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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 353 KB, 1200x900, whitetrash1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4913216 No.4913216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

O-Okay, H-here I go.

I made a thread earlier asking about cube steak and it turns out that frying it is the only answer. Lots of faggots in there, btw. >>4912909

So instead of shoving the meat up my ass with olive oil, I am going to cook it. Behold the ingredients.

-cheap pork sausage
-crude steaks
-no paprika, it tastes like apricot and adds no spice
-some other shit i dunno

We're doing it fucking live, yo. Shit's gonna be fun on a bun.

>> No.4913221

vegetable oil. Get it right faggot. but since youre actually going to contribute some oc, good luck op, keep us updated

>> No.4913228

Shop right and you'll always save, anon.

>> No.4913230
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Heh, no smokey apartment for me tonight

Anyways, for the biscuits I was relived that I didn't have to grease the pan. I can't remember how long this shit was in my cupboard. There is a clear and very sticky layer of ...like plastic over the lard. Odd.

>> No.4913240


fry the steak in the Crisco
FRY the steak in the CRISCO

>> No.4913257
File: 228 KB, 1200x900, whitetrash4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told olive oil is the way to go.

First, the gravy. It involves meat.

>> No.4913261
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and biscuits.

God bless whoever invented canned biscuits

>> No.4913310
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>electric stove

>> No.4913342
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Like I give a fuck. Also, I was Zeke the plumber not whatever the fuck that was.

Here we brown the sausage and garlic.

>> No.4913358
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>into olive oil

>> No.4913379


Look at how much disappoint is in that grandpa's eyes.

>> No.4913391
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Oops, some fell onto the floor. But it's not too dirty.

>> No.4913406

>so so horny right now

>> No.4913411
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Nah, looks fine.

>Into the pan it goes

>> No.4913416
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Oh, it's cooking up nice now guys. This is making my whole apartment smell like pork and spice. Much better than the vomit smell left over from the halloween party.

>> No.4913433
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Biscuits away. Goddamn, I am getting a little drunk here.

>> No.4913439
File: 204 KB, 1200x900, 100_1796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, sauage is done. Time to add the flour and shit.

>Fuck, I got shitall over the place taking this pic. I can literally slide around on the kitchen floor now

>> No.4913442

Whats wrong with that? Olive oil has a very high smoke point.

>> No.4913443
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Good Jesus, that oven.

>> No.4913449
File: 207 KB, 1200x900, 100_1797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Pilk, the shit's still workin 'innit.

Add some whole cream and start stirring like mad. Goddamn there is a mess in here now, shit is leaking over the side and all over the floor. I shoulda got some paper towels.

>> No.4913458
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Dump the pig meat back in, drink, stir, like tears in rain.

>> No.4913465

im not sure i can handle cooking this american

everything is a mess, everything looks dirty and greasy

no fucking thank you sir

>> No.4913467


srs question: OP you're cooking naked with your robe wide open while drinking heavily, right?

>> No.4913471

>vomit smeared housecoat
Oh god no, it's worse than i thought.

OP is my dad.

>> No.4913473


>drinking heavily

Chose two.

>> No.4913476


I choose robe and naked.

>> No.4913484
File: 305 KB, 1200x900, 100_1800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait til you see the finished product. Also, I take some offense that cooking greasy and dirty is somehow 'American'.

I mean, you can't argue with results, look how well this sausage gravy is coming along!
C'mon, bro

>> No.4913488
File: 261 KB, 1200x900, 100_1801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naked while being robed is not naked, and yes, I have been drinking heavily... MOTHER.

Anyways, I don't see why that's an issue. Most great men did their shit blind drunk an naked like Imhotep and shit.

Oh my GOD, look how perfect this gravy came out. Can you smell it /ck/, can you taste it?!?

Tastes like something palatable. Oh yeah.

>> No.4913490


simply wearing a robe, yet having your junk hanging free and exposed to the world is hardly clothed.

>> No.4913496

It's more clothed than naked.

>> No.4913498


The man is in his castle. You gay son?

