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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 213x206, masterchef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4883396 No.4883396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright faggots, who's gonna win the first ever MasterChef Junior? Pic related

I'm hoping it will boil down to Jack or Troy as number two.

>> No.4883403

Sarah's a cutie tho, I'd love to keep her in a dungeon

>> No.4883420
File: 25 KB, 600x338, dara_masterchef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chubby Asian loli pls

>> No.4883436


Gordon is such a sweetie in this version, I just want to pinch his wrinkly cheeks

>> No.4883437
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Their kid once they grow up and fuck.
>pic related

>> No.4883440


>> No.4883452

that gavin kid is a pretentious twat i want to slap him

>> No.4883459

is jackoff man still in? what about hipster girl? I haven't actually watched any of this.

>> No.4883468


who and who

>> No.4883470

Jack Hoffman = jackoff man
Jew girl with hipster glasses = hipster girl

>> No.4883475


hawaiian jagoff is still there and hipster kike girl got booted off with the token nigger girl in the most recent episode

>> No.4883486

well hopefully jackoff will win the whole thing just to spite his parents for giving him a shit name. meanwhile I'll be waiting for shekel-chan to be legal so I can make her ancestors suffer again when they see my pork in her belly.

>> No.4883501


my sides

sarah is the cutest, i wanna snuggle her forever

>> No.4884611


>> No.4884715

Based Hawaiian Jack

>> No.4884731
File: 141 KB, 1057x669, mchef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone X out the ones that are gone?

>> No.4884765
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>jewels gold

oh my god what a kike
$10 says her parents are friends with the producers and that's the only reason why she was ever on the show

>> No.4884763


>> No.4884768

Obviously it's going to be Alexander despite the fact that he can't make a fucking cake.

>> No.4884769


fuck off m8 you always have some sort of alton brown or youtube best cooking shows threads
chug more dick fag

>> No.4884924




Gavin will win by the appetizer in the finale with Alexander.

>> No.4884931

>implying Weiss isn't the biggest kike

We already determined that Jackoffman's parents hate him, Minnie mouse will win on cute factor, Sarah will turn out a thick hottie, and Troy will be the ultimate twink.

>> No.4884935

Ok i lol'd

>> No.4884944

Molly and Jewels are 12/10, super hot, beautiful and cute. Sarah is also really cute. Then there's Sofia who has that super quirky adorable thing going on, and it's just really endearing.

>> No.4884957

I missed the last episode, who went home?
Hopefully not Sarah ;_;

>> No.4884965

Jewels was easily 9/10. She lost a point because of the Jewnose in her side profile.

Molly was 7/10 at best. Maybe in a few years she'll go up a few points when she fills out.

Sophia is actually a model, and an easy 8/10. They dressed her down in this show so no one would recognize her.

Sarah is currently a 6/10 because she still has that baby-belly that girls her age have. In a few years, she's an easy 9/10.

>4chan, full of normal people

>> No.4884980

Haha yeah I was just googling Sophia and saw that she's a model. She'll probably peak in a year or so if she hasn't already.

My personal fave was Jewels hands down, love her look. I could marry that girl. I agree completely about Sarah but not Molly. Maybe I just like normal looking girls. Sarah in a year and half will be god tier, she just needs to be careful and be sure to get slim.

>> No.4885003

Everything about Jewels was just perfect.
>Her attitude
>Her looks
>Her Name

You might have to fight me for her, anon.

>> No.4885019

take it to /tv/ you fucking creeps.

I can understand pedophilia --fuck I was a /b/tard in it's prime, but you guys are just pathetic.

>> No.4885024


2:16, unff

Jewels is pretty amazing but I think Molly would be a better wife. I'd be happy to beat the shit out of your for Jewels though but I'd be happy with Molly too.

>> No.4885040

I've had a change of heart. I want Molly, you can have Jewels.


Relax faggor, no one is talking anything remotely close the P word, hide the thread if you don't like it. Masterchef is

>> No.4885042

>"I have two older brothers, 18 and 20..."

Those lucky bastards.

>> No.4885054

Imagine being able to sniff her dirty socks.

>> No.4885055

Sure...socks...that's exactly what I was thinking...

>> No.4885091

Jewels and Molly confirmed for hideous tier, Sarah and Sofia are clearly the best two girls. Minnie would look better if she didn't look like Mrs. Swan

>> No.4885097
File: 1.31 MB, 320x180, masterchef jr sarah1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4885118

Give it a few years, she'll be a knockout.

