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4884140 No.4884140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A school in NYC last year started serving only healthy vegetarian food in their cafeteria. They surveyed all the students, and teachers, and declared it had a highly beneficial impact on the kids and their education. Should other schools follow suit?

I am skeptical about the higher test scores shit, but on ecological and health grounds I'd say all schools should serve meatless meals. Much less damaging to the environment, and would improve kids' health. Plus parents can always pack their kids a lunch full of steak if they want.

>> No.4884144
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>should all schools go meatless?

Making a properly balanced diet without meat isn't something that any industrial kitchen jackass working for Sysco or Aramark can do. Not that the meat served in public schools is anything I'd want my kids eating, but I can't imagine what kind of garbage "vegetables" they'd try to pass off.

In a word, this is a terrible idea.

>> No.4884146

>hurr meat is bad you should never eat it
fuck off

>> No.4884149

Creating a well balanced vegetarian meal plan is pretty easy. Most school cafeterias just serve shit like pizza, not exactly a nutritional meal, so kids are already fucked right now.

The NY school's meals look good from Google. Indian dishes like chana masala, roasted veggies, whole grains, etc.

>> No.4884161

Whenever I read "a study in 'murrica", I immediately disregard it.
Given what passes off as "normal diet" over there, even one of those magazine diets where you only eat celery would lead to improvement.

>> No.4884163

Creating a well-balanced meal plan of any type is pretty easy FOR PEOPLE WHO CARE. Not for the people in charge of public school food service.

>> No.4884165

Vegans are really starting to shit up /ck/.

>> No.4884167

your ideas of american diet are skewed

>> No.4884176

The sample is one school, so this is an interesting experiment but nothing to solely draw any conclusions from. Also, please link an article.

My guess is this also suffers from the problem in those "kids who [go to museums, listen to music, watch a certain DVD] perform better." What likely had the most effect was that somebody cares about the kids and therefore generally does things to help them succeed.

Also, no control group.

>> No.4884183

they should try a study where they just feed kids healthy food, period. That means some meats too. I bet the study would yield similar results to the OPs.

>> No.4884228


>That means some meats too

And also nutella and also fried butter

>> No.4884231

>higher test scores
>improved attendance


>> No.4884232

What was their diet like before? In general I don't think the key part is whether it's vegetarian or not, just whether it's better food than kids usually get stuck with. If you took the meat out of a shitty school menu, you'd still be feeding the kids shit and making it vegetarian wouldn't improve things.

>> No.4884238


fuck off vegay

>> No.4884244
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>Making a properly balanced diet without meat isn't something that any industrial kitchen jackass working for Sysco or Aramark can do.
There are detailed rules the USDA publishes on school meals, which must be followed for federal subsidies. Among other things, they emphasize whole grains and non-starchy vegetables, which are cornerstones of a healthy diet. I don't see eliminating meat as adding any significant complexity to meeting nutritional requirements. Omega 3 becomes harder without fish but I doubt they're covering that anyway. Essential nutrients that may be lacking are already added to other foods, for example vitamin D being added to milk, or vitamin Bs added to enriched flour.

>Also, please link an article.
I googled one, it's super lightweight reporting with no citations, but:
Even with no changes, schools typically have about a 50-50 chance of doing better or worse on tests in a given year, which is part of what made the "no child left behind" policies fail so hard...while a school can influence outcomes a little bit, the odds are still fairly close to 50-50, so one in eight schools would do worse three years in a row, be labeled a failing school, and have a quarter of their budget stripped or shifted from education to transporting students to neighboring schools. But I digress...my point is merely that I also find it laughable that they're trying to imply a cause and effect from a single data point.

>> No.4884247

>this is what vegfags actually believe.

>> No.4884387

That may be so.
On the other hand: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/overwt.htm
Given these numbers, any (pseudo-) random sample will contain enough obese individuals with borked eating habits. And any change in diet away from fast food will leave a statistical significant foodprint (tehehehe).
Anyway, with this you can prove that any diet works, be it Mediterranean, Palo, Veggy/vegan or whatever.

>> No.4884403

>on ecological and health grounds
These are good reasons for eating more "vegan" meals. Should schools serve vegan/vegetarian meals? Sure, why the fuck not? If you can feed the kids cheap meals that are healthy there's no reason not to.

There's another big advantage: plenty of religious kids have diet restrictions based on animals. With a vegan meal the Muslim kid, the Jewish kid and the Hindu kid could all eat the same thing.

>> No.4884448

Why do people who eat meat get so fucking butthurt over shit like this?
I was a vegetarian for 4 years before culinary school.
I get it, you love meat. I NOW love meat.
Doesn't mean you need to get so asspained when a vegan subject is brought up.

>> No.4884457

Having watched a few documentaries on what gets served in Americlap school cafeterias (and what they get served at home) I'm quite sure that if you served any balanced, non processed, non shit meal to kids once a day 5/7 days a week you'd see a reasonable improvement in behaviour and attentiveness. Going veggie has nothing to do with it.

>> No.4884465

>Should other schools follow suit?


>> No.4884501

Because they don't simply want to not eat meat, they want it to be banned for everybody else. That's why.

>> No.4884507

I like you.

No. Other schools should see what serving quality food impacts. It doesn't have to be veggies only. But better food in general.

