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4890142 No.4890142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask a beer enthusiast and aficionado who just bought a 24 oz can of Bud Light anything. I haven't tasted a macro lager in several years.

Also, beer general thread.

>> No.4890151

I have a 24 oz can of Bud Light in my fridge also but I was planning on boiling hot dogs in it.

>> No.4890149

expect 87 replies about how american beer is so bad and hurr durr new glarus red devil's dickweed fishhead poopstick IPA is a superior beer

shame that every faggot here can't appreciate all kinds of beer. all beer is good, anything from schlitz to carlsberg to tripel karmeliet to sam adams

god damn

>> No.4890154


If I like Guiness Extra Stout, what other styles would you recommend me?

Or do you have a website that gives in depth descriptions to flavors of different kinds of beers/lagers?

>> No.4890160

Beer Advocate, and I'm sure Rate Beer also, has descriptions of all the styles of beer.

Try a lighter stout..maybe Sierra Nevada. Something like Old Rasputin is heavy as hell compared to Guinness.

>> No.4890162

I used always try out new beers but these days I exclusively drink well-balanced lagers and pilsners. Wonder what happened.

>> No.4890171
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Guinness is of course a stout, if you like the style I'd recommend trying other stouts. Also look into trying porters, the style is similar. I've heard hate from beer snobs but I actually like Guinness for what it is. You can do better though. Also, some stouts (especially Imperial stouts) will probably be too much for you at first and may turn you off to the style.

Sierra Nevada Stout
Sierra Nevada Porter
Left Hand Milk Stout Nitro
Black Butte Porter
Samuel Smiths Oatmeal Stout

These should be relatively easy to find, moderately priced, and fairly inoffensive to new stout drinkers.

>> No.4890173

How do you like the Buds so far?

>> No.4890175

Can you recommend some good pilsners and lagers? I have a few that I enjoy but rarely drink them.

>> No.4890177

First one that comes to mind is Pilsner Urquell. I'm not much of a pilsner or lager drinker though but I really like that one.

>> No.4890176

I haven't tried it yet, I'll probably stick it in the freezer to get it extra cool and drink it pretty soon. I usually don't like my beers that cold but it seems to be the preferred way to drink this kind of beer.

>> No.4890181

I've enjoyed that one when its fresh. I tend to avoid imported beers though because most of the time its in sad shape by the time I get my hands on it. I get it on tap sometimes and its decent stuff.

>> No.4890184

Depends on where you live, I live in Sweden and mostly drink regional stuff like Wisby Pils and Landsort Lager. I also like Starobrno(way better than Staropramen) and Bitburger.

>> No.4890192

Has anyone ever tried Tannenzäpfle? It has gotten great reviews on Beeradvocate:


>> No.4890193

I hope I can someday travel to Europe to try all of your regional beers. Like I said my opinion of European beer is tarnished because most of the stuff is skunked to shit and old by the time I buy it. I'd also imagine we are getting the really good stuff imported over here, just the big name beers. We've got tons of regional delicious craft brews here that you guys don't get, I'm sure you guys have the same thing going on.

>> No.4890195

>I'd also imagine we are getting the really good stuff imported over here

I meant aren't. I don't think we are getting the really good stuff over here.

>> No.4890205

>We've got tons of regional delicious craft brews here that you guys don't get, I'm sure you guys have the same thing going on.
For sure sure, but I think the movement started in the US. We didnt use have that many microbreweries actually, but now we have 138 and more are coming. Many of those are really small though, like 1 or 2 guys brewing and bottling it themselves(filling them up manually even) and only selling to a select few pubs and restaurants.

>> No.4890207
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I drink too much of this

>> No.4890216

Go full-on Founders KBS

>> No.4890221
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Alright fellas, beer is just about cool enough. Should I drink it straight out of the can it was born in? Or get fancy and pour it in my mug?

>> No.4890225

where are you from? whats your favorite beer from a local brewery?

>> No.4890226

gotta drink it from the can...

