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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 106 KB, 800x600, 800px-Cafe_Viva_vegan_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4919280 No.4919280[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am interested in finding out how to make a good, vegan pizza. "Good" in my view is... well, alike the attached picture. Does anyone have some tips on ingredients needed to cause non-flatness, puffiness (or whatever you'd call it)? I was thinking corn oil, baking soda... but to be honest I've no real idea how to pull such a thing -- a home-made food that actually tastes alright -- off. Websites I've checked out offer recipes only for very thin crust...


>> No.4919291

What the fuck? All pizza bases are vegan.

>> No.4919297

Most, sure. I wasn't saying otherwise. I'm talking more of how to make the dough in general and emphasizing its ingredients (toppings) to be vegan. Sorry if confusion.

>> No.4919318

Eh, in-fact, no, many contain whey.

>> No.4919353

Just look up a pizza dough recipe. Pizza dough is vegan.

You can make a passable pizza sauce that's vegan

Cheese, you're shit outta luck. Vegan cheese is the only quasi acceptable substitute, and there aren't a whole lot of other topping options.

>> No.4919394 [DELETED] 


Perhaps not all, but most pizza bases are vegan.


Most pizza sauces are vegan, however, some do contain parmesan.


I don't think you have a single clue what you're doing. Please try to express yourself more clearly.

>> No.4919432

The fuck is wrong with the cheese on that pizza? Looks like puddles of plastic matter or like white American cheese. Fuck.

>> No.4919451

That's a gross looking pizza. It's like the cheese was pre-melted and poured on.

>> No.4919500
File: 997 KB, 500x262, tumblr_mmwznhkO2n1sp146zo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good pizza
>that monstrosity

Listen, OP. I get that you want to be vegan, and while I don't agree with it, it's your right to live your lifestyle as such. But please, for the love of god, stop trying to make vegan approximations of non-vegan foods. If you choose not to eat something, you should just accept that you're not going to get to eat it.

Seriously... that things is just...


>> No.4919506
File: 158 KB, 1024x768, gather_vegan_pizza_kalamata_olives_cashew_puree[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know exactly how it's done, but the pizza in this pic is made with cashew cheese

I think they puree the cashews with water in a really good blender and then strain it through cheesecloth. From what I hear, it's the best pizza in the world.

>> No.4919513
File: 449 KB, 286x119, Can not deal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This, SO much.

I can deal with you being enough of a faggot to be a vegan in the first place, but the faggotry that is that pizza, and really all vegan substitutes I've seen, is unbearable.

Just chug your soy milk, take your B12 supplements, and leave us alone.

>> No.4919516


Why so hostile? Some people want to enjoy tastes and familiar dishes without dying of heart disease. Even if you're not a vegan, you can benefit from learning how to make healthy versions of food you like

>> No.4919517


Does pizza dough have yeast in it?

Because yeast is a living creature and therefore not vegan.

>> No.4919518
File: 1.31 MB, 1952x3264, IMAG0106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want half and half? I give you half and half

>> No.4919519


>Some people want to enjoy tastes and familiar dishes without dying of heart disease.

So lift weights. Or play rugby.

Or realize life has tradeoffs, and even if it's true that you WILL die of heart disease if you aren't vegan, then you have to choose between heart disease when you're 80, and eating food that doesn't taste like a moldy ballsack for the next six decades.

>> No.4919521
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x1952, IMAG0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fat wife

>> No.4919526


Yeast isn't part of the animal kingdom, they're part of the fungi kingdom like mushrooms


Exercise is great, but why not do both?

> heart disease when you're 80, and eating food that doesn't taste like a moldy ballsack for the next six decades.

You'd likely die in your 60s from heart disease, and it's not like your health and quality of life up until that point would be great. And come on now, do you think everything has to be unhealthy to taste good?

>> No.4919531


>And come on now, do you think everything has to be unhealthy to taste good?

No. Do you honestly think ALL animal products are unhealthy enough to drastically shorten your life and significantly reduce your quality of life when they're eaten in moderation?

If you do, it's no skin off my nose, really. At least until you and all your idjit friends keep asking how to make vegan pizza that doesn't taste like hot vomit. It's like honest politicians or attractive British women. It doesn't exist.

>> No.4919540


>Do you honestly think ALL animal products are unhealthy enough to drastically shorten your life and significantly reduce your quality of life when they're eaten in moderation?

According to everything I've ever read, yes. "Moderation" is not an excuse, when you do bad things in moderation you just get bad consequences in moderation. I have a basic amount of self control to not be tempted to eat those kinds of things.