>> No.4884523

Back in college a girl in our circle of friends went full vegan, she never did tell any of us why. She gradually became hard to deal with, everything from preaching veganism to utterly random statements. Her roommate complained about the stench in the bathroom.
In a few months she had slimmed down so much her bones were becoming visible. Around 4 months she was found dead in her car at the college, vomited blood all over.
We promised each other to eat healthy in her memory and never go vegan.

>> No.4884524


You don't balance a diet with meat though, you balance it with vegetables.

>> No.4884530

Yeah, you don't balance a diet by going full vegan. Veggies should be added to a meat diet for balance.

>> No.4884533

Scientific test groups and control groups? Where?
The problem is when a school, agency, company or any organization implements a significant change it is done as a package with several other tasks and programs.
"Hey look, we went vegan, changed our grading system, updated the lighting, upped teacher pay, and reduced class size. Just look at what going vegan did for us!"
I'm calling Vegagenda on this.

>> No.4884536


A vegan diet can easily be balanced though. The only way to balance a meat diet is to add a bunch of vegetables, because meat is a pretty shitty food nutritionally.

>> No.4884541


>they want it to be banned for everybody else

In school-given lunches, yes. You can eat whatever you want at home. A while back they stopped allowing soda in some schools, that doesn't mean they couldn't go to a store after school and buy their own.

>> No.4884547


>meat is a pretty shitty food nutritionally

Confirmed for retard.

>> No.4884550

>A vegan diet can easily be balanced though.
Yes, with meat.

>> No.4884551


Lots of cons, very few pros. The one thing you could say about it is it's high in protein, which means nothing when human protein requirements are already very low and you can easily get it from many other healthier sources

>> No.4884557

Seeing as we eat way too much meat in America already (nearly 300 lbs a year, ffs) introducing more plant-based foods into kids diets is a great idea. It'll cut down on obesity and health issues, not to mention save schools money. Environmental and ethical reasons are a big plus too.

>> No.4884612

It's not that a vegetarian diet increases aattentiveness at school, it's that parents who care what their child eats are more likely to care about other aspects of their child's life.

since slobs eat anything the results will always be skewed in favour of vegetarians.
You should instead compare health-consious omnivores with health-consious vegetarians

>> No.4884624


> health-consious omnivores

But omnivores who become health-conscious become vegetarian/vegan

>> No.4884627

>All schools serve pizza in America because they think it's a vegetable.

>> No.4884643

>should all schools go meatless?

No, they should go bad food-less. Meat isn't the issue here, it's serving kids pizza and french fries and pasta and other un-nutritions crap.

>> No.4884650

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.4884653

yes! vegetarian/vegan diets are the ONLY sustainable way to eat and constitute a major pillar of the fight against climate change. remember, if everyone lived like americans, we'd need three earths! and healthier people means a happier world. go vegan today!

>> No.4884654 [DELETED] 


>> No.4884656

You keep spouting that bullshit line and generalizing ever fucking person on the planet that way.
No you're fucking wrong. Our protein requirement is not low. Perhaps yours is due to a loathsome lazy life style. Go day a laborer that they do not need protein. Just go fuck off of a cliff asshole.

>> No.4884658

No we don't. You just can't control your self.

>> No.4884660

>yes! vegetarian/vegan diets are the ONLY sustainable way to eat and constitute a major pillar of the fight against climate change.

>> No.4884662

Fuck the planet. Everything is doomed to death regardless.

>> No.4884666


Protein needs are about 50 grams a day, if even that. That's about a cup of lentils. There's no reason to be upset

>> No.4884667

how many vegetarians or vegans suffer from a protein deficiency, hm?

>> No.4884669

You do know that eating insects is very sustainable right? They are also nutritional powerhouses. Stop being so naive

>> No.4884672

>not wanting gains

>> No.4884671


I'd say YOU can't control yourself if you can't stop eating poisonous, artery-clogging, cancer-promoting meat.

>> No.4884676

So you're telling me and every other anon here that all we need are 50 grams per day? Even if you bust your ass on a heavy labor job, even if you life weights to work out.
Get the fuck out. You don't know what you're talking about after all.
Can you really expect me or anyone to know that?

>> No.4884677


>bowl of oats in the morning
>lentils for dinner

All the gainsfuel you need

>> No.4884679

So lack of self control is when I disagree with you? If I don't choose your way of life I am filthy and disgusting right?
Your autism is showing again.

>> No.4884680

>depriving developing children of a good source of proteins, fat, iron, zinc, K2 and other vitamins and minerals.

In moderation, they are very good.


Meats generally cover all essential amino acids in one portion. The iron they hold is much more bioavailable than plant-based sources.

>> No.4884681

Wait what? Vegetarian diets don't have creatine in them. Creatine is essential for cognitive function.

Vegetarians did worse on cognitive function tests compared to omnivores.



If you're too lazy to read, basically vegetarian diets have basically no creatine in them. Creatine helps cycle energy, and when you think hard with low creatine levels ATP in the brain drops. When you think hard with high phosphocreatine levels, Phosphocreatine drops while ATP stays constant.

>> No.4884682


The average person needs 50 grams, if you're massively active, your calorie needs go up with the protein needs and you're still going to get adequate protein easily. Instead of one cup of lentils, maybe a cup of lentils and some whole wheat bread. I feel like I can hear you hyperventilating in your post

>> No.4884684
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>good source of fat

But that's a bad source of fat, you don't want that saturated shit with no fiber to slow its absorption. That's like saying ice cream is a good source of sugar, rather than fruit.

