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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 310x310, broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4896047 No.4896047 [Reply] [Original]

I need a quick easy recipe for Broccoli. Please help :)

>> No.4896050 [DELETED] 

Google is your friend.
/ck/ isn't google.

>> No.4896051

Jesus christ, every faggot except for me always gets recipes. Every time i open a thread i get the same fucking responses even though /ck/ is full of recipe-recommendation threads.

>> No.4896054 [DELETED] 

If it's full of them, go and fucking read one. You shouldn't need to be told how to find recipes.

>> No.4896053

roast with olive oil and salt in the oven until edges are brown and crispy. sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

>> No.4896059

cream of broccoli

>> No.4896063

Broccoli pasta

get pasta, broccoli, salt, pepper, oil, garlic and some cheese.

boil your pasta until done, drain and save some water. boil/steam broccoli until soft. in a pan, put oil and garlic, cook garlic, then add broccoli, cook and mash until it becomes a thick green paste, adding pasta water if it is too dry.

put broccoli paste on pasta, toss to coat, add cheese if you want, eat.

>> No.4896068

Blend it with vinegar & soy sauce & chilli.

Cook a few pork chops, make a bed of steamed rice, pour the blende over the rice. Pork chops on top.


>> No.4896094

Thanks, did this. Tastes good

>> No.4896346

cook chicken
dice potatoes and cook with butter, salt, pepper, paprika and if your a man, spice it up with some cayenne
add broccoli to potatoes preferably in a baking dish
cover with cheeses of your choice
have on the side of chicken or mix chicken into it
enjoy easy and tasty as fuck meal

>> No.4896357

i like it roasted in the oven as well to suck out the moisture and give it a bit of crispyness. i dont know why. i currently have about 12 broccoli plants growing, 12 cauli's and 12 brussels. i cant wait to roast all these god damn mother fuckers.

>> No.4896384

Easiest, most filling way to eat broccoli:
Broccoli Soup:
>boil broccoli
>put broccoli in blender
>add in some broccoli water from the boiled water
>add salt and pepper, to taste
>serve in a shallow bowl, garnish with a drizzle of olive oil and some nuts and/or crumbly cheese

It seriously fills you up, takes two seconds to make and the only ingredients you need are broccoli and water. And its pretty good.

Don't believe me? Ask Gordon:

>> No.4896403

my first gordon vid ive ever seen. thx anon. that was neat

>> No.4896417

Possibly because you made a shit thread listing one ingredient along with the words; simple, easy.
You deserve only recipes like;
Boil it
Put it in the microwave
Call for a pizza

>> No.4896442

that actually sounds good. i will try that this weekend

>> No.4896514


Pine nuts very optional. Sub with any sort of small crunchy seed. The lemon juice is what makes this.

>> No.4896548


The first responder(s) of threads are usually shit tier angry faggots. Wait a few minutes to get actual responses.

>> No.4896688

steam, after steaming toss in pan with a little butter, pepper and salt. sautee long enough to get excess water off outside. eat.nomnom

>> No.4896731 [DELETED] 


>anon goes on /ck/
>hey can you tell me how to food


now you listen here you lemon sucking slow-mo turdarella, YOU DONT BELONG ON /ck/

get out

>> No.4896736
File: 21 KB, 614x618, 654243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to leave /ck/ because it is clear it isn't right for you.

you willingly went to /ck/ and told a anon who wanted help with their food to google it.

>> No.4896749



>> No.4896760

You forgot the salt

>> No.4897679

boil. eat.


>> No.4897710
File: 877 KB, 2816x1880, Broccoli-Slaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cook it, just shred it into a broccoli slaw.

Follow a good coleslaw recipe, just use the shredded broccoli in lieu of the cabbage.

>> No.4897746

salt the fuck out of some water
boil it
put brocolli inside for like 3 mins
take it out
eat it

>> No.4897763

1 - chop.
2 - eat with hummus.
3 - let joy fill your being.

>> No.4897767


>> No.4897836


Jesus Christ, no. You gotta steam that shit.

>> No.4898242

>1 bunch of grocery store broccoli
>2 boneless chicken breasts
>1 shit-ton of chopped garlic
>1/2 box of grocery store linguine
>1 shit-ton of olive oil

Chop the broccoli up into mini florets and cook on high heat in sauté pan or work. Drown that shit in olive oil.

Put the broccoli aside and chop the chicken breast in small bite size pieces. Cook on high heat and coat with just enough olive oil to prevent from sticking. Add the garlic once the chicken has cooked on the exterior. Stir frequently!

Add cooled broccoli to the cooked chicken and douse the concoction with more olive oil. Add cooked linguine and mix thoroughly. Dress lightly with teriyaki marinade.

>> No.4898652

salt, pepper, garlic


jesus google is not hard

>> No.4898667

try this broccoli soup recipe vegweb.com/index.php?topic=10077.0

>> No.4898672

aaand i just was made aware this stupid link doesn't even work. thanks for nothin supercook.com link below works


>> No.4898678
File: 9 KB, 204x199, 1251839869973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a recipe that my American host family loved to make:

Put frozen broccoli in microwave safe container. Add a stick of butter. Put in microwave for 3 minutes. Serve in a casserole dish.

>> No.4898692

A whole fucking stick?

>> No.4898729

just do ramsay's broccoli soup. it can't really get any quicker/easier than that and it's delicious

>> No.4898750

Could be worse, at least it's butter.

I had room mates that used to think the best way to cook their vegetables (usually canned corn or green beans since they were picky fucks and refused to try anything else, let alone fresh veggies) was to dump the cans into a pot, add like a cup of margarine and then boil the everliving shit out of it for half an hour.

It still disgusts me to think about that.

>> No.4898751

Broccoli is one of the easiest veggies to cook. You can just boil the shit in water, drain, add nothing at all and it will taste great.

>> No.4898778