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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 800x570, 800px-Pizza_saver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4872248 No.4872248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you americans need these?

>> No.4872249

to keep the cheese off the box lid.

>> No.4872250

how does it even get up there? are your pizzas 5cm tall?

>> No.4872251

So we can feed the ants

>> No.4872254

doll-house furniture

>> No.4872255

If the pizza gets knocked around while on it's way to be delivered, or when they stack 3-4 of them on top of each other in the thing to keep them warm.

>> No.4872258

what kinda crap boxes do you even have over

>> No.4872259

You only get them when you have pizza delivered or order multiple pizzas. One box doesn't need it but multiple pizzas on top of each other can cause the box to crush

>> No.4872263
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-10-15 17.32.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap boxes i presume, these can be stacked without any problems

>> No.4872267

>Implying Americvans wouldn't lay down their lives for Life, liberty, and the pursuit of pizza

I care about my pizza. Any enhancements to the box make up for what I lack in silverware while eating it.

Bro, do you even pizza?

>> No.4872270

wow that is a horrible pizza

>> No.4872271

it's average
but it's next to my bus stop and i can't bother making dinner tonight

>> No.4872272

Man, even the knives look weird in Yurop.

>> No.4872275

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.4872277

no man, it's horrible. the cheese is undercooked and slimy and the lack of toppings comes off as greedy

>> No.4872280

that pizza looks down right retarded. can europoors do anything right?

>> No.4872281

it's one of the cheapest pizzas, you know in the 1-10 menu range

also i never called to order so he probably made it quick
it's not really undercooked though

>> No.4872285

when i was a kid my dad told me they held the pizza together
i knew he was wrong but i didn't know enough about pizza to prove it

>> No.4872290

We have them in Bongladesh, too, they're used as little wee tables for us to share some pizza with the borrowers.

>> No.4872295

>the borrowers

That made me smile.

>> No.4872300


Man, I'd eat that so hard.

And I guess American pizzas are just larger, they have a bigger diameter, leading to bigger boxes leading to a more instable lid which could easily touch the pizza.

>> No.4872301

well that might be true actually

>> No.4872317
File: 35 KB, 550x412, ffffffuuuuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's because we employ inferior foreign laborers to deliver our food to keep cost down and maintain our standard of living and obviously those stupid brown people can't be trusted to maintain proper delivery standards.

>> No.4872327

I don't think I've ever had a pizza delivered by a "foreigner" to be honest. It's almost always either some high school or college age kid or some 40-50 year old trying to make ends meet.

That being said, they're often incompetent and try to rush the delivery, throwing the pizzas around, not securing them in their vehicle so they slide around while they're driving, shit like that.

>> No.4872343

So either way, it's the 2 cent pizza table or pay a decent wage and insurance to responsible workers and pizza cost 35 dollars. I'll take my 2 pizzas for 12 bucks thank you very much.

>> No.4872347

im not american and we use those here

>> No.4872349

Shouldn't have been so mean to muslims.

Muslims are the best pizza deliverers.

They got mad pizza deliverer skills.

>> No.4872381

You know what the Muslims also delivered? 9/11

>> No.4872393

ice burn

>> No.4872412

this. my sister used use them as end tables in her doll house.

>> No.4872450

>or when they stack 3-4 of them on top of each other

Typical amerilards eating more than what their bodies can handle

>> No.4872453

Or multiple deliveries going out at the same time.

>> No.4872456

The delivery guys typically deliver more than one pizza at a time, to several locations. On Friday and Saturday nights, or any day where there's a major sports game, you can expect dozens of pizzas going out at once. And while the major chains have the money to install rack-style pizza warmers in their delivery cars, smaller chains just stack 'em in a heat retaining bag.

It's pretty much only the smaller chains that use the little pizza tables.

>> No.4872468

Delicious inferiority complex

>> No.4872472


what terrible string of events in your life led to dropping out of high school and having to deliver pizzas to support your drug habit?

