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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 600x425, Raw-Meat-cat-food-natural-diet-1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4866381 No.4866381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any experience in eating raw beef/meat in general?

Just tried that shit yesterday, a brother of a friend is a butcher and cut me and my friend a kilo of raw beef chunks, ensured us the working place was squeaky clean prior to the meat being cut and told us it's generally safe to eat raw meat, as long as it's actual natural meat and not shit like hamburgers and the likes. But regardless, you're taking a small risk every time you put a chunk in your mouth.

We said fuck it and went for it, and holy shit it was the most delicious and unusual food Ive ever eaten. The texture was amazing, the meat practically melted in your mouth. Juicy and ripe. It smelled like the stuff kings would eat. You don't even have to season it or anything if you're looking for that pure meat taste, no 40 minute cooking, nothing. Went to the butchers, got some meat, brought it home, slapped it on the plate and bon appétit.

Dont even care about the risk of getting some bacteria in me at this point. As long as you have a reliable source of meat with the minimal possible chance of the meat being contaminated or carrying illnesses, knock yourself out.

Highly recommended.

>> No.4866383
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>> No.4866393
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>mfw OP seems to not know about Caparccio

>> No.4866413

Is that the new Carpaccio?

>> No.4866415


>Anyone have any experience in eating raw beef/meat in general?

Sashimi every time I go to a sushi restaurant.

>> No.4866419

I dread to think how many idiots are gonna go out and eat raw hamburgers because of this.
Relatively speaking there are very few types of beef which can safely be eaten raw. There are some, but it needs to be properly butchered, aged, handled, stored at a certain temperature, from a healthy animal and, most infrequently realised, it needs to have been cut from the carcus within the last two hours.
Properly butchered, healthy beef steaks (NOT re-formed steaks, not even the exact same cut of meat which has been ground) is normally safe to eat. However... it's much more sensible to cook it. You can still have that melty, hyper-delicious, almost chocolatey taste and texture from beef which has been cooked, you just need to make sure the first few millimetres of the exterior is cooked. The middle needn't even be warmed. It is like an orgasm in my mouth, but massively less gay sounding than I've just realised that sounded.

Fuck I'm hungry.

>> No.4866428
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I like Korean marinated raw beef.
The sweetness from the pears is the best part.

>> No.4866458

I slice my raw beef chunks into pretty thin slices, then lay the slivers on a large plate or tray, slightly salt that shit, then spice random areas of the platter with whatever I want, then go from spice area to area enjoying dat dere slightly spiced succulent beef. I'll take pics next time, it's my favourite /ck/ ritual.

>> No.4866853

eat some raw beef with some salt and I'm good too go

>> No.4867099

Slice it real thin
Squirt a little lemon on it
salt & pepper
Maybe some capers
A little arugula & red wine or chianti vinaigrette
God tier

>> No.4867121
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>> No.4867447

finally somebody else who understands. People think im crazy for liking raw meat but as you said, when its good quality, its sweet, melting and perfect. Lamb is good too.

>> No.4867454


why are there two dicks growing out of Tails ass

>> No.4867455

I thought Tails was a ground beef dick monster.

>> No.4867460


>it needs to have been cut from the carcus within the last two hours.


>> No.4867468
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>it can't be ground beef

>> No.4867481

He means it can't be ground beef prepackaged from a store.

>> No.4868292

You are an alarmist.
Yes, in general, American grocery store beef is not acceptable to eat raw. But all those conditions you put forth are inaccurate. I grew up on a cattle ranch, and we obviously raised all the beef we ate. As far back as I can remember, I ate raw ground beef and blue rare steaks, and we didn't butcher them ourselves, we took our personal steers to the lockers and had them processed. I've never been sick from eating raw beef even once in my life, and I'm damn near middle aged now. I don't recommend eating raw ground beef unless you grind it yourself, or you order tartare grade beef from a butcher or meat locker, but there's not the incredibly narrow window like you have inferred. Also, it's "carcass".

>> No.4868375

I eat raw beef pretty often since recent events.
A local butcher nearby bought a new slicer for such an occasion, he runs some kind of blade on the slicer, it scrapes everything that may have stick to it and sharpens the bade like a honing steel does (well okay it hones then) then he removes the parts in contact with the meat and clean them (blade included) with hp water cleaner. He does that every 2 hours or so.

I like it simple like a carpaccio .. i even tried to do it more like a gravlax and it was delicious.
Or simply with a light bearnaise and toasts with a nice side salad.

