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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4875818 No.4875818 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you faggots fish? The only threads I see on this board are threads about fast food and questions about simple recipes that could easily be answered by google. Does everyone here really spend all their time jerking it to loli and ordering pizza? Dont you realize that adventure lurks nearby, wherever you may be?

Dumping my recent catch. Pic related is a steelhead trout I caught off Lake Erie and grilled this past week

>> No.4875823

Did it died?

>> No.4875847

I fish regularly. Strangely enough I don't particularly care for the taste of fish and throw 90% of my catches back to either feed other people or breed to make more fish. I fish for sport.

>> No.4875858

Yes, I fish. I eat a lot of trout in the summer.

>> No.4875864

This. Fresh fish is mouth wateringly good.

>> No.4875891
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I dont have any pictures of the trout filets that I grilled and topped with a creamy sauce I flavored with mustard and dill because I voraciously devoured them while shitfaced. I did however get a shot of h roe he next day after I removed them from the membrane and cured them. pic was taken after a rather large sampling of the caviar.

>> No.4875897

There's still fish in your rivers left to fish?
My state hardly restocks. They must think the freshwater eels are good enough.
Haven't gone fishing in a long time. Hard to find a spot where someone hasn't left their trash and fished the river empty.

>> No.4875914
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Went to the local market and picked up some ingredients to compliment the trout roe. Mixed creme fraiche with dill, brined some cucumber, and put the roe on leftover baguette slices.

>> No.4875915


take their eggs

>> No.4875918

Jesus, what state do you live in?

>> No.4875932
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About to cook these guys up tomorrow. Just finished filleting the two of them after fishing today. They weigh more then 30 lbs combined. Both around 30 in.

>> No.4875938
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Fluke from earlier in the season. The meat was so light and flaky. I usually ate it raw with a japanese, italian, or hispanic dressing.

>> No.4875945
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The best is catching trout and crabs in the same sitting and serving them 4 hours later. Ok, so I purged the crabs overnight, but the fish was caught hours before.

>> No.4875969

Not as much as I used to.

Only went fishing a few times from shore this year, didn't really have much success. I fucking love fried crappie though

>> No.4876046
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these gals are delicious

>> No.4876077


>> No.4876084

god tier food right there
i went out on a charter boat a few years ago & we all caught our limit
i wrapped the filets in veggies & sauteed them off in brown butter
so good

>> No.4876088

largemouth? really?
how do you cook them?

>> No.4876090

I used to fish a lot with my dad but his health is failing. I need to get my brother into fishing. We fished for a lot of trout and surf perch. I enjoyed smoking our catch.

>> No.4876112

most of the fish i catch are horrible eating
pike is the fucking worst

>> No.4876117

I hard all fishermen were closet homosexuals, and "fishing trips" are private gay parties.

Is this true?

>> No.4876119

Every part of your post is fighting words.

>> No.4876122

how can you enjoy eating pike, it's all bones

>> No.4876123

oh dear, heard

>> No.4876130

Only in New England.

>> No.4876168

>deep fry

>> No.4876192
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I fish... FOR PORN


No I'm a pizzeria owner, fish doesn't belong in pizza.

>> No.4876207

You want to do some simple river fishing, get a floating No5 Trout Fry and just twitch it above submerged logs and the like. Most reliable fishing I've ever seen.

Hardmode, learn to fly cast.

>> No.4876267

Bass are pretty bland imo

>> No.4876530
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Yea CT fucking sucks, but I hear the Salmon river is decent. I also figured there were decent trout rivers around appalachian CT

>> No.4876536
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>> No.4876541
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These are from Jersey. If they can manage a thriving trout fishery, Im sure CT can figure it out.

>> No.4876546

What river? That looks pretty good.

>> No.4876547

Yeh I do a bit of fishing, mostly saltwater on my boat.
I would post pics but they all have my/friends face in them, and.. yeh.. 4chan.

>> No.4876549
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Tried fishing for crab, but my only success has come from just netting visible ones off the local docks.

>> No.4876551

I used to when I was a kid. I caught some big ones or so they seemed at the time. Always cool stuff with my grandfather, then we'd hand over our catch to my grandmother to cook up.

Always fun!

>> No.4876552
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So did the OP, just crop yourself out.

>> No.4876555

that crab shit itself

>> No.4876556

Fuck that, smoked salmon or smoked sardines are crackin' good on pizza. You should try it out especially the latter... smoked sardines.

They're not salty like anchovies.

Don't knock it before you try it!

>> No.4876557

I want to see your qt face, anon :3

>> No.4876559
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Really? Smoked salmon on pizza? That doesnt sound very good.

>> No.4876562

A lot of combinations don't sound good until you try it. Then find out it's pretty yummy.