>> No.4872484


look how upset this guy is over our pizza boxes, lol

>> No.4872489


typical yuropoor intentionally misunderstanding everything in order to feel falsely superior while their land and heritage crumbles around them and the Sharia takes over

>> No.4872491


I used to be a pizza delivery driver. Those are used to keep the middle of the pizza box from caving in. When we'd put multiple boxes of pizza's in our delivery bags (which keep the food warm) the weight from multiple boxes or containers could cause them to cave in without that little device. Depending on the size of the bag used the likelihood of it happening could increase by a lot. Some of the delivery bags we used could fit 5-6 pizza's in them.

>> No.4872503


I used to pack my Corolla with 100+ Pizza's on some deliveries. The heat and the smell from that was incredible.

>> No.4872508

We have those in England. They keep the box in shape.

>> No.4872519
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>They keep the box in shape.

Good for you. You wouldn't want your boxes getting fat and doughy. Otherwise they would end up like us muricalpfats.

>> No.4872527

probably a failed health system and an unkind culture toward the mentally ill.

>> No.4872530

they only do that at round table because its a round table

>> No.4872537


>protecting pizza boxes like the queen

get your priorities together.

>> No.4872552

Those are for your ancestors. When you eat a pizza, you leave a single morsel on the tiny table and leave it out. This ensures that the household will always have pizza.

>> No.4872604

Because the typical amount of pizza for an average american family is a stack of at least 8 boxes of large pizzas. The weight of the ones on top causes the boxes to collapse.

>> No.4872608


>> No.4872611


>> No.4872621
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>> No.4872623


Dis nigga know his shit. And forget to pay the Buddhists or your momma's soul is going to burn in hell forever!

>> No.4872626

I'm gonna tell this to my kids one day.

>> No.4872627

So I can have a small table for when I play pretend pizza party with my ninja turtle figures. At least thats why I think they give them to me.

>> No.4872632

American here. What is it?

>> No.4872634

I'd take a cheap box over that piece of shit looking pizza any day. Its like you guys don't even try to make anything good.

Also, our boxes look exactly like that.

>> No.4872635

it's funny how much energy people from other countries waste on being jealous of us when we don't ever think about them lol

>> No.4872641

first rule of photography of food is never using flash
i messed up a bit there

>> No.4872644

Haha this. The only time I talk shit about other countries is to burn them when they shitpost uneducated nonsensical drivel about Murrica.

Honestly though I don't give a shit about any of those places.

>> No.4872650

Is that why the cheese looks like egg yolks?

>> No.4872655


it looked pretty much like this >>4872317

>> No.4872657

i'm not from "another country".

I just make fun of my ours because I don't like it.

>> No.4872665

If you don't like it, then get out faggot

>> No.4872673

>implying it's easy.

I'm trying.

>> No.4872891

let me guess, you want to go to japan? you're tired of americans not giving the respect loli and anime deserve?

>> No.4872964

Shit, man, I didn't drop out of high school and end up delivering pizzas to support a drug habit.

I got a useless masters degree, am unemployed, and trying to support a board game habit.

>> No.4873174

>let me guess, you want to go to japan?

lol fuck no.

>> No.4873177


The only explanation for people being THIS defensive is that the guy described their families perfectly.

Stay classy, America.

>> No.4873178

my ninja turtles used to use these

>> No.4873185

as the dollhouse's dining room table?

>> No.4873464

Last time I saw those was in Germany. They would use 3 or 4 little ones.

>> No.4873471

Table for my figmas/nendos

>> No.4873480

i havent seen one of those in almost a decade

>> No.4873894

>being this scared

>> No.4873951

>dat gif
u fukken wot m8

>> No.4873993

>Why do you americans need these?
Like it's a bad thing
Even if the pizza never touched the top of the box, it doesn't do any harm whatsoever.
Proper thread should be
>Why can't you europoors afford to have 1 cent plastic pizza tables on your shitty scones?

>> No.4874003

>Still being this stupid

>> No.4874005

>i did it again!.jpg

>> No.4874025

>Why do amerifats feel the need to produce yet another piece of useless plastic, which will sooner or later end up in the ocean, destroying habitats, killing off species after species and even poisoning human food sources.
But as long as it JUST costs 1 CENT, it's a-fucking-ok.

PS: I hate people like you.

