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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4888942 No.4888942 [Reply] [Original]

Who inspired you to cook /ck/ ?

Pic related.

>> No.4888952

>being inspired to do anything by animu

>> No.4888951


Get a load of this pleb, but truth be told, San Pelligrino (tm) from the mountains of Italy go well watching any show.

>> No.4888974
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>> No.4888976

My mom since she can't cook at all. So I got tired of shitty food and made my own. As an adult I can tell you it is one of the best choices I have made.

>> No.4888984 [DELETED] 

What a piece of shit whoring mother you have. Maybe if she didn't spend all her time on her knees and hands she would have cooked once in a while and shown you the wonderful world of drinking San Pelligrino mineral water from the mountains in Italy.

>> No.4888988

alton brown and my dad

>> No.4888990

>Milhouse-tier le meme

Also it's San Pellegrino, at least spell it right.

>> No.4888997

Mostly myself. But I guess it would make more sense to say my dad.

He was/is an awesome chef, but he left when I was 12 or 13 (21 now). My mom is/was an alright cook, but she never really makes anything good. And she's an alcoholic so sometimes she didn't/doesn't even care to cook the food all the way.

I was tired of half finished dinners and shit tasting meals so I decided to try cooking for myself and I really like it. I'm still only an amateur but I can't wait to get better at it.

>> No.4889026

I always liked good food, so when I started living on my own I started cooking.
Also, it's great to flirt with the girls...

>> No.4889050

Well aware that it's gay truth be told, I was young and impressionable

>> No.4889056

Myself. It was either continue eating my mothers shit tier cooking or get good myself.

>> No.4889059
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This guy. 3 Michelin star Dutch chef Jonnie Boer. When my parents went and ate at his place, they came back with a cook book. I first read it when I was about 15. It contained not so much recepies as inspiration and filosophies, I read it and was kinda blown away that cooking was much more than making a good steak.

>> No.4889064

Moved out when I was 17. Eat shit for a year before trying out stuff. Enjoyed cooking. Started to doing more advanced stuff. Still learning and trying out new stuff today. I find it very therapeutic and I enjoy the compliments I get if I cook for people. (Nobody in my circle of friends can cook worth shit.)

>> No.4889072
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There was some episode about mixing bananas, peanut butter, and honey. I made it put it on a sandwich a threw-up in front of my whole third grade class :3

>> No.4889076

On order of importance:
1) Mom
She was an excellent cook, started teaching me basic recipes since I was 6. It used to be a "Don't be that tard that accidentally sets fire to the house" kind of deal but it turns out she had a tumor and it might have been terminal, so she tried to cram everything she can teach me in what time she has left.

2) Ma uncle, on my mom's side.
Hecided to take up cooking as a profession, managed the sweet pastries/desserts department of a series of Chinese restaurants before moving to England. He made cooking...manly, I guess. I used to view cooking as a chore, something a housewife does.

3) Gordon Ramsay, Alton Brown
Made cooking, from knowing and buying your ingredients to serving and presenting an art. Ramsay made cooking an art and my mental image of his constant disapproval made me set extremely high standards for the food I make. Alton Brown made cooking easy to understand, using very basic terms and quirky sock puppets. I like sock puppets.

>> No.4889100

Mom & grandma
all those dishes they made for holidays that bring back childhood memories every time I eat them
Plus when I hit 17 my mother said I was welcome to stay but I had to pay my own way
After a couple months of eating fast food & feeling like shit because of it I figured it cant be all that hard to cook from scratch
Now I work at 1 of the top 25 restaurants in Jersey & make dishes that sell for $38-$42 on average

>> No.4889103

my hunger

>> No.4889126

My motivation was to impress grills, and it worked.

>> No.4889141

are you me?
I loved when Zoey made that peanut butter banana sandwich. Didn't it look like a butterfly?

>> No.4889192

>implying cook

>> No.4889207
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>> No.4889221


Same here, amazing guy

>> No.4889224

my grandma. she cooked for a large family and never served store bought premade frozen meals

>> No.4889250

maybe o:, are you about to go make pretzels ?.?

>> No.4889258
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>> No.4889416

Are you me
I posted about this in another thread

>> No.4889430


>being inspired by something


>> No.4890877
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When I was little, I used to love Iron Chef. I would stay up late just so I could see this show. It inspired me.

>> No.4890982
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My mum's shitty cooking.

