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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4883098 No.4883098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

tell me, /ck/
what is the secret to making fried rice.

so far I have:
peanut oil
jasmin rice
green onion
some mushroom
soy sauce
oyster sauce (idk if this would even work well in it)

>> No.4883100

day old rice

>> No.4883101

oh and pork
fuck your veggie shit

>> No.4883102

Go youtube searching; you'll find out everything we'd teach you. Now go away.

>> No.4883104

This. U gotta use cold rice from yesterday. And go easy on the soy/oyster. You can add sugar balance them out

>> No.4883106

I'm starting to think restaurant fried rice has soy sauce when they first boil the rice.

>> No.4883108
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Cook your rice a day or two ahead of time.
The drier the rice, the better.

Also, make sure to use a giant fucking pan.
Wok that shit
It's gonna be hot as hell and you'll need a lot of room to stir that shit around, and you don't want it flopping out of the pan onto your man tits.
Wear a shirt and shoes if you don't want to get popped.

If you use meat, put it in first. You want your chicken or beef to start getting crisp around the edges in the oil before dumping the other shit in there.

Its very hard to fuck up fried rice unless you dump a gallon of sauce or some shit in it
Don't be intimidated
Just remember - Hot, fast, dry.

>> No.4883116
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How do you make NYC style yellow pork fry rice? I can't fly to NYC to spend $5 on pork fry rice.

>> No.4883123

I hate all the breading they use on those things
I always peel it off before eating

>> No.4883127

should I cook the eggs before hand? or does it not matter. if the wok is supposed to be super hot i guess before hand would work best

also what if i just have a big frying pan instead of a wok does it matter that much

>> No.4883126

why would you fly to NYC to get generic chinese takeout?

>> No.4883125

Biggest tip is restaurant style fried rice is not the same as homestyle.

Homestyle fried rice uses leftovers. Restaurant fried rice is made especially for fried rice. In banquets it's the penultimate dish, not just leftovers.

>> No.4883129

>should I cook the eggs before hand?

>> No.4883130

i sense sarcasm

>> No.4883135

You don't need a wok, but you do need something big, preferably with deep sides
The thing about making fried rice is that as you start adding all that shit in there, your pan is gonna start getting really, really full, and hard to stir around if you're using a regular frying pan
..and you need to stir constantly

You can do it, but you're heading for burnt man tits and shit dumping all over your stove if you're not careful

>> No.4883136

Because yellow pork fry rice man. It's yellow.

>> No.4883143

ok cool. yeah the pan is big and i dont have man tits. what about the egg?

>> No.4883148

I'd add it towards the end, after dumping in the rice and veg and you start thinking that it looks 'done'
Everything will be so hot that it'll basically cook in no time.
Its more like a 'garnish' sort of thing in fried rice than an actual ingredient, if that makes any sense.

>> No.4883151

>dat lack of aromatics

Throw in some garlic and shallots OP, also in my country we use sweet soy sauce.

>> No.4883154

yeah but I can get that in Virginia

>> No.4883159

oh yeah, I forgot to mention i'll be using garlic and ginger and onion. Im assuming its important to cook these in the oil before you add the rice?

>> No.4883164

Fuck you, I don't want to go to Virgina.