As for the vegan pizza, the only thing that isn't already vegan about a pizza is the cheese, and cashew cheese does the job just as well

>> No.4919554

Your ignorance is your own issue; it is not mine. Don't comment in this thread nor any more vegan threads, please. Save yourself the time; be productive with it instead, and do stop assuming reasons for my becoming a vegan. Not sure why you take it so personally.

The pizza looks delicious to me. It probably tastes great, too. My life doesn't revolve around saturated fats and MSG... I am not greedy, I take what I need and what I need only. Meat is your lifestyle choice; mine is a deductibility, it is less requirement, and as such your lifestyle choice is "special needs" and whatever else you've implied.

This is a food board and I am talking about food. Quit the condescension; actually, no, don't, if it makes you feel good about yourself, superior in comparison.

>> No.4919556

fuck off vegan faggot.


>> No.4919560

/ck/'s not the best place to discuss veganism. It's like going to the World of Warcraft forums and talking about exercise

>> No.4919563


You know that just saying sage in your post doesn't actually sage a thread right?

>> No.4919570

And by deductibility I mean minus animal products at no expense of nutrients, health, variety (seriously... I can make everything non-vegans make only using dissimilar ingredients), animals, nor good flavour. The word "veganism" seems to act as trigger to self-centered (I mean, it serves your ego to do this, to talk down to people, of course... no reason else you'd do it) such as yourself to go on a rant condescendingly against veganism and vegans, throwing around exclusionary rhetoric with aims to dismiss presence, stereotyping, and banding to a circle-jerk where I receive quite unfortunately its conclusion. I'm not interested.

Thanks, so I guess I could just use any recipe online for dough making sure whey and milk isn't add, as I've observed they tend to be. Not sure about sauce... maybe buy tomato paste and add it to canned tomatoes with some garlic and onions, and of course seasoning.

>> No.4919572

Ignore the trolls OP
Listen here's how to cook a lovely pizza.
Instead of using cheese or meat just apply some borry sauce to the base and bake at 180 degrees for 10

>> No.4919573

>less requirement
>implying meat and dairy are requirements

>> No.4919593
File: 493 KB, 2439x1572, 12_Gauge_Shotgun_Shells_SLUG_2_by_eviln8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first night browsing /ck/

You know, I'm not a vegan, but what is with hatred? I like eating meat. Hell, I actively hunt and fish. But if there's a delicious meal that doesn't contain meat, should I just turn it down out of principle?

Meat is a luxury, and it's something that has grown unreasonably abundant in western meals. Everyone needs to recognize that our cooking has changed drastically over the past century. Meat was never so accessible as it is now, and in many parts of the world it is still more of a rarity than a common component of a meal. It seems like we've forgotten the flavor and value of food that doesn't come from animal sources. I think vegan cooking is really interesting, and sometimes I prefer it to a modern, meat-centric dish.

Just my $0.02.

>> No.4919599

There are 2 things I hate about vegans:
1. The moralism. Innocent humans are tortured, killed, or just plain suffer under unreasonable conditions every second of every day, yet they choose to bitch about others' eating meat. Never mind that animals had to suffer to provide most of the material goods they use.

2. I can't eat or talk about eating a fucking vegan/vegetarian meal in the company of them without them latching onto me as "one of them." Look, I just like grilled portobello sandwiches. I like the texture of tofu when done right. Do they really have to try to measure vegan dicks with me because they think I'm a kool-aide drinker?

>> No.4919601

There are a few carnivores and a few vegans who go out of their way to shit up opposing threads on principle. Everyone else is fairly normal.

>> No.4919605


Why does it matter to you?

You're not going to eat it anyway.

>> No.4919608


There are no carnivores. We are omnivorous master race.

>> No.4919609

I can do something about non-human animals... I can't do much about humans starving besides using my privilege as someone not starving, but comfortably "full" so to speak, to make sure I am at the very least contributing zilch to starving people's oppression (checking where taxes go, what I'm paying for, who made what I'm paying for, who my money goes to). One instance of morality is not invalidated by one instance of immorality, especially not when such immorality isn't directly supported / encouraged / upheld in any way by me. It's a huge issue, but control (significant control, i.e. funding someone's life instead of one measly meal; societies need to be redesigned, or we begin an endless cycle; activism works) lies out of my hands for most-part. I am not killing, I am simply unhelpful to cause of prevention of people dying *now*. All change is eventual, and I do help such eventuality as I can. Don't assume.

>> No.4919613


There's always at least one thread of "how do I make silly bullshit vegan food taste remotely edible" up at any given time. Apparently, nothing gets resolved.

