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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 609x480, traditionalmaple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4880416 No.4880416 [Reply] [Original]

>thick and cakey
>greasy as fuck
>texture turns to soggy shit with syrup

Is there such a thing as a good pancake, co/ck/s? I don't think there is.

>> No.4880419

>thick and cakey
What? A panCAKE is cakey? If you don't like it, you don't like it. That doesn't mean it's inherently bad.
>greasy as fuck
I've never had greasy pancakes.
>texture turns to soggy shit with syrup
I don't drown my pancakes in syrup, so they don't get soggy.

>> No.4880423

waffles are far superior.

>> No.4880427

You need to put a little more water in the batter.
You're also a huge faggot for trying to fry the things, too.
> using syrup and not honey
git gud

>> No.4880433

real maple syrup beats out honey.

>> No.4880436

Yeah, the thin ones that most yuros eat are great.

>> No.4880439

I don't eat fatty garbage like pancakes

>> No.4880443
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>> No.4880444
File: 1.42 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol@ my pleb pancakes.

Had no instant mix, and tried to make them myself.

Were good as fuck, that's all that matters /ck/.

>> No.4880449

Are those burger patties?

>> No.4880451

cinammon pancakes ;[

>> No.4880453

I prefer honey on my pancakes, too. They're both good, though. As long as it isn't maple flavored corn syrup.
What is that? What- what is that? I don't- I can't. I can't even

>> No.4880458


Seriously were actually good though, believe it or not a shit load of syrup is good on anything.

I will try again.

>> No.4880460

They look okay now that I know they're cinnamon pancakes. A lot of food doesn't photograph well, but can be delicious. As long as it tastes good, you did good. You're not doing food makeup for ads.

>> No.4880466

Fuck that's disgusting.
Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong.

>> No.4880467

Nice trips, horrible pancakes. The fuck is that white shit all over them? Your pic looks like a bad steak covered in butter and semen.

>> No.4880468
File: 1.54 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture does them more justice, was before the syrup and on the opposite side.

>> No.4880471

Yep. Those are pancakes.

>> No.4880472
File: 354 KB, 1690x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4880473

Whipped cream nigga.

>> No.4880476

Haggard as fuck/10

Would eat.

>> No.4880478

I hope you didn't sweeten that shit.

>> No.4880482

Here's a few tips.
First let the pan get hot. Not smoking hot, but a nice medium heat.
Second you've used too much oil. Pancakes like a dry non stick surface. Outside of a commercial kitchen hot plate it's something that cheap Teflon pans are actually good for. Too much oil/butter will ruin the pancake remember it should rise not fry.
The batter should bubble as it hears through. Again if it's not too much lipids.
Flipping a pancake is done for looks, but some of the best pancakes I've ever eaten have only been cooked on one side. Think of it more like an unleavened bread than say a burger pattie.

Keep up the good work, cinnamon pancakes are are tricky thing to perfect. Also next time add some walnuts, banana and maple and you've got a god tier sweet dish.

>> No.4880492

Jesus, I had no idea that's why they've been coming out so un-fluffy.

They have seriously been fucking frying, as I lay them on the pan they would sizzle and I'd have no idea why, what an idiot I am.

Problem is, I don't have a proper non-stick pan but am seriously going to invest in one.

>> No.4880543
File: 734 KB, 1824x1368, dryki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the other guy
They should make a sound when it hits the pan, but not a frying sound.
I gave away all of my Teflon pans and do it on my CI.
Pic related, not exactly a pancake but I love the golden brown color

>> No.4880546

It's the type if thing we all get told once Anon.
But it's also the type of thing that you won't forget once you get it working.

Once you get that technique right, play with recipes, try buckwheat and buttermilk etc. They add so much flavour and texture to the pancake.
Sour cream in the mix is also another protip.
Not all at once, but experiment.
But get your pan skills down first.

>> No.4880551

And this is exactly right.
You hear the perfect pancake.

>> No.4880552

Hey, fuckwits, the sole trick to getting fluffy amazing pancakes is whipping eggwhites into a foam and adding them to your batter.

Separate the whites, drink the yolks or whatever, and whip them until the foam gets "chunky." Then you foam you fold them into your batter and voila.

