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File: 146 KB, 840x630, Egg Fried Rice 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4910364 No.4910364[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to make really great egg fried rice. I use peas and spring onions for my vegetables and I'm good at making the fried rice itself, I just don't know what sauce to use on it for flavour. Soy sauce used to be my go-to for chinese foods, but it seems a little bit overpowering for this dish.

Suggestions, /ck/?

>> No.4910367

That looks more like plov than fried rice.

When I make egg fried rice, I just use salt. No soy sauce.

>> No.4910369

are you using sesame or peanut oil? get it good and hot before you start adding ingredients

>> No.4910370

oyster sauce?
sesame oil?
chili oil?

>> No.4910382

I'm quite limited when it comes to my knowledge of asian foods. The rest are things I have at least tried, but could you describe how hoisin tastes?

>> No.4910400

Oyster and a Mix of Dark/Light soy works for me,
Sesame oil on serving or during cooking if you like.
I assume that your picture isn't actually you?

>> No.4910404

It's just some image I found on google, I probably should have specified that

>> No.4910477

A little bit of light soy sauce or oyster sauce (half a tablespoon or less per cup of cooked rice), a pinch of sugar and some white pepper and additional salt. Add a tablespoon of piping hot chicken or pork stock while frying on high heat and keep frying until the rice has soaked it up. Repeat 1 or two times depending on how much rice you're frying. Add a few drops of sesame oil before serving.

Also, bbq pork adds a lot of flavor.

>> No.4910512

>for fried rice

Not sure if serious.

>> No.4910520

The last poster is spot on with using stock for the rice to soak up and the white pepper. Those are like essentials.

One of the most important things is use one or two day old rice. Fresh rice doesn't work quite as well. I usually cook my rice the day before. Wait for it to cool, refrigerate over night, and then let it come back up to room temp before I cook fried rice the next day.

Don't forget the mirin.

I usually don't just use egg in my fried rice, I make tamagoyaki and chop it up. Of course I also tend to use koshihikari rice, which is going overboard for most people.

>> No.4910579


>Also, bbq pork adds a lot of flavor.

Chinese bbq pork makes it awesome. I also like to add some thin slices of green onion at the end.

>> No.4910603

Deffo use light soy, it's one of the standard flavourings. Add a little additional salt in addition to a small amount of soy if your rice is a little bland to begin with.

Other must-haves for me would be a little oyster sauce and a sprinkling of white pepper, not always used by Chinese cooks but I like it a lot.

Something to consider in place of the pepper is Five Spice. I'm not that much of a fan of it myself for this because I think the flavour takes over a bit too easily but you might like it so give it a shot.

>> No.4910607

>Other must-haves for me would be a little oyster sauce and a sprinkling of white pepper
Forgot to add, and a dash of toasted sesame oil.

>> No.4910649

Fish sauce. Soy and sesame are too overpowering. Fish sauce browns the rice and gives it a nice flavor.

>> No.4910658

oyster sauce, sesame oil, maybe a little white wine.

>> No.4910672

I use soy, oyster and fish sauce combined in more or less all asian things i cook.

>> No.4910673
File: 18 KB, 232x218, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sticky Japanese rice for stir fry

Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.4910683
File: 273 KB, 1000x750, ข้าวเหนียวผัด IMG_0406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that poster, but I use sticky rice for fried rice. Pic related.

>> No.4910706

If that's the case, no need to use day old rice.

>> No.4910709

No, but it's recommended. It must at least be cold otherwise it is too moist to stir-fry. I like stir-fried sticky rice a great deal more than stir-fried loose rice.

>> No.4910721

Doesn't it clump together?

Regardless, the Chinese who invented it would be raging for suggesting sticky rice.

>> No.4910724

But the rice in that picture looks moist as hell.

>> No.4910728

It comes apart then clumps back together again and is pleasant to eat. I don't know how to explain it any better, sorry.
This is how it's done in northern Thailand by Thais, Laos, Isans and Shans. It's very good. Some Khmer do it like that, too. Mine was made with sweet sausage, chicken and egg as the proteins but also had carrots and peas in it, Lao style. Copy the filename of my picture and paste it into google images and you will see others that look quite similar.
Shan people stir fry it in butter with green peas, chick peas and onions. Isans use dried fish. That one is my favourite, Isan style, but the right fish is hard to come by where I am.

>> No.4910734

That's because of the addition of dark and lite soy sauces and fish sauce. If the rice itself were fresh-cooked then used for fried rice before cooling or drying out a little, it would turn into a goopy mess with the additional moisture from the sauces. It's very good, really.
ข้าวเหนียวผัด is pronounced kind of like cow-now pod/pad (last syllable depending on what English speaking accent you have), with the N being pronounced like that Spanish N with the squiggle on it. It means "stir-fried sticky rice." It's a very common.

