And you keep taking his bait.

>> No.4925726

/ck/ is horrible about spreading blatent misinformation. Like these faggots, for example:


Humans don't use pheromones for sexual attraction. There's no real evidence they do, no matter what some snake oil salesman tells you.

>> No.4925740

my first comment
but still point taken

>> No.4925742

No wonder I feel like I just ate an entire fucking elephant after only a few tablespoons of the stuff.

>> No.4925774

>Humans don't use pheromones for sexual attraction
lol nope

>> No.4925779

>Humans don't use pheromones for sexual attraction.
I don't know. I like a bit of a musky man smell. Pheromones make this faerie MOAN.

>> No.4926540

Humans don't use pheromones for sexual attraction. They are used, but there it isn't as an attractant. We don't scent each other out when looking for a mate like other animals do.

>> No.4927135

jesus christ

>> No.4927137

Plain celery doesn't tastes that good. I eat it as a snack but I dip it in a little but of peanut butter. I mostly eat it for the fiber. My BMI is 26.5 and in the category of "overweight" but that's because I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.4927144

Calorie free means less than 0.5 calories per serving you fuck-wit.

>> No.4927154

>If celery takes more calories to burn than you get from it

That's a myth

>> No.4927155

>Humans don't use pheromones for sexual attraction
Some might not but please explain to me why I love the smell of my girlfriends sweaty armpits if it isn't pheromones.

>> No.4927163


You're just a fucking pervert.

(I am the same way. tfw it freaks her out.)

>> No.4927166

>Humans don't use pheromones for sexual attraction

Yes they do. You may be partly right in that it certainly isn't the #1 factor for sexual attraction but it is a scientifically identifiable part of sexual attraction for humans.

>> No.4927169

Sexual attraction isn't black and white you ignorant autist

>> No.4927263

There's atleast one study (Does Personality Smell? Accuracy of Personality Assessments Based on Body Odour, 2012) that shows that a few personality traits can be detected based on smell alone, so even if you're a proponent of "it doesnt matter what a person looks like you can be attracted to someone despite what their genes are," that pheromones show some indication of being more than skin deep.

>> No.4927304

What was your initial weight? I've lost like 12 lbs in 4 months and have tried to eat better and exercise. If I eat vegetables I just end up more hungry later.

And to answer OP's question, celery tastes like shit, that's why.

>> No.4927346

>all these people hating on raw celery

To me it tastes really mild and seems like it is mostly water. Are my tasters broken?

>> No.4927364

even if celery were a negative-calorie food, calorie reduction is an awful way to lose weight (5000 cal. a day outliers excluded)

you gain weight when your blood sugar is spiked, whether it's by processed carbs or alcohol.

>> No.4927408

It tastes bitter to me. I get mine at Safeway though, so maybe they just have terrible stock.

>> No.4929343

I like celery because its something lite to snack on without being so punishing to my diet. It's hard to cut when you like eating good food