And she still is shitty at cooking after all this while.
Some people just don't have it, or get it.

>> No.4890985

I grew up in the restaurant business, so my family.

>> No.4891010

The opposite of this. Mom is a great cook so I was always semi interested in learning, but my sisters boyfriend is also a solid cook and I decided if he could do it so can I.

>> No.4891019
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Although I didn't start cooking because of any person I watched this guy when I was a kid and really loved his show. It was before I got into cooking at all, first cooking show I watched.

RIP in peaces

>> No.4891020

My parents owned a restaurant and both of them made lots of good food when I was growing up. I always wanted to help in the kitchen, so I just sort of grew up knowing my way around.

>> No.4891066

>Being inspired by the worst character in the manga/show

>> No.4891079

I might be you, but probably not.

>> No.4891080

Descriptions of feasts in Brian Jacques' books

>> No.4891115

>RIP in peaces

I see what you did there...

>> No.4891154

This along with helping out my mom in the kitchen quite often.

>> No.4891164

I know a lot of you guys hate him or think he's a hack (which is perfectly justifiable, and I argue against neither of those things), but it was honestly watching Gordon Ramsay on the UK version of Kitchen Nightmares. No one in my family really did any in-depth cooking when I was growing up, and neither my wife nor I did anything complex in the kitchen as adults, so I honestly didn't realize a lot of the potential depth involved until I saw him busting people's asses in their restaurants on that show. Fast forward three years, and I now enjoy cooking to the point where my mother's birthday gift to me was a stand mixer.

>> No.4891172

Since both of my parents and all my grandparents could cook very well, it was a given that I too would learn to cook. When my dad was alive we had parties almost every weekend and I was soon asked to run the barbecue, help with doing marinades, salads, then came breakfast meals like omlettes and whatnot, after that I just kinda went and tried cooking stuff I liked. The one thing I still need to learn is working with dough in general, baking was never my forte and I find it sort of uninteresting.

If I was to name known chefs who inspire me, they would be the two polar opposites, Heston & Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. I find their approach to cooking fascinating, both thinking about food in an analytical way and using local produce while not wasting any ingredient that might be used for something.

>> No.4892294

Most of my family and Iron Chef.

>> No.4892304

I remember watching old reruns of it dubbed in spanish!

>> No.4892311

My grandmothers. Never knew one, only had a stack of notecards with her handwritten recipes. My mother couldn't, and still can't cook well but any of her mother's recipes she could magically whip up perfectly. I took her legacy of German-Jewish cuisine to heart, making Sauerbraten, Potatoes with a warm vinaigrette and some oddities passed through the family like a Southern-Style creamed corn pudding. On the other side I have a Macedonian-American grandmother (again Dad didn't cook much) who makes her own Phyllo dough from scratch for her Borek (something I have yet to replicate) with the most delicate hands imaginable. From this side of the family I learned to go from picky eater to adding Kalamata Olives and Bulgarian Feta to a variety of dishes and appreciating a good roasted sweet-hot Hungarian pepper.

>> No.4892312

I like eating food that doesn't suck and can only afford to eat at restaurants a few times a month.

>> No.4892326

just my own desire to stop being a fat shit.

>> No.4892408

Wiuld you beleive my mom and 'The Galloping Gourmet'?

I was VERY happy when Graham Kerr came iut with his show 'Minimax', minimize the calories, maxumize the flavor/aromas.

Totally fit my cooking and health paradigm, at the time.

Later, Giada, oh how I love the...

>> No.4892518
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Funny enough it was this board that got me cooking.
pic related, I lifted this from /ck/ a while back and I just made it today.

>> No.4892556
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>> No.4892563


>> No.4892566


>> No.4892583

Iron Chef, Emeril Live, Ming's Quest, Good Eats, and my grandmother.

>> No.4892626

I started liking cooking when I moved out of the dorms. In particular I grew to enjoy the act of cooking and eating in my third year when I lived in a brotier apartment complex. Then I started watching Tony and I started to understand what food could be really be moreso than just flavor and taste. After that iron chef, DDD and man vs food expanded my visions and creativity.

>> No.4892627

A desire to stop relying on other people. I don't ever want to be a burden.

>> No.4893892

> self-reliance

Underrated these days, really. You're all right.

>> No.4894156


>> No.4894172

/ck/ kind of did. came here for a few recipes and am already happy with how much i've learned in such a short time

>> No.4894250