>> No.4913506
File: 227 KB, 1200x900, 100_1802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an edgy way to cook. Jesus fuck am I getting ripped though. I would recommend the robe but not the whiskey. I spelled that right, faggot.

Oh shit, the biscuits are done! Look hoe well they turned out. Like dimes, nigga! DIMES

>> No.4913508

Is there going to be a gun in the picture at the end? What is the shtick for this guy's posts, I forget…?

>> No.4913514
File: 279 KB, 1200x900, 100_1803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you're talking about, pal. I gave up on the chicken fried steak and stuck with biscuits and gravy instead. I couldn't help it, shit smelled so good I had to.

Will pick up tomorrow with the steaks after I sober up a little and get some rest. See you then, neighbors.

>> No.4913566

no. no it doesn't

>> No.4913622

yes it do

>> No.4913645


lol faggot show us the clip; bet u a dollar its airsoft

>> No.4913654
File: 19 KB, 120x120, 120px-Bisasam_Traumwelt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2015 minus 3 plus 1
>not being able to spot a real gun

>> No.4913691

Are you fucking serious? It's a WASR-10 Romanian AK-47 with full wood furniture, 30 round magazine, and old-school cut-away stock. That shit is legit as it gets.

>> No.4913994

not... dead...

>> No.4914022
File: 157 KB, 511x362, Photos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread until you shoved your male insecurities into it.

>> No.4914026

>celebrating having a WASR-10

>> No.4914034

>male insecurities
>muh chillins!

How does it feel to have the mindset of a mindless housewife?

>> No.4914041
File: 29 KB, 293x399, propane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mah cis privilege

>> No.4914045

>placing your firearm in pictures of your food is totally the sign of a mature and secure male


>> No.4914055

>firearm ownership makes you immature/insecure

Next tell me the psychological implications of having your cat in your pictures, or wads of cash. It's called fun, anon. You remember fun, right?

>> No.4914063

Wow sounds like so much fun!

>> No.4914078
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>> No.4914141

judging others fun makes you a shit head

>> No.4914228

How has OP not passed out yet?

>> No.4914692

I did. I started watching police academy movies and woke up on the couch several hours later. I'll get to the chicken fried steak in a while but I need to sleep a bit more. Try to guess which gun I'll place in the last photo to compensate for my threatened manhood!

>> No.4914899
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The liquor store opens in 4 minutes. Are you ready for some country shit steak?!?!

>> No.4914903
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Get cooking

>> No.4914922
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Look how nice an clean the kitchen is! Time to cook. Back after a liquor run.

>> No.4914926

Your posts made me hungry and Chicken fried steak is my fav
Do it ffor the hungry niggas

>> No.4914929
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It is with considerably diffidence that I attempt to address you, knowing full my own incompetency, understanding that your well and highly evolved mind would not be merely entertained by the address of a navy seal, but must regardless inquirer your reconsideration of board, as the current state of your dwellings permits considerable risk of condemnation. It is quite evident that your capabilities permit you a status some amount below the line of poverty, and it is understandable that under such circumstances one must take allowances, but once one's home (considered his castle) becomes so entrenched in filth it makes it appear you live on a farm in the American Midwest circa 1930, some amount of civility needs to be achieved, less National Geographic asks to film your dwellings for a new episode of "Taboo."

>> No.4914931

>that oven

It's a ghastly anachronism but I like it.

>> No.4914937


DUDE...I've been waiting for over a day for this shit and now I'm not even hungry any more....who am I kidding, I'm always hungry. Get with the fuk'in CFS

>> No.4914941


Your mom's going to kick your ass when she gets back from church, for cleaning up after your messy-ass.

>> No.4914966
File: 360 KB, 1200x900, 100_1807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's that fag talk again.


It ain't sunday, nigga and she is dead as fuck.


But yes, let's begin.

>> No.4914978

I'm so happy you're back. Get cooking, OP!

>> No.4914987
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Okay, first to bread the steaks the proper way.

...What the fuck?

>> No.4914994
File: 233 KB, 1200x900, 100_1811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a fucking bug in my flour. That's just fucking perfect. I combed through the rest looking for more, but only found him. I suppose the eggs are extra protein.

Fuck it.

