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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4879035 No.4879035 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4879036

Fuck anyone who doesn't tip, man.

>> No.4879040

Restaurants are not allowed to bypass the federal minimum wage if the servers tips do not match said minimum wage.

>> No.4879046

So servers HAVE TO make at least minimum wage, regardless if how shitty their tips may be?

>> No.4879050

Why would you tell them you aren't going to tip? Isn't the whole point of a tip to be a reward for good service?

Or is tipping just an extra fee at a restaurant? If so, then why not just make the prices higher and get rid of tipping? Surely that wpould be easier.

>> No.4879053


>Restaurants are permitted to bypass the federal minimum wage

So you are saying that I, customer, watching you, faggot, take some big dicks in your ass by your boss and politics; shouldn't join the party?

>> No.4879063

$2 to $3 per hour?
Go America...

>> No.4879067

if they get shitty tips then their employer is supposed to make up the difference

although anyone making shitty tips isn't going to be employed for long.

>> No.4879068

No, it is not a reward. It is an artifact of class and graciousness.

>> No.4879072

Same thread in /b/
Don't reply to troll

>> No.4879073

>Making an extra $15-40/hr because you're not fat and flirt a little bit even though your actual job duties are little more than carrying plates across a room.

Nothing more American than that.

>> No.4879074

If the money they get from the job and tips does not at least equal minimum wage, the employer has to make up the difference.

>> No.4879077

all i get out of this is that servers will treat you like garbage if they know in advance that they won't be paid by you instead of the restaurant that hired them

am i missing something

>> No.4879079

>discussion material
wat is a forum

>> No.4879082

>Making $25 an hour just for hanging around a warehouse and not having to deal with the fucking public..

>> No.4879086
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>>/ck/ - Ethics and Economics

Please stop ruining what little value this board has with the daily tipping threads

>> No.4879087

>mfw my friend makes $30/hour at a fucking ruby tuesday's because of tips
That's more than most people with actual fucking jobs.

>> No.4879093






>> No.4879094

No matter what kind of car he drives or what neighbourhood he lives in, he is still just a nigger.

>> No.4879096

I just act stupid and confused when they want a tip, and smile and walk out. Who cares.

>> No.4879097

No employers are forced to pay servers at least minimum wage if your tips don't make up enough that month but most servers are retarded and don't know that hence minimum wage job in the first place. Tips usually boost a server's wage to above minimum wage. There are a lot of restaurants that skim their server tips to subsidize the wages of their other more important staff but they usually have to ask servers to 'volunteer' their tips and take it away unwillingly which is pretty BS. I don't understand why they deserve anything more than minimum wage. I'd rather go into a restaurant and tell the manager that I'd like my tips to go to the chefs and dish washer in the back rather than my server.

>> No.4879098

But he's not black.

>> No.4879102

Also these are the nicer restaurants where dinners can go to around 1000 dollars and a server can get 10-20% of that for one table with gratuity.

>> No.4879115

It's interesting how waiters would rather berate people for not tipping rather than do something about being underpaid.

>> No.4879122
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Yes. A lot of people (even servers) don't realize this.

If you are a server and over a given number of hours you would of made $1000 if you were paid ONLY minimum wage, but you instead make $825 with your actual wage and tips combined, your employee is legally responsible to give you an extra $175 to make up the difference.

THIS is why I don't feel bad about not tipping for less than great service. You are doing a job that requires no education, no formal training, and can hardly be described as 'hard labor'. You're job may be shitty, but people work shittier jobs for minimum wage.

>> No.4879123

Niggers can be white.

I can put my entire fist up my own ass but that doesn't mean I'm gay.

>> No.4879124


They get $2 to $3 per hour from the restaurant, they make well more than the remainder from tips. If the tips don't cover that, the restaurant is obligated to pay the rest.

I hate how tipping used to be a way to show appreciation for hard work, like you would tip movers for not damaging any of your belongings and doing it quickly, or the pizza guy if the restaurant was far away and you got it hot and fast. But now it's an obligation and restaurant owners use it as a way to not pay their wait staff. It's a disgrace.

>> No.4879125

nah, it's a reward.

>> No.4879132

So if you do tip restaurant owners just pocket the cash?
Seems fair.

>> No.4879135


No, the servers get the tip. That's why they can make like thirty dollars an hour. Though sometimes the owner will pocket the tips and pay servers an actual wage.

>> No.4879151

You realize that servers that frequently can't make that amount in tips get fired for pretty girls, right? Its not even worth mentioning.

>> No.4879156

Has anyone replying to this thread ever had a job? These are the types of justifications I would expect out of highschoolers.

>> No.4879159


I have a job and if I'm going out to pay for the meal, I'm paying for the meal. Not my server's wage.

>> No.4879163

>bawwww give me extra money because I signed for minimum wage and you should pay the consequences for it!

>> No.4879165

>hurr, they won't tip me for working a job carrying plates ;_;
Have you ever had a real job? You know, one where you work? That's the kind of shitty justification I expect to hear from a server.

>> No.4879166

I don't eat out, but my thoughts are that if you want to support waiters (which ironically enough this would hurt them since pretty much every waiter already makes far more than minimum wage) you would work to advocate restaurants enforcing a non tipping policy in favor of giving them minimum wage, even if food prices went up slightly.

>> No.4879167

That would be wrongful termination. Not my problem to solve.

>> No.4879172

>make $27.60 an hour sitting at a computer from 5-10pm a day with government bonuses
>make $45 an hour at the local factor forklifting for 4-5 hours a day in the mornings
Yeah. Australia.

>> No.4879173

The bottom line is that waiters are sychophantic assholes and don't deserve our cash. Nowadays I basically refuse to eat out. I cook my own food, eat healtheir and don't have to put up with passive aggressive bullshit from a bunch of snobby students and useless out of work "actors".

>> No.4879174

i don't even eat at restaurants but this is such a big annoying issue that i want people to stop having wars over it.

i always feel like its unfair how waiters and other tippable-type jobs get paid, just because the boss thinks that these poor f****rs get enough and should earn the rest from people who just wanted to eat a sandwich, and are not expecting to give up even more money than the price of the food.

what a retarded paradoxical system.

waiters should get paid FULL wages, not a penny and "earn the rest if your so good" they are already working a job, they should get paid for it.

as for the people eating at a restaurant, they shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything other than the price of food, people go to restaurants to sit down and relax and pay the restaurant to prepare and cook the food and bring it to them, and they already pay much more than it would have costed them to buy all the ingredients and make it themselves at home, so for the pressure of needing to pay some poor kid tips to be there, it kind of screws everyone over, the waiter, the customer, etc.

imagine if you could just walk in, sit down, pay for your meal, eat it, go home.

imagine if you could go to work, get paid for working, and go home.

supposedly a study was done (I forget by who, you can probably find it on Google somewhere) which showed that if waiters and waitresses wages were changed to minimum wage that food prices at restaurants would go up by about ten cents at most. At restaurants the smallest expense which owners pay is the wages of their staff, and they are already so low that it won't make much difference. Additionally, there's this thing called balancing your budget and an owner could simply allocate a little money from one area and use it for wages, which would result in little or no change of food prices.

>> No.4879178

continued and finished.

The whole "your food will become super expensive!" argument is perpetuated by the greedy chain-restaurants who want to get away with paying their staff next to nothing. They want customers to pay staff wages instead (which you do in the form of tips) and they have fixed the minimum wage for waiters and waitresses at a very low price.

"Former server here, you can get ****d. I would much rather work for tips than work for minimum wage and receive no tips" what if tips were not mandatory (as they seem to be) anymore, and optionally you could tip if you really felt a waiting employee did a really great job?

>> No.4879181



This may not be the website for you.

>> No.4879184

This >>4879181
Please come back when you're mentally mature enough to not censor "bad words" on the internet.

>> No.4879188

In turn I'd like to express that I prefer my server to not have an opinion on tips at all. I'm not afraid to tip, I don't try to jew my way out of rewarding excellent service or merely just maintaining the status quo. But don't ever confront me on the tip, that's all I ask. Nothing annoys me more than being criticized over a goddamn gratuity.

>> No.4879189
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I think its all a matter of perspective. I'm British and tipping is rare and is actually used properly. If a waiter/ress was fantastic and made my meal more enjoyable (i.e. much more than standard waiting), i'll tip them. If not, I pay for my food, and everyone is happy. Of course we pay our staff properly. So this whole "TIP YOU CHEAP PIECE OF SHIT" like the world owes them something is disgusting to me. Yet I guess in America its sort of expected.

