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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 379x337, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4889721 No.4889721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what would you guys recommend?

>> No.4889733

Throwing that out and buying Oriental flavor.

>> No.4889758 [DELETED] 

Beef flavor is better.

>> No.4889774

Beef flavor is better.

>> No.4889783
File: 36 KB, 300x225, Koka-Oriental-Noodles-Stir-Fried-Noodles-Big.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend you step it up, son.

>> No.4889803

>take flavor packet put it to the side
>while your cooking the noodles grease up a frying pan with your grease of choice, don't use too much,get it hot
>once noodles are done cooking, drain 'em good
>panfry noodles, make sure to spread the noodles out, and try to avoid clumping em together
>add seasoning packet while frying noodles
>add egg, thinly sliced meat, veggies of your choice
> for super asia flavor add soysauce while panfrying

boom bastardized bachelor stir fry

>> No.4889809

A fucking sticky for this kind of bullshit.

>> No.4889846

They don't check the catalog. They would ignore/not see the sticky.

It' not their board, so why would they give a fuck?

>> No.4889849

Protip : put an egg (cooked medium) on top of the ramen, break open the yolk and mix in with the soup. Noticeably improves quality

>> No.4890235

I find Top Raman better than Maruchan.

Presoak noodles for firmer thicker noodles use Knorr bullion instead of flavor packet, currently using a chipotle cube.

Add dried parsley flakes. When almost done cooking, crack raw egg into and scramble. Turn off heat, cool, serve.

>> No.4890266

Ugh ramen sucks because it has no taste. That's why they include the packet.

>> No.4890271

That sounds great actually.

>> No.4890277

See, and I would go for sesame oil and maybe a fish sauce, depending...

>> No.4890292

ramen is a blank canvas

you put anything into it that's in your fridge or pantry that even remotely sounds like it might go into soup

any fresh/leftover/raw/cooked meats or vegetables, as long as they're in small enough pieces that they can be cooked by a relatively brief boil in water

appropriate spices and shit

an egg, added right at the end of cooking, so the yolk is still soft and the whites are mostly solid

a little soy sauce or vinegar in the bowl so it mixes in with everything.. soy sauce makes it very savory, vinegar gives it a good bite.

stir in a heaping spoonful or two of pure pumpkin puree while you're cooking it to add a really interesting depth.. there's no pumpkin flavor, it just changes shit somehow. it's magic. a good drizzle of molasses does the same thing.

tinned tomatoes or corn? game on. frozen vegetables? go for it. sliced up beef or sausage or whatever the fuck? yeah do it.

chipotle peppers in adobo? my god dice them bad boys up and put in a spoonful of that adobo sauce for good measure.

got a recipe that uses the white part of the leek and you feel bad for throwing that green shit out? cut it up into strips and wham bam thank you ma'am your ramen is suddenly way more filling because look at all this boiled deliciousness that has soaked up the flavor of the broth. somebody on /ck/ told me i didn't do it because leek greens are inedible. i have like a chip on my shoulder now. but that shit's tasty as fuck so whatever.

tl;dr put everything in your ramen but baked beans. that's nasty.

>> No.4890924

Here's everything that I have ever put in my ramen with positive results:
>That pink fish cake stuff
>Regular Onions
>Green Onions
>Flavor Packet+extra bouillon
>Leftover meat of any kind
>Red Pepper flakes
>Hot sauce/lemon juice
The last one is total beaner, but it's bretty gud.

>> No.4890974

muh melanin rich brethren

>> No.4890994

I tried it tonight and it was great. Didn't put the egg but I might next time.

>> No.4890998
File: 15 KB, 376x368, =).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way you worded every statement of this post made me orgasm. Ramen being a blank canvas is the most accurate description you can possibly give, and yet it is so underrated. It's a base for your creativity.

Unless you are a shitty cook.

I applaud your post, and take everything you said into consideration the next time I make a bowl of ramen.

>> No.4890999

I was so drunk the other night I put louisanna hot sauce, cool ranch dorito's, and a pickled egg in my ramon nooodles.

I can honestly say I can die now.
Nothing in my life will ever live up to that meal. I mean seriously for the rest of my life I will be settling for less. i should kill myself

>> No.4891040
File: 212 KB, 800x638, ramen_like_a_baws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poorfag masterrace

>> No.4891537
File: 15 KB, 300x300, miso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not made with those kind of packet noodles but whenever I can't be fucked to do any actual cooking I make a really quick noodle soup.

Chop up:
Spring onions/red onions
Couple of chilies
Garlic clove
chunk of ginger

Chuck it all into some miso stock that's coming to the boil
cook some noodles in it
add some soy sauce, toasted sesame oil, whatever you want

eat it
it's tasty and you just have to throw things in the water

>> No.4891541

also peas and sweetcorn if u like :)
and i put coriander in at the end if i have any

>> No.4892376

You can do the recipe with regular noodles too. I like making it with whole wheat and veggie pasta to make the meal marginally healthier

>> No.4892435
File: 44 KB, 280x280, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is so fucking empty without Maruchan.

>> No.4894212

Just made a pretty good spicy ramen recipe with just a few things i had on hand. Crushed red pepper, sriracha sauce and tobasco sauce. Makes the broth spicy but not too overwhelming.

>> No.4894233

I start by sauteing onions and garlic in butter or olive oil throwing in jalapenos or your pepper of choice. Then i add the water, ramen and whatever vegitables i have in the fridge (carrots, cabbage, broccoli, whatever sounds good.) cut the veggies into small enough peices that they get fully cooked in just a few minutes. Add seasoning package and ,if you like it extra spicy, hot sauce. I call it super ramen.

>> No.4894242

Could I put bacon and eggs in ramen or will I die?

>> No.4894252
File: 915 KB, 1000x3400, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love to make two scrambled eggs and pour it into the soup when it's done. I usually add a little more water and some powdered chicken broth for this purpose

When I want to turn ramen into an actual meal, I fry some chicken and finish cooking it in the broth, add some lime juice and sliced scallions when it's done, so they keep taste and texture.
But I use at least three packets of ramen, otherwise it's a waste of time.

>> No.4894255


>> No.4894306

That's worse than dividing by 0. I love this world, anon. Please cook responsibly.

>> No.4894354

soy sauce, sesame oil, red pepper, garlic, ginger and green onion

>> No.4896468


Protip - do not add mustard seed, did not like.