>> No.4890227

To fully taste the beer, you need to pour it into a glass. A lot of what we taste is olfactory (come through our noses) so you won't be inhaling that sweet, beery goodness if your nose is blocked by the can.

>> No.4890231

Yea, I always drink my beers from a glass. This is a 24 oz Bud Light though, not drinking it straight from the can seems somehow wrong. I mean I wouldn't pour a 40 of Olde English into a mug.

>> No.4890232

>sweet, beery goodness

to get the true experience you have to drink it out of the can, wrapped in a brown paper bag, in an elementary school playground with a hoodie on

>> No.4890237


>> No.4890238

Oh, if you're drinking something like that, then just get it down however you can

>> No.4890240

Come on now, its not that bad.

>> No.4890257

Popped the top, drinking it ice cold straight from the can. Paper bag is intact and in place. Feeling blue collar as fuck, feels good.

>> No.4890262

my man

>> No.4890279

Alright now I can reply. From what I've heard I was expecting some absolute undrinkable swill. It isn't bad at all, in fact I can barely taste anything. Its like cold carbonated water with a very faint corn and malt flavor. I'm enjoying it, for what it is. It isn't good either though, its just tasteless and easy to drink. I can see why so many people who aren't into craft beer drink this stuff, its beer for people who don't want to taste any beer and just get drunk for cheap.

>> No.4890287

You're an enthusiast AND an afficionado? Wow, you never see both at the same time. That's fucking amazing.

>> No.4890295

Honestly I'm not a beer snob. I would like to be rich enough to only ever buy the good stuff but I'm not so don't look down on cheap stuff. Hell I drink PBR, Old Milwaukee and Modelo on the reg. But Bud Light is just disgusting. The last time I drank it was at a game since that's all they had. I honestly thought about getting a pepsi instead.

Bud/Miller/Coors Lite/Light can go fuck themselves.

>> No.4890298

Why would anyone on an anonymous image board care what your hobbies are or what you're drinking?

Are you really that insecure? It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.4890300
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I did pick up some New Glarus last weekend after going to a wedding in Wisconsin.

I am more hype about trying out pic related though.

>> No.4890334

And.....the beer is finished. 3/10, might buy again. Not bad at all for the price, went down easy and I'm feeling good. I'm craving something tasty though, about to pop open my Dogfish Head 61 min IPA.

>> No.4890346


Bud light tastes like absolutely nothing. If there's a generic can marked "beer" in some form of media I assume it would be full of bud light.

>Bud light
If you ever do the math on canned beer versus kegs, or versus other types of alcohol, you wanna basically kill yaself. Canned/bottled beer is at such a premium.

>> No.4890354

>I wouldn't pour 40's into a mug

Honestly it makes them better.

>> No.4890359

Meh, it seemed really cheap. I think I paid like $1.80 for it, pocket change really. I have no problems paying $10+ for a bomber of some glorious beer, to me the $1.80 was practically giving it away. It tasted like San Peligrino water and didn't even touch the glory of those expensive bombers, but goddamn it was pretty OK for being less than $2.

>> No.4890700

why does bud light stay carbonated so long as opposed to craft and import alternatives?

I'm drinking bud light that was poured (and refrigerated) 3 hours ago. It's from a draft as you might have guessed from the context of the question.

Craft beer doesn't stay carbonated this long.

Riddle me that, batman.

>> No.4890735

Because it has more carbon dioxide in it. You're technically paying for more gas than actual product which is probably another reason why budlight can be manufactured for cheaper.

>> No.4890786

Man, bud light is the only beer I just refuse to drink. It tastes like the can it comes in I guess because its so light? But Ill drink coors light occasionally and its not as bad. My favorite beer besides the ridiculous shit i make myself has got to be Third Shift and Shiner Boc as a second.

>> No.4890806

Bud is pretty bottom shelf but it's not fringe class like malt liquor or the fruity 24 cans you find. It's more redneck/blue collar like PBR, only with even less of a taste.

>> No.4890815

I found a really nice recipe that's similar to eggnog - similar spices, added sugar, etc. - but uses beer instead of liquor. The problem is it calls for blonde/golden ale, I'm a beer noob, and while I live in a state that's great for micro and craft brews (NC) I don't live close by to anything.

