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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 500x281, SKULL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4878092 No.4878092[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


1.8-million-year-old skull shakes mankind’s family tree

“We found stone tools and cut marks on animal bones, which indicate that hominids were actively involved in meat-processing,” Lordkipanidze said.

>Vegans: "Humans didn't evolve to eat meat!!!"
>Anthropologists: "Humans were eating meat 1.8 million years ago, and here's proof."

Omnivores: 1
Vegans: 0

>> No.4878098

They also probably died by the age of 30.

Maybe you should be like them too OP.

Oh wait, they procreated and gave rise to us while you are a permavirgin that can only spread ephemeral troll threads on /ck/ instead of dispersing your seed via normal sexual relationships.

>> No.4878107



>> No.4878115

OP here. Problem??

>> No.4878116

>"Humans didn't evolve to eat meat!!!"

There are really people who say this?

There are plenty of arguments for not eating meat, but that's a silly one.

>> No.4878133

Has anyone ever stopped to say, "Maybe we evolved to eat a huge variety of shit, so that we could live all over the globe. Now that we can eat whatever we like, just eat what you enjoy."

>> No.4878147

Would've died much younger if they didn't eat whatever they could find. I wish you could be dropped off in the wilderness with nothing. Good luck surviving on vegetables and berries and mushrooms that may or may not kill you. Its only a matter of time til you have to catch a fish or kill an animal to survive.

>> No.4878152

I am an avid hunter and fisherman. I go bird hunting all fall with my Vizsla and can identify about 2 dozen edible mushrooms.

I would have a very good chance at surviving.

>> No.4878173

I'm sure you would be much better off than the berry and mushroom eater who has no means to start any sort of productive farming project before starving. Its not like there are fields of kale and potatoes growing all over the world. If those people back in the day didn't eat meat they died.

I know where I am if I was in the wilderness the first thing I'd do after finding water is find a lake or stream and get fish. Then I'd make some sort of weapon or trap and try to kill small animals. Maybe kill an alligator if I'm lucky. Probably wouldn't think about plants, there aren't that many here to eat. This is how most of the world is. This whole vegetarian/vegan thing is just privileged first-world faggots who are completely changing the diet that allowed us to make it this far. I'd even go as far to say that the way they eat is....unnatural.

>> No.4878176

/out/ here.

I have only 3 words.
Well done boffins.

>> No.4878179

people still died in their early 30s regularly as late as the 1400s because of lack of medical knowledge, sanitation, and medicine

>> No.4878183

humans ATE everything they could

just like today

>> No.4878188

Except now we complain about it afterwards.

>> No.4878233
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We're likely very hardwired to develop and communicate eating rules. Good rules or otherwise.

Momma 1st homo sapiens shouting at her homo sapiens child when it reaches for the deadly stinging applesauce was an early version of "I don't approve of your food choices."

Later on down the road of human advancement we got eating rules like "god won't like you if you eat fish today" and whatnot...

Oh well...

>> No.4878248

Hunter gatherer cultures had high attrition rates in childbirth and early childhood.

After that they lived as long as modern people.

>> No.4878250
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this thread is not about food.
you are as bad as the vegan shitposters, please stop

>> No.4878278

It's clear that biologically homo sapiens are omnivore by the type of teeth we have, if you look at some of our ancestors like paranthropus robustus, they have much larger molars and no canine teeth which shows they were herbivores.

There is nothing wrong with being vegan but people need to remember it's a personal choice.

>> No.4878327

Sperg off!
It's interesting

>> No.4878710


>The sixth most-visited newspaper site in Nigeria

If anything "shakes mankind's family tree", I think it would also be written somewhere else, too.

>> No.4878713


Actually, that's not so far from the truth. People these days sit all the time, thus develop a different center of weight.

>> No.4878828

what mushrooms would pair well with vizla meat? Y'know, in case you don't get anything.

>> No.4878844

Um maybe we are evolving away from meat

Trolls 0

>> No.4878848

>And the dumbest post of the day award goes to...

>> No.4878849

How does that prove the evolution of meat-eating though? If we didn't change in any way to accomodate it, and we can still see today that meat consumption leads to disease, why does it matter if we saw behavior of it? There's a guy named shoenice22 on youtube who eats blocks of deoderant and motor oil, it doesn't mean anything because it's just behavior, not an evolutionary change.

Humans also ate other humans, we've found human bones with the same kind of markings. That's not an argument for cannibalism though.

>> No.4878851

How is a person able to look at something and say "THAT'S A MILLION YEARS OLD! !!! !". How are they even certain?

>> No.4878855

Stay in school, kid.