>> No.4874030

/toy/s here
It so Star Wars figurines can sit around having Devonshire Teas.

>> No.4874040

>Shit, yet another polar bear choked to death on a mini pizza table. Bastards just can't let the top of the box touch the cheese, can they.

>> No.4874045

>Besides the particles' danger to wildlife, on the microscopic level the floating debris can absorb organic pollutants from seawater, including PCBs, DDT, and PAHs.[32] Aside from toxic effects,[33] when ingested, some of these are mistaken by the endocrine system as estradiol, causing hormone disruption in the affected animal.[30] These toxin-containing plastic pieces are also eaten by jellyfish, which are then eaten by larger fish.
>Many of these fish are then consumed by humans, resulting in their ingestion of toxic chemicals.[34] Marine plastics also facilitate the spread of invasive species that attach to floating plastic in one region and drift long distances to colonize other ecosystems.[15]

>> No.4874047

Shit, did I do that? With my pizza tables? I'm such a wasteful, irresponsible, fat American piece of shit. I'll tell them "no pizza table" next time. Then I'll be doing my part to save the planet.

>> No.4874068

But if you don't have a pizza table, what are you going to use as an offering table for your ancestors? Do you want your dead grandmother to hate you?

>> No.4874071

Did you guys know that there's a fungus that eats plastic?

>> No.4874104

Thanks for killing the thread, fuckwit

>> No.4874369

>Why do amerifats feel the need to produce yet another piece of useless plastic, which will sooner or later end up in the ocean, destroying habitats, killing off species after species and even poisoning human food sources.

America owns the globe

come and get me

>americas time is soon to end though, then it's just jewish kings and goyim slaves forever
>the only pro environment stuff that will exist will only be that which inconveniences the goyim and creates profit for the overlords

>> No.4874707

Au contraire, the thread moved toward the issue of plastic waste (somehow) and anon was simply enlightening the thread of the fact that mass marketed biosolutions to the global plastic problem are well underway.

Now if we could find a solution to the problem we're going to create by solving the initial problem, we'd be golden

>> No.4874983

>lack of toppings

>not enjoying simple pizza

>> No.4875345

Its a fucking mini table bitch
Rage face

>> No.4875832

As a 'murrican, I can say I use them as little dining tables for the miniature pink elephants that appear the day after I consume to much cheap beer, blended whiskey, and greasy take out pizza. or to shove down the throats and stifle the sanctimonious comments of pretentious euro eco freaks.

>> No.4875844

>inb4 too not to, ya grammer nazi. you know who you are.

>> No.4875845

Cambodians use these too.

>> No.4875850

That's where my wife's diaphragm went!

>> No.4875854

Eurotards are sure looking for something to bother themselves with today, do you euroshit really need atention that bad?

>> No.4877058

The most common brand are "Stax" @ 17.05/1000
There are competitors. (wtf?)
Ours run $19.26/1000
But they are clearly far more than a quarter of a cent superior.

>> No.4877326
File: 21 KB, 220x288, 220px-N.Tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want to se is pictures of shitty pizza. And all you faghs are just whining about how super faggoty each others pizzas are.

>> No.4877368

To keep the top of the pizza box from sagging on to the pizza itself?

>> No.4877383

cookie for you

>> No.4877532

not everyone eats alone every night, sometimes you need multiple pizzas for multiple people

>> No.4877539
File: 39 KB, 604x453, cuntbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tables for our birds


>> No.4877572


fuck you little bird

>> No.4877649

That pizza looks seriously fucking bad. It's just all slimey and white looking, like some fucking puke or something and it's not even any type of symmetrical

>> No.4877775

Aww ahahaahaaaaaaa

>> No.4877782

i'll pek u in m8

>> No.4877786
File: 52 KB, 1386x386, 5436346356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the muslims didn't do 9/11 it was simply a few crazy bad guys, it doesn't matter what race or religion they were.

i have known many a great friendly achmeds that make a MEANNNN delicious sandwhich/other types of food, many muslims i have known to be great bro's

>> No.4877921

If religion doesn't matter, In what other situation could occur the attack??