>> No.4879191
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i made a choice
>you can't handle it

come back when you can

>> No.4879194

If you have to work as a wait staff, you did something wrong with your life and don't deserve to be an entitled faggot.

>> No.4879199
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1372195537334s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was only pretending to be retarded!
>this picture will surely upset them!
congrats, you found a way to make yourself look even stupider.

>> No.4879202

Here's a tipping logic trap: server complains about people not tipping or not tipping enough. Gets called a poor fag. Responds that he makes $xxx in tips on a good night and probably makes more than you. Still excepts us to tip.

>> No.4879206

Yep. Murrika's mindset is ridiculous. They need an overhaul of the way they think.

>> No.4879232

The funniest part of all of this is that all of you who eat at a tipping place and don't tip are perpetuating the practice.

>> No.4879242


How do you figure that?

>> No.4879273

Who gives a shit. 95% of the world doesn't tip. You know what the most retarded shit is is that in Canada you get paid minimum wage+tips. So you gotta be really shitty to get less than 20$/hour or a really slow place.

I have a really hot cousin who used to bartend at THE sports bar in Calgary where all the pro-atheletes and shit would come and she would make so much money in tips it was disgusting. People tipping her 100$ for 1 fucking drink. So dumb.

Biggest tip she got was over 2k.

>> No.4879277

Please. Elaborate.

>> No.4879296
File: 431 KB, 1800x1800, JEWS DID EVERYONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am honestly sorry for /pol/luting this thread, but I just have to post pic related. The whole "accepting" that is bullshit. If you don't take the job, someone else will. So the simple thing is to get the job. It's better than to be with no job. And the cycle continues..
If they accept this, why shouldn't they accept handing out tips to job x? I know this is kind of a slippery slope, but did we really have any justified rationale in the first place? It's already past the point of no return.
One side gives a command and the other side just submits instead of doing anything. WHY?

>> No.4879304

>supposedly a study was done (I forget by who, you can probably find it on Google somewhere)

wait so you say "OH THIS STUDY TOTALLY SAID PRICES WOULDN'T RISE MUCH" yet you conveniently "can't remember" who it was done by or provide any links to it?

seems legit.

>> No.4879308


>mfw they think people don't tip because they "can't afford it"

people don't because we just don't want to or because the service was bad.

I like how all these tip shamers assume every waiter is great 100% of the time and there are never any bad waiters who lose tips for poor service and attitude

>> No.4879317
File: 624 KB, 891x637, notom1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw theres a whole circlejerk website of buttmad server proles crying over muh tips

pic related, my personal favourite

>waiter takes order
>brings food 45 minutes later
>diner specifically asked for no tomato, gets tomato on his food
>mfw idiot server can't even take down an order right

then people defend the server on facebook, I don't even

>> No.4879322

Terminating a server who cant clear the one hurdle every other server consistently clears for their livelihood, causing the restaurants labor cost to jump from 2.35/hr to 7.50+/hr for 6-8 hrs a day, yeah, dont terminate that guy.

>> No.4879324

I only tip in places that serve Monsanto products

>> No.4879331

Nice try, needs more substance. 5/10 for originality, I think ive only seen monsanto tips once before.

>> No.4879337

I never tip wait staff anymore, even when they do exceptionally. I used to be a hardcore tipper when they did well. But then some waiter would be shit, I'd leave two cents and he'd have the nerve to get in my face and bitch about it. This happened many times, and internet bitching just confirmed servers are spoiled, lazy, overpaid shits. So now I only tip cooks and washers with huge fucking tips. The looks from the entitled wait staff cry babies are priceless.

>> No.4879342

brb moving to calgary

>> No.4879379
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In Indiana, a law has passed that requires servers to claim that 'auto-gratuity' that pops up in more and more restaurants.
>The IRS ruling, which takes effect in January, would treat automatic gratuities as service charges, rather than tips.
Meaning, they have to claim that as part of their wages on their taxes.

Also meaning I sure as fuck won't be tipping TWICE.

>> No.4879383

>would treat automatic gratuities as service charges
If it's obligatory, it's not a gratuity, it's a service charge.

>> No.4879387

But the thing is, its going to go directly to the servers, not the restaurant now.

The greedy fucks are still expecting people to tip after that

>> No.4879401

I remember asking to go in the back once, to tip the cook who prepared my delicious dinner. He was so surprised and happy. You're doing good work, m8

>> No.4879402
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>this whole thread

>> No.4879409

Don't tip unless you order something not on the menu, order something on the menu, but want to change it, or you are an ass to the server.

Servers that work for tips who are not employed by the business need to get better jobs.

Servers that are employed by the business don't need tips because it is federal law that makes the employer pay the server minimum wage if they don't get enough tips to get at least minimum wage. They should probably get better jobs too.

Tipping should never be expected of customers. If it is, I'll take my own order, serve my own food, or simply not go to a piece of shit business like that.

I don't give hand outs to losers.

>> No.4879410
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>Employers are mandated by federal law to pay up to minimum wage if tips do not do so
>90% of servers do not report tips so that they can get a salary bump because of this
>Get mad when not getting a tip because apparently it's mandatory to give one in their mind, even if their service was shit

In short, servers are greedy pieces of shit that get pissed when they do not make more than minimum wage during a pay period. Fuck you.

>> No.4879423

They don't like what they make? They can move to a new industry.

That's called free market economics. Oh wait, they're uneducated shits that I don't feel sorry for. Open up a tip for chefs and I'll gladly tip. Glorified robots who shuffle back and forth to move food are not worth gratuity.

And no, I don't feel sorry for them. I understand that some employers won't pay them if they don't make minimum wage or threaten to fire them, but that still doesn't matter. Either suck it up or find new work.

>> No.4879425


>edgiest tipper in america

>> No.4879429

>Don't tip unless you order something not on the menu, order something on the menu, but want to change it, or you are an ass to the server.

Seems pretty common sense to me. Why pay extra if you are not getting extra?

>> No.4879430

I fucking love tips ever since I started working at my buddies steak house. Especially when they order the wine. I only know the basic meat + color wines and recommend the popular one.
(For the big spenders I bring our sommelier).

Either way for someone who has a high school diploma making 75k after taxes ... it's nice.

>> No.4879441


See, servers deserve better than minimum because they manage to put up with jackasses like you without pouring boiling water on your crotches.

But then, the world would probably be a better place if you had boiling water poured on your crotches so...well hell, now I'm torn.

>> No.4879447

You MUST be in high school.

>> No.4879452

since the entirety of this thread has been focused on waiters, I was wondering how y'all feel about tipping bartenders. after all, a lot of you said you'd rather tip the cook than the waiter, and bartenders are to beverages what cooks are to meals.

>> No.4879456


They don't tip them either I'm sure. And then wonder why they get served so slowly.

>> No.4879458

it's not the waiters fault if the food arrives later than expected. it's usually the cooks.

>> No.4879462

Well it's the waiter's fault they get blamed if they don't take a minute to come over to inform you of the delay. Just leaving you for 40 minutes in inattentive.

Not saying that's what happened in that instance but it does happen.

>> No.4879470

word. ie their impassioned opinions on why they won't tip are really just glorified excuses for why they're so stingy and won't spend a dime more than the bare minimum.

these people live off their tips. they're real people, some even have other mouths to feed at home which makes getting another career complicated, some work more than one job to pay the bills, some are just holding down a part time gig while they follow their creative dreams that don't pay as well. yes, it's wrong that the management pays below minimum wage and expects tips to make up for that. it's not your fault but it's not their fault either. you say get a better job.. don't you think if they could, most would? it's not easy to find a job with a good salary and benefits in this economy in most places, and some people have extenuating circumstances that prevent them from getting one, and some are working shit jobs while they work for the qualifications to get a better one. so stop thinking about saving a couple dollars and at least throw something down. doesn't have to even be the courtesy 15% but no tip at all is just classless. y'all a bunch of Mr. Pinks

>> No.4879473

I left a 5 dollar tip on a 23 dollar check at a local diner one time and when I was leaving the waiter was practically trying to suck my dick. Never again.

>> No.4879474

>talking real life sense to edgy teenagers, bored trolls and internet tough guys
You're wasting it, bro.

>> No.4879477

>Give me sympathy i have adopted 6 trillion jews from africa to save them from dying of starvation
yeah, nah. I'll tip whoever preps shit, not the lackeys that move food around. go fuck yourself.

>> No.4879480

I've worked on a beach bar for two years, and i would refuse any tip that would go beyond fifty cents, except for food or other considerably expensive items. At the end of the month, i'd get minimum wage and split the tips with everyone else, which would amount to ~30 euros on good months.

