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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4913753 No.4913753[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dumping Ronnie's Burgers pictures.

>> No.4913756
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>> No.4913761
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>> No.4913763

For some reason he actually looks like a KKK member.

>> No.4913765


Mad nigger/libtard. Gb2 reddit.

>> No.4913767

>he looks like what I would picture a KKK member in my mind based on the agenda I've been fed


>> No.4913773

Are you always like this?

>> No.4913796

Any backstory, Google is giving me nothing.

>> No.4913803
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>His name was Ronnie Paulson

>> No.4913808


Dude posted earlier today a pic of a burger from his father's burger joint. Dude's mouth wrote checks that the burger clearly couldn't cash. Dude complained about chimps niggering up the joint. A somewhat reserved degree of hilarity ensued.

>> No.4913811

I've watched /b/ ruin a million girl's lives, yet this inspires more hate for 4chan for me than anything. God fucking dammit guys.

>> No.4913804

KKK member shot a black guy in his own restaurant then posted it on /ck/.

He has now been arrested.

>> No.4913805

Oh god, I love it. Keep doing what you do, OP.

>> No.4913814

SCEAK! I've missed you bray!

>> No.4913829

more like 4chan hatred of all thing nigger inspired these gag images that are meant to be taken out of context.

then anti-pol faggots getting butthurt as usual try to ruin everyone's fun.

>> No.4913832



>> No.4913839


>> No.4913838

OP is a butthurt and black
Prove me wrong

>> No.4913840

Nobody's being racist but Ronnie.

>> No.4913844

>Dude's mouth wrote checks that the burger clearly couldn't cash.
what does this even mean

>> No.4913846

You can sue people in the US for recognizing a black man as a black man.

>> No.4913847

I hear ya bro. /ck/ has been my home and comfort board for a long time now, I've never seen this happen on here. Its changed alot but when people say its gone to shit I've always said that it isn't all that different, just faster now. This whole thing sort of opened my eyes. It really has gotten pretty bad here.

>> No.4913852

he talked up the burgers but they didn't live up to what he said

the pictures were also low quality

>> No.4913853

I've probably been coming to /ck/ for just as long as you have. This dude was trying to market his burgers by attempting to appeal to the presumed racist bent on 4chan. I made a couple images in paint making fun of the restaurant. Boo fucking hoo.

>> No.4913854
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>> No.4913857

All he said was black.

>> No.4913863

I didn't want to go to ronnies before, but I sure as he'll do now.

>> No.4913866

the fact that he pointed out the race when it had nothing to do with the story is what makes it racist, it doesn't matter that they were black

>> No.4913869

You mean all you said.

>> No.4913875

How is that racist?

>> No.4913876


We all know what he meant.

>> No.4913872

He also said he's not racist he just enjoys racial humor. Did you not read the whole thread?
You're whats wrong with this board.

>> No.4913881

You're the one who can't laugh at an obviously humorous joke. Also, stop talking about yourself in third person.

>> No.4913878

but that's racism. if you don't care that's fine, but no point in trying to change the definition of words.

>> No.4913883


>> No.4913882

noun: racist;plural noun: racists

a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

It's funny because you're changing the definition of the words.

>> No.4913888

>"we don't often get blacks in our restaurant, but today we did, and boy did they misbehave"
>not racist

>> No.4913889

What's with all the Nazi/KKK shit, I thought the guy was just racist? Is this some sort of epic meme bullshit?
> he says he's not racist he just enjoys racial humor
Racism is not self-identification, most racism today is not actually conscious at all.
I don't know why people are springing on Ronnie since he's not really any more racist than your average 4chan user.

>> No.4913891

>this much liberal/retard butthurt

Oh my god, he said black? He laughed at a nigger joke? CALL THE PRESS!!!

Holy shit I hate the hypocrite PC crowd that actually moves race relations back by deigning what's normal as racist and playing on white guilt, victim complexes, and making thin skin the norm.

Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.4913897

Not even him. It was his "son."

>> No.4913898

I just thought it was funny.

>> No.4913893

How is it racist?

>> No.4913899

Fuck off, /pol/.
You dumb fucks are being overdramatic like usual. The OP that created that thread wasn't even being racist.

>> No.4913902

no he wasn't racist, that was the whole joke.behind the images

>> No.4913903

i don't give a single fuck about whether it's "racist" or not, it's just funny that someone would be dumb enough to try and advertise their burger joint with racial humor in the year of our lord 2013

>> No.4913904

(I did too, didn't mean to quote you, just the rest of the faggots who derailed this thread)

>> No.4913914

Nah, he just made a thread. How are you going to market burgers from Wichita on a board that hardly anybody goes to? And those images were funny as fuck if the OP pic is your work.

My problem is getting the dudes dad involved and bringing this to Facebook. The racism was fine, the funny pictures were fine, it was all good fun until some particular asshole decided to make our little /ck/ thread known to the rest of the world.

Honestly I wouldn't have given out as much personal info as OP and you are taking a risk anytime you give away that much information on here, but still. Back in the day this wouldn't have happened.

Good luck OP, I enjoyed your thread for the most part.

>> No.4913920

yeah the menu didn't look too bad, I saw somethings I wanted to try for sure

>> No.4913921
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>Wichita Falls
>not learning from Rippetoe himself and bulking on these burgers

>> No.4913924

That's why you never advertise on 4chan, no matter what board it is.

>> No.4913922


I don't think he was actually in the Klan though. Thought he just hung around some Klansmen and was a white supremacist.

>> No.4913928

or you can do it and not give a fuck about the consequences

>> No.4913929

No problem.
I just hope no one gets the wrong Idea.
If anyone sees it I'll just take the blame.
Everyone knows I'm not racist.
As I stated 50x times in that thread.
I just hope my father dosen't have to see it.
He's way too stressed to have to deal with that.
And he was pretty happy I told him some people thought his food looked good and was looking at his website.
Sorry for thinking this board was on a higher level than /b/
Also my "9/10" brother says thanks.

>> No.4913930


Ronnie and his son. It was his son that brought that shit here.

>> No.4913935

>most racism today is not actually conscious at all

Your average leftist, everyone.
>acknowledge someone's race?
>DAS RAYCISS (unless the subject is white, then he's literally Satan)

>> No.4913936


>using the term "uppity" to describe black customers
>not racist

>> No.4913944

Its still on a higher level than /b/, its gotten bad though. As little as a year ago this wouldn't have happened. I don't even mind the fast food, ramen, chili, and steak threads. Those have been around for years, a /ck/ tradition. This place has gotten straight up hostile though lately. So much /b/ and /pol/. Shitposting has its place and can be funny, after a certain point it isn't even funny though, it just sucks.

>> No.4913946

Being uppity is not restricted to one race, or even species. My dogs get "uppity" all the time, it's not a racial slur.

>> No.4913947

Comparing blacks to dogs.
Look whos the racist.

>> No.4913949


From the Wiktionary page for the word:
>Be careful about using this in interracial situations: Americans used this to describe black people whom they considered not submissive and subservient enough.

Check it if you think I made that up.

>> No.4913951

You laugh at first, but then this bizarro view becomes mainstream, and it isn't funny anymore.

It's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.4913959

Well in 30 years of life I have never heard that definition or heard it used in that context. Uppity just means getting excited or unruly. I don't doubt your quoted definition, but I do question whoever wrote it because "Americans" don't all use it that way. Maybe in some parts of the south or something, but nowhere I've lived have I heard it like that.