Or you fuck ups are so lacking in Vitamin B you can't remember what is actually accomplished.

>> No.4919617

welcome to the OTHER /b/!
Whether a profession chef, a hunter food gatherer, a foodie, or a college student, your opinion will be contradicted just for the sake of contradiction.
I'm not complaining, just informing.

>> No.4919618


>Implying food you don't eat somehow ends up in the mouth of starving Africans

There is no shortage of food in the world. We have so much food we can hardly give it away. The reason people starve is either governments preventing them from accessing all of this food (IE North Korea) or anarchy preventing them from accessing all of this food (IE Africa).

It's true you can't do much by yourself, but this is also true of your silly veganism bullshit. Believe me, I will make absolutely goddamn sure to pick up your slack in the genocide of cows, chicken, and fish.

>> No.4919620


>welcome to ALL OF 4CHAN

Fixed that for you.

>> No.4919621

Humans are killed by humans and so humans are at fault. Systems impact us all; I can not subtract a victim's pain because of inconvenience of legality (...borders), violence, war, et cetera, outweighing benefit of my going over to help sick kids who will grow up to be maltreated by humans as adults because of their continued living in an unsafe, poor area. Our world, society-wise, is set-up to fail. Reasonably, I can only contribute indirectly to its ease and overcoming. I mean, companies ditch pounds and pounds of "waste" (edible food) every day instead of giving it to starving people. So, I am in position only to not support such companies, thus not contribute to waste / human detriment. Non-human animals are killed by humans and so humans are at fault. My consumption causes pain, and so by deducting my consumption, I am deducting (detracting) pain.

>> No.4919626

Well said, well said.

>> No.4919627


Killing yourself you minimize the pain you cause to all living things. It's obvious what you must do.

>> No.4919630

Eh? I think you've misread my post or are replying to me accidentally. I didn't state nor imply food I don't eat feeds anyone starving. If you eat for two portion-wise... well, your issue. If I consumed animal products I'd still be adding on where you left, regardless of your consumption. It's simple rationality; your argument is, as I'm making sense of it, impractical rhetoric.

>> No.4919632

/ck/ is in the top 5 of least-helpful/most-shit-post boards, though.
People are super opinionated about food.

>> No.4919637

consumption amount.*

>> No.4919636


What is your top five? I only post much on here, /fit/, and /sp/. It's hard to imagine any board that ISN'T a "Designated Shitposting Board" (/b/, /s4s/, /soc/, /r9k/) having a higher shitpost to contribution ratio than those three.

>> No.4919640

4qur'an sucKKKs.

>> No.4919643

What the fuck is Borry?
Do you mean bovril or something?

>> No.4919657

this thread was really fucked from the beginning, but now it's total fuckcunts.

I guess if you really want vegan pizza you're gonna have to lose the cheese. the dough is easily made vegan, as well as tomato sauce, so dressing it up is the next task.

for a traditional pizza, herbs like Basil are a no brainer. filling in for cheese is tough, you can get milky salty flavors in many ways; almonds come to mind, but the texture would suck. you might just be stuck with weird substitutes to be honest.

I'd just bend the rules and get some real cheese once in a while if I were a vegan in this situation. a few bits of animal product now and then can't possibly have as much effect on your health as the hideous air pollution in most parts of the world anyhow.

>> No.4919658

I said "top 5" off-handedly, and I'm not going to make a list just to get lambasted, but you may want to browse /diy/ and /out/. It's a nice change of pace.

>> No.4919664

FYI they make a vegan cheese substitute that is meant to act like cheese under heat. I can't remember what it's called, but it says on the package, "It Melts!"
Any vegan should already know of this (not saying that you're a vegan, saying that OP should crawl out from under their rock and go to a store that sells vegan products).

>> No.4919665

This is correct. I've been on 4chan for some time, though not on that many boards, but the only ones that stay remotely on topic are the porn boards. I still think that /o/ is the best overall, though.

>> No.4919673

You can do no more for non-human animals than you can for humans. Literally the only thing you can ensure is that you do not participate directly in the killing of animals (though you very much do participate indirectly: I 100% guarantee it). This is exactly what you are capable of doing for humans. There is literally no difference other than your self-congratulatory ignorance.

Nor can you subtract an animal "victim's" pain when it lies outside your power. And if you want to abstain from consumption that causes pain, you need to abstain from a hell of a lot more than you already are. You are spoiled by the products of animal suffering. Not ingesting animal meat doesn't change that fact, you self-stroking, smug piece of shit.

