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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4901252 No.4901252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How good are all of your mums at cooking, m8s?

>> No.4901259

I don't keep flowers, they're annoying. Just some herbs for cooking and cocktails.

>> No.4901258
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>my mom's Schweinebraten, Sauerbraten, Käsespätzle, Knödel, ... (insert typical German/Austrian dishes)

>> No.4901263

When I look back at the stuff my mom would make us for dinner, they were not complex or fancy meals. They were delicious, though. Probably because they were always fattening/heavy southern comfort foods.There's no way in hell she would ever hold a candle to someone who knows how to utilize various spices and techniques, but I love her food. None of it was ever bad from a taste standpoint.

>> No.4901264

My mom could run a diner with her recipes. Perfect burgers, meatloaf, pot roast, turkey, roast ham, smothered pork chops. A good amount of German things, like potato pancakes or apple pancake. Lumpy or smooth mashed. She can do it all. Skilled at gravy, from red eye, to giblet. Crisp tender vegetables. Salads.

She doesn't make dessert, ever. She also cooks healthy. Her chili is skimmed of fat, as are all soups. Never ever have anything pan fried other than green tomatoes or plantains.

>> No.4901267

Extremely tasty, she's a god tier cook, even without my bias. So was my dad and all my grandparents with the single exception of my paternal granddad.

>> No.4901268

This is very true of my mom as well, except she overcooks her meats. Which most of the time isn't terrible (she doesn't overcook them into rubber territory, but I did run into dry issues... but that would be fixed by the butter or gravy or cheese/mayo on a sandwich, etc.).

>> No.4901272


She had a really British attitude to cooking though. Most of the food was slowly roasted meat served with a side dish and then a dessert.

Her pies and quiches were sublime, though. She also made the only Duchess Potatoes I will ever eat.

>> No.4901277

Hah! Same with my mom. Her chicken and pork chops are always dry. I've given her tips on how to keep them moist, because she often calls to complain that the meat didn't turn out as good as she wanted it and such. I don't think she ever implements it though, because I will always get the same call some weeks later, heh. She's 65 and set in her ways and I say good on her. God knows my dad could care less.

>> No.4901309

She's pretty good. Not spectacular or anything, but decent. The one complaint I've got is that she tends to overcook her meats a bit.

She is, however, a fucking incredible baker. It's a shame she's too busy to do it much, because her breads, cookies and pies are just really amazing.

>> No.4901337

Terrible, just terrible. I once got steaks, intending to cook them for everyone, she got there before I could and fried them until they curled up like dead spiders and served them with tinned peas. She could make a pasta bake, but tended to break the jar of sauce and get glass in there.

>> No.4901359

Both of my parents are damn good cooks.

My paternal grandparents owned a diner in cowboy country and my maternal grandparents owned a deli and catering business in a well to do area. So both of my parents grew up learning how to cook restaurant quality food and run food service businesses.

>> No.4901383


>> No.4901408

Lover her to bits and she does a mean pasta filled lasagna,
>all meats hammered to within an inch of live
>all foods overcooked to some degree
>ridiculously misplaced 1960s fear of poisoning her children (we are all nearly middle aged now) with under cooked food
>Gravy as weak as a cuck-fapping retard
>Another 1960s based fear of women eating onions/having onion breath, therefore no onions in food
b-b-ut it's the only actively nice tasting vegetable

>> No.4901442

My mom's a fantastic cook. She cooked in restaurants for years before I was born, and then went on to write about food and develop recipes for other people and her restaurant friends and such so she could stay home with the kids. She's currently writing a cookbook, which she's already said is mainly because of us, because she doesn't want us to be "one of those people" who can't cook basic dishes or who eats out all the time. She's also told me that one of her biggest fears for her kids is that we'll marry someone who can't cook for shit or is a picky eater. You should see her around picky eaters, she literally turns red with anger and her eyes get unnaturally bright like blue lasers. She used to scare my friends.

>> No.4901454

My mother has schizophrenia.
She used to be a good cook, she can still make really nice pasta though.

>> No.4901461

My mom fluctuates between amazing and not-so-great. She makes THE BEST CHEESECAKE IN THE WORLD, no lie, I've eaten a ton of cheesecake and hers is the best. But then she does something like rub a fuckton of Old Bay on top of some salmon, and I'm just like, what the hell, Mom? She's a little bit crazy, but I love her anyway.

She also taught me to never be afraid of garlic. Whenever I make something that calls for garlic, I put in more than the recipe says to. It always comes out fantastic.

>> No.4901469

>My mother has schizophrenia.