>> No.4884687

Probably the average lazy fat fuck like you.

>> No.4884689

so you're saying because we're all destined to die, we shouldn't make any effort to prolong our existence? why not kill yourself right now then? maybe its cause you're a selfish shitbag who doesnt really act consistently with some profound existential ideals, but rather just spouts edgy shit that he thinks justifies his profligate, thoughtless lifestyle.

>> No.4884692

You're right, my mistake.

>> No.4884693


>cardio and weight-lifting every day
>get 80+ grams of protein without even seeking it because it's in everything

>> No.4884694

Simply because human nature is to survive. Yes we are all doomed so fuck everything and everyone fuck you too.

>> No.4884697


>> No.4884701


Actually it's 3 cups of lentils and you're going to get 120 grams of carbs along the way. This is why I don't trust vegans for nutritional planning.

>> No.4884703

Because it's taking a personal diet choice and forcing it on other people.
That shit ain't cool

>> No.4884705


1 cup of dry lentils, and carbs are supposed to be the main thing you eat. That's what your body runs on

>> No.4884707


>doesn't want dietary fiber

Have fun shitting every 4 days while decaying meat festers in your guts.

>> No.4884714

Yeah it is like those fucking religious nutbags who go door to door, to force that shit on you.
This is nothing but a religion move along people move along.

>> No.4884718

none of the 3rd world lives on a meat free diet, if everyone in the world went vegan, inland africa would rapidly become deserted, and there would need to be massive culls of cows, pigs sheep, and any other mass farmed animal, just to keep the populations manageable

>> No.4884730

Meat consumption is very low in third world countries compared to Western nations, simply because it requires far more resources and money to mass produce meat.

All the largest organizations distributing meals in Africa to combat malnutrition use vegetarian meals. Why? Not because of ethics, but because of logistics: they can feed more people with less $

>> No.4884741

what you and many seem to not understand is that your dietary choices do not exist in a vacuum. there are serious social, environmental, and moral repercussions attached to your choices as a meat-eater. your meat requires a whole mess of water, food, and spatial resources to produce, and is responsible for the production of huge volumes of greenhouse gases.
vegetarian/vegan diets sharply curtail these and a whole host of other direct and indirect negative effects. that's why i don't want anyone eating meat: it's bad for me, you, and everyone we collectively care about. knowing this and choosing to continue eating meat is incredibly difficult to justify.
i don't think meat eaters are selfish or irresponsible, they just don't have all the facts. that's why people engage in conversation about things like this. why put a lamp under a basket?

>> No.4884746

oh lolz. if everyone in the world went vegan, africa would become the world's bread basket. that would be just about the best thing that could happen to that benighted land.

>> No.4884752

>implying Africa has fertile land not stricken by droughts or flooding.

>> No.4884757

yes, and its OUR choice wether we eat meat or not, not YOURS
I, and i think most 'EVIL CARNIVORES', dont give a shit about what you eat, our problem is with you telling us that your way is better
you don't get to make that call
I have looked into the UNBIASED studies, and I see absolutely no reason to stop eating meat

>> No.4884761
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That ugly religion is rearing its head again but is now trying to sound reasonable.

>> No.4884779

>OUR choice
I eat meat, but don't understand this mentality at all. Some people act like eating meat is some basic human right, and go apeshit over it. Meat is nothing but a part of our food culture. It's terrible for the environment, that's a simple fact, and we should be eating less of it. And who cares? There's thousands of awesome meatless foods out there, no need to get our panties in a bunch.

Besides, in the next 50 years as developing shift to our high meat Western diet, meat consumption will drop as we simply won't be able to sustain it anymore. Prices will rise, no way around that.

>> No.4884790
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>> No.4884792

How do cloned or synthesised meats fit into this?

>> No.4884797

you missed my point entirely
we dont demand and threaten them to eat meat.
why do they feel justified demanding we dont?

>> No.4884798

I don't care about people in Africa. If some people have to starve so that I can eat meat, then so be it. Life is unfair, I'm not a millionaire but some people are, should they give me their wealth then?

>> No.4884809

It also turns into sugar and causes your pancreas to go into over drive.

And it turns into fat.

120 grams of carbs? God damn. That... makes you fat.

>> No.4884817

You ever heard of a paleolithic diet?

High in meat, leafy green vegetables, nuts and fruit.

No or very little grains. And I've lost 20 pounds since starting in the summer. Blood pressure is nominal, so's all that shit like liver fat and cholesterol.

Could... could it be that people are omnivorous?

>> No.4884820

Funnily enough no one here is advocating for a meat diet, but rather a diet which contains meat and/or fish. We're omnivores, not carnivores. There are more options for a cheap, healthy, balanced diet if you allow meat along with vegetables.

>> No.4884822

Well, there's that guy that Vice interviewed that only eats raw meat.

>> No.4884836

I don't think level 5 carnivores browse /ck/ though. Too busy killing stuff with their bare hands.

>> No.4884846

Fair enough. And to be fair, I'm pretty sure he had some kind of body chemistry/microbiology problem that was only solved through eating nothing but raw meat.

>> No.4884848

>Implying africans wouldn't eat meat every single meal if they could afford to like our ancestors did.