>> No.4885122


she already is a knockout

>> No.4885127


Molly is fucking beautiful. Would wifey.

>> No.4885141

>no one is talking anything remotely close the P word

have you even seen this thread? Talking in depth about little kids you don't personally know is either autism or pedophilia, there really is no middle ground.

>> No.4885156

Ok so we're all autistic, go away now.

>> No.4885256

Why boner

>> No.4885288

I vote for the fattest kid.

>> No.4885300 [DELETED] 

I vote for the fattest kid.
Fat people are passionate about food and only they can become great chefs.

>> No.4885349



>> No.4885444
File: 43 KB, 635x475, 1382152067762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about children while using the terms hot and beautiful
>not pedophilia

Stay classy, /ck/

>> No.4885455

even gordon was flirting with jewels though.. ep 1 season 1

>> No.4885463

also is it just me or what the fuck do these kids get lines? they sound like really mature adults constantly. especially that little fucker nathan when he presents his dishes, he has no idea wtf is going on

>> No.4885494


who the fuck is nathan

>> No.4885499


gordon only "flirted" with jewels because the jew producers told him to give their jew progeny some special attention

>> No.4885734

Gordon flirted with Jewels because he couldn't resist. But Molly is better overall.

>> No.4885756
File: 8 KB, 493x402, nnnnnnnnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with calling children beautiful. My little sister is the most beautiful child in the world to me.


>> No.4885826

Oh word? How beautiful is she?

>> No.4885877

I'm surprised Graham hasn't given any WalMart shpiels yet

>> No.4885881
File: 787 KB, 1366x768, sarahqueenofck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4885896

She's the cutest little girl to me. (Maybe it's just because I'm her brother, but still)

>> No.4885898
File: 169 KB, 311x278, yehuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>queen of /ck/

>> No.4885909

>tfw checking out a new hottie in the neighborhood from a distance.
>tfw heart drops and gets crushed when you get close enough to her to realize she is only 11 but tall for her age

>> No.4885910


Pick one. Just one.

>> No.4885929

lol, boil.
That's a cooking term, you know?

>> No.4885932

you request the impossible

>> No.4885933

Oh shit. I get the joke. That was actually pretty funny. Oh god. Your sister's thighs

>> No.4885934
File: 57 KB, 364x364, 1357180487070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4886017


amazon eve

>> No.4886154


Why is everyone saying Molly is better she looks like a cross between Sarah Jessica Parker's horseface and a foot.
She's literally the girl at elementary school who goes horseback riding and loves Mondays and tells the teacher when no one did their homework

>> No.4886231

>jewels recently released a music video

>> No.4886256


no way. that's another thing she can add on her resume of things she can't do well

>> No.4886345

Gavin sweeps the finale

>> No.4886357


ugh. I never thought I would prefer rebecca black to something else. But I think you found it.

>> No.4886369


>> No.4886398

>caring this much

>> No.4886420

I'm pretty sure it's just me saying that.
First of all, she looks nothing like Sarah Jessica Parker or a foot.
>She's literally the girl at elementary school who goes horseback riding

Exactly, she's that girl who loves Monday and is endearingly responsible. I was always the cool guy in school, I could never go for that girl. Molly is 12/10, perfect diamond inside and out who cares about midnight runs at school.

>> No.4886576


if i could wipe my arse with her face i would

and not even in a sexual way

>> No.4886598

>implying she would even entertain the thought of talking to you

She's beyond you in class and most definitely looks. You're just jealous because she's the kind of girl you'll never have a chance with because she's perfect and you're perverted, grotesque, and ugly as sin.

>> No.4886628

stopped watching after 3 seconds

no idea how anyone could like her instead of kawaii besheckeled Sofia

>> No.4886676

>classy and good looking


>> No.4886751

Sofia is cute but that's it. She's only a model because she's young and girls at this age can be "models" because they just have to look cute and generic. She's bland.

Classier and better looking than any girl that's had the misfortune of talking to you. Some people have good taste, other people do not. I bet you're the meatloaf guy or guy cutting his burger patties with egg and breadcrumbs.

>> No.4886758


>projecting this hard

so much mad

>> No.4886762

you seem awfully mad
did you catch your nose in a door again?

>> No.4886770
File: 29 KB, 406x406, man-yells-at-trumpet-player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4887328

It will be of course Alexander and the second place will go to troy. I wish it could be Sarah because that would be adorable but... we have to face reality that it will come down to those two.

