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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4866296 No.4866296[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any of you fools on EBT? I hear stores across the US were having problems with their EBT systems and were rejecting customers left and right. Lots of folks were upset and crying because they couldn't get any food for their families.

Is the happening happening? Or is it just my illusion?



>> No.4866299

from what I hear Xerox (which is in control of the software) fixed it already


>> No.4866302

Not to be a tin-foil guy, but this was probably a testrun by the government to see how the public would react. I bet they plan on shutting this program down full force in the event of martial law. It's coming. The stock markets crashing, and all of that tin-foily shit. It's all coming. I warned you.

>> No.4866303

u warned up man. an i believe u

>> No.4866306

I work at a grocery store.

Dear fucking god, people are flipping their shit.

>> No.4866311


Still? This didn't get fixed as stated above?

>> No.4866558

>youtube link
>news channel reduced to showing photos of screenshots of blog entries

TV programming just needs to stop and move online already.

>> No.4866565

This almost makes me want to go to Walmart today to watch the fatshit trailer park trash have a meltdown.


>> No.4866621

Don't worry, they'll just pull out a was of cash and pay for it that way.

It sickens me how many countless times I have seen that.

>> No.4866639 [DELETED] 


>people figure out how to beat the system

>> No.4866650

> I work at a grocery store.

> Dear fucking god, people are flipping their shit.

I saw some of this, it was nauseating. A bunch of fatties, obviously not spending their free time (which they have in abundance) starving.

Its funny to watch a bunch of retards, getting something for nothing, rage against pure inconvenience. "Omg... I'll have to come back and get the food later rather than just pay for it this one time... Where's my tire tool, somebody's ass is gonna get whooped over this".

>> No.4866652
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Are you actually defending this trash?

Jamal fuck off.

>> No.4866656


I'm not the guy you quoted but it's not a matter of that. There is an integrity and principle of the matter sort of thing going on.

That program is meant for people that need help; not people that want to milk it. It reflects badly upon those who need it and the system itself, which in turn means less support by those who don't use it and may be critical of it, i.e. quit funding this shit as much, congress dude.

That said, one person gets $200 a month and $150 per additional household member. I fucking feed myself and my fiance for less than $200 a month! And we eat very fucking well, for that matter. We're not broke or forced to do this; we just are saving for a house and trying to avoid mortgage insurance by having 20% in cash.

The entire EBT system is completely fucked. The amount of shit you can buy on EBT is completely fucked.

>> No.4866657

>how to beat the system
>get rid of all your debt
>become a farmer

>> No.4866665


Yeah and then a bad season or two completely fucks you over, you elect a Democrat, and he starts up some shit called Social Security and you add to the bullshit that is known as the Federal Government.

Being debt free is beating the system plenty.

>> No.4866677

>stealing tax money is beating the system

>> No.4866687

>Yeah and then a bad season or two completely fucks you over,

This is what happens when you do monoculture farming. Never do monoculture farming. That is a terribly ignorant and stupid thing to be doing because it sets you up for a massive fall that can completely ruin you and your farm.

This is 2013, the 21st century. We have so much knowledge about good farming practices that we can easily polyculture in a way that leaves up with maximum crops and plenty of free time. In those setups there are no bad seasons because no matter what happens you always have a crop of something to take up the slack.

>> No.4866779
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Seconding this.
Walmart guy here. Our card systems don't go down often, but when they do, its goddamn chaos.
I'm not sure about state-wide, but at least in my town, all the EBT readers are connected to one system. If one store is down, it means ALL of them are down until it gets fixed or whatever bug gets out of the system.
We haven't had any problems for a while, but i'll keep /ck/ updated on it.

I gotta work in about an hour, i'm gonna lose my shit if I go in and they say "Oh yea, the systems been down all day.."

I'd venture to say the shutdown has 'something' to do with it, because the EBT system/computers or whatever are maintained by the government. No funding/government = No system admins or tech guys to keep shit running.
I don't think "Ids habbening!!" but it'll still be interesting to see what happens if this keeps up.

>> No.4866823


Drought, overabundant rain (hurr durr Iowa), unusual freezes, etc. don't care if you're growing tomatoes or tomatoes and a number of other fruits/veggies.

Or do you have a cite that shows that polyculture farming protects against this?