That sucks. Having a parent with mental illness is never easy. My mom was suicidally depressed for a lot of my childhood, and my dad had Alzheimer's. Hang in there, dude.

>> No.4901479

Ugh. This is why I feel like I can never have kids. I am terrified that I might fuck them up. I have extreme OCD Anxiety and the last thing I want to do is pass it on to my kids, or have them think their mom is nuts. I fucking hate the hand I was dealt.

>> No.4901482

Thanks man, means a lot!

>> No.4901487

Not as bad, but my mom has panic disorder. I feel bad for her, but damn, going out with my parents can get really frustrating when mom has a massive panic attack in the middle of a meal out, or the grocery store, or when we're stuck somewhere like in heavy traffic, or on a train, or once when we were on a mountain gondola. :(

>> No.4901501

Fuckin awful. Like 0/10. Never uses spices, oversalts everything. Has no idea how to cook most meats or veg.

>> No.4901515

Know that feel, man. My mom has a ton of mental health problems.

>tfw grow up feeling like you don't have parents even though you do

>> No.4901829

Awful but she's real handy with a credit card so I guess it all works out.

>> No.4901944

My mom used to be a pretty decent cook, but over the past seven years it's degraded to mediocre, faux health-conscious crap. Only around Christmastime will all of the good stuff come out, otherwise its never-seasoned, never-salted, dry as fuck food. She never "breaks the rules" and meals suffer for it. Makes the worst boxed mac & cheese in the universe, it tastes like water. I don't even know how you kill the flavor of salty processed cheese but she does it.

It doesn't help that she's got bipolar disorder and a massive throbbing ego over her food. Every time she cooks something she rants and raves about how perfect and amazing it is and says its better than any restaurant, and I just smile and nod, smile and nod....And then when I try to cook for her, she refuses to eat it and says I'll never be as good. It's disheartening, to say the least.

>> No.4902011

Not only was her cooking disastrous, she insisted that ham sandwiches she bought in bulk were good to eat despite being stored at room temperature for months, because there are more important things that belong in the fridge. Had to pilfer bits of food from everyone in the lunchroom, starve, or eat the rotten sandwiches.

>> No.4902037

she's awesome with classical dishes she learned from her mother, all those hungarian and slovenian dishes.
But trying new stuff, she always over-seasoned, or didn't prepare the ingredients correctly.
still, for a stay-at-home mom, a solid 7/10 cook, especially considering cooking something new-ish every day, to keep some variation.
And don't ask her to cook a steak or any meat best served medium. She just won't, you gonna have some dry ass leather to chew on.

>> No.4902053

my mom was and still is fucking shitty cook, she was one of the main reasons i got interested in cooking to begin with because her food was so tasteless and lacked everything that makes food actually good.

no spices, not even fucking salt, instead of cream/etc she used water+flour as a sauce base everytime. Her cinnamon rolls were allways hard as fuck and applepies etc she made were dry as fuck not even vanilla sauce could salvage them.

I still love my mom though she just aint good chef, only thing he doesnt screw up is salads because it's hard to screw up cutting some tomatoes, lettuce'n shit.

>> No.4902057

She's a good cook, but she has to follow recipes and get others to do a to lot of prep work for her sometimes.

>> No.4902064

I'd give her a 3 being generous, all her meats are well done and dry. Packet marinades. Frozen/dehydrated side dishes. Kool aid every night with dinner.

>> No.4902306

Hey my mom has it too! Food went from being godlike to having to get my little sister to help me put out kitchen fires weekly. Oh well. At least we're away from home now.

>> No.4902332

My mum can do all the holiday dishes just fine, and she can mess around with some international cooking quite well, because her experiences and instincts are good.

Unfortunately she's something of a picky eater. Fortunately she was willing to cook things she didn't like because Dad and me liked them.

So Most of what I had to do in learning how to cook was to ape what mum did, with some outside input (immigrant friends' mums), then adjust the seasonings, and I was set..

>> No.4902379


Who the fuck is she to tell me what foods I should and shouldn't like? I hate mushrooms. Would she get mad at that? Is she autistic? I'd tell her to kindly go fuck herself if she got in my face about it. Those people make me angry. I'll pick and choose what I want, when I want.

I mean, what if I like eating dog shit and get mad at everyone that doesn't agree?

>> No.4902409


Damn anon, you sure used the words "I", "me", and "my" a lot in that post. The world isn't all about you, bro.

>> No.4902426


I was one of the "picky eaters" he referred too. I can't tell you how annoying it is when someone serves you feces and gets all high and mighty about you not wanting to eat it.

It's bully behavior, especially those that get in children's' faces about it.

>> No.4902430


No, it's trolling behavior. Nobody serves feces.