>> No.4884854

I've seen some level 99 carnivores on /ck/. They're the dudes who sit here all day watching for threads on vegetarian food, then pounce on them to be the first to reply, "LOL FAG T REXS ATE HERBIVORES LIKE YOU"

>> No.4884861

People have lost tons of weight and reversed serious diseases with vegetarian and vegan diets as well. It doesn't matter if you're paleo, vegetarian, vegan, or whatever. All these diets get people to rethink their eating habits, and focus on more nutrient dense, lower calorie foods. And so they lose weight.

The whole "grains are bad for you" thing is just pseudoscience, though.

>> No.4884863

Who the fuck cares if Africa can eat meat? Why should we care about Africa? Does Africa care about us? If they did they would all kill themselves so that we can reduce global warming and use that continent to feed the world, like a giant farm for exporting. Africans are selfish by just being alive, they can't support themselves yet choose to continue living and worse, procreate.

>> No.4884875

or maybe it's been reasonable all along...?

well like i said, it's not a choice you should be allowed to make. if i choose to rape a baby, would that be alright just because i've acted on my will? i'm not sure why you feel that hurting me and everyone i care about is acceptable. maybe you could explain? what studies have you looked into, exactly? i'm quite curious to know what studies about meat consumption conclude that the wastefulness, violence, and health risks associated with it are less significant than any potential benefits. have you read the UN's 'livestock's long shadow' report? how about peter singer's 'the way we eat'?

>> No.4884878


>> No.4884881

you are a profoundly disturbed individual. i hope you never achieve any position of significant power.

>> No.4884886

why do you believe that "balance" requires eating meat?

>> No.4884890

Too bad. Apparently you believe people who have no means of supporting themselves deserve to have children and live.

>> No.4884896

Last time I checked welfare exists in America.

>> No.4884897

>if i choose to rape a baby...
I agree with you completely, but just an fyi I wouldn't use drastic comparisons like this. It just offends people and then they don't listen to what you have to say regardless of how valid it is.

>> No.4884898

>3 cups milk
what the fuck
fucking illuminati dairy lobbyists up in this bitch

>> No.4884911

I thought it was a bit low actually. I probably get 5-6 cups of milk a day

>> No.4884917

so what you are saying is you are a fat fuck

>> No.4884927

As somebody who's eaten plenty of cafeteria food in his lifetime, I can tell you right now why these studies are finding "meatless" cafs to be effective: all of the meat they serve in cafs is fatty and full of shit, so it makes students groggy after lunchtime.

If they, GOD FORBID, increased the quality of the meat in school lunches/cafs, then we wouldn't be having this problem. But the food industry then weeps and whines, so we continue to shit out salisbury steak patties and chicken nuggers.

>> No.4884928

I've actually lost 80lbs since starting my current diet

>> No.4884934

>butter and lard in the same category as margarine

>> No.4884936

The funny thing I noticed about going Vegans is; when I shit it comes out like little pellets.

>> No.4884940
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>> No.4884943

That's dehydration + constipation, nigga. Drink more water.

>> No.4884950

I drink about a gallon per day. I just shit pellets now.

>> No.4884954

You're better off than me, man. I shit foot-long ropes.

>> No.4885012

No idea. Must be a particular food you're eating. My shits have become magical since I went vegan. Not unicorns-shitting-rainbows level, but still pretty magical.

Fiber it up, anons.

>> No.4885026

Neither of your shits are healthy. One is a rabbit, and one is a snake.

>> No.4885078

>5-6 cups of milk a day
Well, tell us what prostate cancer is like in 20 years.

>> No.4885115
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>no more than 50g of protein
>enough for gains
you've clearly never lifted a weight in your life m80 :^)

>> No.4885136
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all the vegetables would probably come STRAIGHT from monsanto



>> No.4885149

>A school in NYC last year started serving only healthy vegetarian food in their cafeteria. They surveyed all the students, and teachers, and declared it had a highly beneficial impact on the kids and their education. Should other schools follow suit?
No, for a whole slew of reasons ranging from it being overreaching to it not being a scientific study that isolated causes, a small sample size(1), and so on. Especially given that it's only a single year. In any given year with no changes, one year may be better than the next, so this is inconclusive, at best, and propaganda at worst.

>> No.4885153

now if only the fruits and vegetables served were all organic and did not come from monsanto, the the vegetables served were nutritionally balanced, it might be a good idea.

>> No.4885180

High meat consumption being bad for health isn't an isolated incident, though. It's been shown over and over again in hundreds of studies by every major research institution and health organization. That Americans eat too much meat is also a statistical fact. So getting Americans to eat less meat by serving kids vegetarian food is a great idea imo.

>> No.4885193

What do you eat in a day? Give an example like what did you eat today and yesterday?

>> No.4885202

I agree with this. Also, a school lunch is only one meal, two if they get breakfast there. Their parents are probably going to feed them meat 7 times a week still which is way too much. Societies with people eating meat more than 2-3 times per week have more health problems.

>> No.4885205

>2-3 times per week
Meant to say 2-3 servings per week, not times as in 2-3 full days of meat eating.

