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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 298 KB, 2001x1501, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4917809 No.4917809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Its fucking cold outside

How make perfect Coffee?

Coffee general

>> No.4917811

Depends on the brew method(s) you've available to you right now.

>> No.4917817

you need a burr grinder. otherwise you simply cannot make good coffee. every other factor is irrelevant until you get one.

>> No.4917829
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>tfw I just have a Keurig cup coffee maker

Im lazy

>> No.4917872

Irish Coffee is only coffee nigga

>> No.4917883

Disregard coffee, acquire tea.

>> No.4917897

>buy coffee
>fill percolator with coffee and water
>apply heat

>> No.4918228

Tea doesn't keep you up when you were up all night and you have work at 6am in the morning, you pretentious fuck

>> No.4918246

> tea
> no caffeine

>> No.4918252

I didn't even say that, but are you even trying to say that tea has anywhere near the effect of coffee? Usually the teas I have make me fucking sleepy, I never brew that shit in the morning.

>> No.4918257

How severe is your brain damage Anon?

>> No.4918272

>12 Bong
Drink Tea
>1 Bong
Drink Tea
>2 Bong
Drink Tea
>3 Bong
Drink Tea
>4 Bong
Drink Tea
>5 Bong
Praise Allah

>> No.4918276

1 tablespoon each of instant coffee and white sugar. Pour boiling water. Drink.

>> No.4918278

You're not brewing tea than, you're brewing some herbal shit. Real tea has MORE caffeine than coffee.

>> No.4918280


Get some good specialty coffee from your local roaster and brew it drip. You don't have to do a pour over or whatever, you can get a great cup from a Kitchenaid or Cuisinart or whatever. Just make sure you buy a good coffee. Personally, I don't like acidic coffee with notes of passionfruit and lemongrass, I just like good, even coffee. Not over roasted.

P.S. I feel like the photographer just massively failed at taking that stock photo. Does it look dumb to anybody else?

>> No.4918284


Oh yeah, a tablespoon of coffee for every cup of water.

>> No.4918291

After having a standard Mr. Coffee drip coffee maker for years, I got a Keurig and started buying different varieties of K-cups and now my coffee experiences have greatly improved. I know I'm probably gonna get shit on for saying that here, but after drinking nothing but Folgers for years and then transitioning to Caribou/Green Mountain it's awesome.

I hear french press coffee is supposed to be really good, is this true?

>> No.4918297

God I hate Muslims.

>> No.4918316

Very fresh coffee ground as soon before brewing is by far the most important key in good coffee. Find a local roaster and get a good burr grinder. You don't have to go out and spend 300-500 dollars right off the bat for a grinder. Get a hand powered one from a brand called Hario.

The actual way to prepare coffee isn't as important as good coffee. But if you are interested in a different brewing method that isn't a terrible machine, I recommend an Aeropress. It's super easy to use and very hard to produce a bad cup of coffee on.

To be honest, you cannot get a really good cup from a machine like that. They just do not produce a good cup of coffee. But I do agree that buying fresh, whole bean coffee is by far the most important aspect of good coffee. The greatest barista in the world cannot make bad coffee good.

>> No.4918319

Don't know what you want me to fucking do then, man. I've tried pu'erh, I've tried rooibos, oolong, mate, I really love tea. It just doesn't wake me up like coffee. Also there's no need for lies, because herbal tea is real tea (shock horror)

>> No.4918328

I have never had a coffee that tasted good black. Either I have shit taste, or have never had good coffee. Educate me.

>> No.4918348

>make coffee in french press for someone
>they remark that it's weak
>I did everything correctly
>pretty sure they were just used to bitter drip-brew and associate bitterness with strength

>> No.4918419

I find pressed coffee to be both more bitter and also weaker than drip coffee, but that's only because most people that started using presses recentlyish have no idea how to utilise them properly and brew horrid coffee.

>> No.4918804

Priorities for good coffee, order from greatest to least.

>Get good beans.
If you have a local place that roasts them, (NOT Starbucks) good. Otherwise order online.

>A decent grinder.
A burr grinder will do. Grind them yourself just before you brew.

If your tap water sucks, get a filter or something.

>Measuring tools.
Doesn't hurt to be precise. Water by volume, beans by weight.

>Brewing method.
It really doesn't make that much difference. Whatever works for you, as long as it's not a keurig machine.

>> No.4918836
File: 548 KB, 1920x1080, The_Smart_Grinder_1920x1080_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought one of these for $165. They're surprisingly good and you don't have to dump 400 into it to get a respectable grind. I also bought a cheap espresso machine and I trick it into going hotter than its supposed to for a good pull.

>> No.4919077

Yes it does, you fucking mouth breather.

>> No.4919092
File: 206 KB, 600x399, turkish coffee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember OP:
only faggots filter their coffee

>> No.4919101

>utilise them properly

What do you mean? I do:

>boil water
>grind coffee
>pour coffee into press
>pour water over coffee
>let steep for 4 minutes or so
>slowly plunge

Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.4919122
File: 199 KB, 620x419, aeropress_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I roll with this bad boy and some nice locally roasted Ethiopian coffee I get from work. Unfortunately as a result of getting the coffee at 50% off from work it comes pre-ground. Meh. It still comes out delicious though, wouldn't change a thing and every night I go to bed looking forwards to getting up to a fine cuppa in the morning.

The ONLY complaint I have about this thing is that I pretty much just use it to make single cups for myself, I'm not good at figuring out how to best make 2 cups when diving up the "espresso" or whatever, so when I have a lady stay over I can't even competently offer her some nice coffee in the morning to make up for the disappointing sex.

