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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 760 KB, 752x805, mex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4916996 No.4916996 [Reply] [Original]

It's extremely unlikely that you've ever had real Mexican food. Deal with it.

>> No.4916998
File: 209 KB, 682x600, tmp_1373169036319-2063786166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to tumblr with you

>> No.4917000

Americanised mexican food is still nice.

>> No.4917003
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>> No.4917004


Thank god.

>> No.4917005
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why do you care what white people are eatin-oh that's right

you're not white

>> No.4917007
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>> No.4917008


American mexican food is better than mexican food. Deal with it.

>> No.4917009
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I don't even know the difference between spanish and mexican food. stay as mad as I am white, op!

>> No.4917010


Just like american chinese is better than actual chinese

>> No.4917022
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>Two Buck Chuck tastes as good as Cheval Blanc
>how do you know if you've never had Cheval Blanc?
>I know it in my heart because I feel it must be true!

>> No.4917026
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Ah, so your main point is food that is expensive in X region is better than cheap food in Y region, nice.

>> No.4917027


Fact real Mexican food is shit, if it weren't for America adapting the food and making it better no one would give a shit

Just like the British and Indian food

>> No.4917033

and chinese

>> No.4917036
File: 62 KB, 400x284, del.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruining another country's food makes it better

This is what Amerifats actually believe

Face it, Tex Mex is even worse than Japanese "pizza"

>> No.4917038

This is simply because it is what you are familiar with and grown to love.
I love both, I grew up eating Mex. in the U.S.
moved to Mexico and was very suprised to find the food to be so different. I love it now, too.

>> No.4917043



Because they used better ingredients at a higher quality?

Naw mate

>> No.4917049

It's extremly unlikely that you've had New Mexican food, deal with that and pray for your savior!

>> No.4917050

>"white people trying to be authentic"
>implying americans are white.

That said I really like Mexican in the US.

>> No.4917076


Mexican food: 150,000 ingredients including 20,000 kinds of maize alone. Farmers resist Monsanto frankenfoods despite mafia-style intimidation

American "mexican" food: Beef, tomatoes, onoins, jalapeño peppers, pre-shredded monterey (sic) jack cheese, and flour tortillas. All food is soaked in antibiotics and roundup

How is that better, exactly?

>> No.4917084

>Monsanto frankenfoods
While I'm for biological diversity, which they are clearly against, there's nothing wrong with those crops.

>> No.4917095

yup, people confuse their business practices with the quality of their product. If they were'nt known for being such bastards most people would have no problem with the crops.

>> No.4917096

>he's never had Japanese mayonnaise on pizza
It's like you don't want to try something on everything.

>> No.4917117

I've been to Mexico before.

>> No.4917121

You are under informed and deluded.

>> No.4917123

But I'm Mexican. Everything I eat is Mexican food.

>> No.4917148
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>there's nothing wrong with those crops.

About that

>> No.4917150

and no one gives a shit

>> No.4917152


I don't eat monsanto anymore, but I am smarter than the average iJew buying consumer

>> No.4917169

Forgetting the part where they were fed weed killer?

>> No.4917186

>muh nature

Water is a chemical.

>> No.4917192


Cool rebuttal.

>> No.4917193


>being this thick.

It's about how they interact with our bodies, dummy.

>> No.4917650

guess you dont like fajitas, taquitos, burritos, chimichangas, nachos, fish tacos, chili...the list goes on

go up to random people on the street and ask them if they have heard of or had those foods, then ask them what a tlayuda is. I would be surprised if more than 2/10 people you ask know. Nobody wants mexican shit food, there is a reason nobody eats it outside of mexico and the world looks to texmex as what mexican cuisine should be. America makes everything better.
you sure don't see them eating italian pizza around the world, you see them eating american pizza loaded up with toppings.

and fried chicken is something done everywhere in the world that has chickens but when you travel and say fried chicken its the type developed in the southern US that people around the world think of.

>> No.4917656

Gee I didn't know button mushrooms and terrible symmetrical plating were a part of authentic Mexican cuisine

>> No.4917659

>mice bred to grow tumors
yeah no shit they got tumors then

>> No.4917665

You are retarded.

>> No.4917666

>It's extremely unlikely that you've ever had real Mexican food. Deal with it.

I live in south texas. Many people here come from mexico, and I don't mean like 20 years ago, I mean like yesterday. I've had mexican food here, as well as in the south and north of mexico.

Deal with what.

>> No.4917667

I don't care, American mexican food is delicious. As is american italian and american chinese. We just improve all cuisine.

>> No.4917677

culinary authenticity is a slippery beast. is mexican food simply food made by mexicans, regardless of where they're making it? or does it have to be made in mexico? what about foods which originate from a certain geographic locale and are subsequently [re]produced in a new environment, for instance mexican sushi or french chinese food? would the former be mexican or japanese cuisine, and would the latter be french or chinese? or neither?