>> No.4902434

My mom's pretty awesome. Not like anything fancy, but just sort of generic makes awesome simple shit that you actually eat regularly. She's basically a vegetarian though so she doesn't do meat at all really.

>> No.4902474


My grandma says black people eat feces and that's why they're brown and God hates them so...

>> No.4902511

She's fantastic at making pies and baking in general, but mediocre to awful at everything else.

>> No.4902539

My mom doesn't cook, but our maid makes the best food. I seriously can't be away from home too long 'cause I would miss her cooking. Planning on sending her to get some proper culinary training when I've got enough money.

>> No.4902554

Who the fuck are YOU, to be insulting someone's cooking with your gay ass picky shit eating ways? You can kindly go die in a fire, you fucking ignorant fuck.

>> No.4902558


>tfw my Mom is probably the maid you're talking about

>> No.4902561

My mom is fucking awesome at cooking but then she got a douchebag bf who does all the cooking now and his cooking sucks ass compared to her's.

>> No.4902562

My mum was a great cook and she passed it onto my siblings and myself. Always encouraged us to help her. She used to make money from selling her cakes and baking to cafes and bakeries while looking after 6 young ones. Every so often she will pass down one of her special recipes to us, a few weeks back I made her secret recipe apple shortcake - delicious.
If she hadn't been so poor, she could have afforded fancier ingredients, then her cooking would have been god tier.

>> No.4902566

When I was growing up, it was mostly frozen meals or pasta dishes.

She has a few specialties that are pretty good though:
>ham and beans
>salmon cakes
>homemade meatloaf
>mexican pizzas

>> No.4902581

Lets go through a timeline:

(my age) 5yrs old: Mom is great a cooking, sometimes she didn't want to go through all the effort but who doesn't? All her food was pretty great.
10yrs old: Mom is using much more pre-bought shit and doesn't seem to take much time with her meals anymore, it's still good enough
15yrs old: Mom usually exclusively pre-bought/made/etc shit, I hate eating it
16-18yrs old: Mom doesn't even fully cook dinners anymore, she would literally try and serve me pink chicken and bloody (not in a good way) meat, or sometimes still hard (not al dente) pasta. I couldn't stomach eating anything she made ever at this point

When I realized I could cook for myself and do it much better than her, I never ate anything she made again. She recently has been getting better with her cooking, but I still try and refrain from eating it.

Over all these years too, she's just become more and more of an alcoholic. God damn I hate her so much.

>> No.4902643

she's dead... we used to cook together :\

>> No.4902644

Really hit-and-miss. Eternally grateful for the time and effort she put into putting food on the table, but some of the dishes that she insisted on cooking regularly were head-scratchers.

She'd make "stir-fry" once a week with gristly-ass pork. She'd fry it up with a bunch of random-ass veggies up; usually there was cauliflower and diced celery involved for some reason. Then she'd cover it with water to let it simmer for a few more minutes. Served completely un-seasoned with white rice on the side. Had to douse it in soy sauce to make it edible.

She also did a lot of the typical 70s/80s stuff. Kool-aid served with every meal, even though soda was "unhealthy" and verboten. Mushy microwaved unseasoned veggies with every meal where they weren't already integral. Could only season if it was in the recipe in black-and-white.

Still made some other bomb-ass stuff though. Gotta cop her biscuits an gravy recipe. Good lasagna, too. Thanks, mom. <3

>> No.4902649


You both need therapy.

>> No.4902667

>mushrooms != dogshit
get your false equivalency out of here, you narcissistic brat

>> No.4902678
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Mostly a really good cook, but will occasionally have flashbacks to her childhood and she'll make one of those terrible baby boomer meals. You know the ones.

>> No.4902681

she makes an awesome steak

>> No.4902686 [DELETED] 


My biological mother is very, very far away in my mind.

The last time I thought about seeing her was for Kevin, just so he'd have less of my shit to put up with. Not going there without him, or knowing he's waiting for me not too far away.

She sure could order out. She'd worked at the phone company, so I guess she could be called a pro-chef or something. Pizza, chicken, KFC, Chinese...you name it. Sometimes she'd even order her boyfriend to go get McDonald's.

>> No.4902704


Is her name Gena?

>> No.4902710

Nope, fuck her.

I might need therapy, but when she isn't around me for extended periods of time, I am much happier and can function with no problems. When she is even in my vicinity all I feel is hatred.

>> No.4902725
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>mfw I live in South Dakota, and most people's idea of a homemade dessert is Jello pieces mixed with Cool Whip

God damn am I glad I stopped going to church. Every single pot luck had at least one of those things.

>> No.4902726


Like I said.

You both need therapy.