>> No.4877932

Some people are just fucked in the head. I've often thought that removing religion would fix many of the worlds problems, but I have come to realize that it wont. The problem is people.

>> No.4877940

Take it up with China. There's a reason the same thing isn't in the Atlantic.

>> No.4877962


Fact check before posting.

>> No.4877983

I stand corrected, even though that one is a minuscule fraction of the size. But I would bet every dollar I could ever hope to make over my lifetime that 90% of the Pacific garbage comes from China and their ilk. Their people die from polution all the time. The Atlantic is probably split three ways with Europe and Africa.

Plus if you guys are so green, why does America have a shit ton more pristine forests and greenery in general? Not even including South America. I personally have 12 acres of nothing but woods, and I live in an area if VA that was clear cut in colonial days.

>> No.4877994

>I personally have 12 acres of nothing but woods, and I live in an area if VA that was clear cut in colonial days.

Well la-di-fucking-da

>> No.4877995
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>> No.4878003

pizzas in america are big enough to feed a whole amerifucking family, so they need the extra support

>> No.4878005

Not trying to brag, just making a point. I dot understand why Britain is still almost nothing but plains. I know all the trees were cut for ships long ago, but why did they never even bother to try and replant or foster forests?

>> No.4878015

all the land in britain has been bought and sold at various points for 1000 years. no long term ownership mostly

>> No.4878034
File: 225 KB, 450x294, Oceanic_gyres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus if you guys are so green, why does America have a shit ton more pristine forests and greenery in general?

The person you are replying to >>4877962 me is American. I own 35 acres of woodland, with a pond and a river running through it. Logging terraces make all the hills around here and most are 200+ years old.

>I stand corrected, even though that one is a minuscule fraction of the size.

The gyre is smaller, that is the only reason.

>> No.4878040

Where I live in America, land is bought and sold constantly. Normally, when someone buys land they have it all logged to help pay for the purchase. It isn't clear cut, but all trees of x diameter and larger are cut and lumbered.

>> No.4878046

>The gyre is smaller, that is the only reason.

I don't think I can buy that. By that logic if it isn't in the gyre, it goes elsewhere. In which cases both plastic densities could arise from China or some other massively polluting, newly industrialized nation with no environmental movement. US greenies have such a powerful lobby they put legitimate businesses out, so I doubt we are the main problem by a long shot.

>> No.4878049
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>bragging about paying twice as much for half the product

>> No.4878055

serious question time, which countries has that?
finland here and no, never seen that, never needed it either.

>> No.4878096
File: 51 KB, 700x538, aD0xOMO_700b_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4872270 >>4872272 >>4872280 >>4872300 >>4872634 >>4877649
>turning down any pizza ever

ye are some particular faggots
this pie looks good as hell to me, fuck yall just eat the damn pie

>> No.4878101
File: 12 KB, 427x382, 1364257302507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grease stain w/ perfect bigote

>> No.4878109

>9/11 was a bunch of wild boys who went loopy, no organization, no planning, no motive
>this fuckin stupid
just the pizza christ

>> No.4878114

oh my GOD
i bet you think the wars happen to get the bad men who do the bad things

>> No.4878180

Do places still use those? I remember them as a kid but haven't seen them in a really long time

>> No.4878214

Holy shit I have not seen these in forever OP. I forgot they even existed.

>> No.4878236

because of an obesession with 5 foot wide pizzas. No pizza that big is going to be done consistently.

>> No.4878240

little table for pizza fairies. Wait, don't tell me yurop doesn't have pizza fairies?

>> No.4878268
File: 48 KB, 177x145, pizzasfacewhen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4879435


>> No.4879506

>eating garbage just because it is what it is
So if I go pick some leaves off of a fucking tree that birds have nested in and shit all over throw some dressing on it and some bacon and cheese and call it a salad would you eat that trash?
Get some standards.

>> No.4879528

>curious question by a European
>Americans go full aggressive

Why, man?

>> No.4879691

>This is bait

>> No.4879718
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>> No.4879742
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>> No.4879753

Yeah going on an airplane with box cutters takes a secret mastermind and huge underground terrorist network


>> No.4879825

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.4879867
File: 31 KB, 640x560, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't need that story today.