>> No.4917686
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YEP, had a wetback gf for about 2 years before she go tired of me and left me. Authentic mexican food is fucking delicious and i still make it myself...

>> No.4917695

>real mexican food
>salad that a three year old put together
I'll pick the American version.

>> No.4917699

A cheese and chilli burrito would probably taste better than raw mushroom and leaf salad.

>> No.4917700

cool refutation

>> No.4917703
File: 599 KB, 1296x972, IMG_3362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. There is a reason America is eating fajitas, tamales, and taquitos instead of tripe and eyeball tacos. It tastes better. I'm fine with both Mexican food and Tex Mex. And do you know how I know your white? Mexicans don't give a fuck what white people eat and all the ones I've met like Tex Mex as much as anybody else.

Also your a faggot.

>> No.4917705

I realize Mexico has a lot of regional variety, but the Mexican food in Texas is virtually identical to the one across the border in Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon: Barbacoa, bistek, piratas, trompo, enchiladas rojas, etc. This is of course Mexican food we're referring to--not texmex.

>> No.4917714

Holy shit that plate looks fucking awful

>> No.4917715

I very much prefer Mexican food for texmex. Texmex meat is good, but you can get beef just as good in northern Mexico, with the extension of dishes like cabrito. Mole and enchiladas rojas are god tier, as is cuisine from southern Mexico: purple and blue tortillas, squash flower, mushroom tacos, sweet corn tamales. Tinga good too. The yellow cheese of texmex kind of ruins stuff for me. I'd rather have enchiladas with queso fresco and i'd rather have queso chihuahua with my meat. Hell, I even prefer burgers in Mexico to burgers in America.

>> No.4917719


>> No.4917721

clearly you dont know anything about that "study", they used lab rats bred for cancer research.

you understand that it was rejected in all peer reviews right? and they were told to reproduce the results with actual rats and couldnt do it right?
and also they didnt have a control in their study at all

>> No.4917733

>white people trying to be authentic going to a mexican neighborhood to get tacos

It's like you tumblr activists think that mexicans don't open great resturants in white neighborhoods.

>> No.4917736

>you understand that it was rejected in all peer reviews right?
It was published in a peer-reviewed journal.

>> No.4917747

I'm fairly certain it was peer-reviewed into oblivion.

Next you'll be saying "reviewed by Monsanto shills".


>> No.4917748
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>tumblr activists

>> No.4917756

I think OP is saying that you guys only eat the low class Mexican food. The food you guys eat from taco trucks is like eating from a hot dog stand and thinking you've had the best food that the US can offer.

>> No.4917761

The best mexican comes in shacks.

These people are almost always recent immigrants who want to make a better lives for themselves. They go into the always risky food business, because they were great cooks back in Mexico, and they're really good at what they do, so it's a natural transitions.

So yeah, if you want really good Mexican food, go to shacks and roadside stands and food vans.

Unfortunately the really good ones make enough money to get a proper restaurant. Which is fine in and of itself, but usually over the years and years the food diminishes in quality. The original owners becoming burned out by fat white idiot Americas, asking for the mcfajitas, hold the spices, extra ketchup, with a side of fries.

>> No.4917764

>Monsanto is against biodiversity

Can't you argue the same thing about any seed company?

>> No.4917768

I blame Food Network and "reality" food television. They have elevated food trucks to some kind of foodie bullshit level.

>> No.4917769
File: 106 KB, 600x449, MEXICO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread inspired me to cook some authentic Mexican food in honor of OP.

Nacho Doritos, black beans from a can, avocado FROM MEXICO, and Pace picante sauce.


>> No.4917780

looks like shit you'd see at a restaurant

missing the rice and meat, also the bowl is all wrong

>> No.4917781

>The original owners becoming burned out by fat white idiot Americas, asking for the mcfajitas, hold the spices, extra ketchup, with a side of fries.

Yawn. There's three family owned Mexican restaurants within 10 miles of me that have been in operation, with the same families, for at least 20-25 years (or more). The only people that ever order non-traditional fare are children.

>> No.4917788


i'm mexican and my stupid baby cousins only eat fries and nuggets

i want to kill their parents

>> No.4917792

and I'll bet their "authentic" mexican food tastes like shit

the same lousy tacos and burritos and chimichangas, served up on the same plate of rice and refried beans that have been sitting in the oven for hours. Served with that little bit of shredded lettuce, and a little bit of shredded cheese on top of the beans.

>> No.4917803

>implying i'm not mexican

kek try posting in a food thread on /int/. The only thing mexicans post is tacos al pastor.

>> No.4917804

Is this what color blind people think ice cream with toppings looks like?

>> No.4917840

>has to debase something he has never even seen let alone tasted

Why so negative? Why even post at all?