>> No.4866837

Different plants can handle droughts and floods better
Also, prices for some things fucking up and disease

>> No.4866839

>what is crop insurance

>> No.4866840
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I make more than enough to cover for everything I need and still qualified for EBT so thought why not. In fact the cut off was a lot higher than I imagined, there's a lot of help out there for those who bother to look.

Now I have even more fun cash. Haven't had a problem with it being rejected yet though. I spend most of it at papa murphys though. Since you cook it yourself it qualifies for EBT, or something like that.

>> No.4866845


You are everything that is wrong with the world.

>> No.4866851

>"now i have more fun cash"
>buys p murf's

I wonder why people who work for a living want to cut ebt?

>> No.4866864

...the limit is like 1200/month. The one time I tried to get it because I just started working a job where I'd have to wait 4 weeks before the first paycheck (they withhold the first check and I started at the very beginning of a pay period), I had blown that limit out of the water just working day labor like 3 days a week...

>> No.4866877

not him but there's a lot of tickytack you can play with. I make 9.75 but qualify. Also get housing assistance and a disability check once I got my social anxiety scripts and looked into it

>> No.4867222


Exactly what I wanna do. I yearn to do this. I been playing alot of Harvest Moon lately cause I rather do what my character does in that game than work some stupid FUCKin retail job.

>> No.4867246

>hurr durr gubberment
>hurr free markit
>muh debties

>> No.4867248


It's entirely possible that they cashed their paycheck, which is mostly eaten up by their rent, and used it to cover a couple things not covered by food stamps. For some reason so many people think that anyone on welfare should have absolutely no money.

>> No.4867278

>tfw people saving for a house gets 200 a month in ebt while people who are forced to use ebt get less then 100

>> No.4867322


this was obama's plan all along.

remind people of why they need the dems, and why they should side with him on ending the govt shutdown.

>> No.4867336

>people need to wait to buy food
>riots ensue
>martial law declared

only in the US.

>> No.4867347


Don't you feel embarrassed for swiping your EBT card there though? Like the cashier knows this little secret that YOU use EBT, and that you'll be forever labelled a leech and a poorfag in their eyes or something?

It's like your friends and that one girl you like knowing your family buys all your clothes at the Thrift Store or Flea Market something.

>> No.4867348

When my mom died I ended up with $350 a month in EBT for food which was a shitton. Then I enrolled in college with no other idea of what to do and the county I live in now won't allow food stamps if you are in college unless you work at least 20hrs a week consistently and still end up under the $$$ limit.

The $600 I ended up having left over from my 2months on debt in my hometown lasted me like.... 6months, until my second semester. I got a job in the summer and tried to keep it up during the school year.... my grades plummeted. It's been proven that working up to about 20hrs a week will improve grades but more than that and grades decrease. Besides that, I found myself having no real extra money because I would buy better food, and I was poor and needed new clothes, shoes, boots, etc after losing a shitton of weight. I saved and bought myself an Xbox 360 my second year..... and actually I saved up $800 in the summer so I could fly to the east coast and stay with my best friend for about 2 weeks.

I wish I could get food stamps because then I could live just fine without working. I worked my bum off in the summer to make $$$ and then quit it once school started again this semester. I wish I was on stamps and that there was a restriction on junk food so I wouldn't be able to give in to my sadness and buy chocolate and icecream so much. They should classify foods like they do in Britain by how much sugar they have and restrict those foods on stamps.

>> No.4867352

no, I don't really care what people think. There's all kinds of government programs out there for free monies for little effort and if anything I'm smarter for researching and applying for them. Poor guy working there probably even qualifies for EBT himself and doesn't know it.

>> No.4867362

>It's like your friends and that one girl you like knowing your family buys all your clothes at the Thrift Store or Flea Market something.
This would bother you?

>> No.4867365

but muh walmart

>> No.4867366


You're probably not a minority. That's why you don't have to worry about any sort of public stigma

>> No.4867367

>implying the cashier doesn't have EBT too

>> No.4867401

if your on ebt and buying nothing but candy and icecream lobsters and t-bone steaks you probably dont really need ebt but not to worry it will just cut funds to the injured and paralyzed peoples ebt. physically fit people need more ebt per month because their taxes pay for it

>> No.4867422

They ought to let people on EBT buy fast food

They'd use it all up, then get skinny because they can't buy any more food

>> No.4867444

no but they should let people on ebt buy warm food from the grocery store instead of making them wait until it sits out all day and then gets put into the refrigerated section

>> No.4867493

So the feds are just testing the waters for a potential food riots situation?