What would you guys recommend that's readily available in most grocery stores?

>> No.4890902

I tried nevada summerfest

it was alright

>> No.4893206

look for german wheat beer

>> No.4893575

Oh, god damn... That oatmeal stout is delicious. First one of it's style I ever had.

If you don't mind a smokey flavour, try to get your hands on anything made by Aecht Schkenkerla. Their beers are generally pretty solid, and their rauchbier urbock is truly excellent. If you can imagine a thick, full mouthfeel, a malty, smokey aroma, a roasty, dry, somewhat salty, smoked malt flavour all in a perfect balance, that's Aech Schlenkerla's Rauchbier Urbock. It's like a campfire in your mouth screaming for porcine treats on the side. This thing might just be in your comfort-zone.

>> No.4893596

>I like beer and consider myself a beer snob, but I totally understand the socioeconomic reasons why not a lot of people drink craft beer, and I'll be considerate about it.

>I have considered and will eventually homebrew, because I actually have a legitimate interest in beer and want to understand it a bit more in-depth.

>I find that bud, coors, and the like are acceptable beers to drink in situations where it's a large party, you need something on the cheap, or you just want something very very light flavor.

>Not all micro brewed craft beers = good. Some are pretty boring and/or god awful.

>Just because it was barrel aged, doesn't mean it tastes good, in fact, most barrel aged beers are too one dimensional with the spirit aged barrel taking over the flavor.

>I am actually enthusiastic in helping people widen their views and tastes on different beers, instead of being an asshole.

>> No.4893599

>American craft brew enthusiasts
>not the most insufferable people on this board

>> No.4893609

>hating on people who question others on why they like bad tasting products so much
>many respond that they hate it because of the questioning people
>ironic hate
no, you are the most insufferable people on this board.

>> No.4893615

Anything "Light" is not a good beer, faggot. That's the point.

>> No.4893638
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"You've never had a craft beer. If you did, you'd understand"


>> No.4893648

are you australian?

light means something different in america compared to other countries, at least it does here anyway.

australian light beer = low alcohol

american light beer = low carb etc. and lighter flavor

>> No.4893650

>sees beer thread
>they talk about all kinds of different beers
>you dont like them tho
nigga just scroll past the thread then. you dont have to take part in every thread. its like, how you gonna get mad at something you go into yourself?

>> No.4893958

Just picked up a 6 pack of Anchor Porter for the first time. Really damn good porter, give it a try.

some might scoff at this, but recently my favorite booze drink is a thick stout or porter with a dash of coffee liqueur, makes the roasty coffee flavors really stand out.

>> No.4893964

I like blue ribbon

>> No.4893968
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Can't beat 4 cans of Export.

>> No.4893973
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I only like dunkel bocks and scottish ales. And pic related. Please help.

>> No.4893977

Beer is generally shit. There are only a few exceptions.

>> No.4893989
File: 175 KB, 1200x1600, founders-dirty-bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking a scottish ale that isn't a wee heavy.

Do you even lift?

>> No.4893991

Try Founder's Dirty Bastard. Founder's anything is good, really. Also, look at just coffee and/or oatmeal stouts. You might be open to imperial stouts. Local is usually the best.

>> No.4893992

What is the point of that

>> No.4893993

The only beer I've ever really liked is wheat beer. Hoegaarden is pretty good.

>> No.4893995

The only beer I've ever really liked is wheat beer. Hoegaarden is pretty good.

>> No.4893997

I already posted.>>4893989 I live where Founders is brewed and Dirty Bastard is the beer I purchase most.

The problem is that I can't find a decent dunkel bock here. I went on vacation to Europe this summer for a wedding, and had a great, dark, carmel-ly dunkel bock in Valmiera. Unfortunately, it's not available on this side of the ocean.

>> No.4894001

Hi do you go to gvsu?

>> No.4894006


>> No.4894010

Damn, I figured I could run around the buildings grabbing people's computers and find you.