>> No.4868387

you're an idiot ..fear and consumption ..faggot

>> No.4868392

Raw meat is pretty delicious op. I don't trust any of that shit from the supermarket to not be cooked though, and only eat freshly killed stuff raw.

>> No.4868397

no he didn't ..he said the same cut of meat.. ground..

he's an idiot who doesnt know what he's talking about.

>the meat needs to be cut from the carcus within 2 hours.

-confirmed for not knowing dick.

>> No.4868401

It takes more energy to digest raw meat.

>> No.4868404

I did have beef tartare at one point. It was bretty gud m8.

Although I'm still skeptical of raw meat.

>> No.4868413

dude these are basic meat hygiene rules in New Zealand I'm a butcher and all of our blades have to be sterilized everytime we put them into our pouches and everytime we remove them.. same with blades on machines like you mentioned and with saw blades.. there's no fucking around with meat hygiene in NZ.

Is it different in the US, you say this like it's abnormal.. in the US or that like your butcher's going above and beyond his call? ...I shudder to think..

>> No.4868414

>freshly killed
Err.. unless you plan to eat raw a piece of sirloin from a discount family pack from walmart, it doesn't need to come from a freshly killed animal.
Any good butcher or butcher chain provide very fresh meat, they really can't fuck with reputation.
But if you can't tell the difference between a fresh cut and a 2 days old, yikes.

The exact opposite, at least concerning the cuts that fit for eating em raw.
Obviously, you won't digest easily a beef stew designed cut since it can be full of nerves and connecting tissues.

.. but tartare is raw meat.

>> No.4868428

>.. but tartare is raw meat.

Your autism level is severe.

>> No.4868435

yes goy don't eat raw meat ..spend your shekels at McDonalds and Pizza Hut and KFC and delight in our easily digestible 80% digestible plastic and wash it down with some of our delish mountainous jew.

>> No.4868436

Holy fuck, do you ruin your blade edges every day then ?
I'm not from the US, i'm from the mighty place that created that fucking monster of the Blanc Bleu Belge.
They clean the material every day but for this machine, for raw eating cuts, he cleans it probably 6 or 7 times a day and they have all health regulation approval, the place is sparkly clean.

>> No.4868445

>is skeptical about raw meat
>ate tartare
Well, enlight me, you fuck.

>> No.4868468

Talk about fast food.

>> No.4868470

>he said he had tried steak tartar before and it was good.
>then added that he is STILL skeptical of raw meat.

the other guy's right your autism is severe pls an hero.

and also... if you hadn't've killed the beast yourself you wouldnt be able to tell the difference between just killed and two day old and processed beef.. you're a moron

-Source I'm a butcher

>> No.4868482

You're a shit butcher then, pleb.

>> No.4868488

sterilzing your blade doesnt ruin it..what do you even mean?

and you obviously know not a lot about using a knife.. y-you h-have to sharpen it multiple times a day.. and even when we run our knives down a steal we have to dip them in a knife sterilizer that cleans the blade with boiling water so it's clean when it touches meat..

>> No.4868495

boning beef's a hard job dude.. knifes have to be kept sharp.. and then there's a lot that can dull it.. just the density of the meat..hitting bone.. stealing your knife wrong.. knifes get sharpened as needed.

>> No.4868498

>Sharpens the blade
>Dips in boiling water
Well, that's a productive move here, you fucking moron.

>> No.4868502

>buys all his meat from a supermarket.. thinks he knows everything about meat..

>calls others plebs

carcasses aren't generally cut the same day as killed.. they're usually hung atleast over night you retarded faggot.

>> No.4868507

>implying water does anything... you do realize that yoou use water while sharpening a blade right?

or did you learn everything about knife sharpening from watching Bear Grylls and Rambo sharpening their knives on stones.. two keks nigger

>> No.4868504

ITT: raw foodist propaganda and germaphobes

>> No.4868524

>reminder that you're arguing with a 13 year old morbidly obese Amerifat with autism whos mother does all his cooking for him.

>> No.4868532

Well big fucking retard, heat destroys the egde so eat an hybid jewnig dick and choke on it.
Go boil your blades more, silly goose.
You're a failure of a butcher is what i'm saying and you don't know shit.
You also can't fucking read, i hope they fire you soon before you use clorox on cutting tables like you probably would.
A lot of samefagging and assumptions to cover your ego about how deep you reach in term of professional failures and self-hatred, i guess.