>> No.4885215

>tfw im not this person>>4885180>>4885202
>tfw doctors better then you doctor tella me to eat a pound of meat a day
>tfw i love my doctors

>> No.4885220

>Old pyramid
>No reasoning why it was bad other than fuck hierarchies

>> No.4885246

are their any vegitarian body builders that are gigantic like non vegitarian ody builders?

is the push to make everybody more vegitarian like an attempt to cause large groups of society to become less heavily muscled while other groups in society learn the benifits of eating meat and become heavily muscled?
is it an attempt to make money by making society skinny and then charging people to have muscles? i like meat it helps my body repair itself

>> No.4885250

>all that milk
What the fuck is that shit

>> No.4885254

>A school in NYC last year started serving only healthy vegetarian food in their cafeteria.

>> No.4885257
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>are their any vegitarian body builders that are gigantic like non vegitarian ody builders?
Of course. There are plenty of world class vegetarian and vegan athletes. There's no nutrient in meat and dairy you can't get in a veg diet. The idea that you have to eat meat to have muscle is just a false stereotype.

Pic related: vegan bodybuilder.

>> No.4885341

>synthesised meats
Would certainly solve the ethical issue. Environmental depends on how green the process is.

>> No.4885520

he has not been a vegan for to long though. he may have got muscles before the transition but only defined his muscles once he got on a health kick.

>> No.4885523
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The strongest man in Germany is vegan.

What people don't understand about weightlifters though is that their diet hardly matters; they're big because they lift heavy-ass weights, they take a lot of drugs, and in many cases they're genetically suited to putting on muscle. Look in any prison and you'll find 300 pound buff-ass negros. It's not the prison food that does it, it's the steroids they smuggle in and the fact that they have nothing to do with their time but lift weights. Eating meat doesn't make you strong, exercise does

>> No.4885534



>Derek first converted to a plant-based diet at the age of 19 when he began reading about the vast health impacts of eating this way through the works of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Joel Furhman, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, and several other prominent researchers and clinicians.

>> No.4885554

They have taken away weights for prisoners. This is because they've gotten much stronger than the guards.
Just an interesting tidbit.

>> No.4886115

great, so I should eat 6 cups of cooked lentils a day, thanks for the advice

>carbs are supposed to be the main thing you eat
except paleo man ate a limited amount of carbs, and there are still many groups in the world who eat a limited amount of carbs. there is nothing suggesting that a diet need be primarily carbs, that's just the consequence of paid off research which ignores actual facts about the human digestive system. proteins and even many fats do more for your body than carbs, which will spike your insulin levels and ruin your ability to properly convert macros into energy.

>I don't want to eat 3 dry cups of lentils every day so that must mean I only eat meat every single fucking calorie of every meal
this is why no one takes you vegans seriously. black and white fallacies all over

>> No.4886125

but your assumption is that because demand for large meat production hurts the global environment, demand for vegan products are the solution. that's completely ignoring how much wildlife is killed off and greenhouse gasses emitted, machinery mined from the earth, etc in order to fuel the production of crops. You would have to tear down society and distintegrate terrible governmental and corporate choices in order to remove the global risks that mass food production causes, we are simply consumers of a variety of foodstuffs in the same way our non-industrialized ancestors were

>> No.4886127

>if you're on steroids you don't need protein
the actual complete reverse is true and if you deny this you've never met a single person who's used steroids in your entire life

source: I used steroids

>> No.4886131

by the way let me call you out on more bullshit
>born 1 July 1979
>2002 he became the overall junior champion at the Gießen Campions-Cup
>Having been a vegetarian since 2005, he recently became a vegan in 2011
If you don't understand, putting on muscle is a lifelong challenge and he had already juiced and loaded up before he became a vegetarian. All of his titles were grabbed before he became a vegan, and before 2011 he could eat eggs, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese, all pure sources of bioavailable protein.

>yadda yadda prison
Actually most prisoners lose muscle, not gain it. Those that put on muscle probably are, yes, smuggling in steroids, but also have claimed bitches in the cafeteria and have better access to food. In such cases, it would be better understood that most muscular men came into prison that way; prison turns no skinny man into king kong and you need to stop with all your fucking post hoc fallacies

>> No.4886270



>> No.4886274


How do you drink that much milk in a single day?

I barely get 1 cup of milk a day and most of that is through hot drink additions.

>> No.4886310

Generally when they take away choice, I'm against this.

This case is no exception. If children want a meatless meal there should be a choice, but there shouldn't be ONLY meatless meals.

>> No.4886332

>Should other schools follow suit?
Definitely. There's zero reason to feed kids meat in school, but tons of reasons not to.

>> No.4886394


Initially I was against this, but then I thought: chances are good that a majority of these kids will go home and eat a dinner with meat in it, which will be enough. The only kids that are losing out are the ones that have more problems than eating the right foods (namely, kids who go home and won't be fed due to poverty or parental negligence)

I went to a school that didn't do lunches, I brought my own, which most of the time was a sandwich, fruits and maybe a sweet snack, very rarely had meat in it.

>> No.4886401

I'm sure the school in NY improved primarily because they started feeding actual food to the students. Deep fried vegetarian pizza with mayo would have shown less of an improvement.

>> No.4886403


I was wondering if they changed the portion sizes for the new menu, large lunches make a lot of people lethargic in the afternoon.

>> No.4886410

It's entirely possible. They probably contracted someone to redo the menu, and the combination of eliminating meat and reducing portion sizes would have given them a lot of breathing room to come up with a more nutritionally sound lunch.