Living on tips is literally living with a noose around your neck. I tip when i become a regular costumer, when i'm not bothered to wait for change, or when i'm feeling happy. But i won't tip on a restaurant that doesn't pay its employees. Restaurant employees shouldn't even be payed minimum wage, they should be payed waaaay more. Horrible hours, horrible job, horrible clientele, fuck if i'm doing it ever again.

>> No.4879481

>if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out and eat
100% agree.

Tipping is the way food service works in the United States. Accept it. Stiffing a server is not going to change the system. Most of you sound just as selfish and entitled as you claim servers to be.

>> No.4879482

Back to /pol/ with you!

>> No.4879484


This is how you sound. No wonder people don't tip you.

>> No.4879485

>i won't tip on a restaurant that doesn't pay its employees

So you DO give money to the restaurant that doesn't pay it's employees, and then don't help to pay the employees.


>> No.4879486

Nice strawman. What makes you think he's a server?

>> No.4879489

>Oh shit, I have no argument! He's right!
>Quick, think of something... uh... uh... /pol/ boogeyman! yeah! now his point is completely invalidated!
do you try to be that stupid, or does it come naturally?

>> No.4879493

did you read post he's replying to?
>they manage to put up with jackasses like you without pouring boiling water on your crotches.
>But then, the world would probably be a better place if you had boiling water poured on your crotches so
how is it strawman?

>> No.4879494

How can you be right when you made no assertion yourself...?

Nothing in your post was an argument.

>> No.4879495

My point was I'm not tipping the lackeys that bring food. the people that make it deserve the tip, not them. saying they're real people who need to feed mouths at home doesn't change the fact they're glorified conveyor belts.


>> No.4879496

Well, I assume that he's not a server and that he wasn't saying that people who don't give a tip should be maimed, but that people who are assholes should 'have boiling water poured on their crotch'.

I could be wrong

>> No.4879497

>Servers deserve better than minimum because

Why? Because they have to write things down? Have to remember where their table is? That is some entitle little shit attitude you have there.

>Putting up with jerks

Welcome to the world of dealing with people, that doesn't warrant extra pay. Do you tip a cashier for putting up with your retarded shit at the store, even though they do 10x more work than a server?

Don't like working for minimum wage, find a different job. Why the fuck should people have to supplement your income to push you above minimum wage?

>> No.4879499

I was under the impression he thought people who didn't tip were assholes and should 'have boiling water poured on their crotch'.

In which case, just because someone doesn't want to tip doesn't mean shit. Different customs, opinions and circumstances. Being an entitled manchild about always 'deserving' tips, on the other hand...

>> No.4879500

Well, to be honest that never happened. And in truth, i would most likely just not eat there at all.

Could've explained it better, sorry.

>> No.4879503

this so much. If you're gonna tip a server, you might as well tip cashiers, painters, landscapers, etc. They do a fuckton more work than waiters. Just because your culture has a toxic mentality doesn't mean you should indulge [in] it.

>> No.4879507

I worked as a telemarketer for a few months.
My pay wasn't that great and I'm sure I had to deal with a lot more angry people than your regular server. I didn't complain, it's the job. You are payed to annoy people, you get what's coming to you. I also didn't get tipped.
People know what they're in for when they get the job. They all made their decisions, I won't be paying for their bad ones, you bunch of babies.

>> No.4879509

Because the tip system means that servers can get paid much much more money than the actual difficulty or qualification their job requires. If they were to push for receiving at least minimum wage and people weren't guilt tripped into tipping for standard service they would make, on average, much much less money then they do currently.

>> No.4879513

Good. That's how fucking capitalism works, man. Sink or Swim. If you can't do the fucking job you applied for well enough to EARN a gratuity (not just expect it because "muh low pay") then you clearly don't belong in that field. You need to be removed, both so someone who DOES need a job and CAN do it well enough to earn tips will have work, and so you can find something more along your skillset...perhaps a mail room clerk? It would involve all the same walking and carrying (with a cart), but with a livable wage built in so you don't rely on a hopeful gratuity?

>> No.4879516
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>there are people on /ck/ RIGHT NOW who still make a huge fuzz about a dollar or two

What are you poor or jewish? Like who the fuck cares?

>> No.4879517

This. I tip because it's what my father taught me to do, not because I have sympathy for waitresses. I washed dishes in a pizza buffet for two years. One of the hardest jobs I ever had. Never got a tip. Soaked in water and exhausted at the end of every night. Guarantee you it was harder than waiting tables. I'm sure everyone in this thread has had a similar experience. I've also had retail jobs where I've given extreme levels of service to customers, we're talking digging items out of the bottom of pallets just for them, hunting shit down with our ancient inventory system, consoling people who were actually sobbing with frustration from dealing with the shitheads I worked with. Fucking hauling furniture and shoving it into people's microscopic hatchbacks. Etc. etc. Never got a tip.

>> No.4879520

Not all restaurants pay less than minimum wage.

Any server who doesn't, at by the time they would be paid, have tips equal to or greater than minimum wage, the establishment is required by law to pay the difference

>> No.4879522

Go home, Sami.

>> No.4879523

And it's not the waiter's merit that the food is good either. Why should they get a percentage of the bill and not some flat rate like $5?

>> No.4879533

Exactly. They complain about the low "wage" to get you to tip, because if one table doesn't tip, their take home cash (not all of which will be claimed) goes down from 750 to 720 dollars, and that shit is unacceptable. If they really hated their pay system, they'd fight to change it, but then they'd realize that serving 32 tables a night and only getting $60 for it sucks. So they cry about being victimized by "the man", all while they love walking home with tax-free cash every shift.

>> No.4879537

Tips are taxed, actually. Servers have to mark exactly how much they make in tips each day.

>> No.4879538

And they're completely transparent about the whole thing, scout's honour

>> No.4879539

Of course they aren't, everybody lies.

>> No.4879541

(it's sarcasm, m8)

>> No.4879544

I tip big. Unless you're a male waitress. Get a real job, you half a fag queerbait. They get nothing.

>> No.4879547

Could go either way. If I order just a beer or two while sitting with some friends, I'll leave a buck or two. For Christ's sake, he walked less than a waiter would. But if I order a cocktail, and he is skilled at his trade, I leave about 2 bucks per drink, maybe 3 if I feel like I'm a pain in the ass with a special order.

>> No.4879549
File: 332 KB, 2000x2000, 1369440070109cg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time I go out I won't tip but instead I'll write down "I'm not tipping you because ifyoucantaffordtotip.com made me believe you're an entitled cunt"

>> No.4879554

Still a virgin, uh?

>> No.4879557

Sure if it's a cocktail or other such blended drink. But if you're just opening a beer bottle or pouring whisky onto some ice, don't expect gratuity.

>> No.4879559

Butthurt male waitress, uh?

>> No.4879564

>implying there's actually a gratuity 'system' with 'conditions'


Tipping is not a system, it's a custom and completely voluntary. If you want to institutionalize it just charge every customer a fixed service fee instead. Until then: deal with it.

That image is cringeworthy and just radiates butthurt.

>> No.4879568

What the fug is katschup??

>> No.4879569

Not even close.
But saying you tip big and only to women shows that you don't do it due to social norm or because you enjoyed the service.
Rather, you waste money on the off chance some girl would be grateful enough to look at you. That's pretty sad. Maybe get a cat?

>> No.4879574

Got it. Buttmad.

>> No.4879580
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>not enjoying being known as generous gentleman
>not enjoying taking your date to the restaurant and watch her seethe with jealousy as the female waitresses are all extra nice to you

Gosh are you clueless.

>> No.4879583

You realise what you are doing is begging for charity. You even have to audacity to call people cheap when they won't give you said charity.

The sense of entitlement that stems from this line of argument astounds me. Sure being a server is a shitty job, but so is every other minimum wage job on the planet. Why is server the only job that requires a tip. Do you tip your garbageman? He has has mouths to feed too you know.

>> No.4879602

That's actually a pretty valid point.
I never felt the need to do such a thing but I guess I can see the value on that.
Thank you for your reply, man.

>> No.4879604

Actually mate, they can just say that the server clearly isn't giving as good service as the others because their tips are so bad. Shit sucks, but it can happen.

>> No.4879612

Which is a perfectly valid reason to terminate someone. I'm sorry, but if I go out and get bare minimum service, you don't belong in that field. On the other hand, an attentive, friendly server who makes sure to verify my order, makes sure the kitchen knows it beyond just whats on the printer slip, doesn't let my drink sit empty or empty plates/etc stay on my table...you understand, the "Service with a Smile" part of going out? She will have EARNED a voluntary gratuity.

