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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4888134 No.4888134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

itt: stoner gourmet

>> No.4888137

Needs more Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

>> No.4888141

Smash the cereal up, and mix it with the peanut butter, then add chocolate chips.

>> No.4888152

Nacho cheese flavor Doritos in the form of nachos. Preferably topped with the shitty room-temp-in-a-jar dip-style queso that you find in the chip aisle. Don't forget a dollop of Daisy that you forgot to stir before dumping out, causing the liquid to saturate the pile.

>> No.4888201

You should use cookie butter instead.

>> No.4888403

Hmmm let's see
Half and half hot chocolate
Bacon grilled cheese real cheese of course
Ground beef lettuce onions cheese with a mayo/ketchup sauce wrapped up in a toasted soft tortilla

>> No.4888415

fried hard salami and a fried egg on an english muffin with butter

>> No.4888419

shit, forgot the cheese too

>> No.4890560

I seen a guy post a pic of cinnamon rolls cooked in a waffle maker... the cinnamon rolls had little squares (obviously) that you could pour the icing and/or butter... haven't tried it yet but want to..

>> No.4890564

I can still sea bread under the peanut butter.

>> No.4890573

Is that supposed to be some kinda fuckin metaphor?

>> No.4890588

Nutella in a flour tortilla, wrap it up and pan fry it in butter.

I can't believe I've made an eaten that before oh god I'm going to be sick.

>> No.4890598

add some sliced banana to that m8

>> No.4890606

ITT: Shit food that can only be eaten if you are on drugs

>> No.4890609

I really like seeing what tastes good with peanut butter.

For instance, strawberry poptarts + peanut butter makes a really fat pbj.

I also like spreading some maple peanut butter on eggo cinnamon toast waffles. That shit is god tier.

Also, mixing cereals. Cocoa Puffs + PB Captain Crunch = improvised Reeses Puffs. Cocoa Puffs + Cinnamon Toast Crunch is pretty good too.

Honestly, smoking weed has made me more adventurous with my food. I didn't experiment or even cook as much before I found the plant.

>> No.4890618

Well I'm eating homemade biscuit with kefir right now, so biscuits with kefir?

>> No.4890649

>make ramen
>dispose of water
>mix in peanut butter, sesame seed oil, teriyaki sauce, garlic, and other spices.
Godly meal

>> No.4890650

open a couple cheese sticks

microwave for only a bit, like 15 - 20 seconds max

enjoy the texture & flavour

>> No.4890652

I have Peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Its great, if I'm fancying it too sometimes I'll throw nutella on there, Not much of it mind or it gets sickly.

>> No.4890653
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naa man

potato wedges, fried, garlic salt + pepper
canned chili, warmed

captcha: serota Russell
grated pepper jack cheese
enjoy bliss

>> No.4890659

>Cocoa Puffs + PB Captain Crunch = improvised Reeses Puffs. Cocoa Puffs + Cinnamon Toast Crunch is pretty good too.
>Honestly, smoking weed has made me more adventurous with my food. I didn't experiment or even cook as much before I found the plant.
Cocoa Puffs + PB Captain Crunch = improvised Reeses Puffs. Cocoa Puffs + Cinnamon Toast Crunch is pretty good too.

>Honestly, smoking weed has made me more adventurous with my food. I didn't experiment or even cook as much before I found the plant.

not sure if I should start giggling, yet, 'cause I might not stop

>> No.4890662

fry them in bacon grease then pour maple syrup over the top and eat with knife and fork.

>> No.4890668

What? It's true. I'm not sure what you are commenting on here.

Is it the "cook" part? If so, I'm aware that the foods I've presented are more assembly than cooking, but am I expected to talk about how I've learned how to do not shit things like make sauces from scratch and soups and eat things I haven't before like kale and pomegranate when the OP is asking for stoner things? About how I can now improvise recipes that don't taste like shit because I've learned the importance of smell as well as taste? In a stoner gourmet thread?

Are you ridiculing me for combining foods and finding things that taste good? Have you tried the combinations presented?

Please assist.

>> No.4890672

Dude, stick that shit in a hotdog bun. You don't have to cut up the banana that way and you don't risk the little pieces falling out.

>> No.4890688
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That's actually a really good idea

>> No.4890692
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>> No.4890695
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No no. No ridicule here.

I love experimenting like this.

I guess it's the irony of being in a cooking thread -- like you said -- where shallots & reduced balsamic are the vogue while talking like we all really eat. And that makes me smile, and appreciate things like tortillas with peanut butter & brown sugar. And that smile will make me snicker, then giggle, then not be able to stop.

I sip Ovaltine with those brown sugar PB tortillas, BTW.

>> No.4890703
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Oh, understood. Forgive me then for interpreting your reply as a negative one. It's easy to do that on this website. This board tends to be one of the more forgiving ones, even among the tipping threads and pretention.

I enjoy sticking cinnamon toast crunch into my maple pb cinnamon toast waffles sometimes, the waffles sometimes turn out squishy so it adds good texture.

>> No.4890709

This actually has posibilities.

Get over to the Raman thread PLESSE!

>> No.4890717

You can mash up the banana if that's an issue. i prefer the bread, nice neat triangle cut, and hotdog buns don't do it for me.

>> No.4890732

I personally don't care too much for the texture of the mash. It's kind of too goopy and sticky imo. If I don't have hotdog buns on hand or whatever I usually cut my naner into strips. I can see the hotdog buns being unappealing, but personally I don't mind and the convenience is very bueno. It's also something not hot dog related to use those things for, like if you have leftovers or something like that.

