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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 610x458, 20100929-ramen-primary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4893755 No.4893755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the worst (health-wise) foods you have ever eaten?

>> No.4893843

Your mom

>> No.4893850
File: 2.25 MB, 2592x1936, 10-mac-and-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macaroni and cheese.

>> No.4894384
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Sunday Buffet at a local soul food joint. The lady used to be Eddie Murphys cook and the food is amazing, but you can taste the excessive amounts of saturated fats clogging your arteries. Grits, Fried Chicken, Ham Hocks, Ribs; I'm thinking all of a sudden that it might be a good idea to head back.

Pic someone else took from restaurant

>> No.4894390

I had a deep fried Mars bar once.

>> No.4894411

Pizza Hut meat supreme pan pizza covered in McNuggets, chili cheese fries and ranch dressing.

Sloppy Joe's on a Krispy Kreme doughnut.

Deep fried bacon burger.

Homemade cheesecake.
Homemade biscuits and gravy.

>> No.4894420

Buy one get one free at Dominos?
Move to a new town, no friends for miles and suffering from mild depression?
Tried that shit?
1 and half pizzas later I needed to sleep for 12 hours

>> No.4894421

burger with cheese toast as the buns, tempura fried bacon. 3 types of cheese, onion straws, some kind of chipotle sauce. bitch was like 4500 calories. Me and 5 of my friends ordered one and each had a peice to try it. holy fuck it was disgusting.

>> No.4894427

Deep fried oreos, a shore favorite. I could only eat half of it, I split it with someone else. Friend of mine makes chocolate covered oreos.

Spoonfuls of nutella.

Lots of ramen, and other bullion based super-sodium soups.

Chick fil a once. Had a spicy chicken sandwich, fries, and a milkshake. Probably 2k calories in one meal. Worth it.

Friend and I get monthly-ish junk binges from wawa. Ice cream, chocolate bars, if it's early enough a sizzli (breakfast sandwich), coffee with lots of milk and sugar, chocolate milk, pie, etc. Not all of it, of course. But just pure junkfood.

Chinese buffet. Not sure anything tops six plates of fried heaven.

>> No.4894429

anything at the los angeles and orange county fair

>> No.4894458

Deep fried:

I was at the Texas state fair. None were particularly good, but I don't care for shitty food like that anyway.

>> No.4894464

Did you just try to greentext with question marks?
>That isn't how it works.

>> No.4894468
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I ate 3/4 of a box of Krispy Kreme donuts. That's nine donuts in a row for those that can't into math. To give you an idea of what that entails, I present the official Krispy Kreme Nutritional Information.

I ate the other three the next morning.

>> No.4894474

mirin dat strong bulk bro.

>> No.4894480

I once ate a bowl of nails.

Without any milk.

>> No.4894523

whipped cream with cocoa powder, I dipped a mars bar in batter once, deep fried it, dipped it in batter again and deep fried it again, then this one time i had an iced coffe and drank half of it and filled it back up again with vanilla sauce and drank it. This is only the sweet stuff, though

>> No.4894536

A box of Twinkies.

>> No.4894557

Ramen isn't that bad for you.

It does have a lot of salt but that's about it.
>b-but the fat
Fat in moderation is good and tasty. It also helps you gain weight which unless you're a fat american, is good.

>> No.4894560

I ate 4 drop biscuts and 2 cups of sausge breakfeast gravey, i felt bad after words

>> No.4894583

It's okay to overeat sun thyme.

>> No.4894590

>implying fat makes you fat and its not overeating calories that makes you store excess energy as fat.

>> No.4894645

>ANON! how do you eat fatty foods like that and you stay thin?
Portion control. I eat a portion of fish and chips and call it a day. Maybe with some mushy peas because fuck yeah mushy peas.
I don't down three litres of fizzy with my "just vinegar, please" salad then wonder why, when I walk, my bum resembles two hogs fucking.

>> No.4894663

Last night I had 3 cookies, a few spoonfuls of nutella, a banana, and a cup of milk.
Not terrible since I rarely consume sweets.