Saying "If you can't afford to tip, don't eat out" implies you should be tipped no matter what you do. Instead, I say "If you can't put in the effort to earn a tip, don't be a server"

>> No.4879614

>first sentence of fine print on that image

It is convenient they leave out the fact that by law they are supposed to be paid minimum wage if they don't get enough tips to reach that.

>> No.4879616
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>MFW I never tip because I travel and the restaurant owners will never be able to recognize my face
>MFW I don't give a shit about the welfare of someone who dropped out of high school

>> No.4879644

If you want a tip, then when you come to my table you wait until I'm done talking to my company to speak, and then you speak as softly as possible with the best manners. Also, shoot me some tit and a wink. Otherwise, you get $0 tip.

>> No.4879681

>y'all a bunch of Mr. Pinks

>> No.4879695

top lel

At my job:
>first day, management spends a good ten minutes demonstrating how to input tips into the POS
>you have to do this after every shift, guise; no exceptions
>everyone conveniently "forgets" by the second day; it never gets mentioned again

>> No.4879738

Tipping is my chance to help someone with a less than wonderful job financially. You all bitch about how easy it is to carry plates, but I wouldn't want to be on my feet all day dealing with asshole customers.

>> No.4879739

Mr. Pink doesn't tip

>> No.4879747

When the wait staff claims 100% of their tips on their income taxes then I will tip.

Until then, they should pay their fair share and get better jobs. Eating at a restaurant =/= obligatory charity work.

>> No.4879757

The cooks work much harder than waitresses and you don't tip them

>> No.4879766

I'm on my feet all day dealing with asshole customers and nobody tips me. Not that I expect them to.

>> No.4879787

>not ordering steak well done, writing THIS IS AWESOME YOU ARE A GREAT COOK THERE'S A FIVER HIDDEN UNDER THE MEAN AND NOW GIVE ME MY STEAK BACK with ketchup on it and sending it back

>> No.4879789

It's a Reservoir Dogs reference.

>> No.4879793

10 People You're Not Tipping Enough:


>> No.4879798

Or, in my case:

>10 People You're Not Tipping

>> No.4879801
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>tipped job
>make $11.50/hr wage

feels good man.

>> No.4879806

I make $38.25/hr and am a grad student...

>> No.4879808

christ this is so entitled

>> No.4879822
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with tips i make around $25-35/hour depending on business and i'm an undergrad. i only work about 20 hours a week though.

>> No.4879829

>waiting tables is a trivial job with big pay
yeah its totally that easy kiddo...

>> No.4879832

I get full benefits too.

But yeah, it isn't full-time either, so I'm not raking in the money or anything.

>> No.4879844

I wish they would just put service charges at restaurants like in Europe so these faggot ass threads can go extinct.

Im not surprised there are so many people who dont feel the need to tip. They have never had to take a non relative female out to dinner before.

>> No.4879847

Damn, I would be the poor one after tipping everyone that does something.

>> No.4879849

If I tipped everyone I'd end up paying twice as much at the end of the day. Fuck that.

>> No.4879853

I stopped tipping when I realized that every time I go out to eat there are new waitresses.

Except for the local spic place, I still tip there.

>> No.4879854

thing is most of these jobs already pay well compared to waitstaff...

>> No.4879860

If you have to rely on a tip to get more money, then you should consider getting a better job.

I have never tipped, and I never will in my life.

I once saw that I was overcharged for eating at a diner one time. I called the diner and it turns out that the woman had written down an amount to tip that I never did. It was my fault of course because I had forgotten to draw a line through the space like I normally do. Anyway, I showed up the next day after finding out to make sure that they gave me the money that the woman had written down as a tip back and she was fired right in front of me. She cried and begged because she had kids apparently.

I didn't feel anything.

It was 5.00 she wrote down.

>> No.4879866

>not put to death

>> No.4879868

Ha. Good for the bitch. That's just straight up theft.

>> No.4879869

You sound like you're proud of yourself.

>> No.4879871
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>mfw entitled waiterscum

>> No.4879875

I'd be proud of myself too for getting a thieving bitch fired.

>> No.4879881


When I worked as a busboy, tips were split between servers, busboys, and the cooks. Busboys got half as much as everyone else.

Also, at a lot of restaurants tips are pooled and divided up at the end of the night, so poorly/not tipping a waiter or waitress rarely hurts him/her directly, it just hurts everyone a little. Including your beloved chefs, if the restaurant splits that way.

>> No.4879883


Yeah, actually I am pretty proud of myself.

For making a goddamned decent income so I do have to shovel food around to people for shit pay.

If you're really that upset about my comment then go do something with your life so you can make enough money to tip whatever you damn well please to waiters that pretend to enjoy a shitty job

>> No.4879891

I wish they would just outlaw those shitty wages. Pplebs will stop going into restaurants and using the possibility of not tipping as a way to dick around and punish staff when the slightest thing upset them like a delay in the kitchen or managers refusal to give a discount to people who complain about the food after eating it all.

Take away is whatever but if you use the dining room you should pay extra for that service.

Plebs no longer have to "pay extra for people to do their jobs" and staff is not under pressure to put up or give special ass kissing to difficult customers.

>> No.4879893

>didn't get an erection

back to reddit with you

>> No.4879971

what an idiot

>> No.4879975

We shouldn't tip, we should just pay food service workers better. Studies have shown no correlation with better performance by motivating employees with a tipping system. Rather, it turns out that using a non-tipping system ends up with consistently better quality of service and food, as well as increased profits for the restaurant AND cheaper prices for the consumers.

Just fucking pay your staff.

>> No.4879990

No I don't tip anyone who's job is just only taking order and bring food to my table. If they do only just that they don't deserve any tip at all.

>> No.4879992

I get the feeling like you've never worked a shit job in your life. Or you worked retail once.

Or are you the kind of person who had their daddy pay for everything. There's also the chance that you worked at your daddy's place pushing papers and essentially doing nothing for a few hours and getting paid. Then you didn't have to pay your way through school and had a job fall into your lap.

See, i think a lot of servers in this thread are whiny babbys. But you sound like yuppy republitard trash.

I've never worked in food service either.
UNRELATED: I think the gratuity service is bogus only because servers get docked for shitty work by the line cooks. Line cooks deserve more money than they receive. Getting paid shit to sit in a hotbox all day is a poor way to get people to keep up the desire to do a decent job.

>> No.4879993


>> No.4880006

Oh, I forgot to add to my comment >>4879992

I totally would've done the same thing. She honestly should've been fired. Writing in someone else's tip is basically theft.

>> No.4880009

I really want to be server. Not just because of the tips, but also because I'm slightly spaghetti and I want to improve my communication skills. Do tips really matter that much to all of you?

>> No.4880012

ITT: welcome to the sociopath thread.

I hope you are all sterile and have raging stds.

>> No.4880016

That's great guys, and I agree, but what are you going to do about it besides sit and bitch on the internet? That's the problem.
These threads are nothing but circlejerks for people with borderline personality disorder. And nothing gets done. Fucking tipping threads should be banned.

>> No.4880018

>Moral obligation to the gratuity system
>low food prices created by forcing workers to work for gratuities
Yeah these are hilarious but if restaurants are so evil then why would someone work as slave labor if the evil restaurants are paying next to nothing? Tipping is a choice not an obligation and the only people who deserve the tips are the ones that do actual hard work like the mixologists and chefs, not the wait staff that brings food and drink to your table.

>> No.4880026


get fucked.

>> No.4880028


>> No.4880074

>Doesn't know the difference between a bartender and a mixologist

>> No.4880077


>> No.4880078

à point.

>> No.4880081
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>Fuck anyone who doesn't tip, man.

Britfag here, I don't really understand American tipping culture.

Is a tip compulsory or not? If it is compulsory why isn't it added to the bill? If it isn't compulsory why are people angry when it isn't given?

Also why is it always 15%?

If I buy a $10 bottle of wine you'd get a $1.50 tip, but if I bought a $100 bottle of wine you'd get a $15 dollar tip. What extra value are you adding on the more expensive bottle to merit the extra $13.50?

>> No.4880086


Not compulsory, but expected unless the service was poor.

It's not always 15%, that's just a commonly used amount. It can vary quite a bit.

Does it make sense, no, of course not. But then again, many traditions make little sense.

Anyway, waiter here, I love it. It makes it much easier to hide my income from the tax man. That saves both you, the customer, and me, the employee, money.

