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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4906341 No.4906341 [Reply] [Original]

Bought a bag of these chips. They are fucking great! Possibly the hottest chips in the world.

What are your favorite spicy foods/snacks?

>> No.4906349
File: 573 KB, 1520x1488, dem chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4906348

Did they seriously trade mark 'cauldron'? Also I like the black, I think the Habanero ones, from Blair's

>> No.4906355

Yea, those are fucking great. Not sure which one I like more.

...and yea, it appears so. Kinda weird.

>> No.4906359

I like to spray bear mace right on my tongue because I'm just that much of a tough shit.
There, I won the pissing contest.

>> No.4906360
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One of my favorite simple but good foods.

Jalapeno sausage, pan fried habanero and onion, hoagie roll, halapeno cheese, and ez earl's blazin hot stuff bbq sauce.

>> No.4906362

Not a pissing contest..more looking to see what kind of snacks or things people eat/make to get some new ideas.


>> No.4906369
File: 40 KB, 450x334, mah-cauldron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> How do I advertise my product as "cauldron cooked," without cooking them in a cauldron?

> I know! I'll patent the Cauldron (TM) Brand Industrial Deep Fried Potato Chipolater Cooking Process!

>> No.4906373

I bought those chips at the dollar store once. They're okay, definitely NOT the hottest chips in the world. So not the hottest, my 15 yr. old nephew ate the other two bags of them in the middle of the night while he was playing vidya, and when I asked him how they were, he just said "meh, they're good." If they were that hot, he would have definitely said something, because the boy won't even eat stuffed jalapenos. The chips have good flavor, but they're not super hot.

>> No.4906377

I dunno, I think they are definitely spicier than a stuffed jalapeno.

What chips are spicier? The closet I've come across are the ones this Anon >>4906348

>> No.4906387

now this guy knows how to eat.

>> No.4906392


Thanks. That shit is so good but I haven't seen that jalapeno sausage on sale lately.

>> No.4906396

Fuck me...it was habanero cheese.

>> No.4906424


> countertop oven

You're shitty-kitchen-with-a-weird-stovetop guy from the kitchen thread, yeah?

>> No.4906426

No, I took that pic in my old apartment about 3 years ago. I'm this guy >>4903621

>> No.4906432


Oh, sorry I didn't recognize you, no-countertop-space guy.

>> No.4906434
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No harm, no foul.

Some nachos for this thread.

>> No.4906452

muy bueno, would eat

>> No.4906455

people who like "extreme heat" are so full of shit

not implying that's what is going on here,in general

>> No.4906458

I actually think the Jalapeno Cheddar chips taste the best out of the Blair's chips.
Followed by the Buffalo Wings.
The ones in the Black bag are probably the worst tasting ones.

>> No.4906477
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That's like your opinion man.

Honestly, I started eating spicy food in elementary school and it has ramped up as I went. So what some consider really spicy isn't as spicy after a while since you've eaten so much of it.

That said, I'm not constantly eating the spiciest sauces that just burn the fuck out of your mouth. Every now and then I'll have something like that but more often than not, some good ol' habanero by itself will do the trick.

I'll have to try them out. I've only had the habanero and the one I posted at the beginning of the thread.


>> No.4906498

I love spicy food, plus i live in a desert so spicy food is bro-tier, makes me sweat more so i cool off quicker

>> No.4906505
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>> No.4906537

ITT: burning buttholes with explosive diarrhea

>> No.4906565

Could you please list the items and the brand names, if you don't mind? Your hoagie looks delicious.

>> No.4906777
File: 95 KB, 800x533, IMG_4287s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought the hoagie role at Publix but any place works.
-hoagie roll
>Hillshire Farm jalapeno smoked sausage
>Cabot Hot Habanero cheese
>EZ Earl's Blazin Hot Stuff
>onion powder (not exactly sure why)
>garlic powder (or could use fresh garlic and mix with onions and habanero in skillet)
>black pepper

>> No.4906825

Sadly, I haven't seen the jalapeno flavored one on sale in a couple years. Then again, I just moved back to the US so it might still be out there, just not at my local store.

>> No.4906829

The EZ Earls is great sauce, I order it online, just google the name and it will come up. The guy, Earl, is pretty cool too. Found out about it because of thehotpepper.com forums. He posts on there, well used to at least, haven't been there in a while.

>> No.4906833

>people who like what I don't like are so full of shit

>> No.4906837

you'd best be posting a pic when that bad boy is ready to eat!

>> No.4906842
File: 118 KB, 800x681, IMG_4288s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That second pic is from a different meal.

>> No.4906876

One of the best ways to eat bhut jolokia is in the form of a chutney.Basically blend a handful of the peppers with an onion and add salt and lemon juice. You can also add some cilantro.

You can use the chutney either in the form of a dip for fried shit or spread it with butter on bread.

>> No.4906881

Also you could add some oil to it. I don't but it really lifts the chutney.

>> No.4906893

Sounds great. So you cook it down until it's a sauce? I usually just sautee peppers and onions, maybe some garlic, together then add it as a topping to whatever I'm making.

>> No.4906897

Okay, this up a serious question for you spice addicts. Does your body get used to it, or is your anus constantly on fire? I love spicy food, but I always end up regretting it.

>> No.4906909

I think you get used to it. Shit I eat now would've killed me back in the day. Still have some hot shits but I am used to that too really.

I think if you stop eating spicy food for a while, you "lose it" a bit.

>> No.4906939

I really should've given better instructions. Chutney's aren't cooked. They're just blended and mixed. Sometime a few ingredients will be sauteed like onions but there's really no need.

Also if you want to turn down the heat you can blend some boiled(or raw) lentils or chickpeas with it. It'll retain the flavour but you won't really burn your tongue.

I'm an Indian living in NY since the last 2.5 months. I had Indian food after a long time a few weeks ago and had a fiery shit. I'd never had a problem back home unless I overate so I think it is a matter of getting used to it.

Honestly though it's worth developing the tolerance because you can get away with more flavour combinations in hot food than you can in bland food.

>> No.4907236

i like those alot. theyre barely spicy at all though for something labeled 'jolokia'. the weird thing is that their habanero flavor is spicier. the jolokia kind has much better flavor though.

>> No.4907326

Just bought a small box of these, they are pretty damn good, spicy enough to linger, and the small hint of that weird fake sour cream powder like on sour cream and onion chips helps to smooth the flavor out. They go great with some beers.

>> No.4907334

sriracha peas and wasabi peas = goat spicy snax