>> No.4914999
File: 139 KB, 1200x900, 100_1812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God... DAMN it. Those are farm eggs from a redneck friend and those shells have definitely not been washed.

This is not going well at all. I need to have a shot and a smoke and contemplate my place in the world.

>> No.4915000


srs'ly, another bottle of shitty whiskey...rly?

>> No.4915022

I got you, OP

>> No.4915053

that's not a "choose two" situation dumbass

>> No.4915063
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Are you okay, OP?

>> No.4915064


You filthy animal, why is everything in your crib disgusting?

>> No.4915069
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Nigga, I don't drink it for the taste.

Thanks, I'll check into that later.

But first we ready the oils. Not olive oil. I was warned of an early and smokey death if I did that. Only good ole vegetable oils.

>> No.4915076
File: 314 KB, 1200x900, 100_1824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no. I got burns from throwing these things into the oil. I smeared some butter on my arms so it should turn out alright.

Just glad I wasn't wearing my precious robe.

>> No.4915077


nooooooo, you fggt...cook it in the crisco DAMMIT.

>> No.4915080

You would have been protected if you were wearing your wizard robe you fool!

>> No.4915084

>OP smears butter on his burns to heal them
>OP confirmed for some kind of butter golem/lard atronach

>> No.4915089

>butter golem

now we just need to find a waffle wizard and syrup nymph and we got us a breakfast party.

>> No.4915090
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This fries the steak.

>> No.4915092
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You have no fucking idea how hard it was to turn these fuckers. I learned to turn them onto each other to minimize splash back. My kitchen floor is awash in scalding oils.

>> No.4915093

Why have you used so much oil?

>> No.4915111





>> No.4915117
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What are you. stupid or something?

Also, to those thinking I live in squalor, I'll have you know that the rest of the place is very clean. I woke up to see that I did the laundry drunk and was honestly surprised that happened. Shirts were on hangers, socks and underwear were in the drawers and everything. I am such a neat person it is fucking ridiculous.

I even recycle my bottles.

>> No.4915124
File: 216 KB, 1200x900, 100_1818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how clean I recycle shit, yo.

>> No.4915128


are you.. are you howtobasic? why are you wearing pants?

>> No.4915130
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Yo, I tried. I can only imagine the burns if I boiled that shit in a shallow pan when it got splashed all over me. It was reasoned compromise, and the fact that my skin isn't sloughing off my arms is okay with me.

Consider the result.

>> No.4915134

I don't know what you're talking about and I wore pants because I had to go to the liquor store a while back.

>> No.4915142

i find it strange that you do not know the name of our god...


>> No.4915169
File: 213 KB, 1200x900, 100_1826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking wow. I now have a new godhead to pray to.

Anyways, here the money shot. I'm off to the record store.

>> No.4915174

OP delivers!

>> No.4915182

i think we should dedicate the rest of this thread to our lord and saviour howtobasic

the man who taught me cooking

>> No.4915183
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Yeah, only took two days.

Wait, I forgot something.

>> No.4915240
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Got a nice record, Jazz at the NY Jazz quartet in nipville, or some such nonsense. I love walking down main street, the sights and scenes are above reproach.

Forgot my last pic.

Also, chill on this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6LzxNsMZ-c

>> No.4915245


you had most of the right ingredients so I'm guessing it tasted ok, but man, does that look like shit.

>> No.4915253

It tasted like vicotry sir.

But to be honest, I should have scored and pounded the steaks a bit and seasoned the flour. The sausage gravy came out fucking excellent though, and I'll thank you not to besmirch it's name, faggot.

>> No.4915255

Dear lord, OP, I think we have the same/similar ghetto ass mini-stove. Mine came with this cheap ass apartment, and has a manufacture date in the late 60s. I checked the model number with GE and they don't simply no longer make it, they don't even keep the manual on file anymore. It's a piece of shit, and everything that goes in the oven burns. I'm sorry.

>> No.4915263

I never had a problem with it. I honestly can't understand why people here have difficulty cooking with whatever is available. I made mushroom spaghetti with meatballs over a fucking open camp fire last week for fuck sake. It is not that hard.