>> No.4880088

server A: completely average, my meal is 15 dollars I decide to tip 3
Server B: completely average, my meal is 40
I decide to tip 3

given that the cook is the only one doing something extra special and not the server why on earth should i tip more than 3 dollars for server B?

percentage based tipping makes no fucking sense if you aren't full blown bourgeois

>> No.4880117

then why don't you quit your current job and be a server you stupid fuck

>> No.4880127


it may not be logical, but tha's how the expected culture works. you know this to be true,so if you're just a cheap faggot that can't afford the extra $5 when he goes out, stay at home

>> No.4880129

>I get the feeling like you've never worked a shit job in your life. Or you worked retail once.

Some people are more valuable than others.
I've worked some shitty jobs but I have never had to bow and scrape for tips in a restaurant, or fellate irate customers as a store clerk.

Those are bottom of the barrel jobs that are literally designed for retards.
You can shut your whore mouth right now with that privilege shit.

>> No.4880138

>so if you're just a cheap faggot that can't afford the extra $5 when he goes out, stay at home

Or, not. Just because I can afford something is not a valid reason to do it. If you take issue with me paying the contracted price, then change the contract.

>> No.4880189

You've just confirmed yourself for being a know-nothing daddy's boy.
Jobs in the service industry are far from bottom of the barrel. There are much worse jobs. And your lack of knowing the difference and the ignorance and arrogance with which you speak automatically reduces you to undesirable. I wouldn't hire you to clean my floors, mainly because you're a terrible person. Integrity, job skill set, experience, and personality all are required to make someone valuable in the workplace. You have failed on many counts.

>> No.4880192

>being this autistic
Seriously, your dad should have blown his load in your mom's mouth instead of her gaping vag.

>> No.4880196

>I wouldn't hire you to clean my floors
I wouldn't take that job. I have skills that make me more valuable than just a body.
You and >>4880192 can be scummy labor slaves elsewhere.

>> No.4880207

>Anyway, waiter here, I love it.
Of course you do, you make more tons of money.

>It makes it much easier to hide my income from the tax man. That saves both you, the customer, and me, the employee, money.
Actually it costs the customer extra money, the employer should really be paying servers and etc more rather than expecting the customer to pay a large portion of your wage.

>> No.4880209

>Jobs in the service industry are far from bottom of the barrel
Fucking lol'd. Do you know why service industry jobs have the highest turnover? Because anyone with slightly more intelligence than a fucking monkey can do them.

>> No.4880212

not to mention they require 0 skill.
even the mexicans slaving away in the slaughterhouses need more skill (and are better workers, even with the safety and health violations)
hospital janitors are above waiters

>> No.4880225

But service jobs ARE bottom of the barrel, whether that be a retail, restaurant, or etc. they're all jobs that don't require any particular ability to complete. Practically anyone who isn't autistic (despite what you see here on 4chan, autism is hardly that common) can do the job in just a few days of training. There is a reason why these jobs are typically held by people who are still in high school, have no skills, or completed education (as in people who are still continuing their education).

That being said, I've worked tons of retail/other service jobs before; they are definitely bottom level jobs.

>> No.4880226

You would realize, if you weren't fucking retarded, that there are more jobs in the service industry than just waiting tables. Idiots.

>> No.4880231

I don't tip because lol fuck you.

>> No.4880233

Somehow, considering you seem to miss the points of every post, you have the skill set of a pile of shit. I doubt you're very vaulable at all.

>> No.4880235

I don't tip if the service was shitty. And by service, I mean the waiter/waitress had a nasty fucking attitude for no reason.

>> No.4880236

>hospital janitors
Funny you say that, my first job was at 16 cleaning the local old folks home/clinic jobby under the table. 6 in the morning every day, mopping and vacuuming the halls and vacant rooms. Stripping and rewaxing the floors every Saturday night, getting free jellos and hanging with the old alky men. That and mowing lawns

Waiting tables are the biggest ones. I dunno where you are from, but in America, service jobs involve you doing a service to people on a one on one basis, like waiting tables, serving drinks, maid service, retail clerk, etc. if you don't interact with customers it isn't service.

>> No.4880238

You're just blinded by the crushing realization that the sum of your ability could be replaced by a machine or a particularly well trained chimp.

>> No.4880243
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>go on /pol/
>come to /ck/.
>"LOL I refuse to tip you cant make me mom!"
You know who you are, hypocrites. Your stinginess is offensive.You are becoming what you hate if you don't tip.

>> No.4880246

Please, I eat idiots like you for breakfast on a daily basis. You're just lashing out because of how terribly misguided you are. Your attempts at insults are just sad.

>> No.4880249

your boasts betray you

>> No.4880251

I agree with the guy your responding to. I don't tip wait staff anymore, but when I did males got extra weight. Because I know lonely, body pillow hugging fags like you always tip whores better in the hopes they'll choose you over their 6'6" black boyfriends.

>> No.4880266

>tfw I pay with CC and travel constantly
>put "get a real job" in the tip space

No better feeling in the world. I'd rather get my food straight from the cooks personally and give them high fives for being such hardworking bros.

>> No.4880292

When I used to work as a server, I'd reject anyone tipping over five dollars. It just seemed like far too much. Even five dollars seemed like too much, but people seem to get offended when you reject tips like that.

>> No.4880310

tiipping in 'merica. restaurants, specifically.(murica is vast). if ok 10-15%. if really good. or a large group 20%. if i see a bill that reads 18% gratuity added, nothing. well maybe 5. a good waiter or waitress can make becoup. it depends on the staff and the place. and most times do have to buy their own benefits. and some places a tip is not necessary. in fact forbidden . but a tip is just that. extra for whatever. the ultimate insult is to leave a penny. you might get it thrown at you. everyone has bad days. but I make<30k a year. and do ok. I get my hair cut 4 x a year. 15 + a 5 tip. or occasionally order pizza. 20 bucks +5 tip. but if i tipped everyone, like s0me places advise, I would not have any thing left all the rest is ok, I guess if 100k. and taxi drivers or delivery people thank you my good man/ma'am but ... well it's not 1950 or 1970 or even 2000 ta da 2013 so a dollar don't cut it unless some one helping you load groceries. and if the service is soo bad leave nothing. a tip is a just that, not expected, nor to make up for slipshod management. lemme give ya a tip. plant your spring bulbs early in fall, and get good ones or the best ya can ones. Don't come bitching to me next spring or is that too obtuse this is rambling. and smile, you will also

>> No.4880320

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.4880322

The fact that you have to call people mad on the internet shows how pathetic you are.

>> No.4880327

>cute waitress serving my buds
>getting us beers and doing her fucking job
>bill comes
>write 0 for tip
>little buzZed

I said "being cute won't get you anything in life. There's a real tip*

>> No.4880328

Yeah, and all of the service industry jobs require little to no skill.

>> No.4880344

just want to say i work in a restaurant and normally I wouldn't care less I get tipped out. But I would say about 30% of everyone who comes in, are basically pieces of shit who treat all the employees like shit. Some people think that since you are getting paid, then they don't need to treat you like a normal person. If those people didn't come in i would be fine not working for tips, but they will always come in so they can power trip over someone.

>> No.4880356

>you might as well tip cashiers, painters, landscapers, etc
They do take tips. Even your mail carrier. People tip garbage men by putting packs of beer out for them.

>> No.4880365

You're a piece of shit.
Not because you didn't tip, but because you think you can treat people like that. I hope you get raging case of incurable alien herpes that covers you from head to toe in painful boils and rots your dick off.

>> No.4880369

Patently false, you uneducated swine.

>> No.4880383

This. There's a whole laundry list of people who you are supposed to tip, not just waiters. But the idiots who post in these threads are so low class that they don't understand that there's more to tipping than their chain restaurants and diners they frequent. You're dealing with low class, uneducated mentality. These people have never been taught manners and etiquette, and have no concept of what service actually is or means. They will never be able to blend in with people of class, and will always stick out like sore thumbs in those rare cases where they are allowed to breathe that rarified air.

>> No.4880384

Consider it bait if you'd like. I practically get hard at the shame and anger on their faces. They deserve worse, but I'm not that big of a dick.

>> No.4880392

No, you're not worthy of being a dick. You're more like the festering smegma cheese in the dick of Calcutta man whore.

>> No.4880506

How appropriate you'd choose that turn of phrase. Enjoy carrying plates and expecting to make more than minimum wage. I could flash bills that'd make your slag girlfriend suck my dick before she knew what hit her, but I could likely get her to do it regardless.

>> No.4880576

Tipping is basically compulsory. You don't have to do it, but if you ever return to that restaurant you'll get saliva and semen in your food. So either tip or eat jizz. It's extortion is what it is.

>> No.4880587

ITT: Waiters and Waitresses try to validate their existence beyond working a shit job for shit pay, even though they are hardly a contribution to society, and should be paid as such for it.