>> No.4917846

that's a lie, it was published by natural news

>> No.4917873

>tfw I'm at a family reunion and my baby cousins ask my tias to order pizza instead of letting them cook like they offered. Feels like getting cockblocked.

>> No.4917884

Step forward and say HELL NO, you eat pizza all the time, we're having FAMILY food today.

Don't be a pussy. STEP UP.

>> No.4917887

Yeah cos what poor people eat isn't real food, you smarmy white tumblrite piece of shit.

Get out of here you pissant faggot

>> No.4917893

You fucking idiotic tumblr faggots were the same imbeciles that told the butcher to throw away all of the fajita because that was garbage, and the butcher just took it home.

Fuck off >>4916996 Also Mexico City is trash.

>> No.4917902


The place I go to is owned by a family originally from Oaxaca. Their "authentic" ceguesa is to die for. Sometimes I pick up a half gallon of it on the way home from work and have dinner for a couple nights.

Do you always talk out of your ass like this? I'm not sure if you're just an angry kid with an axe to grind or you're just really fucking stupid.

>> No.4917904

I've never seen the word tumblr samefagged so many times in one thread before. what's up with that?

>> No.4917907

The same person has been fagging up other threads with that shit too.

>> No.4917911

i think it is. there are all sorts of questions about space, identity, and use of natural resources wrapped up in how food gets made, who makes it, and where it comes from.

>> No.4917918

Place near me serves them either way and is open late

>eat 2 simple pork, cilanto, onion, lime tacos before a night of drinking
>eat a big ass steak chimichanga loaded with cheese and beans afterwards.

>> No.4917920

Btw does anyone here know how to make corn tortillas from scratch?

all mine do is cake and fall apart...my ex made it look so easy!

>> No.4917940

It sounds like you aren't adding enough water.

They are simple to make. Just have a hot pan and don't flip too early.

>> No.4917981

it's like I'm really in a first year hyphenated studies seminar!

>> No.4917997

Basically in Arizona all Chinese food is cooked by Mexicans.
> what does that make it?

>> No.4918028



>> No.4918058
File: 161 KB, 750x498, hamburguesas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Mexico has hipsters who spend their days debating which food carts serve the most authentic American cuisine. "They use real high fructose corn syrup in their ketchup!" "As if, José! It isn't even made by gringos."

>> No.4918192
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Pic related
>muh chorizo

>> No.4918239
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>> No.4918783

nope, they don't. And almost all ketchup in Mexico is all HFCS. The Heinz and Hunts is fucking gormet compared to any mexican brand, which is all that any food stand or restaurant has. It is literally red syrup

>> No.4918785


I'm somehow okay with this.

brb, TacoBell.

Haha, just joking, I'm not in the mood for splatterbombs. I'm going to PennStation

>> No.4918790

Given HFCS costs more than sugar in Mexico because it's not ridiculously subsidized like in the US, why exactly would the cheap brands there use a more expensive sweetener? Heinz doesn't use real sugar in Mexican (or Australian or Canadian or European) ketchup to be "fancy," they use it because it's cheaper than HFCS in most places in the world.

>> No.4919006

>Given HFCS costs more than sugar in Mexico because it's not ridiculously subsidized like in the US
You're not wrong, and this is veering wildly off-topic, but that's only half of the equation. Sugar imports to the US are also ridiculously tariffed thanks to the efforts of American Sugar Refining (parent of Domino, C&H, and all other major American cane sugar brands), and domestic sugar prices are ridiculously high due to price supports that guarantee high prices regardless of market conditions.

>> No.4919031

sorry, did i disturb your mental somnolence?

>> No.4919036

OP is Gordon Ramsay. Hide it and don't reply to it.

>> No.4919039

>I'm more clever than everyone

Your college first year is showing again.

>> No.4919043


Interestingly enough, there is an inverse relationship between likelihood I've had real Mexican food and diarrhea.

>> No.4919047
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>> No.4919051

>Big words are threatening

>> No.4919060


You're funny. Do your parents get annoyed with you when you come home for winter break, or are you not there for long enough?

>> No.4919061
File: 89 KB, 640x395, mongo-pawn_in_game_of_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mongo liek werds but know is just pawn in game of life

>> No.4919098

>actually thinking he ever moved out of his parent's house

>> No.4920464
File: 125 KB, 799x398, TresHombresCenterfold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had "Real" Mexican food and its repulsive! nothing but goat meat, cheese and milk, blood and fish. Mexican food didn't become Epic until it can to the US. Especially Cali and Texas So go fuck your self.
Pic related
American Mexican food among the greatest on Earth.

>> No.4920476


>second image
>everything is in Spanish
>implying it's not authentic

Get fucked nerd, most of those places are run by people who hopped the border within the past decade and are catered to other immigrants. There's a reason why their signs and menus are all in Spanish with no English translations available.