I think it's because you people are so damn hung up on precise measures that you forget everything else. But yeah, my oven is a piece of shit but it works and I love it.

>> No.4915336
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So, how did I do? I heard some faggot say it looked horrible, and another proclaim that he wanted more.

Be the judge, the jury, and decider. Do it.

>> No.4915394

I love how brainwashed and emasculated the European population of 4chan is. They're even afraid of firearms, what a bunch of children.

>> No.4915398

>They're even afraid of firearms, what a bunch of children.
Gee whenever there is a shooting in America you guys seem to be pretty terrified of each other.

Not to mention you guys voluntarily gave up many freedoms following 9/11. 3,000 or so lives was all it took to fold over? Keep thinking your population is strong and against a government state lol

>> No.4915401

>Gee whenever there is a shooting in America you guys seem to be pretty terrified of each other.


Those shootings always seem to conveniently happen in 'gun free zones'


Those people yelling and screaming are called 'ambulance chasers' its how they make their money.

>> No.4915402

No one was talking about Europe or America. Are you having a bad day? Need to take a break from /ck/ for a bit and calm down?

>> No.4915404

Why would you love your oven if it is a piece of shit? Do you really mean you are used to it?

>> No.4915405

>Those shootings always seem to conveniently happen in 'gun free zones'

It's a conspiracy, muh fast and furious. The government is too weak and stupid to implement a health care system equivalent to other first world countries, but it's strong and clever enough to blow up the world trade center and have no one find out. Also Jews.

>> No.4915406

I'm sorry, my feathers get all ruffled whenever I have to read text written by jealous, feminized Europeans.

>> No.4915409

You realize you would probably be as patriotic if you were born in another country, right?

>> No.4915412

Your government shut down because of healthcare and a bunch of corporate lobbyists disguised as populist yahoos.

No one is jealous of American anymore. Enjoy your slow decline.


- Norway, better than America by virtually all metrics

>> No.4915416

>Norway, better than America by virtually all metrics

Except GDP.

And Military.

The only two things that actually matter.

>> No.4915420

>Except GDP.
lol maybe you should check the figures first...

>And Military.
>The only two things that actually matter.
How has the military made your life better? I see the military industrial complex propaganda has done its job well.

>> No.4915421

OP here. Guns are cool but you need to chill the fuck out on the whole
>muh 2nd amendment rights
bullshit. No one is taking our fucking guns. Clinton couldn't do it, and now it's a dead issue.

Also, yes. Europoors are all fagits. Except for poland.

>> No.4915422


Norway is #3 GDP PPP per capita. USA is #7

Fittingly, America ranks alongside to the PRC and Saudi Arabia in terms of military spending per citizen.

>> No.4915426

>The only two things that actually matter.
When you grow up and raise a family you will see life very differently.

>> No.4915428
File: 54 KB, 345x577, GDP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GDP Per Capita

Per capita doens't matter, shithead.

You're country is so fucking irrelevent, it's not even in the top 10.

California alone is a bigger influence than you.

>> No.4915432

The Norwegians are nearly as insular and isolated as the Americans. They have money, but it's a boring, frigid place full of boring, frigid people and boring, frigid food.

>> No.4915434

>needing handouts from the government to function

Maybe if you grew up, and grew some hair on your chest you could provide for wife and baby with your own sweat like us real red-blooded americans do. A hard days' work is its own reward, just like a fine ass home cooked meal is always worth the effort.

>> No.4915442
File: 7 KB, 255x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're country is so fucking irrelevent, it's not even in the top 10.

Actually my country (USA) is in the top 10.

People like you are why this country is going to hell.

>> No.4915450

>Another American who hates America

Why don't you move to Norway then?

Oh wait that's right.

Beers are 10 dollars and a Big Mac is 7 dollars. It's meaningless to have such a high GDP per capita when everything is twice as expensive.

>> No.4915465
File: 133 KB, 345x329, republicunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big macs are a measure of quality of life

You're joking, right?

>> No.4915466

No, but they are a measure of relative spending power of a currency weighted against the dollar.

>> No.4915470

Oddly enough, the Brits do in fact use them that way.