Enjoy all the pussy you get from making amazing pancakes.

>> No.4880556
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Damn my drunk mind. You should be able to piece together the gist of it though.

>> No.4880563

Just read the first and last few posts, but I felt like adding that the batter should be made close to cooking time. If it's made in advance and left in refrigeration for a few days, it can lead to flat, unleavened cakes. I liked them like that when I was a kid (I was a weird kid) and would make the batter days in advance. Gave them a slightly sour taste (like sourdough bread).

>> No.4880595

waffle>french toast>crepe>pancake

>> No.4880601


a crepe has never been better than a pancake. ever.

however, German "pancake" with spple and powdered sugar and sour cream is best.

>> No.4880623

hey now i make really healthy fantastic buckwheat panckes with coconut water and nuts and very minimal amout of olive oil in the pan with real maple syrup from local trees... beat sweet treat eva

>> No.4880692

>crepe not better than pancake
el oh el

>> No.4880695

Best pancakes are done on a griddle. At home I fry mine in a little oil in a pan but they're never as good as the restaurant griddle ones.

Also, if you don't like yours soaked in syrup, pour the syrup into a ramekin and dip the pancakes in that.

>> No.4880736

> pancake better than crepe
My sides have just attained terminal escape velocity.

I made crepes yesterday after a youtube recipe, they were amazing.

1 cup of flour
2 cups of milk
3 eggs
1 tbsp sugar
1 pinch of salt

mix flour with one cup of milk until the batter is no longer lumpy. Use a hand whisk, not a blender. Add rest of milk and eggs, then fry batter in a non stick pan with a little oil on medium heat.

I like mine best with nothing but a little sugar sprinkled over them.

>> No.4880737


forgot to mention the tbsp of sugar and the salt, they need to go into the batter as well.

>> No.4880751

Food of the plebs general?

Pancakes: A thick circle of simple carbs covered in inordinate amounts of... You guessed it! More simple carbs!

Enjoy being a rat. Be sure to take your feedings when you hear the bell.

>> No.4880790
File: 84 KB, 897x300, pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>texture turns to soggy shit with syrup

>> No.4880807

The actual superior breakfast startch.

>> No.4880851

>for plebs

You shame yourself by saying that, you've obviously only ever had mcdonalds hot cakes.

>> No.4881072
File: 170 KB, 1600x1200, waffles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why make pancakes when you could make waffles? Waffles are like pancakes, only 1,000x better.

>> No.4881075

You're pretty unimaginative if you think you're limited to white flour pancakes and syrup. Look into a whole grain with fruit and preserves heated up on the side and a dallop of freshly whipped cream. It's a griddled cake limited only by your imagination.

>> No.4881080

I'm in Australia. Here it's near impossible to find good waffles, you literally need a waffle iron and to make them from scratch.

The ones sold in shops here are like 90% caster sugar, have the consistency and texture of a sugar cube to eat, and are pretty pleby.

>> No.4881083

You can make good waffles in 30 minutes anon.
What's stopping you from having delicious homemade waffles?

>> No.4881088

No waffle iron.

>> No.4881089

>You're also a huge faggot for trying to fry the things

How cook pnck without fry?

>> No.4881090

>he doesn't know what fry actually means

>> No.4881092

As opposed to griddle, or whatever the american word is?

>> No.4881094

>Strayan detected.
Shouldn't you be over in /sp/ starting a USA vs Europe thread?

>> No.4881100

Thick waffles are shit. What arethey called, belgian waffles? I like mine to crispy and textured, but the general size/thickness of pancakes.

>> No.4881101


Yes straya.

So you mean pan fry vs shallow or deep fry.

>> No.4881465


oh fuck yes, this makes pancakes magical

>> No.4881473

nice shitcakes.

>> No.4881481
File: 46 KB, 614x485, European Pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Tier Pancakes

>> No.4882028

>viral anti pancake marketing

op you probably never tried a good pancake, or even made your own, and done it well for that matter.

ask your doctor before doing anything

>> No.4882031

YOU ARE COOL. i agree.

>> No.4882389


>> No.4882424
File: 15 KB, 507x282, lilnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking pancakes with oil and not butter
i sham shiddly flim flam fiddly shiggy diggy this fig so badley there are no legitimate english words that truly cover it