>> No.4876568

I suggest doing it this way though...
Buy a can of salmon or some fresh stuff. The canned stuff works best though.
Prepare that.

Get a plain pizza from a local mom & pop shop.

Put the salmon on the pizza yourself.

Enjoy in the profit of your enveavors!

>> No.4876569

It's the same for sardines. No pizza places have those, they always have salty ass anchovies.

Sardines > Anchovies.

>> No.4876571

So its not smoked, just canned salmon? That sounds better.

>> No.4876577

I've only tried the canned one on pizza and it's good. I do weird shit, I put chili on pizza too. I like getting a plain pizza from a cool place and putting my own toppings on it. I like to experiment and have fun.

I think smoked would be better but smoked salmon is expensive and I can't get good stuff in upstate NY where I live. I think a slice of smoked salmon would be awesome on some good pizza.

Fuck paying $50 extra for that when I can do that myself for like $2.

>> No.4876578

Thinly sliced smoked salmon that comes on waxed board is probably the best. We use it for appetizers all the time and it goes very well with cheese and bread/crostinis.
Toasted anchovies quickly taste like nuts. I'll eat sardines or eel straight from the tin, but sardines are a great pizza topping, if only when done correctly.
I disagree, see above. Make a pizza with very little sauce, and a thinner layer of cheese, with onion, roasted red bell pepper, and anything else you might think will not interfere with your thin strips of salty smoked salmon.

>> No.4876579
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Fresh sardines are glorious

>> No.4876582

Drained. Don't put the salmon on if it's all wet right from a can.

And the pizza, extra thin, extra baked. Not burnt, just extra baked. That's good stuff, imo.

>> No.4876583

You ever fish the Salmon River? Nows primetime to catch spawning salmon and steelhead

>> No.4876585

hell yeah meh nigga!

>> No.4876586

Dude, we're not in disagreement, that's what I said.

>> No.4876589

That's just a dream from a bloke in New York.
Maybe someday.

>> No.4876590

> I caught off Lake Erie

I wanted to take a trip up there once as a family vacation, fish, and have a nice time but my dad had a flip-out about the contamination there and refused to go.

I've heard a lot about certain sections of the lake being closed off to quarantine it sometimes, but have you encountered anything similar as a local fisherman?

>> No.4876592 [DELETED] 

Hopefully this doesn't sound trite, work and make money for yourself, then it's up to your family where you go or what you do. It's fun then.

>> No.4876594

Nice Red!


>> No.4876596

Make some money you bloake!
Then it won't be up to your family where you go or what you do or when to do it.

I learned that a long time ago and it's way more fun not having someone telling me what to do, then it's about loving folk in your family once independent.

>> No.4876599

Julia Child Remixed | Keep On Cooking | PBS Digital Studios

>> No.4876603

Im not a local to the lake erie area but I imagine its pretty dirty near the Cleve. The DEC usually states which waters you cant eat from, but I didnt check it before this trip.

>> No.4876604
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No in Pulaski, NY

>> No.4876621

Endicott NY, 13760

>> No.4876623

I dunno man, Salmon River is pretty close then.
I'd prefer to hit up Alaska and fish with the big boys.

What the fuck kind of salmon comes from New York? That's plain silly.

>> No.4876626

I don't want to eat any radioactive east coast salmon.
Glowing in the dark from radiation and shit isn't in my interest.

>> No.4876628
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Yea the east coast is where you need to worry about radiation
>this guy

>> No.4876629

you know that map is just water currents right

>> No.4876632

Then what kind of current is signified by the black and purple, dumbass?

>> No.4876633

Yeah OP I fish all of the time, I just am a terrible fisherman and I nearly never catch anything at all.

>> No.4876635

Yes, obviously the best salmon fishing is in Alaska, but thats not a very plausible destination to regularly fish, is it? Youve really never heard of great lakes salmon?

>> No.4876636

Why not? Where do you fish?

>> No.4876637
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you're right, i was mistaken.

it's actually the wave heights of the 2011 tsunami.

>> No.4876640
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Now that you mention it, the only sites using that graphic are /pol/-tier alt news.

>> No.4876684


You misunderstand, I wasn't financially dependent on my father when we were planning it. I was looking for a place we'd all enjoy.

>> No.4876836

In Southern California. The bass have gotten really smart. Hell even the fucking carp are impossible to catch. Any thing near the coast has been fished out to boot.

>> No.4876841

Shutup you doomsaying retard. You should be more concerned with mercury or over fishing than radiation.

>> No.4876867
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Massfag here. I fish mostly off the coast of Maine. Stripers, Cod, Blues, Haddock. Went on my first Tuna fishing trip, didn't catch anything. Plan to hit that hard next summer.