>> No.4890740
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this thread needs more photos of nasty food...

>> No.4890848

One of the best things I've ever eaten while under the influence was
>Sweet and sour chicken
>Mini peanut butter cups
>Tons of sriracha
Sweet, savory, nutty and spicy for days, yo.

>> No.4890872

Vanilla Almond Special K(1/3 of box) + Fruity Yummy Mummy(1/4 of box)

It's fucking delicious, especially with unsweetened almond milk.

>> No.4890917
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>> No.4890934
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>> No.4890983

Ben and Jerry's Red Velvet Cake Ice Cream

>case rarwee

>> No.4891012

fuck that
go straight to cookie dough

>> No.4891023

actually fuck that. I've got a great idea I'm gonna make next time I'm stoned as fuck.

>9x9 oiled pan (crisco I guess)
>layer of something (dont know what though, figuring this last part out)
>layer of cookie dough
>layer of meringue to the and made flat
>frozen solid, not cooked or anything
>cut into squares

will a kind anon help me figure out what would be good for another layer? Or maybe just cookie dough and frozen meringue would be fine.

>> No.4891037

When I'm stoned I usually prefer healthy food like fruits and vegetables.

I guess I really like steak when I'm stoned.

I try to avoid carbs overall though.

>> No.4891043

Boxed brownies mixed with a can of pumpkin

>> No.4891048
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cereal, strawberry jam, and turkey.

My, that is, Mr Stewart's order, is delicious I should mention.
And Mr. Nick Cormack is a genius for creating this perfection.

So says Mr. Stewart.

>> No.4891054

....that is not the image I linked to.

>> No.4891088

Crunchy peanut butter, nacho cheese doritos, and honey sandwich.

>> No.4891136

Poutine and chicken nuggets.

If I got the stuff for it, I make pizza fries.

Most popular stoner house in town.

>> No.4891193

just repost it
just a problem in 4chan's code

>> No.4891213

the best stoner food is fresh fruit. melons are best chilled, everything else can be eaten at room temp.

>> No.4891297

>get home hammered as fuck
>mc donalds in one hand
>really cold outside
>hot shower
>then cool shower
>towels right out of the dryer.
>comfy pijamas
>The Walking Dead reruns
>get in on that zombie action with some mcdonalds, a massive sandwich (chicken, mayo, lettuce) some chips, fries, and a coke. Then, cookies and milk.

Comfiest time ever.

>> No.4891723

Sheeit son I used to eat reeses puffs in a fuckhuge bowl when I got high. Once that donut coating dissolves into the milk. ...

>> No.4891727

Peanut butter with capn crunch and milk

>> No.4892405
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grease nuggets

>> No.4892421

when im stoned i just saute whatever meat i find and deglaze the pan with wine or chicken stock, then i might add some cheese and onion and put it on a bagel, eat that up, its tasty and surprisingly fun to make when youre high

>> No.4892430
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Chocolate dipped Cheetos all the way.

>> No.4892432
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>> No.4892453
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>> No.4892454
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I love cooking when I'm stoned. This was basically all the leftovers in my fridge roasted in the oven alongside two chicken breasts coated in the herbs at my window sill and some finely chopped garlic, was both piss easy and delicious.

>> No.4892466

That actually looks really good for a munchy box, particularly the chicken tikka kebab. Where did you get it?

>> No.4892494

am i using those words wrong?

>> No.4892525

Nah, I think it's just a rarity that there are people like us who can be arsed cooking when stoned.

>> No.4892681
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>> No.4892688



>> No.4892700


Those tomatoes are mad funny looking

>> No.4892718

Have I just been smoking weed for too long because honestly I just start cobbling together curries if I'm stoned rather than just apply snackfood to another snackfood. Like, ghee in pan, shove cumin and mustard seeds, onion and garlic, chickpeas or whatever the fuck you want, bam, curry.

I guess I could enter my "ultimate MDMA comedown food": chicken nuggets with beef gravy and grated cheese. It... It actually works.

>> No.4892790

Yeah, the tomatoes were a little bit of a fail to be honest, should have cooked them for five or ten minutes less time. Roasted tomatoes are delicious done right though.

>> No.4892795

Pop them in a pan to do them, they turn out way better in my experience. There's some Gordon Ramsay video where he does it, think its an accompaniment to his perfect scrambled eggs.

>> No.4892815

Dude, I can fry tomatoes too! Trust me, if you get some nice plump little tomatoes and roast them in olive oil for about twenty minutes they're superb.

>> No.4892831

Makes your fry-up look fucking classy too if you fry them on the vine

>> No.4892883

Doritos Consomme

>> No.4893184

dude. Epic Meal Time has a recipe for Human Chum. Do that.

>> No.4893195
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murder mee

>> No.4893207
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>Cookies N Cream milk
Interesting, more info on this?

>> No.4893226

I don't know what in the fuck that is but I need it. Now.

>> No.4893252

Milk thats flavored like cookies and cream I believe
I must try it

>> No.4893541
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Peanut butter and nutella on toast with banana and chocolate syrup

>> No.4893543

I've had that, shit is so nice. Even better in coffee, and I usually drink it black.

>> No.4895452
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"I am literal human garbage (stir fried chicken in a biskit “breaded” chicken w/ ez cheese)"