>> No.4915475


The big mac index is ironic. Do you even read the economist or is it just something your high school econ teacher taught you about?

>> No.4915478

I don't think you understand what the word 'irony' means.

>> No.4915483

That's insulting to Americans. Take it back.

>> No.4915490


I understand it just fine. There's a lot of tongue in cheek humor in that magazine, which is flying way over your head.

>> No.4915494
File: 17 KB, 486x359, hwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be OP
>see the thread finally take off
>only because it's nationalist thread-shitting
>disagree with the American nationalists
>despise the anti-American Europeans

>I just wanted to cook some chicken fried steak with sausage gravy, not start an international pissing match

>> No.4915507
File: 78 KB, 869x589, one-hour-photo-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something can't be funny and true at the same time

>> No.4915511

>implying America isn't insular and isolated

>> No.4915514
File: 15 KB, 351x249, freedom-fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never said the numbers were made up, but if you don't see why it's funny that a british magazine is using the price of a mcdonalds burger as an international economic benchmark, you're beyond hope.

>> No.4915515
File: 85 KB, 1162x850, 1341424580235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insular? Most likely.

Isolated? Man, where the fuck have you been for the last decade?

>> No.4915518

I'm agreeing with you.

It's funny.

It's also a great indicator for the purchasing power of a local currency :)

>> No.4915537

In the US, actually. Got my first place and moved here about 10 years ago. Yes: Americans are insular and isolated.

>> No.4915539


By the same logic, the US dollar is shit because I can't buy as much cat shit coffee here as I could with rupiah.

>> No.4915544

Don't get me wrong, though! I like America/ns. I don't like Norway/egians.
But there's no denying that most of you are really insular and that your populace is completely isolated from any culture other than your own.

>> No.4915547

Civet coffee is a delicacy, it's price is based on culture rather than actual cost.

The Big Mac is usually sold at cost, and then the money is made on the overpriced drinks and french fires. That's why it is an economic indicator.

>> No.4915548

...no... that's not even close to being a comparable analogy.

>> No.4915549

We're not insular, we just don't give a shit about indians, get over yourselves and do remember that you're here and not the other way around.

You suck writing code too.

>> No.4915556

Not from India.
Don't write code.
Nice try, though.
Like I said, I like America/ns. No need to be so defensive on the internet, Anon. There's no need. There's none.
You're still insular and isolated, though.

>> No.4915559
File: 47 KB, 514x368, hardcore_dark_souls_player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mcdonalds is an exotic foreign delicacy in some countries too.

>> No.4915557


Mcdonalds is an exotic foreign delicacy in some countries too. The big mac index is nothing more than an amusing exercise and an editorial tradition. The economist has had all kinds of serious articles about how measuring quality of life is complicated. Try reading it some time.

>> No.4915560

That means so much from someone who thinks coffee in the first place is a delecacy, then coffee shat out by a fucking civet is even more of a delecacy. GTFO! Go stab yourself in one of your eyes with a rusty fork, that'll leave you one to see the errors of your ways.

>> No.4915568

Do you understand what a delicacy is?

They eat Hákarl in Iceland, which is shark that's been sitting in its own piss. This is a delicacy.

>> No.4915571


Have you ever actually traveled outside of the US?

>> No.4915575

Shit yeah.

And in most countries Big Mac's are equivalently cheaper because everything isn't overpriced as shit.

It's pretty sweet.

>> No.4915580

A lot of Americans are, sure. Big deal. A lot people in any given country aren't that smart or cultured.

>> No.4915585

Keep thinking that, how about stop taking our uncultured American money? Then prove how cultured you really are by eating civet shit.

Fucking barbarian!

>> No.4915594

I'm not an Icelander and I don't eat rotten fish.
There are some hot babes in Iceland, but that rotten fish must give them seriously bad breath.

>> No.4915608

It's a business, deal with it or don't. Nobody is forcing you to eat Mr McChicken Nuggers.

Maybe in the sad shithole 3rd world country your from they do that, but not here in the USA.

btw... Your jealously preceeds you.