>> No.4910821

The holy Chinese triumvirate: soy sauce, garlic, ginger.

Also: Sesame oil at the end, white pepper, MSG.

>> No.4912554
File: 36 KB, 316x600, soba-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instant dashi soup-powder. It also has the advantage that it won't change the colour of the rice. For a less-overpowering and more umami soy-saucy-type-of-thing, use Soba Tsuyu.

>> No.4912559

sesame oil and butter

>> No.4914131

Cook the egg separately, hot, and very quickly, like 10 seconds. Add it back in later

>> No.4914160

Sesame Oil + salt gives it a rich flavor and aroma. Just make sure not to put it in until the heat is off, or you'll cook away the flavor.

>> No.4914667

nah, you shouldn't use five spice in fried rice. Think: do you want your rice to taste like cinnamon and anise? five spice is mostly good for braising and roasting meats

>> No.4914681

here's my advice

>day old rice
>shallots (I like them over garlic and onions cause they don't overpower the dish)
>low sodium soy sauce
>the eggs gotta be scrambled seperately and added later, it's gotta be really runny
>add some sweetness in either oyster sauce, hoison or just add a bit of sugar

>> No.4915166


How to make that?

Im a noob, only got rice, salt, sweet pepper.

i got a couple bucks, an me huuungry

>> No.4915170


just saw this....nice

anything else?

>> No.4915197

Fish sauce is just a shitty oyster sauce.

>> No.4915207

>anchovies are just shitty sugared oysters
>apples are just shitty oranges
>coffee is just shitty chocolate
>parsley is just shitty basil
>onions are just shitty garlic
>sweet potatoes are just shitty carrots
>molasses is just shitty maple syrup
>cumin is just shitty caraway
>pork is just shitty chicken
>beef is just shitty lamb
See your error yet, Anon?

>> No.4915228

>implying cumin isn't better than caraway
>implying sweet potatoes aren't miles better than carrots

The only point I see is that you're wrong.

>> No.4915244

>being this retarded
The only point I see now is above your shoulders, Schlitzie. How's that microcephaly working for ya?

>> No.4915710

I made fried rice today. I used a mixture of sesame oil, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and mirin. Real mirin, not that corn syrup shit.

>> No.4915736

what kind of pan do you guys cook fried rice in

>> No.4916495

Tell me if this is shit:

Fry 6 strips of bacon, remove
Fry Diced Onions, Minced Carrots into bacon fat with a pinch of pepper
Add peas and corn
Add rice, Add Soy Sauce, a Tad of Yoshida's for sweetness
Add any protein.

Stir a shit ton.

>> No.4916574

Here's my method for fried rice.

>First I crush garlic, ginger, fenugreek and cardomon pods in morter and pestle.
> Color chicken in half this mixture plus red curry paste for heat and extra flavor.
> Put chicken aside
> Heat oil and add the rest of garlic mix plus more red curry paste
>Add rice that I forked a bunch to separate grains
> Add soy sauce, salt, pepper, other seasonings and pinch of sugar
> Add chicken and resting juices into rice to finish cooking
> Add egg
> Add lemon or lime juice to taste
> cilantro

Done, what do you guys think? It tastes godly to me.

>> No.4916576

Also, I use coconut oil to color the chicken and fry the rice on medium-high heat.

>> No.4916585

Visit an Asian Supermarket and see if you can find a jar of Preserved Chinese Olives In fact any type of packaged Chinese fermented vegetable will give you a nice flavour.

Cantonese Sausages
Preserved Olive
and this wierd dried fish and black bean sauce.
Soy sauce.
Tomato Sauce (Ketchup)

Made rice with those ingredients last night.

>> No.4916744

use light soy
oyster sauce
sesame oil (only a few drops fool)
some chilli sauce

peas, omelet and sweet chinese sausage are a must, bean sprouts, noodles carrot optional

>> No.4916787



It's well accepted the the italians make the shittiest pizza in the world. Nobody wants 'authentic' chinese food when Panda Kitchen is around the corner. 'Authentix' mexican food is push cart garbage compared to something high end like chipotle.

In literature it's a commonly accepted fact that an author can have no idea what his book was about? 'The Jungle'? About the meat industry, not socialism. 'Farenheit 451'? About censorship, not the evils of television.

Basically that ancient chinese fellow can go ahead and worship his cat idols in hell, because we've made his idea about a thousand times better in 5000 years of history

>> No.4916794

this is bait

>> No.4916802
File: 310 KB, 1600x1200, 100_6594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's well accepted the the italians make the shittiest pizza in the world
said no one ever, except maybe if you are a retarded american