Few years back I went fishing in Alaska. Best fishing ever

>> No.4876873

i would orgasm if i caught a tuna, id eat like a king for a year

>> No.4876897

>he hasn't had pizza with tuna and sliced onion

>> No.4876912

I'm in Los Angeles. I spearfish on the regular. Lots of barred sand bass, kelp bass, ling cod, halibut, sheepshead, etc.

I've been wanting to get into angling, but haven't had the time to learn a new hobby.

>> No.4876915

mmhh I think y'er on the wrong coast there my white brother.
scared to show face on /ck/
weak, It's not like we gonna dox you because you posted a picture, anyways you'll clean the exifs wont ye?; give a >>4876557 fag a chance!
never looked at a real italian cookbook? fuck they call even some baked pies with grease dough pizza, not to say pizza bianca, or fish focaccia. Seems to me you don't take your job seriously.

>> No.4876916
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>The only threads I see on this board are threads about fast food and questions about simple recipes that could easily be answered by google

Threads about things that aren't fast food or boneless skinless chicken breast are reported and banned. Goodbye, op.

>> No.4876928

I don't have legs, OP. I can't go fishing.

>> No.4876933

>rosemary goes in all fields

>> No.4876973

Wrong coast for what?

>> No.4876978

>implying I am going to pay 60 a year for the chance to maybe get a fish

I can't into fish.

>> No.4877018

You get into scuba gear, and hunt for those fish?

>> No.4877019
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>Remove bones

>> No.4877021

Easier said than done. Pike are great sport fish, not so good for eating.

>> No.4877023
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Fucking catfish. Is it because of my babby taste buds or is this shit just nasty?

Dad was jelly so he filleted my Pike before I could get a pic of it.

Yeah, definitely. I was just being an ass.
The meat is decent though after all that

>> No.4877041

>maybe get a fish
I go once a year with my family. Easily catch 20+ over the course of 3 days.
It's not hard.

>> No.4877047
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Does anyone go fishing in the St. Lawrence River?
I go to Thousand Islands, Ontario once a year for a week, but it seems like the fishing slowed down a bunch. Used to catch dozens of perch and smallmouth, but I hardly catch any decent perch anymore. I did catch the catfish in that pic tho plus a decent pike, but that's about it for this year.
I'm also from Cincinnati, where are some decent areas to fish within about a 100 mile radius of there?

>> No.4877055

Really, no compliments? I thought this was going to blow /ck/'s nips off.
>retail price: $100/lb

>> No.4877060

It looks like it'd be tasty.

>> No.4877061

East Fork Lake looks decent.

>> No.4877062

I know most of you fags can barely cook, but what should I make with these bass today?

>> No.4877066

Thx anon :3

>> No.4877095

Steam with lemongrass, spring onions and a little chilli

>> No.4877298

you did bleed it, right?

>> No.4877302

striper/rockfish are delicious. so good

>> No.4877408
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Decided to start off with a bass avocado roll. Bought the rice from local sushi place, and randomly found the seaweed I had saved from making rolls months ago. Looks like shit, but was really delicious.

>> No.4877414


That's got to be the worst-looking sushi roll ever

>> No.4877438

can some explain fishing to me? whats so great about it?

fish isn't even that good, plus the poor fish.

>> No.4877448

can some explain video games to me? whats so great about it?

tetris isn't even that good, plus girls dont think its cool.

>> No.4877451

You ate the bass raw?

>> No.4877464

i wouldnt risk the parasites but .. yea..

>> No.4877470

fishing is for white trash and poor people. gtfo.

>> No.4877471


Video game is active and stimulating. Fishing is just sitting around for hours waiting for some small thing to happen

>> No.4877621

its pretty good im impressed. its just trout though...

call me when you hook a 900 lb sturgeon or a few dozen salmon :D

>> No.4877633

Going Haddock fishing in a few weeks. Nothing beats a good fresh fillet of haddock.

If only bluefish were good to eat.

>> No.4877949

Gulf of Mexico.

>> No.4877965

It's an escape, just like all pleasurable thigns.

>> No.4877979
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uhhh... the Farmington??????

>> No.4877993

I think trout roe goes for more than salmon roe

>> No.4877999

>fish isn't even that good

You just lost all credibility.

>> No.4878007

I know that's you, Robert.

>> No.4878058
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Try deep sea fishing.

>> No.4878724
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>> No.4879786


its alright, but to go out and purposely sit there for hours and kill living things in barbaric manner doesn't sound appealing.

imagine if you were just walking around minding your own business and someone dragged you by a hook from your mouth and suffocated you to death, you wouldn't like it would you?

i respect fish too much to go fishing

>> No.4879817

I hunt but don't really go fishing often because I think it is unnecessarily cruel.

>> No.4879818

No. Free dive. Sometimes when I dive on air I'll bring my gun so I can tag deeper fish like Vermillion. But usually when I dive with gear I'm just there to enjoy the show.