>> No.4894671

Several (at least four) six-packs of red dog, two or more pints of gin and then realising I hadn't eaten in probbaly 2.5 days about 27 sleepless hours later, I ate a chicken breast meal (fries, a roll & more beer) from the gas station. I used to do this often after I left school. Never got fat, though, somehow. I guess just keeping my body on the verge of malnourished suicide by taxing it with having to process all of that poison burnt it away.

>> No.4894719

fuck you faggots not knowing how to actually enjoy a damn fine good meal its food and it gives you life get it LIFE mofo'n life a bad meal is poison actual poison with hours it leave you dead

>> No.4894756

A dorm mate of mine in uni once planned to recreate the Fast Food Pizza from EMT. He had invited everyone, but only I and this tiny asian girl showed up. She had a nibble of some chips and he and I ended up eating a large pepperoni pizza with four burgers, chicken nuggets, half a pound of bacon, a pound of some sort of cheese and the rest of the chips.

>> No.4894812

cow marrow.

>> No.4894824

this is the very best food on the planet and I don't give 2 phuks how unhealthy it is. this is God Tier eats.
that being said, ever eaten one of those Hardee's double bacon cheeseburgers? I think its 28,000 calories.

>> No.4894834

All of American foods.
Too fat and too carb.

>> No.4894837

An entire box of spaghetti tossed in garlic, olive oil and Parmesan

>> No.4895915

>implying that processed wheat flower and a shit ton of soya sauce isn't bad for you

>> No.4895920


I would suck some serious dick to get that kind of meal

>> No.4895930

Kentucky Fried Chicken's Double Down.

>> No.4895942
File: 51 KB, 533x400, amerifatsalad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make some incredibly unhealthy salads. They're loaded up with tons of bacon, cheese, croutons, and ranch dressing.

They're probably 2,500 calories each.

>> No.4895949

i used to eat entire frozen pizzas almost daily. the big ones meant for parties and shit.

>> No.4895952

Don't have that shit here in Hawaii. Been so long since I had a fresh donut off the line in Krispy Kreme fucking melts as you bite it.. Fuck.

>> No.4896000

warm bacon lard

just grease with charred bits of bacon

>> No.4896026
File: 110 KB, 800x706, Poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEFINITELY POUTINE (deep fried chips and cheese curds in a soup of gravy.)

You should only ever eat those once or twice a year.

>> No.4896035

I had one too. You could feel your arteries clogging but it was too damn good.

>> No.4896070

Deep fried cheesecake lardarses

>> No.4897128

I once ate 18 slices of deep pan pizza hut pizza. The other day I ate a whole coffee walnut cake, then about a quarter of another cake for breakfast the next day. I have on many occasions binged really hard and eaten a whole tub of ice cream or two extra large chocolate bars. Sweet food is my weakness.

>> No.4897182

a whole box of stovetop stuffing.

i don't know why. I just really wanted a bowl of stuffing. I was young and high.

munchies will make you do stupid shit.

>> No.4897191

I ate a deep fried mars bar. It was awfully good.

>> No.4897199

my roommate just made fried oreos and I had 2 1/2
i feel the lard in my veins
and it feels good, man

>> No.4897212

Had a fried oreo once, was surprisingly really good

>> No.4897217
File: 78 KB, 600x573, friendlys-Grilled-Cheese-BurgerMelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Friendly's Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt

>> No.4897222


M...Mr. Ratburn?

>> No.4897223


Suasage gravy is god tier breakfast food. Fell in love when I went to the south for college. Now back in New England, and only one place around here does it right, but it's in the middle of down town with no parking.

>> No.4897230

>deep fried butter.

>> No.4897248

grilled cheese sandwich with thick extra strong west country cheddar (British), Loads of butter on both sides of the bread, mayonnaise on one slice of bread and maramite on the other. Holy shit is it greasy and fatty, just one can make me feel ill, but holy fuck are they nice.