We go to restaurants for the food, not to be put on a show.

>> No.4880594

I'm pretty sure the real waiters, waitresses and anybody else working in the service industry are laughing at this thread right now.

>> No.4880599
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>tfw you don't tip and get out of the restaurant as soon as possible so the waitress doesn't see it on the bill

>> No.4880600

Fact: tipping doesn't affect service quality.

Fact: bad tips make entitled servers feel butthurt

Fact: when servers complain to kitchen staff about a table not tipping, the cooks want to cave in their heads with a cast iron skillet.

>> No.4880613

some people honestly no not know. My heart goes out. for every waitress or waiter, at a high dollar place, there are 3 scrounging, just trying to keep the family together. or them selves? Honest, Once in a while I would go by mickey d, and order of the value ( say what you want) menue. seldom. but two mcdolubles, two pies and maybe a frie. and not that old, but some lounging kids asked for some help. I gave them three they told me to f-off. and thew it back. you see they wanted the double 1/4 pounder with cheese with xtra large fries x 2 and two pies. and white. and been on ebt. when in the hospital, know who robbed my home. t;wasn'[t nig.. blacks( ah. that comes easy doesn't it) fucking parents that have not taught their kids better yeah, i'm look at you. now get off my lawn. ( actually while down here, there are some pretty good salad fixings) and still l like blue cheese and cheap pizza and can make better chilli, beans or no than you cant. the thing is, it is getting chile. don't judge, but do not be an enabler

>> No.4880614

I'd bump your fist were it physically available. Servers are insufferable, whiny, entitled cunts. I never tip em. But when my meal is exceptionally delicious ill give a 200% tip to the cooks.

>> No.4880621
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I got high from reading this post.

>> No.4880626


If a server fails to make enough tips to at least meet minimum wage, the employer is required to fill in that gap to get them there.

>> No.4880627

>There's a whole laundry list of people who you are supposed to tip

I'll just call them entitled and ignore them. When fuckers everywhere do their job correctly and don't fucking shit on the people that allow them to have their job then I'll actually appreciate what my tip does for them.

I work in the service industry and I can't see where me going the extra mile actually entitles me to a fucking tip, like I'm some pump jockey that has to whore himself out.

>muh job is toooooooooooooo hard!!!!!

>> No.4880639
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I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.4880647

>She cried and begged because she had kids apparently.

fucking breeders expecting sympathy on account of that shit

cant afford kids? dont have them
fucking get an abortion or smother them

why the fuck should I care about your bills

>> No.4880649

Try being a server and then justifying not tipping. There is nothing worse than working your ass off, which you are completely fooling yourself if you think there aren't some servers that legitimately bust their asses at all times for their customers, only to find that you made literally nothing off of a table. And to make it even worse, I would say about 99% of restaurants require the servers to tip out based on their sales. I've had tables that have had 100+ dollar checks that stiff me. Not only do I make nothing, I have to tip out based on those sales. Meaning I actually lose money on that table. I truly believe everyone should be a server at least once in their life, it really teaches you to deal with a lot of bullshit without losing your cool and you learn a lot about working as a team and basic salesmanship. Also, it teaches you to hate black people even more (most of them at least.)

>> No.4880653
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Are tips mandatory in the US? Honest question.

>> No.4880657

Fact: tips are based on cleavage size

>> No.4880663

but your still getting paid over minimum wage with tips, even if some tables don't for that night. so why the fuck should I tip? someone else will

>> No.4880666


This is >>4880600 here.

I started working as a server and moved back into the kitchen as a cook. The issue isn't whether or not you're busting your ass. You should be busting your ass, because that's your job, and that's what your coworkers are relying on you to do. If you're back of house, you're busting your ass and even though you're sending stuff out to every table (unless you're a bar), you're not getting tipped at all. You are getting stiffed on every single table. How do you think that shit feels? Now sure, maybe your manager is a cunt and breaks the law by not paying you what he is required to pay you, but in those cases your beef is with your shitbag of a manager, not the customers. Don't put this on the customers. They don't owe you a goddamn thing beyond the basic respect and decency that people extend to one another day-to-day. It isn't the customer's job to make sure you go home with lined pockets. That's your boss' job.

>> No.4880671

A fair argument. I consider myself a good server and I guess believe that I should make more than someone flipping burgers at a McDonald's. I completely understand if a server is bad at his or her job, which at lower end places is honestly most of them, but if I help guide you towards something you really like, whether it be food or beverage, or if I point out that something you are buying really isn't a good deal and save you money, I just like to think that my expertise of that menu and establishment has to be worth something. Just how I see it at least.

>> No.4880672

> I would say about 99% of restaurants require the servers to tip out based on their sales.
Out of all the restaurants in the world, how many have you worked at?
> I've had tables that have had 100+ dollar checks that stiff me.
...because you did a shitty job?
>I truly believe everyone should be a server at least once in their life
I worked front of house briefly (I mean less than 5 years). I know what your job is, and the difficulty level. It's not a glorious job, but it is unskilled labor. Take your hours worked for a day, multiply them by minimum wage, add your tips from the day, divide the total hours worked that day and post results.

>> No.4880674

Is it awkward, asking to go and tip the cook?
Or do you leave a tip and note that it's for the cook?

>> No.4880676

Oh let't not turn this into a back of house versus front of house thing lol. You guys bust your fucking asses and have to deal with us being complete assholes towards you all the time. I completely understand and respect all cooks. Except when you cook my mid-rare steaks well done. Not cool guy on grill, not cool.

>> No.4880677

What kind of recompense could a server get if they show in a small claims courts they were fucked out of federally mandated minimum?

Sure they'd get canned for it but is it just the money they lost out on or could they get more out of it?

>> No.4880684

I can't say I have ever heard of a restaurant that doesn't have some sort of tip out whether it be bussers, food runners, hostesses, or the bar. I could be wrong though.

And no, not because I did a shitty job. It was four really ghetto black adults and like nine black children. I knew I was going to get stiffed and still gave them the best service possible.

>> No.4880700
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>> No.4880705
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>> No.4880709

Considering the way you just displyed yourself, it's no wonder you can't hold a job that pays more than servers make. Learn some class and dignity, man. Also, you are mislead as to how much average servers make. Educate yourself, sir.

>> No.4880717

It's very obvious you DO NOT work in the service industry, but nice try at being a troll.

>> No.4880723

help what is greentext
what is a quote

please see >>4879093 for the original post and for christ sake lurk more

>> No.4880729

The joke's on you. I'm undoubtedly much older than you, been married for many years, and live in a much larger house, with a much more established career than you. You really think flashing money will ever get you anywhere? You're a low rent piece of shit. Basically, you're a nigger. Learn some basic self respect, smeggie.

>> No.4880754

I worked at Dominos and got paid only 3.50 an hour, tips were supposed to make up for it.

I fucking hate you non-tippers.

>> No.4880758

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.4880797

>work as a pizza delivery guy
>average about $3.50 per delivery
>one night it is raining cats and dogs and I have a visibility of maybe thirty feet
>average roughly $1.75 per delivery and get stiffed twice
This has given me an insight into the minds of (at least some of) the people that don't tip.

>> No.4880809


in australia... i don't tip

>> No.4880819

This is true in theory but actually asking your manager to correct your pay and bring you up to minimum wage is a an even longer and slower way of saying "please fire me right now and make up nasty stories to tell anyone who asks about me"

>> No.4880832

Waiters should be filed for tax evasion so the tipping issue would be resolved and the owners would be justified on giving you above minimum wage.

It's unfair for service professionals to not be able accept tips and yet waiters can and are basically obliging you for the "services."

>> No.4880847

Tipping delivery drivers is miles away from tipping a server.

>> No.4880887

Agree with this guy, delivery drivers are delivering me food that I'm way too fucking lazy to get myself. Usually tip them, rarely tip waiters a decent amount unless they are really good. (Canada).

>> No.4880891

Yes, it's even more of an unwarranted handout.

>> No.4880895


I actually had to get out of my chair and pace around my room after reading that list.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.4880896

I wait tables, and can safely say that it is. It really fucking is. Sure asshole or needy customers are a pain, but to suggest that it is anything more than people skills and time management is asinine.

>> No.4881153

Here's what I think.
The argument 'busting my ass off' is probably the biggest problem. If you're a person of moral, you'd give your best at your job. I'm not saying be perfect every fucking day, life is shit thus you can't be at your best all the time. but still.
Maybe if waiters and the like had a higher opinion of themselves they wouldn't be such bitches. And I don't mean being arrogant but reflecting upon their own persona instead of wasting their time by spitting while raging like angsty teenagers. Which some of them actually are.