>> No.4878856
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>by god, my canines are fucking legit!
>I better go chew on this cow.

>> No.4878857
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>> No.4878859
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>> No.4878862
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This is now a REAL food thread. Dumping pictures of food only. Dead flesh need not apply. I call meat eaters flesh-tombs. So Tombs, here's what food looks like in case you forgot.

>> No.4878867

A lot of stuff is pseudoscience designed to justify degrees and mega high bugets and even higher taxes.

>> No.4878878

If God had intended for humans to be vegetarians, he wouldn't have made animals out of tasty meat.

Checkmate vegfags

>> No.4878880 [DELETED] 
File: 660 KB, 3072x2304, Dead_cat_1380900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitty Cat Chow Mein!

>> No.4878881


You're so edgy! XD

Proud of you, bud.

>> No.4878883


>this lame as fuck cookie cutter response

>if sugar wasn't intended to drunk by the gallons, then why did god make it taste good

>huur durr

>> No.4878884

Go back to your starbucks you filthly vegan hippy.

>> No.4878888


oh boy ya got me

>> No.4878918

On the contrary. Studies prove that people who follow a plant based diet are 50% less likely to develop heart disease, and have 40% of the cancer rate of meat-eaters. These are HUGE differences!! Also, the only "blue zone" in the US (region where people live the longest, healthiest lives) is in Loma Linda, CA where the highest concentration of 7th Day Adventists live, who follow plant based diets. Frankly, I don't need scientific data to know what is best for my health - instinct told me from childhood. I am the only one in my extended family not taking cholesterol meds, had a heart attack, breast or colon cancer or diabetes (all are diseases associated w/ animal protein).

>> No.4878922
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>> No.4878925
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>> No.4878927
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>incredible scientific discovery
>use it to bitch about vegans

I sincerely hope you die.

>> No.4878941

Why are you so butthurt about an article?

Do you think that 1.8 million years ago, people can do caesarian sections? Did they also have antibiotics? How would they deal with any infection or viruses?

Those were the main reasons why they died early, not because of their diet. Why to the older Japanese generation still live even when they eat meat moderately even while smoking tons of tobacco? They should have died of cancer by then.

Most of the factors regard with lifestyle and access to medicine. Not by shitposting on a slow mature board like /ck/.

>>>/b/ is that way, you sound like you belong there.

>> No.4878943

Logical people say those things. But bigots on both parties tend to argue with common sense.

The same reason why humans have both canines for tearing flesh and molars for grinding anything.

>> No.4878945

>They also probably died by the age of 30.
>people still died in their early 30s regularly as late as the 1400s because of lack of medical knowledge, sanitation, and medicine

Wrong, wrong wrong! If you look up on wikipedia and look at the deaths of semi-famous people you'll find more often than not that people did live past 50 in those times. Stop believing this lie that modern medicine has told so often that without medicine people cannot live past 30. sure ther are things that if left untreated will kill you, but for the vast majority if you have shelter, food and even semi-decent sanitation it's possible to live well into your 70's. Look at India for example, at the lower castes: many cannot afford medicine, and live in squalor and extremely unsanitary conditions but so many live well past 60.

I apologize for posting something unrelated to /ck/

>> No.4878964


>humans have canines for tearing flesh

Our canines are even shittier than most confirmed herbivores' canines. A canine is a generally useful tooth, lots of animals have them.

>> No.4878975

yeah well good thing we aren't most animals and our teeth haven't evolved to chew cooked meat

>> No.4878981


>actually thinking that millions of years of evolution led to an animal's (us, mammals) digestive system needing "cooked" food.

Wake the fuck up. We're meant to eat off the earth. Whole food. Plant food.

Meat was only necessary in extreme conditions where plants weren't readily available

>> No.4878984
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Could be the lizard people living under the Denver airport?

Bon appetit!

>> No.4878986


That's bullshit solely because I like bacon, so whatever I enjoy eating is automatically good for me and perfectly fine to eat. Case closed. Also, the bible is true because I like believing it. Fuck off, vegan atheists

Sick of you assholes using FACTS and LOGIC all the time. Have some fucking faith in meat

>> No.4878993


>deep fried dead flesh logic

>> No.4878994

Man all I see are the vegans crying and bemoaning scientific fact. There it is, we eat meat. End of story. So just like your religion science has smashed all of your bases to pieces as well. Good day vegans.

>> No.4878995

Herbivores have canines?

Plants weren't readily available?

Am I getting rused here?

>> No.4878997


You know what else we can digest? Pill casings. You know, gel caps and shit. I guess since we can metabolize gel caps we weren't meant to eat gel caps.