>> No.4879901


What kind of pussy are you?

>> No.4879932
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>I would eat something dangling from a hook and line

>> No.4879954


Nigga you dumb. Fish don't have feelings, they are like closer to insects than animals.

>> No.4880004

>they are like closer to insects than animals.
Talk about being dumb. Insects ARE animals.

>> No.4880021

They actually have proven that fish can feel pain

>> No.4880032

Good. You think a shark would take pity on you and go eat seaweed?

>> No.4882095

Considering sharks don't have higher reasoning skills, no.

>> No.4882100

They actually have proven that sharks have higher reasoning skills.

>> No.4882144

in terms of fishing, anywhere not by cleveland is fine (but if you catch something that looks visibly fucked up, then report it to the local warden and go somewhere else)

>> No.4882170

God damn would you stop refuting everyone with your incessant fish knowledge.

>> No.4883017


Yeah, I'm gonna go with that.

>> No.4883730
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fidf pls go

>> No.4883761
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Couldn't resist.

>> No.4884103

Hey guys, I was looking for tautog recipes in this thread:
with no luck.

Anyone here have experience with them?

I think they're about the only fish in New England that I've never had, and I got a bunch of filets on a fishing trip yesterday.

I was thinking maybe braising some in garllic, soy sauce and mirin, with a little sugar.

Then I was thinking a more traditional approach with maybe some lemon butter and wine

>> No.4884111

I should add:
Yeah I'm capable of entering "tautog recipe" into Google, but I was wondering if anyone here has a "absolutely must try tautog recipe"

>> No.4884129
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I want to eat more fish. ;_;

>> No.4884156

Get some fish oil pills. Just pop 'em with each meal and you'll get all the Omega 3's you can handle.

>> No.4884214

Used to fish all the time, never kept though. All the places I've ever been too were catch & release.

Which bugs me, because everyone would always kill the fish while trying to get the hook out or it suffocated while people were waiting it in the air. They'd just throw the dead fish back in and they would float around the top.

>> No.4884250

This chart is missing some of thebest fish: mackerel and sardines

>> No.4884267

A local pizza place here in Amherst, MA puts smoked salmon, fresh mozzerella, and avocado on a pizza. Very good

>> No.4884308

I'd hardly call fishing Elk, Walnut, or the Ohio streams "Adventure". Being surrounded by fat guys in neoprene's isn't very crazy.

Also that Chromer is nice. I'll be going mup Saturday for em.

>> No.4885207

I would have to argue against the accuracy of that chart, especially with the data for mahi. Mercury accumulates over a fish's lifespan, and mahi live very short lives. While many tuna will live over ten years easily, mahi usually live 3-4 years and don't accumulate nearly as much mercury.

>> No.4885227

>listening to the rules

What the fuck? If no one's in sigh, slit it's throat and pack it in ice.

>> No.4885286

If they swallowed the hook, you fucked up and didn't set it. If it suffocated in the air, you must have arms like a bodybuilder to hold the fucker up for fifteen minutes. Fish are damned robust.

>> No.4885316

Did a lot of fishing in BC, Canada. Had a neighbour that would take some of the catch that we had every weekend and served it at his diner as a "Catch of the day" deal.

Grew older, moved to Hong Kong, kept fishing for a good 4 years or so after settling in. Gave up after 4 years after I realized it wasn't worth the effort, out of the 30 odd so people I know who I see near the pier regularly, we can an average of one fish that's over 2.5 pounds...per year. The rest are either juveniles or trash fish.
Usually, I wouldn't mind trash fish but the pier wasn't exactly in a pristine spot, so it was better to be safe than sorry.

There's some pretty large fish out right by the docks though. It's usually nothing, nothing, nothing and more nothing for several months then one of us hits the jackpot.

>tfw a guy in his 40s caught a cuttlefish so big it was literally the size of the pope hat.

>see a guy's rod dip
>must be the wave
>whole rod goes flying out but luckily, the thing is tied to a dog leash
>dog is making an obvious effort to stay seated but is slowly being dragged out to sea
>guy wanders over, goes "OH SHIT", grabs the rod and begins an epic 6 hour fight.
>It's a 4 feet Barramundi. Oh, that's no epic.
>He was using the line to catch minnows sized fish to feed his home aquarium fish.

Suddenly, more impressive.

>> No.4885324

Went fishing for Snakeheads because I heard they were delicious as fuck. Haven't succeeded for 2 years.

>> No.4885350

I like jistabout every fish ive ever tried but for some reason I dont lime the flavor of salmon
Most people love it but for me theflavor is just too strong
The only time ive found it even remotely edible is poached in olive oil
Is there any other fish that is similar that I might like?
I do like trout if its prepared in certain manners

>> No.4886897

mackerel is best fish

>> No.4886910

I went duck fishing last week and almost got arrested.