>> No.4897660

Peanut butter on wheat bread with a glassful of skim milk.

>> No.4897735


You're gonna be obese anon.

>> No.4897748



>> No.4897765

you fucking /ck/ idiots no absolutely nothing about nutrition, stop posting threads like this, it's outside of your jurisdiction.

>> No.4897772


>> No.4897824

wouldnt /ck/ be the best place for nutrition? at least as far as 4hcna goes what other board would come close?

>> No.4897830
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I have this around once a month, when I spend all day in the lab and dont have time to eat until like 9pm

>> No.4897839

at least some members of /fit/ have some decent grasp on nutrition, /ck/ has none whatsoever.
Even the notion that a single food barring pure charcoal or irradiated potatoes can be healthy or unhealthy is hilariously dated dr. oz-tier momscience

>> No.4897855
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>> No.4897870

lol the vast majority of nutritionist certification and nutrition science bachelors programs are absolute shit and are as close to actual science as being a pe teacher is to being an olympic coach.

>> No.4897872

Americanized Chinese food.

>> No.4897935 [DELETED] 


I agree that most self-proclaimed nutrition "experts" or "specialists" lack a great deal of genuine, scientific knowledge in the area. I have to say, however, that as a student currently majoring in Dietetics/NS I have to subsequently take courses in rather advanced nutrition and biochemistry. So I have to say that, in terms of an understanding of "actual science", not all of us are as dumb as you think.

>> No.4897942


I agree that most self-proclaimed nutrition "experts" or "specialists" lack a great deal of genuine, scientific knowledge in the area. I have to say, however, that as a student currently majoring in Dietetics/NS I have to subsequently take courses in rather advanced nutrition and biochemistry. So in terms of an understanding of "actual science", not all of us are as dumb as you think.

>> No.4897989

Ramen, lots of ramen instead of real food.
Periods where I drank way too many fountain drinks or coke.
That's probably the worst I've done to my body.

>> No.4898034

put it on toast, nigga

>> No.4898210

nobody's doubting that you have to take college level courses, but I'm seriously questioning your ability to read, judge and understand research, which is the only way that you can be competent in a field based solely upon understanding rather than skill

>> No.4898279

>hasn't visited Maui
Where the fuck do you think the krispy kreme fundraisers get their doughnuts? The mainland?

>> No.4898282

Spoiled hot dog. Literally got chills, fever, etc...it was awful.

>> No.4898288

Hungry Jacks sends out coupons for 2 burgers for the price of 1.

I once got two double bacon cheese burger deluxe burgers, ate them both. Few hours later I was shaking and sweating like I just dropped E, taste was good but fuck that shit.

>> No.4898313

I ate a bowl of salt once.

>> No.4898316

Last week I had Jack's Munchie Meal. Twice in a row. I am ashamed. I work the graveyard shift, so I can't really go grocery shopping before work.

>> No.4898318

Cardiac sticks:
cheese sticks covered in extra cheese, bacon and hot sauce

>> No.4898365

I had a large 3 piece variety meal from KFC for lunch, then went out drinking. After leaving the pub I had a large donner meat and chips, covered in chilli and burger sauce. I walked through the town so I could get a cab home. I went past another kebab shop, and had the same large donner meat and chips with all the sauce. I was a fat cunt back then.

>> No.4898479

Mac and cheese.

>> No.4898502

In the Netherlands, we have a thing called 'kapsalon'. It's basically french fries, topped with kebab-meat, covered in molten cheese. Salad optional. Those things will fuck up your cholesterol.

>> No.4898512
File: 955 KB, 1536x2048, Damn you Coffeetime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking thing.

>> No.4898514

Kapsalon is fucking disgusting, never really understood why people eat that shit..

>> No.4898529

It's basically everything you want (and the only thing you can get) after a night of heavy drinking; carbs, fat, salt, and garlic sauce.

I'm not a big fan myself either, but the ones I've had when drunk were absolutely heavenly.

>> No.4898534
File: 58 KB, 158x178, brock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ate one whole pizza, then half another??????

