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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 282x282, grace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4895159 No.4895159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yo /ck/,

Science says saying grace before a meal makes your brain think the food tastes better. I want better tasting food but I'm a godless atheist faggot.

4chan, what grace should I say to make my food better?

>> No.4895174

Go take a shit in your fedora.

As a pious woman I find you offensive.

>> No.4895182

As a godless male, your offense gives me an erection.

>> No.4895187

"To God Out Father,
Who Sits In Jail
Eating Peanuts
By The Pail.

>> No.4895195

"As I sit before this plate of bacon,
I give thanks to the pig that died
I give thanks to the farmer that killed it
I give thanks to the porn that's giving me an erection
Also, this cunt >>4895174
Now I shall grasp my cock and beat off to ejaculation in the glory of cured pork

>> No.4895196
File: 38 KB, 480x640, fedora faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is Tabasco. And MSG. They'll trick your brain into ingesting shit food much more effectively than any grace or prayer.

>> No.4895209

Thing is rituals enhance any food. Tabasco and MSG just add moar.

Spicy, vinegary, moar...

Fuck it, you're right. I'ma mix tabasco and ramen soup flavor packets an freebase it.

>> No.4895212

Oh yeah there's a link and shit for science. Like 4chan gives a fuck. http://pss.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/07/17/0956797613478949.abstract

>> No.4895228

"Thank you Lord, for the food in front of me today and everyday. Through your grace I am able to eat, live and I thank thee everyday and praise the glory of God the almighty. By your hand I am, by your hand I will, by your hand I live and die. May I be blessed in your name forever until the day you decided I need not no more. May you guide me to do your will. For the kingdom and glory of God is yours forever and ever, Amen."

We need to have another Crusade. Please God, Deus Vult.

>> No.4895231

I'd worship a god that kills people. There's too many people.

>> No.4895234

>Thank you Lord, for the food in front of me today and everyday. Through your grace I am able to eat, live and I thank thee everyday and praise the glory of God the almighty. By your hand I am, by your hand I will, by your hand I live and die. May I be blessed in your name forever until the day you decide I need not no more. May you guide me to do your will. For the kingdom and glory of God is yours forever and ever, Amen.

Fixed the typo, forgive me God, I meant not to offend. Have mercy on my wretched soul.

Captcha: theological giaimet
>proof God has shown me favor for my humble praise

>> No.4895236


>> No.4895238
File: 85 KB, 548x618, 1377747963903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Youre attacking the wrong set of people, friend.

>> No.4895245
File: 227 KB, 765x421, mizled at beach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pious woman

You are smelly, disgusting, and a fat landwhale piece of shit who nobody wants to fuck.

Keep dem delusions livin'

>> No.4895250
File: 793 KB, 360x203, euphoric.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise yourself and your euphoric cooking abilities

>> No.4895258

i love how it's now fashionable to be religious on 4chan because of reddit

3 years ago anyone coming out as religious would have had the piss ripped out of them.

i'm not even an atheist.

>> No.4895265

I do not worship my Lord for such petty earthly reasons. I worship the Lord because he is the one true God, our Father, who gave up his only son, Jesus Christ, who suffered, died on the cross and rose on the third day to save us from sin. So that we may join him in the Kingdom and glory of Heaven.

A Crusade if Deus Vult, and I would happily lay down my life. Only say the word, and I shall be healed.

>> No.4895275

3 years ago and I was still shitting on Atheist and their mumbo jumbo. Faggot Redditors saw how cool I was and decided to emulate me. Everything trickles down from here to there, newfag.

I've been baptized and received Confirmation in 8th grade, there is no trending happening here.

>> No.4895424

Something I learned back in the day from a teacher:
"Good food, good drink, good god lets eat."

>> No.4895456

God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food.