Fail more, you're as dull as the fucking blades you dip and probably don't rinse.

>> No.4868583

I usually just cut my beef thin, salt it, and eat it off the cutting board as I do it. Ain't nobody got time for fire.

I'll usually do this with a large cut, salt the rest of whatever I'm not eating that moment, wrap it in paper towels and leave it in the fridge until next time.

>> No.4868638

>have a heart defect
>start sweating anytime people talk about eating raw meat or eggs or fish

>> No.4870977
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I had beef sashimi in Tokyo once, it was ok.

>> No.4871922

Why? I have a heart defect too (VSD). That just means having to take amoxicillin before I go to the dentist for a cleaning. It doesn't mean I (or you) cannot eat raw food. The bacteria you get inundated with, constantly, in all of your food and even just from what's growing in your mouth all the time, don't enter your bloodstream unless you're poking holes in your gums or have a huge perforated ulcer or have other major medical problems.

>> No.4871923

I'm immunocompromised. Or at least, I'm supposed to be, diabetic type 1 since I was 15.

I've eaten raw bacon since I was 12. I'm 25 now.

>> No.4871928
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Meat that has been provided with means very clean in Japan, can be eaten as sashimi.
However, It's limited to horse meat and beef.
Sashimi of beef is called 'Gyu-sashi', and sashimi of horse meat is called 'Ba-sashi'.

The pic is Gyu-sashi.

>> No.4871975

Had some Carpaccio appetizer a few days ago, was tasty.

Also hamburgers can be natural meat, just take a steak and grind it up and eat it fresh.

I tend to prefer my beef rare more than raw though.

>> No.4871992

I'm just not a fan. I don't care for the texture or the flavor. It's not horrible/bad, but I prefer my meat cooked.

>> No.4872004


I think you need a really well marbled and fatty cut to make it worth eating raw.

>> No.4872006

I've had really well marbled cuts. I've had stead tartar and beef sashimi--I'm just not a fan.

>> No.4872010

>well marbled and fatty cut

No. You want the opposite, any kind of fat in raw meat will taste disgusting. That's why blue rare is disgusting - it doesn't melt the fat at all.

Grass fed tenderloin is a good easy mode cut. Grass fed sirloin can be good too - more flavorful although it isn't as tender. Avoid marbling and fat at all costs.

>> No.4872035

here in Germany, we often eat Mett. It's a special sort of minced pork. We spread it on buttered rolls, season with salt, pepper and onion and eat it. It's fucking great. It's the only kind of raw meat I'm used to though.

>> No.4874629
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Tartar steak for you.

>> No.4874633


why is it all pink and yucky with big chunks of gross in it?

>> No.4876662

>here in Germany, we often eat Mett

So a Schmarrn, ich kenn niemanden der Mett isst

>> No.4876716

Well, maybe in the south they eat only Weisswurst but the rest of germany eats fucking Mett.
Where i live it´s common to decide about the quality of a butcher after the quality of his Mett. I can even get Mett in the fresh meat bar at the local supermarket. No need to visit the butcher shop.

>> No.4876731

it's raw.

>> No.4879239
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>aged, handled, stored at a certain temperature, from a healthy animal and, most infrequently realised, it needs to have been cut from the carcus within the last two hours.
>>>last two hours

>> No.4879250


Of it getting killed.

>> No.4879258
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>being this illiterate

>> No.4879263

>heat destroys the edge
yeah dude
that boiling water
so terror on the knife edge
do you have any idea how hot it would have to be to do anything to the blade? hint: it wouldn't be liquid anymore

>> No.4879269
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Delicious raw meat.

>> No.4879271

I live near Munich, I have always been able to buy Zwiebelmettwurst in the supermarket. I might just buy it again, now that you have reminded me ...

>> No.4879301
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Hey guys, can anyone tell me how to make good Mett or is this kind of stuff just bought at the butcher?

>> No.4879309
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>> No.4879321
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ate the tartare at a local beer garden that marinades it in cognac first. was pretty damned good

(not my pic, didn't take one, found this on the netstubes)

>> No.4879330

There's an Ethiopian dish that's basically raw goat cubes in a spicy sauce. Breddy gud, if you can handle their napalm-level spiciness.

>> No.4879332

German here. We usually buy it at the butcher, just season it a little with pepper and salt.

>> No.4879403

lol you germans have some funny ass names for food.


like someone hacked off a penis and put it on a bun.

>> No.4879540
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gotta love steak tartare