I can eat three slices, i thought i was a fat fuck.

>> No.4898558

I can eat a whole pizza and I'm skinny as fuck.

>> No.4898559

Looks like a turd in pastry, covered in mold.

>> No.4898560

I fucking LOVE semi-rare floppy bacon. That's pretty unhealthy.

>> No.4898577

Is that mould???

>> No.4898589

I can't think of anything specific. I just tend to eat huge portions when left to my own devices. Anytime I order a large pizza for myself, I usually finish it that night.

A lot of shit when I was a kid, too. I thought two full-sized bagels with a 1/4" later of cream cheese on both halves was a light breakfast. Probably 1000 calories right there.

Once I discovered I could spend my allowance on candy, I'd eat ungodly amounts of Skittles. I'd down a whole pound in an afternoon of vidya, on top of the three square my mom fed me. It's a wonder I was only skinnyfat instead of fatfat.

>> No.4898648

aussie here
fish and chips
most foods from fish and chip shop

fish, in batter, deep fried
potato cakes, manufactured potato, in batter, deep fried
dim sims, meat cabbage and crap in pastry, deep fried
crab sticks, crab flavour and filler in batter, deep fried
chips, potato, deep fried
hamburger in batter, meat pattie only, deep fried
sausage in batter, deep fried

side dish, pickled onions
beverage, milkshake

you could centrifuge my blood and see the oil float to the top

>> No.4898837

Sometimes after the gym i get the cravings so bad...

I once ended up with 1Kg of frenchfies 200g Baconstrips and it felt like half a litre of BBQ-Sauce.

When im too lazy to cook, I love to eat Pizza (the frozen ones). One isnt enough so most of the time I end up eating a whole package (3x 300 g) Salami Pizza.
Or go for two plus Sauce Hollondaise and bacon-strips.

>> No.4898859

Goddamn, I'm almost feeling happy I'm a coeliac. Always carrying fruit with me, so that acts as a 'voice of reason' when I feel like indulging in bad food. Often manages to keep me at bay long enough to actually cook a decent meal.

>> No.4898914


>> No.4898930
File: 159 KB, 827x545, Twohotties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that thing covered in mold?
Did you eat it after discovering that?

>> No.4898942

Aren't you the high and mighty one

Untermensch detected

>> No.4898945

Saltines topped with syrup.
Never again.

>> No.4898956
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Bicky Wrap,

or anything from the fast food restaurant Quick.

>> No.4899080

In college, one of my roommates and I would each eat a large pepperoni little caesar's pizza. Once we ate it "one-slice-one-bite" where we only stuffed entire pieces into our mouths.

>> No.4899086

How do you even fit an entire pizza slice into your mouth? You must be giants.

>> No.4899195

One summer day a few years ago i ate two pizzas and 6 cans of pop in like lunch, but i didn't eat for the rest of the day so...

>> No.4899248

They used to practice with each other by putting dicks in there mouths.

>> No.4899272

how do you pronounce this? poo-teen?

>> No.4899273


>> No.4899278

>implying a full pizza isn't excessive for a single meal

>> No.4899280


>> No.4899294

English: yes.
French: close enough (more like p'teen).
Quebecois: no. P'tzin.
Funny thing is, the way they say it means "it stinks," in Provençal dialect.
Careful how you pronounce it or you may inadvertently say 'whore' instead of 'shitty potatoes.'

>> No.4899296

would be speaking english. how do you say whore so I know what to avoid?

>> No.4899311

It's pronounced like
but with a rounded E sound like halfway between the A in 'taint' and the E in 'ten.'

>> No.4899674

About 8years ago when working at McD's I threw a slice of raw bacon in the deep fryer and ate that. Also bacon jerky.

>> No.4899725

I used to eat it every time I finished an exam. Once I had a large all by myself, and people were staring at me. Had it only once in a couple of months after that.

>> No.4900791

Probably the cheese fries from Outback Steakhouse. I forgot if they had bacon or not on them, but my family and I couldn't even finish them.