It's as Mexican as you're going to get. Get assmad all you want, but the shit they serve there is every bit as Mexican as food you'll find in Oaxaca.

>> No.4920630

You're right. I spent a week in Mexico City and ate nothing but American take out.

>> No.4920666

authenticity is rarely a good thing

>> No.4920670

Mexico is a big fucking country and not all the food is the same.


>> No.4920682

LAfag here

This thread made me hungry for some dollar tacos from the food trucks on Alameda

Tried the tripas taco the other day
It was bambi

>> No.4920696

that's rich coming from someone who probably calls it owacksacka.

>> No.4920706

Sprague-Dawley rats (the ones in your pic) are extremely susceptible to BACKGROUND RADIATION.

They're used to test cancer medicine, since they have a cancer rate of about 65% in the population in real-world normal conditions.

Even with perfect care in a controlled lab, it's 45%.

>> No.4920725

Tripas is disgusting though, the worst taco you can get. Barbacoa master race.

>> No.4920729
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>mfw eating a beef tongue torta from a truck outside the bar I frequent

>> No.4920855
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1280, chile_peppers_1294297200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Mexican food is the best kind of Mexican food.
Deal with it.

>> No.4920917

I've been to Saltillo for work a few times, so I have had authentic. No rice or beans in sight, but endless salsas. Also they love their beef down there. Every restaurant has massive steaks and that's also where I've had the best brisket I've ever tasted. My co-workers hate going down there, but I don't mind because the food is so good. And my head is still attached to my neck so it's all good.

>> No.4920935
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>mexicans still try to pretend there's an "authentic" and "ideal" side to their shithole country

It's such a joke. Your entire nation tries to flee here, and you sit on your minority pedestal built by white people trying to educate us on why YOUR country is still better and pure. I bet you live in America too.

Face it horatio alger, america took your irrelevant culture and made it better.

>> No.4920952

i agree tripas is not top tier but barbacoa is utter shit tier. Chicharon is top tier and lengua is a close second

>> No.4920957

actually net migration from mexico is negative now. the us is over.

>> No.4921335

most based

>> No.4921346

love the freshness right

>> No.4921376

had my share honestly was not impressed

>> No.4921429

>I had the rare chance to experience something new and foreign in a place I maybe haven't been to before or wont be back to, but opted for the same old shit I always get at home.

Boring and lame of you. Live a little, dude.

>> No.4921434

I understand your subtle frustration, but surely you've talked shit about murrka, while willingly disregarding the great things they have to offer as well.

>> No.4921975

yes, and on top of that if you actually, well not you, the guy you're replying to, read the full article it shows tumor tendencies actually drop for the mice that had most glyphosate compared to the ones that had a middle dose, also their sample size is waaay too small.
beef tongue is true panacea
hehe, as a mexican in mexico I will vouch against it, you can ask all the people I know and not even a 5% want to go to the gringo, sorry to bust your bubble but I'm sure you would notice if 150 million of us beaners were to show up
Tripa, when taken from a good young cow for example tripita de leche is god tier, probably difficult to find, and good barbacoa is very insanely good, but I guess getting a decent mixiote with care taken in the sauce is difficult too, even here, also you should try the consomé if your stand sells it.

oh and gringo I have this thing that's been bugging me for a while, what's up with Iowa, Is it cool there? I don't know why I think it would be a nice place to visit. So yeah, what do you think.

>> No.4922775

I'm Mexican and so is my family and as a fellow Mexican you can go fuck off.

>> No.4922790

There's nothing wrong with tripe! I have easy access to authentic Vietnamese food, and you know that my pho has all of the smooth muscle and tendons I can eat in one sitting.

On the other hand, I would punch your mother in the face for a mole chicken dinner. I know it's been changed, but it is still delicious.

>> No.4922795


You do know that being published in a journal is just barely the beginning of the peer-review process, right? Right. You do know that.
I'm glad we're on the same page here, anon, and you don't need to be completely educated in how the scientific community works.

>> No.4922800


But hot dog stands/carts are some of the most authentic, US-style food you can find. Not to say it's god-tier cuisine or something, but it's a very US variety of food. Just like cheap, traditionally-prepared Mexic- I just got trolled, didn't I?

>> No.4922804
File: 17 KB, 350x233, french_laundry350x233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's extremely unlikely that you've ever had real American food. Deal with it

>> No.4922810


>being pedantic about imagined mispronunciations
>thinking you're special for being able to pronounce Mexican proper nouns

Tell us how he pronounces other Mexican states, anon! :)

>> No.4922812

Actually, I have. Sage.

>> No.4922856

>real mexican food

Like the Mexican Hairless dog, or beans, squash, maize, chillies, tomatoes, limes, cashews, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, chocolate, turkey, etc.

Or do you mean the Spanish influenced, "real" Mexican food?