>> No.4886424


More like once you start paying attention to what you eat, you become healthier.

Crazy, I know.

>> No.4886427


That is one beautiful man. No homo.

>> No.4886433

Well, school cafeterias are like all-you-can-eat buffets, no? You put as much food on your plate as you want?

>> No.4886435

>More like once you start paying attention to what you eat, you become healthier.
This. Just about any diet is healthier than the Western diet. But it appears that "good" diets are very low in sugar and high in vegetable fiber. Once you're there it probably doesn't matter too much whether your indulgence is grain or meat.

>> No.4886436

that is not generally how most schools in the USA offer their meals.
Salad/fruit bars maybe but not the majority of the meal

>> No.4886440

why is there a giant fork in his belly?

>> No.4886441


I don't think so, I've not been in a school cafeteria, but I've been in others, there's usually a set menu of things you can take for your tray, including your central meal, which is portioned by staff.

>> No.4886442

No. Portions are set. Students don't get more than the given amount unless they pay for it.

>> No.4886464

Gotcha. Well after reading an article about this school it looks like they introduced nutrition classes too, so I imagine they're very into getting kids to eat right.

>> No.4886479

Sort of misleading.
Any sort of "diet" which includes restrictions is usually far better than an unrestricted diet, just by the notion you're watching what you're eating.

You could have just as easily created a well balanced meal plan that included meat, and I'd guarantee you'd see the exact same results.

It's a matter of creating food plans, not vegeterianism.

>> No.4886497

They can make meals with meat healthier, no doubt. But since kids are already overeating meat, feeding them it is by itself unhealthy, you could say.

>> No.4886519

>2014 the year food nazis continue going from on extreme to the other. either vegetarian all year long or nothing but greasy food topped with cheese with a side of deep fried fatty stuff and one half bite of veggies

>> No.4886540

Vegetarian is such a ridiculously easy diet in most countries, wouldn't classify it as extreme by a long shot.

>> No.4886564

like i said. one extreme or the other. either go vegetarian or eat nothing but meat with extra grease topped with cheese and a side deep fat fried food.

yup no way to have meat with out greasy ass sides to accompany it. no way possible because school is smart and stuff

>> No.4886580

well i guess if your not going vegetarian you can serve fruit in a nice sugary sauce as a not greasy side. nope has to have sugar added to the fruit if you are going to eat meat because school is smart. to bad you are not vegetarian because the get fruit that is not covered in extra sugar. yup

>> No.4886594

The main problem is the kids won't eat the non-greasy shit. Shitty parents and shitty diet habits lead to kids turning down healthier lunches.

To be honest, this is a problem that is only going to be fixed at home.

>> No.4886615

yes kids wont eat the non greasy shit when the only option is vegetarian salads with your choice of smothering it in fatty ass ranch or some other abomination of a salad dressing

>> No.4886655

I bet the vegetarian meals will contain macaroni and cheese or pasta and tomato sauce and maybe cholrine drenched baby carrots for the vegetables portion .

>> No.4886685

>pasta and tomato sauce
How is this unhealthy? Pasta with veggies = awesome and cheap. Just don't stuff your face like a crazy mother fucker and you won't get fat.

>> No.4886706

>cholrine drenched

Also the vegetarian meals better at least contain cheese otherwise it should qualify as a meal. We aren't trying to punish the kids

>> No.4886723

> New York
> large sodas illegal
> forced vegetarianism

... b-b-b-but muh freedoms!

>> No.4886728

lolno. The kids bitched to their moms so everyone got sack lunches. Probably 15 people actually ate the school lunches that year.

>> No.4886733

>We aren't trying to punish the kids
Disagree. We should punish them, and dairy is a good way of doing it. They'll regret being noisy and obnoxious when they have dairy-induced prostate cancer. Feed them nothing but milk and cheese I say. That'll show them.

>> No.4886851

that's the problem of idiot american parents, the meals at school should be nutritionally sound, and with options.

with your logic, you might as well say "kids are getting obese cuz dumbass parents feed um too much grease and meat, therefore school should stop serving food in general, as to balance out the kid's caloric intake"

>> No.4886881

i like how vegans and vegetarians ignore the fact that they get fat or fatter easier then non vegans and non vegetarians

>> No.4886883

Please explain how cheese causes prostate cancer

>> No.4886892

assumes being a vegetarian gives you the choice of stuffing your face or not unlike the meat eaters who have no choice but to stuff their face

>> No.4886895

vegan or vegetarian claiming all kids every were over eat meat by eating any meat at all and theirfore should not feed the kids any meat at all

>> No.4886976

Dairy consumption is highly associated with prostate cancer risk. That's why Harvard's school of health advises to limit consumption to a couple servings a day. Just a quick Google but:


>> No.4887013

How does an American school lunch work? All I hear about them is the schools serve pizza slices, fries and other warm foods. Is it supposed to replace an evening dinner?

If not, why make a fuss over a vegetarian lunch?

>> No.4887014

I asked you to explain how it causes prostate cancer, not whether there was some vague correlation in some studies

>> No.4887028


You're essentially right. Most of the food is supplied by the lowest bidder and corrupt government contracts. Meals are provided for breakfast and lunch.

So more progressive and/or rich areas are attempting to solve diet/nutrition concerns in the youth population by serving 'better' meals. In my opinion this is dealing with symptoms, not the sources of malnutrition. Namely poverty.