>> No.4919135

I was reading the coffee article on gizmodo when they introduced tonx and mistobox which are online delivery services for coffee. Opinions?

>> No.4920349

not even coffee keeps me awake, I doubt tea will have any effect on me

>> No.4920364
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>I've tried rooibos, oolong
then drink black tea

>> No.4920405

yay I bought that too.

Do your beans ever get stuck?

>> No.4921133

By dry weight - once prepared tea has less caffeine than coffee.

>> No.4921157

Caffeine only will prolong the time before "getting sleepy" it will not magically make you fit. If you are already sleepy or worn out it wont do shit.

>> No.4921747

I use it to get through the mid-afternoon tired phase.

I'm normally pretty energized in the morning but when it gets around 1 or 2 I need a cup of coffee to get me out of my slump and wake me back up. Then it's easy to stay awake for the rest of the day

>> No.4921823
File: 89 KB, 265x266, dontlikeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real tea has MORE caffeine than coffee.
Oh god, you have no idea what you're drinking.

>> No.4921837

Have you tried matcha or yerba maté?

>Also there's no need for lies, because herbal tea is real tea (shock horror)
Tea specifically refers to a type of plant. That's like saying all fruits are apples because apple is the most common.

>> No.4921846

I'm literally appalled none of you fu/ck/s said espresso. Espresso is the gold standard of coffee.

>> No.4921859

Yeah, because we all have two thousand dollar makers and eight hundred dollar grinders for that actual espresso in our homes.

Espresso is bliss, but only when made properly.

>> No.4922920

Dude I have a 400 dollar press and a 250 grinder. It's not that serious.

>> No.4922939

>$650+ of machines, not counting beans
>for a drink
>not serious

I suppose you think 100k a year is middle class

>> No.4922973

>ITT: teafags ruin a good coffee thread

>> No.4922979

>$650 for coffee
>Not serious
How about you let me bum $100 and help me pay bills or gas or something instead of pissing it away in fucking coffee

>> No.4923126

Because it's not his fault you're poor.

It's yours.

>> No.4923389

lmao it is though unless ur from the midwest or another similar shithole

>> No.4923426

Coffee makes me poop a demon fetus out of my ass every time I have a cup, but I love the taste and smell too damn much. Caffeine isn't the issue since I can drink tea and energy shots without having the same effects. Is there any hope, or am I doomed to stink up bathrooms for all eternity?

>> No.4923911


>> No.4923983


Haven't had stuck beans yet. I usually don't fill the hopper very full for freshness sake.

>> No.4924307


>wake up
>take morning shit
>drive to gym
>take pre workout shit
>workout, shower, get ready for school
>drink coffee
>take monster shit that was hiding in the depths of my bowels

Feels good man.

>> No.4924313


French Press coffee is Elder God tier. Only way I drink my coffee lately.

>> No.4924314

>taking a pre workout shit
>not explosively unloading a fecal bolus in the squat rack
>not saving some for the traditional post-workout shower stall waffle stomp

>> No.4924361

>you will never try kopi luwak bean coffee

>> No.4924370


I've had it. It's just coffee. Very, very good coffee. If it didn't come from an animal's shit it wouldn't be anymore exciting than say, JBM, which is also very good but doesn't attract the ridiculous hype.

>> No.4924481

>pooping in the squat rack
>impying I want to poop while trying to break an OHP pr

>> No.4924484

>cold outside
>cold inside
>coffee goes cold in mere minutes

>> No.4924486

>6am in the morning

as opposed to 6am in the evening?

>> No.4924503

No, 6pm in the morning, you mong. Now hold on a sec while I try to remember my PIN number so I can go to the ATM machine. The LCD displays on them kill my eyes to death, so to avoid that end result, I should pack some dark tinted sunglasses. With that money, I've future plans to buy some KFC chicken and as an added bonus, treat myself to some ice cream later. If past history is any indication, dairy causes flatulence and will make me fart. I hope and pray this is not the actual case and that it's merely an unconfirmed rumour but a variety of different sources give me no safe haven on the matter. Looks like all the info I find is completely surrounded in the possible likelihood that it does.
Well, if I get the ice cream, at least it comes with a free musical gift!

>> No.4924630
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>> No.4924635

>mr coffee
>1 tablespoon foldgers per 6 oz water
> 1 shot whiskey per 6 oz cup poured.

anything else is patently homosexual

>> No.4924644

coffee into cup
hot water over it

>> No.4924670

Sorry, but you're wrong.

>> No.4924688

Not that guy and I agree with the fact that any coffee machine over 100$ is ridiculous,

but, 100k is low-mid middle class.

>> No.4924692

you absolutely, positively either do not make 100k or you live in a place where an inflated cost of living results in a salary that gives you a skewed sense of class.

100k is lower mid class in places like manhattan, maybe, but not outside of your bubble.

>> No.4926745

Ziltiod here.
Give me your universe's ULTIMATE coffee.
you have five minutes.
Make it perfect~!

>> No.4926827

La Marzocco FB80.
92°C water/9 bar/22 sec
100% arabica freshly ground coffee - 8g/cup

OHP in the squat rack? Get. Out.

>> No.4926874

even though tea has caffeine it doesn't have the same wake up effect. I can drink tea at night and still get to sleep.

>> No.4927282

It enters the bloodstream slower or something iirc

>> No.4927898

Also I forgot, apply 20kg of pressure with the tamper

>> No.4927930


Love the aeropress, check out an Able disk for better coffee plus anti-inflammatory cafestol and kahweol.

>> No.4928013

>find a local roaster
I keep seeing this but it's just not a thing where I am. Jealous of those who do have this option.

>> No.4928592

Op, just skip the step and shoot caffeine in your veins.