>> No.4915612

I've said nothing about "smart or cultured." I spoke only of being isolated and insular. For top-tier countries (IE "the west"), it goes America, Iceland, Australia, Norway and Ireland as the top five most insular and culturally isolated countries.
There's nothing wrong with being either. You might be taking offense where none is intended. You're just a very culturally isolated and insular nation, is all. Much of the rest of the world is forced to interact with other countries and cultures because we've squabbled so much over boundaries that it's often difficult to find significant difference between one person from one side of any given border and someone from the other.

No need to be upset, Amerifriend.

>> No.4915636

I'm not upset, I just know that you're a socialist cunt, you wrap it in big WERRRDDSS but you can't hide what you are.

Your list is stupid too, got some attributations for any of those assertions? Of course you don't. Now go back to your starbucks and drink civet shit and think that you're smarter than everyone else whilst posting on an American website.

>> No.4915637

That was my first post. I'm not upset at all, I think that other guy was though. Also, saying a person or populace is insular implies they are uncultured, particularly when you go on to say they are a culturally isolated country.

>> No.4915645

You starbucks and jamba juice folk might want to wear some fedoras around, so your easily identifyable.

>> No.4915655

The only nations that I care about are white nations and Italy. A lot of what they've done is here in the USA. English speaking nations and Italy and Greece. The rest of them I honestly don't give a fuck about.

I'm not a politically correct multicultral hippocrite.

>> No.4915670

I guess so insofar as uncultured means 'unknowledgeable about other cultures,' anyway. I never meant to imply that Americans are uncultured in the sense of lacking a culture. No: that's Australia.

>> No.4915708
File: 3 KB, 125x93, 1340929222203s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened to my thread. It suddenly turned into a euro/americo shit fest.

The west is the best. THE WEST IS THE BESSSST

all you need to know, kimosabe.

>> No.4915715

American inferiority complex struck again. every time any countries are discussed at all, some american guy starts lashing out at any perceived foreigners who might be lurking. he really needs to be banned.

Pretty sure he's from Wisconsin.

>> No.4915723

So it's like /int/ where that one dane starts shit?

This whole site is fucked.

>> No.4915725

Naw. Our government isn't weak, it's just that our people aren't willing to pay for others problems. This government isn't based on socialism.

I don't want to pay for you and shaqueneesha's 9 kids with 9 different daddies. Our nation is based on individualism, so don't pull that 1st world gotta be socialist shit on me, you'll fail miserably.

>> No.4915732

yeah yeah sorry, tits or it didn't happen

>> No.4915747

You dont wanna see my tits bro. they are covered in hair and shit.

>> No.4915753

that is the problem. you/ we start banning, that's the endgame plenty of sh um stuff i dislikje. but who is the judge? certainly not me. tough enough to mind my own.

>> No.4915768


That's easy to say when everyone is anonymous to you, but we are not anonymous to the mods. It's not hard to see which posters are always starting off topic shit flinging on a regular forum and it wouldn't be hard for them to do it here. Of course that assumes the mods here have an interest in moderating this place like a forum, instead of just treating this like /b/ but with food.

>> No.4915987

Another good thread gone to shit. OP, cook some more slop up and get this thread back on track!

>> No.4916102
File: 325 KB, 1200x900, 102_1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, I think that would be in order. This place has turned to shit.

But I have to wake up in the morning and cook breakfast. Dad's coming over after church and I always have coffee and eggs ready for 'em, maybe my sister will be around for that again. I do miss her.

Anyways, it's been a treat /ck/. Until next time, when I get a deer and show you how to proper cook back-strap up. In the meantime keep supporting your local record store and never shy away from the farmer's market.

>> No.4916142


I woke to post this.

>> No.4916498
File: 35 KB, 500x474, 1_5zbxira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be anon
>stay up lurking op's thread while drinking cheaper liquor than op (and i also just opened my second plastic handle)
>wake up with mild alcohol poisoning
>go to work at busy downtown restaurant on a busy as fuck saturday night
>get home, take shower, start drinking, check /ck/
>awesome, chicken fried steak thread is alive and well
>see this

>> No.4917375


>be in OP's first thread
>make joke about rump roast
>try to help with CFS
>race war