>> No.4887338

There was actually a short upskirt on the last episode.

Green panties.

>> No.4887347


I call dibs on Sarah when she turns 15 by that time i'll be around...27. Not bad at all.

Wait in line faggots for your turn

>> No.4887429

>caring for someone caring that much

>> No.4887732


All these meatloaf eating, breadcrumb cutting patty poorfags upset because Molly is literally the most beautiful girl in the world and they're bitter they'll never have a girl like that in their lives.


All I want for Christmas is Molly.

>> No.4888374

Till one of these kids becomes the Miley of cooking.

>> No.4888479

That depends. If its Jewels, I'd have no problem with this. Stay away from Molly, she's a good wholesome responsible girl.

>> No.4888504

I wanted to make a thread about this show before but I knew it would turn into this.

These kids make me feel like a complete retard in the kitchen. Those beef wellingtons looked great.

I say Alexander wins with Dara in second. They're gonna have a boy and a girl in the finale.

>> No.4888530

>but I knew it would turn into this

Into what Anon? It seems like your saying that you know they were so pretty people would talk about them.

>> No.4889070


Green in the most recent, blue in the one where she's sitting like that. Wish I could smell em

dibs on her now until the end of her life

molly is gross

>> No.4889387


Seriously, how do these fucks know how to make wellingtons and fresh pasta and all that crap? I can barely make boxed pasta as it is

>> No.4889533


Please tell me Ramsey is involved and will scream/freakout at the little kids.

>> No.4889538

They don't usually show this on camera, but on regular MC, they have an in-studio demonstration of how to prepare the dishes the contestants are meant to replicate. The same is likely true of MCJ.

>> No.4889542

Damn it. Although some of them seem quite bratty I'm positively surprised and impressed.

>> No.4889557

Watching the first episode right now. That asian kid making Spätzle is impressing too.

>> No.4889638


dara is a qt, but she's not gonna win

>> No.4889642


He's a sweetheart in this one but he accidentally swore twice in front of them when he was trying his hardest not to, was pretty lulzy

>> No.4889696

Are the kids just actors or are they legit cooking prodigies?

>> No.4889712


one of them is a model and another one has a music video released so it would be a safe bet that they're all actors or the spawns of jewproducers

>> No.4890745

fucking sam weiss...

i want sarah to die in fire.

>> No.4890758
File: 127 KB, 600x450, go_fuck_yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>want Sarah to die in fire.

Anon, go fuck yourself.

>> No.4890764

I found this show by accident the other night, it's great! I'm amazed at what these kids can cook for their age.

>> No.4890773
File: 126 KB, 600x287, 20120414230058-0217b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alexander is best cook in the whole lot and sarah is gonna find something she cant cook and flip her shit then lose

>> No.4890808

Sarah will be my wife and my personal chef.

>> No.4890811

That just means more Molly for me. She's a 10/10, the most beautiful girl in the world and that's not an opinion but subjective fact. I'd be happily married to her for the rest of my life and be the best husband I could ever be. Tell he how much she means to me and that she's the most amazing girl in the world always.

>> No.4890814

but you c-cant be h-her "husband." th-thats forbidden love!

>> No.4890865

We can run away together, into the sunset of the unknown with our hands clasp tight and our hearts beating together as one. We would make anything work, come hell or high water.

>> No.4891946

Alexander is too overpowered. He outclasses everyone else in every single aspect. He is a special, everyone else is a normal.

>> No.4891962
File: 74 KB, 671x481, jmasterchef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first ever MasterChef Junior

Correction: yet another revival of a 20 year old poorly received British television programme.

>> No.4891966

First ever Masterchef USA Junior?

>> No.4893301

Alexander is too old for the show. 12 should be the cutoff, 13 is too old. Bring in more 8 year olds and it'd be perfect.

Who the fuck is Lloyd Whatever the fuck is his last name? If it doesn't have Gordon Ramsay then I don't care, it's for plebs if he's not in the show.

>> No.4893395

>Alexander is too old for the show. 12 should be the cutoff, 13 is too old. Bring in more 8 year olds and it'd be perfect.

Said like a true pedophile.

>> No.4895033

ITT we learn even /ck/ is plagued with pedos.

>> No.4895060

>poorly received
>ran for five series
Pick one.

>> No.4895210

Keep throwing around the "p" word. Molly is 12 anyway. If you don't think she's beautiful there's nothing wrong with me, there's something wrong with you, more Molly for me son.