>> No.4919676

I had a break from here for 12 months.
Whilst Sceak is still here using this as a personal blog, I have noticed /ck/ has been infiltrated by /int/ users with all the USA vs euro shit, why are Murikans so fat, and general 3rd world hate.
It's pathetic as I once viewed /ck/ as my favorite board but now I just await the day no gf feel threads arrive here.

>> No.4919678


Eh, maybe /diy/. The only shit I do outdoors is golf, rugby, and drink.

I just miss the days of Good /sp/ and Good /fit/. When OFFICIAL POWER RANKINGS roamed free and people did their fucking squats properly.

>> No.4919677

yeah, I'm not vegan, but I figured such a.product exists. I'd be skeptical that such a thing would be much healthier for you than some raw goat cheese or whatever. making cheese from veggies seems like it would require more processing and waste than from milk, but I mite b rong.

>> No.4919684


I'm honestly surprised it isn't half ">tfw no qtpt2 average Korean gf to cook for" threads already. And I watch the Ban List thingy for laughs, and /ck/ is almost never on there, and never for Feels when it is.

>> No.4919708

bans are mostly /v/ and /s/ because /v/ is a shitfest and /s/ has the most hardcore mods ever (which is rather ironic)

also this whole Meta discussion we're having should really be bannable as well as it has no place here, but I don't know how to report myself with this shitty smartphone interface.

>> No.4919709

I'm going to start a new /ck/ thread
>black beans

>> No.4919718

I figure there's at least 3 of us in this meta discussion, and I think it's fine to do it as long as there's some sort of nod to the OP topic.
and I'm pretty sure that the cheese substitute is just soy. I don't think that it is heavily processed or contains a shit ton of chemicals. But I'm a carnivorous, chemical eating whore, so it's not my area of expertise.
I've lurked here for 6 or seven years (not bragging) and there is always an obnoxious person trying to make /ck/ into their personal blog. When I first came here ppl would ride this poster relentlessly, and all they did was post the dinner that they made that night. Pink Himalayan salt.

>> No.4919739

Very intelligent, well-thought out response. I'm not your vent.

>> No.4919742

For cheese you can just use a fermented-soy substitute.

>> No.4919746

But that's what your digressive comments have made this thread to be: a vent. A soapbox for everyone's personal convictions without point or counterpoint.
Yeah, bro, that's what I was saying. I haven't tried them but I worked in a store where people would buy it (even non vegan/vegetarians) and they said it was strikingly similar to a semi-soft cheese. Melted.
Flavor-wise, well... that's another story, but I'm sure that the texture is there.

>> No.4920235
File: 117 KB, 352x259, 1269809783020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the hell is "Vitamin B" ?

>> No.4920240

I don't understand why people think that caring about animals means that you are somehow caring less about the plight of other humans. Like we have a limited amount of care that we have to dish out proportionally to everything.

>> No.4920247


>Never mind that animals had to suffer to provide most of the material goods they use.

That's a bit misleading. A lot of common goods are made using animal products, but the demand for those items has nothing to do with the death of the animals. We make tons of shit out of animal parts because the meat industry kills 10 billion land animals every year, and they aren't just going to throw away the non-meat portions of the bodies.

>> No.4920338

>vegan food

Keep on being brainwashed. Hope you all killed some animals for your PETA overlords today.

>> No.4920376


It's pretty likely that you eat 95% of the same food vegans eat, as well as flavor your meat with plants. I don't get why everyone says vegan food is bad. Most food IS vegan.

>> No.4920453

Ha, good luck trying to find non-shitty vegan cheese.
My preferred pizza has 100% veggie toppings but I'll be damned if I switch out real cheese for some questionable factory "cheese" slop.

>> No.4920454


>uses kraft mozzarella
>claims to use "real cheese"

>> No.4920456

>Survives off of pork and beans and stale pasta
>Has an opinion on food

>> No.4920458

Sage in email field isn't displayed anymore, faggot

Although, announcing sage is against the rules.

>> No.4920463

Why are there dog turds on one half? Is that still considered vegan if it came from a dog?

>> No.4920468


>literally eats his own shit out of the toilet
>getting uppity all down the sideways

>> No.4920470

>Born from Al-Qaedan parents
>Puttin on airs

>> No.4920474


>> No.4920485

>anarchy preventing them from accessing all of this food (IE Africa).


anarchy right? has nothing to do with poverty, land being tkaen away from traditional farmes etc. right? Because its not like there are people in the world that can't afford food for that reason...

>> No.4920877

>But that's what your digressive comments have made this thread to be
Not true. I'm not digressing, I'm responding to people as to clue said people in. They are responding nonsensically, irrationally, and atop a soapbox.