Sweet scientific logic bro

>> No.4878999


were* meant

>> No.4879000

A humans weapon is its huge brain and dexterous hands that we can use to farm animals, build weapons and kill things.


>> No.4879004


>Herbivores have canines?

Of course. Horses, deer, gorillas, rhinos, koala, hippos, etc.

>> No.4879012


Right on, brother. Humans also eat shampoo and glue sticks, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQxWM4BCJ8A

So that proves that we're supposed to eat these things. It's GOOD for us.

>> No.4879021

I don't think you understand this at all.

>> No.4879047

>thw finding out homo vegansapians bitched about raw meat in the past so that future homo vegans can claim meat shouldnt be eaten because its cooked

>> No.4879092

>no medicene
>dies earlier
>shocked by this revelation

>> No.4879108


That average is heavily skewed by the infant mortality rate. Truth is that if you made it past 2 or 3 you had a good chance of making 50 or 60.

>> No.4879111
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everything went downhill when primates started murdering and eating everyone, we were better off in the thick canopies eating fruits.

>> No.4879149

...what? AVERAGE max age might have been 30, but that's taking into account the high mortality rate of children/babies back then. Most people who live to 25 probably lived to see 50 or 60.

>> No.4879164




>> No.4879171

Stop making this thread.

>> No.4879177

ITT: slippery slope fallacy. most of which is perpetrated by vegans.

>> No.4879196


>> No.4879205


>> No.4879217

ITT: vegans get buttblasted by science

Vegans are truly the new-age creationists. They refuse to accept what science tells them.

>> No.4879253

Is this b8?

>> No.4879261
File: 302 KB, 486x322, being this dense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratuations! You just rendered your entire argument invalid!

>> No.4879287

>hating on wikipedia

Yeah, I haven't even posted in this thread, just walking through but people who hate on wikipedia are generally the kind of people who take it in the ass because they're "saving themselves for marriage"

>> No.4879289

>Yeah, I haven't even posted in this thread, just walking through but that post makes no sense.

>> No.4879347
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>> No.4879351

If only Wikipedia cited some sort of source or something. Too bad the articles are never backed by any citations or anything.

>> No.4879356

>Thinking wikipedia is not reliable

How are things back in 2001?

>> No.4879412
File: 613 KB, 245x245, ryca&amp;branka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lying on the internet and expecting people to believe

>> No.4879415

This has nothing at all to do with /ck/ or than very obiouvs trolling.

Why is this thread still here and why hasn't the OP been banned for quality of posts and for trolling outside of /b/?

>> No.4879440


>> No.4879694

Shut up, you deluded faggot.

>hurr might as well enjoy life
>equating happiness to gluttony

>> No.4879698

Funny my dentist was saying that our meat consumption is the reason why our teeth are getting bigger. This is the reason he cited for nearly always having to removed peoples wisdom teeth. As we for the most part have no room for them any longer.

>> No.4879700

>no tears please it is waste of good suffering

>> No.4879701


You don't enjoy eating? That's a sign of depression and sickness, among other things.

>> No.4879703


>> No.4879705



>> No.4879709


I think his point is that you should enjoy other aspects of life as much as or more than eating, and sacrificing your own health, which effects everything about you, isn't worth stuffing your face with bonbons and bacon

>> No.4879727

Not that I'm defending vegans, because I don't. But human life wasn't around 1.8 million years ago; we've been around on only for like 100,000 years TOPS. Get your facts straight, check your references.

>> No.4879743

>>Vegans: "Humans didn't evolve to eat meat!!!"
Actually it's one of the main factors why we could evolve.

Meat is a lot easier to digest than vegetables. Cooked meat even more so. Cows and such spend most of their energy digesting, they even need 4 stomachs for it.

The massive amounts energy we saved eating meat, and later cooking, was invested in growing our brains. It also gave us more free time to invest in building culture and inventing stuff (which also stimulated our brains).

Of course this isn't the sole factor, others being to transit to agriculture and the trade between different groups.

>> No.4879749

>gluttony = happiness
>not being a gluttonous pig = not enjoying food
>shaving many years off of your life to be fat = healthy mindset
You sounds fat.

>> No.4879754

Also, I'm VERY surprised nobody else realized this. How the fuck can you vegfags not have realized this already?

This thread stinks like 'MURICA. In which case you're all fucking idiots.

>> No.4879857


Actually you're right that cooking was beneficial to us, but it wasn't cooked meat that did anything but cooked starch.

>> No.4881097

You realise that human doesn't exclusively mean homo sapiens, right?

>> No.4881104

>Being surprised that americans hunt

>> No.4881122

>implying i can with my gun control