There's no fuss being made, really. This is just another pilot project deal, nothing worth paying attention to.

>> No.4887032

>vague correlation
All health organizations I know of warn of the risk of cancers with excessive dairy consumption. There's strong evidence, not just "vague correlations." For the actual mechanism, not sure it has been identified yet. The same is true for many things that cause cancer, though: we know pretty well that they cause cancer even though the exact mechanism

>> No.4887125

er, its worth paying attention to because its a potentially unique solution to a bevy of dietary problems and may yield useful information in the future. not much good with information analysis, are ya?

>> No.4887126

>How does an American school lunch work?
It doesn't replace their dinner, it's just their meal between breakfast (before they leave for school) and the meal they eat when they get home from school.

>> No.4887141

I believe all children should be required to eat a vegan diet. Meat is horribly dangerous and addictive, yes, if you want to be a disgusting savage, do it when you're an adult but children are simply incapable of making that decision. I am heartbroken that my parents made me eat innocent, defenceless animals and at all the potential damage this has done to my body.

>> No.4887153

I wouldn't mind, I think it'd be a great cultural shift, but it'll never happen. Especially in the South. Meat obsession trumps even gun obsession.

>> No.4887154

>kids are already overeating meat
do you have any citations to back up your claim, or are you just gonna say LEL ONE BURGER A DAY IS ENOUGH TO CAUSE YOU CANCER

you can soundly argue Americans of all walks eat too much processed meat and ingest too many carcinogens, but that doesn't mean most kids are overeating seafood and lean meats. I would say the opposite problem exists, that there's too much of a market for carb-based foods and so kids are underingesting lean proteins and essential fatty oils which are key to good system development and less insulin problems. when America's most threatening digestive issue is diabetes, you should stop thinking in terms of reducing protein and fat ingestion.

>> No.4887155

>overeating seafood
The fact that the world's fisheries are set to collapse by 2048 is a good enough reason to say people are eating way too much seafood.


>> No.4887157

must be nice never having to slaughter an animal and never having to water fields and being able to tell people what to eat because the poor animals. are you one of those people who will go torture an animal just to prove that eating meat is bad?

>> No.4887161

>must be nice never having to slaughter an animal
99.99% of people don't slaughter their own meat, come on now. No way would I eat meat if I had to slaughter the animal first.

>> No.4887164

and that's America's fault right? not possibly that of some country with 1.3 billion seafood-lovers and little regulation on food industries?

please, give me more post hoc fallacies. I thrive on them.

>> No.4887169

the inventor of kellogs corn flakes promoted vegetarianisim because he was always constipated. he also invented corn flakes because he was constipated and needed something to help him poop. im not constipated. why should i be forced to go vegetarian?

>> No.4887174

>people with greatest longevity belong to cultures who eat meat, but do so sparingly
>people with lowest longevity belong to cultures who either eat a large quantity of meat or eat no meat at all
>conclusion: eat meat, but do so sparingly because, as usual, extremes are bad
As always, middle road is best road.

>> No.4887175

Overfishing is everyone's problem, brah.

>> No.4887176

exactly! if you had to water the fields to eat veggies you probably wouldnt do that either if you could just go and buy meat instead

>> No.4887178

If given the choice between growing my own crops, or slaughtering my own animals, I'd much rather go water some crops. I lack the Jeffrey Dahmer psyche for animal slaughter.

>> No.4887191

This, people who truly say they would be happy to slaughter their own meat should be placed under observation by police.

>> No.4887199

its hard work that is why some places keep immigrants as slaves to harvest the crops.

>> No.4887202

Bleeeeding heart wuss.

Going to go pick up a goat to split with my friend. We get a discount if we kill and clean it ourselves. Then the next week I plan on hunting with some coworkers.

>> No.4887215

You are a true psychopath and you deserve nothing, not even to live.

>> No.4887229

>how dare you kill an animal for food!
>you should be put to death!

Your average "hypocrite who's only 'liberal' because he's insecure" ladies and gents.

>> No.4887250

Do you think that all people of different beliefs should die?

>> No.4887260

Not at all, but someone who has no need to eat animals (i.e. most humans) but chooses to is a monster and should be suitably punished. One who gloats about their depravity, even more so.

>> No.4887262


>> No.4887268

>about humanely hunting and slaughtering their food rather than eating factory farmed scary meat
>should be put to death
Nah, you're a militant cunt, and thankfully to much of a coward to act on your impulses.

You and your degenerate ilk are however, the reason every uprising turns into a murder/torture/rapefest.

>> No.4887293

Why are you so insecure? Bad genetics? Bullied a lot as a kid? Shit, you remind me of my vegan anarchist mate who only got that way since he got severe nerve damage in a bike accident and can only wank with one hand.

>> No.4887406

vegan/vegetarian buddies told doctors they do not eat meat.

doctors unable to force vegan/vegetarians to eat meat

doctors inform sickly non meat eaters they can get alot of nutrients and minerals to get a bit healthier then their curent anemic state from various plants and pills

vegan/vegetarian claims victory and tells meat eaters eating animals is wrong and proves arguments with scientific data that shows when someone is sick and on a meatless diet eating certain non meat dishes and taking supplement pills makes sickly non meat eaters healthier then when thier life style choice made them sick

>> No.4887522

>sickly non meat eaters
Uh, what? Plant-based foods are the most nutrient dense foods out there. Many plant foods are more bioavailable than meat and dairy, even. Buckwheat is more bioavailable than steak, chicken, pork, or fish for example.