>> No.4881157

I'm polite and communicative to my servers, and treat them like human beings.... and if they are the same, I give a generous tip. After only a couple of visits to new places the servers there treat me like a VIP service and provide plenty of additional services for free that normally I would have to be charged for,

It's an arrangement that works very nicely for me; I feel like my tip is being returned to me in one form or another, so I only then visit those places for the most part.

>> No.4881161

post continuted:
Another argument is that people are assholes.
What a surprise. You've just learned something about the world the hard way like the vast majority of human beings.
And if your feelings are hurt because someone complained when an order is fucked up and it's not your fault- guess what? It happens to all of us. But if you're someone with a real profession like a doctor or a teacher and what you do matters, you're gonna see that things are far more serious and may have consequences instead of getting buttmad when someone that you'll probably never see ever again was mean to you.

>> No.4881173

Just want to know this before the thread dies, if I go in and tell them that I am going to tip and at the end decide not to, what then?

>> No.4881195

This whole thread is butthurt from either side.

Yes, you don't HAVE to tip if you feel you got bad service or you're in a tight spot. If you're always in a tight spot, you should rethink going out to eat all the time. Also, the gratuity system is fucking bullshit. I'm not a server because I wouldn't put up with $2-3 an hour just to put up with faggots that might not tip.

>> No.4881238

I was a housekeeper for a while. I would be the guy who would clean up after messy families were done renting a condo or after a rich person had left one of their houses to stay in another for a few weeks.

After cleaning well over 100 places, I had only received one tip for $50 (which I had to split). At first I was annoyed that I never got a tip. Then I thought about it from their point of view. Not only was the price of my service built into the cost of the rental (or pre-agreed upon by the rich dude), but the cleaning fee showed up on the fee statement they received. They knew how much they were paying for me to be there.

Not to mention the fact that I was making $11-$13/hour with absolutely no qualifications.

So I decided to stop being an entitled fuck and instead be annoyed with them for a better reason, such as somehow managing to dump half a bag of Doritos underneath the sofa or leaving a pile up beer cans on the porch. To me, purposefully leaving me with more work than necessary is far more insulting than not leaving a tip that I honestly don't need.

>> No.4881284

>wake up
>get out of bed
>tip the shower for not blasting me with cold water
>tip the toaster for not burning my toast
>tip my wife for a goodbye kiss
>walk outside and see a nigger
>tip him for not killing me
>tip my car so it doesn't break down
>get to work and see the doorman with a surly look
>give him a tip so he lets me in
>tip my boss for not firing me
>have to tip my computer or it will lose my project
>work all day, eat lunch at my desk so I only have to tip the desk instead of tipping the cafeteria machines and the cafeteria lady
>work some more
>cafeteria lady comes by anyway and demands a tip or she will say I raped her
>tip her extra
>on the way to my car to go home, bump into the CEO
>tip him my days wage because he earned it
>get to my car
>not enough money for a tip, car won't open
>stuck here till morning, can't even afford the tip for the ATM.


>> No.4881302
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>I can't afford to tip my sides to de-orbit after reading this

>> No.4881397


>steak house with a sommelier
>waiters make over 75,000 dollars a year
>it's my friend's place tbw

at least make it believable

>> No.4881539

I'm not sure my sides stayed in orbit, I think they used the momentum of >>4881302 sides and left the solar system.

>> No.4881594

Feels good living in the UK and only having to pay what's on the bill.

>> No.4881604
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>saves the customer money
How does the customer paying the server extra money save them anything at all? Please be a bit more realistic in your views.

Look, I work as a server and I'm pretty lazy at my job. I'll take peoples' orders, go out for a smoke, go chat up the cute bartender, then ask them what they ordered again. And you know what?

They still tip me.

The system works, it's just not working for you.

>> No.4881632

>Restaurants are permitted to bypass the federal minimum wage

Is there anywhere the poors in America don't take it in the ass? Everything just screams Banana Republic.

>> No.4881638


With that kind of talk, the wealthy will never take a shine to you and make you one of their own.

Learn some gratitude for the makers. The first step is humility. You didn't build that - they did.

>> No.4881663

I would love it if we would get rid of tipping. When I worked as a server I was expected to act like a prostitute in order to get paid. Well in fact serving may as well be prostitution the way it is now.

>> No.4881702

True, but the point I was trying to make was that some people don't tip because they are the very definition of inconsiderate and self centered.

>> No.4881710

Give good service and you'll get a good tip.

>> No.4881712

Nigga don't talk about paying for what you need with your tv licenses.

>> No.4881741

But you're EXPECTED to tip waiters every time you eat. Do you leave a tyip every Monday-Saturday for your mail carrier, every week? Do you leave a 12 pack for your garbageman every week?

>> No.4881745

That probably happened because the restaurant was getting swamped and had a line going out the door.

>> No.4881754

Six pack only. I am a pleb.

>> No.4881905

Wrong, here in Georgia, it is "at will employment". It means they can fire you for no reason at all. Go look it up.

>> No.4881922

If society as a whole got rid of tipping it would be nigh-impossible to find waiters/waitresses. I'm at my job purely so I can make ~$350 (post-taxes) a week for what amounts to around 24 hours of labour. Restaurants would have to pay out ~$18 an hour to make it feasible for anyone to work there. Waiting is a shitty job that no one would do for cashier money, I don't work at Chilli's for the exciting work or the bitches it just affords me the opportunity to make good money with minimal work and enough free time that I can study.

>> No.4881927
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It's like I'm really in /v/

>> No.4881993
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>implying he sounded stupid or was even pretending to be stupid in any way.

>projecting this much

>> No.4882005

Was having dinner with dad several years ago for his birthday
Asked to see Cook who made dinner to our liking, gave him a 20$ tip and he thanked me and had a big smile going back to the kitchen.
On our way out the waiter had the balls to ask where her tip was
My dad said something in his deep southern accent that I still cannot decipher and nearly made her cry.
Love these threads, always reinforce why I never tip waiters.
> captcha: ntyskin reflected

>> No.4882011


>> No.4882019
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My father would only eat rare beef. And, from him, I learned a great ordering techinque.

When the waiter/waitress asked him how he would like his steak cooked, he would say, "I would like my steak cooked...", and then pause. He wouldn't say anything until the server stopped writing, and looked at him. Once dad had, and held, eye contact, he would grin, and say, with the slightest of a nod from his head, "rare", while looking the server straight in the eyes.

And, after the meal, he would make the effort to thank the waiter/waitress for insuring that his meal was prepared to his liking, (often, personally giving a few extra bucks to the person, as tip addendum). And, he would ask our server to pass along his thanks to the entire kitchen staff.

With this method, it was very seldom that he was ever put in the position of sending his order back.

Even when, rarely, his order was overcooked, our server seemed to always be at our table, asking if his steak was cooked to his liking. Again, if he paused, looked at his steak, and cocked his head just a bit to the side, the server was always more than happy to bring him another steak, properly cooked.

I saw this method work in resaurants that we frequented, and restuarants in which we were first timers. And, I've adopted this method. For some reason, it works.


>> No.4882025

He probably just said "Show me your tits and that MAGHT be worth what I paid the cook.. You know, the guy who actually made the food. Bitch."

>> No.4882032
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I love tipping. I work in a carwash making about $15 an hour due to tips. I bust my ass towel drying an SUV in 45 seconds before the car behind it crashes into it, and I do that for 10 hours a day, so yeah I appreciate a tip for doing a job most people couldn't. Pic related, my tips from one four hour shift a few months ago.

>> No.4882042

>100 1 dollar bills

Gratz brah

>> No.4882080

Well, this issue is being discussed in American politics right now. Our minimum wage is low enough that in a lot of areas one simply cannot live off of it and anyone who works full time at minimum wage requires government assistance to get by.

Once we raise our minimum to more realistic levels, so that minimum wage at least pays for food, rent, electricity and health care, this won't be such a concern.

Arguing tipping on /ck/ is really the stupidest thing, though. You guys know the internet is much more libertarian leaning than the rest of society, right? Libertarians really really hate enforced norms. Go have a face to face conversation somewhere if you're really interested in balanced representations.

>> No.4882082

>being this stupid
>not realizing unskilled labor sets the value of the currency, not the other way around

>> No.4882089
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Oh, you want tip?
Here tip... get better job!

>> No.4882259

lost it at granite

>> No.4882272

>Once we raise our minimum to more realistic levels, so that minimum wage at least pays for food, rent, electricity and health care, this won't be such a concern.

What makes you think this will actually work? don't get me wrong--the idea is admirable--but raising minimum wage won't "fix" anything.