>> No.4887538

Copious amounts of fruits and veggies + fish + lean meat occasionally + wine + tea + water + coffee + beer = best diet

>> No.4887962

plants loaded with nutrients that herbivores absorb better then omnivores.

>> No.4887988

>implying humans arent herbivores and meat isnt poison
>implying im not trolling
>implying im not not trolling
>implying my own implications

>> No.4887997

>no meat
The hell's wrong with you? People should at least get to choose.
>as long as the meat is at least as good as what you'd get at the grocery store

>> No.4888016

>implying doctors and researchers paid for by the government and not by you or private individuals or companies actually recommend vegetarian diets to meat eaters.

>> No.4888024

But of course, mass grain is much easier to produce than avians or mammals.

>> No.4888032

Has everyone here really never heard of the China-Cornell-Oxford Project?

>> No.4888057

that is the study were they found meat eaters had lower triglycerides and less cirrhosis of the liver and no real benifits of not eating meat other then the poor poor cows get to not be made into steaks and hamburgers? yes i have heard of that project

>> No.4888094

What the fuck study are you talking about?

>> No.4888145

>>4888094 see >>4888032
like i said before.
vegan/vegetarian decide to not eat animals. doctors and researchers come up with all kinds of food that is wonderfully benificial to vegan/vegetarians that is not meat.

doctors can not force vegan/vegetarians to eat meat even though not eating meat is bad for you.

vegan/vegetarians claim a win because doctors told them about all the veggies that are great only for vegan/vegetarian diets who refuse to eat meat.

>> No.4888169

studies showing how vegan/vegetarian diets are so wonderful are studies showing vegan/vegetarian health compared to sickly people who are on some other fad diet. read "twenty two reasons not to go vegetarian" its on the westonaprice . org website

>> No.4888517


>humanely slaughtering

The hell does that mean? A humane action would be to not go around killing things

>> No.4888538

Humane slaughtering doesn't really exist. Unless you personally lethally inject the cow or something.

>> No.4888540

>not eating meat is bad for you.
Can't tell if troll or just really misinformed.

>> No.4888542

Can't tell if faggot or just taking a dick in the ass

>> No.4888546

>implying a single swipe completely severing the head is not humane
But I'm sure you'd rather hundreds if not thousands of animals be fatally mangled in dull mechanical blades meant for harvesting the grain they were taking cover in, that used to be forests and wildlands meant for other animals you killed off to soothe your narrow-minded conscious. And this is just to feed you...

>> No.4888552

Not sure what you're talking about. The majority of grain grown is used to feed livestock, and the majority of deforestation, habitat loss, and resulting species extinction is for livestock use.

70-80% of the deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, for example, is for beef production.

>> No.4888559

Exactly sir.

Humans are overpopulated. Several BILLION apex predators, many with fucking stupid preferential diets? Yeah this is a disaster.

But if you take a field and harvest what is edible by humans, there is quite a bit left over for feeding livestock. If you create fields for the purpose of feeding people and will not use that grain for livestock, then you're doing immense harm.

There is no reason for vegans. The human diet should be a mixed one. And underdeveloped countries should be cut off from the rest of humanity, for their own good. I cite India as a prime example. Do not feed starving savages, their population will increase until they are starving again.

>> No.4888565

>Much less damaging to the environment
and more damaging to the fucking kids, they are still growing they need the protein. fucking vegans are hypocritical asswipes.

>> No.4888755


>they need the protein

The biggest, strongest animals on earth are vegetarian. Protein is found in all plants.

>> No.4888768

>all things are the same

>> No.4888778


>plants don't have protein

Do you think your argument is less ridiculous?

>> No.4888812

You need saturated fat, retard

>> No.4888833
File: 102 KB, 790x733, vegansandnormalpeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted in a thread before, so allow me to post the same pic I posted there for your viewing pleasure. The coolest animals on earth are omnivores and carnivores, douche
>thinking plants have the same quality protein as meat
you are dangerously retarded, sir

>> No.4888847

Vegan threads should only be about cooking vegan meals, it's a food board, not a fucking v-gunz are better board. Fuck.
>>Sexts 8's get

>> No.4888887

Sexts 8's to make this a rule.

>> No.4888891
File: 10 KB, 259x194, vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4888892
File: 77 KB, 289x700, tumblr_lv6wjcSzhr1qaj5ngo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4888894

that image makes me smile because it says venin and not venom

>> No.4888899

If the "meat" isn't even real meat, then yeah the schools should start going vegan. It'll be healthier for the kids anyway. Better than feeding them "meat" that isn't even really meat.

>> No.4888906
File: 18 KB, 1181x36, Screen shot 2013-10-22 at 5.27.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a sister in high school I can confirm they serve actual meat and not the plastic you seem to be implying

>> No.4889204

the one god thing i can say about vegans and vegetarians is that sometimes they do make some tasty dishes.

tasty dishes that i would happily eat to help cleanse my pallet while i enjoy eating a nice tasty slab of tasty beef!

>> No.4889215

and that would make you smile why?

>> No.4889229

... you... don't know... do you?