Imagine that you're a business owner. The gov't reqwuires you to raise your wages. Where is that money going to come from? You can't wave a wand and make it appear out of thin air...so you have three choices:
1) Fire some employees to give the others raises--in other words, eliminate the lowest-paying jobs.
2) Raise your prices and then deal with what happens to your sales as a result. Will customers keep buying if prices go up?
3) Go out of business, which results in everyone getting fired.

Keep in mind that you similtaneously also have to deal with item #2 happening to your suppliers: you pay more money for your raw materials, your janitorial service, the window washer, and so on.

Take a look at Australia; they have a very high minimum wage....and everything costs much more, so what's the point?

someone here actually understands economics.

>> No.4882281

>Take a look at Australia; they have a very high minimum wage....and everything costs much more, so what's the point?
Quality of life for impoverished people is still higher in Australia than America.

>> No.4882288
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Tell that to the Aborigigenies.

>> No.4882292


Perhaps, but what does that have to with minimum wage?

As for helping the impoverished, nothing is stopping you from voluntarily contributing your extra money for the benefit of the less fortunate than you. You can go write a check right now.

Anyway, you still haven't explained where this extra minimum wage money is going to come from.

>> No.4882303

I believe what you're saying is that if the minimum wage is raised, the cost increase suffered by employers will simply be handed down to customers, basically creating inflation without addressing the core issue.

Am I correct?

If so, how do we deal with exploitation of the "owner" class of the "working" class that is slowly appearing again in American society? Profit caps? Anti-monopoly action to create more competition?

I think raising the minimum wage is a much easier step to take, and while I suppose it does come with a large risk of not fixing anything, it's better than doing nothing, which is certainly just going to worsen the situation/

>> No.4882326

>Anyway, you still haven't explained where this extra minimum wage money is going to come from.
You really wonder how corporate franchises are going to find the extra money for wages? Really?

Since the recession caused by the private banking sector, employment and income have gone down yet corporate profits and the wealth of the rich has increased.

Do you see the pattern?

>> No.4882347

Not him, but I'd like to respond.

Corporations aren't simply going to roll over and give their profits to their employees. They will do everything in their power to retain maximized profits. Thus, raising the minimum wage is ultimately only a temporarily solution. A more permanent solution for what I perceive as the beginning of human rights abuses by corporations needs to be found, and it's somewhere in tinkering with the fundamental attitudes of our capitalist-leaning society. Or perhaps education of the lower classes in smart purchasing choices. Either way, easier said than done.

Regardless, "Greed is good" needs to be rewritten, else we slowly descend back down the ladder towards more and more extreme class stratification.

>> No.4882348

Mainly because in 'Murikaland, the dickbag employers don't pay people any descent wage, so they have to tip, and those tips are like 80% of their wage... Which makes grouchy employees which shows to the customers who act like assholes.

Welcome to America.

>> No.4882360

>>basically creating inflation without addressing the core issue.

that's part of it. the other part of it is that it eliminates the lower paying jobs. they're just gone, even if someone was willing to work them, they just don't exist, and go overseas instead.

>>Anti-monopoly action to create more competition?
Monopolies do not exist unless created by the government. There has never been a naturally occuring monopoly; they are always created when the government gives specific rights to a one company and not to others. In days past this was explicit, like the British East India Company. Nowadays it's more likely to happen with patents.

>>certainly just going to worsen the situation/
What situation? Poor people not being able to live?

Frankly I think the problem is largely created by the people themselves. I've done a lot of volunteer work with feeding the "poor" and frankly, the majority of them are there because of lifestyle choices. They show up at the food bank driving blinged-out cadillacs. Many of them have expensive clothes and cell phones. A lot of them have no problem affording cigarettes at over $100 per carton but claim they can't afford to eat. Others complain that "even if I eat Mcdonalds I can't afford to have 3 meals a day"...well McDonald's insn't exactly the Ritz but it's still more expensive than eating at home.

I make pretty good money, and my wife works too. If we wanted to we could eat out at nice restaurants every day. But instead, my wife and I cook for ourselves. We spend maybe $70 a week on food--and that includes alcohol--and we eat really damn well. It's a matter of budgeting and prioritizing expenses. A $5 chicken and a couple bucks worth of veggies can feed a person for a week.

>> No.4882362

Shoving your fist up your ass makes you anything but gay. It just means you are secure enough about your own sexuality to do that kind of stuff without worrying if others think you're gay.

>> No.4882383

>You really wonder how corporate franchises are going to find the extra money for wages?

I see your point but I don't think you understand how most businesses work.

Sure, Mcdonald's corporate has a lot of money, as do the heads of various big chains. But those aren't the same businesses that you patronize when you go buy a hamburger. The vast majority of fast food restaurants are franchises. They're owned by someone much like you or me. They aren't some mega-rich corporate banker who drives car which costs more than my house. They're a middle-aged person who probably makes $50k a year, with a wife, kids, and mortgage. They aren't going to be able to come up with that kind of money out of thin air. They're going to pass it on to the customer and/or they're going to go out of business.. There's no magical link between some wall-street fat cat or big name CEO and the guy who owns the local McDonalds and hires low waged employees.

I agree here about the education. That's really the key factor. What I see has happened--and is happening in other wealthy nations as well--is that it's become cheap enough to eat out (fast food) and buy pre-packaged food that it's become an easy temptation to fall into. It takes zero effort and only a little bit of money to go and buy big combo meal from fast food. People are prone to rationalizing it because "oh, it was only $5.99 and it only cost a buck to super-size it". And sure, that's not exactly a lot of money. But it IS a heck of a lot more expensive than the alternative, which is cooking for yourself from scratch. People need to learn that just because its "cheap" doesn't mean that it's a worthwhile expenditure of their money. In less wealthy nations and even in the past in the USA there was no choice: Your grandma and grandpa couldn't afford to eat fast food every day--they HAD to cook for themselves. The choice was made for them. People today need to be making that same choice.

>> No.4882394

I think in many cases what you say about the poor being responsible for their own situation is correct. However, that's not simply their problem. The reason they make those decisions is because of the culture that they are brought up in and around. That culture is a facet of our society, and it's our responsibility as a people to ensure our culture meets our moral obligations. We have animal rights laws, we have people rights laws, we have workers rights laws. All of these are an effort to consciously create a culture that's beneficial to us all.

I think the advantage of raising the minimum wage is the opportunity it creates. Many, even most people might be willing to spend their additional income on drugs and bling, but others might just help put a few dollars towards putting their children into higher education. That opportunity is very difficult for a nonprofit to create outside of small, isolated cases. A blanket raise in pay will create it throughout the entire class.

It'll also save our government a lot in it's handout programs, resources that can then be shifted towards education to further alleviate the problem.

Regarding monopolies, I agree. But they exist now, and perhaps need to be dealt with. Once they exist, they can suppress startups by virtue of their purchasing power alone.

Regarding you and your wife, you obviously understand smart budgeting practices. You were taught them at some point, were you not?

>> No.4882489

The direction of this conversation reminds me of something... One of the girls who worked for us once got a large tax refund, and she decided to spend the money by buying a brand new flat screen tv for her boyfriend for xmas. When I asked her why, she just shrugged and said "I want to buy him something special." That in turn reminded me of someone telling me once that when you're really poor, it's brutally painful to not be able to give good gifts to your loved ones around Christmastime. He said it was one of the worst things about being poor, and it's such a strong feeling, that every time he would wind up with a windfall he would largely spend it on gifts.

I told her that, and she kinda shrugged. I said I think that's one of the big things that keeps poor people continually poor--they never save up money from good times. That, alongside buying all their stuff from gas stations and convenience stores instead of in bulk when it's on sale is an excellent recipe for a family's eternal poverty.

She looked at me and said "But we buy everything from gas stations..."

She and her entire family are on government assistance despite the fact that they all work full time.

I lay the blame solely on the feet of the companies that basically rape their customers continually, and then employ those same customers for low-paying work, creating a vicious cycle of dependency that can't be broken without intervention. Check cashing places, convenience stores, McDonalds. People have an expectation that a business would not exist if it's not "good". That's so far from the truth it hurts.

>> No.4882936
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Have a break, and cool down.

>> No.4883194

good thing for muh morals in my state waiters and waitresses are not payed 2-3 dollars an hour, theyre paid minimum wage like anyone else. not that that stops people from tipping anyway and having them walk home with 50% more than anyone else in the restaurant below manager and head chef.

>> No.4883505

I remember a day where if you were a waiter and someone didnt tip you, next time they came to the restaurant, you spat in their food and that was the end of it. Now its "abloo bloo dey didnt pay me"