>> No.4867538

I'm pretty sure they can, at least in my area anyway. I remember seeing stickers on Burger King windows that said they accepted EBT

>> No.4867558

Actually when I was on EBT I felt bad about buying any junk food. It's when I've earned my own money that I'm careless and buy junk too much. Buying junk food on debt makes me feel bad.....not that you can't have some every once in a while, but if I was on EBT I wouldn't buy junk food NEARLY as much as I do now on my own dime.

>> No.4867568
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More than likely. They've been training since 2011. Just don't expect things to remain super peachy and pleasant for the US. I got a grave feeling this dam is about to burst.

>> No.4867571

Was for

>> No.4867580

>implying monsanto won't run you off your farm


Polycultures are incompatible with mechanized farming practices. You can't have neat little rows of corn to mow down with a tractor if you have shit growing everywhere.

>> No.4867586

Wat. Get a farm and apply for farm subsidies that pay you NOT to grow.

>> No.4867587

>They've been training since 2011

2009 actually

>> No.4867588

>get rid of all your debt
>become a farmer

You know nothing. The only way you can become a farmer is to get into debt, and manage it effectively. I do not know a single farmer that doesn't manage debt as a tool of his trade out of sheer necessity. Exception being weekend acreage 'farmers.'

>> No.4867624

You guys hear about this? SWAT teams seizes a guy's food from his farm. Berry plants, ocra, sunflowers, and some other stuff. Nice to see my tax dollars going hard at work here to guys who risk their lives confiscating dem big bad vegetables from people's farms.


>> No.4867639

I know because I am debt free and I'm a farmer. I'm also a lazy farmer because I can be, because my methods work well enough to allow me about 80% free time in a year.

>> No.4867652


>Implying the 16 year old cashier cares.
>Implying the adult cashier isn't on food stamps herself due to low wages and can relate.

>> No.4867691


Prove it or shut the fuck up.

>> No.4867704
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We mostly post in the Homegrowmen threads on /out/ now: >>>/out/199851

>> No.4868193

Doms got the realest flows

>> No.4868196

Nothing beats working for a living. Makes you value shit alot more. Fucking welfare queens and niggers always crying and bitching that they aren't getting free shit. If you work hard it pays off and you won't be having to rely on others to come save your ass.

>> No.4868204

but I do work, and I do get free shit. with plenty of greenbacks left over to buy more shit. feels great man.

>> No.4868211

>If you work hard it pays off


>> No.4868216

If you do work then there is no problem with it. I'm referring to the stupid fucks who don't do shit all day and feel like the world owes them something.

>> No.4868381
File: 149 KB, 800x400, farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your set up looks like acreage "farming," which I excepted in the post you responded to. Don't get me wrong, it looks very nice and everything, but there is a difference. What you do would not sustain cities of people. Farming is not just sustaining yourself and a small profit from the local farmer's market or something like that. If you truly monetarily feed yourself and hundreds of others without land/water debt, machinery debt (because if you don't have machinery, you don't have a farm), and enough land to support everything necessary, then I'm going to still ask whether you inherited it or where made the money for your initial investment. You live in the country and take advantage of it; you don't "farm."

>> No.4868548

Who gives a shit? See: >>4866657

That what it is about. I could care less about sustaining cities or hundreds of others and I don't much care about your misconception about what a "farm" is. Well, I care enough to say, my place and property are a registered farm with the local government. I feed myself, my family, and trade with extended family and friends.

>> No.4868566
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>> No.4868568

fuck you! my taxes paid for the road you drive on to get to work and your shitty car is polluting my environment. FUCKIN PAY ME!!!

>> No.4868571

protip: nothing ever works for shitbags who give up before they even started.

>> No.4868587


Looks like you're the dirtbag here.

>> No.4868584

>>>/le rebbit/

>> No.4868588

No one withholds checks you probably went in after the payroll cycle had closed for that pay period

>> No.4868591

Whats it like being a leach to america?

>> No.4868594

>mfw you are worried about welfare leaches and not corporate subsidies

>> No.4868608

They can. That's all they buy where I work. I've yet to meet one person on EBT who needs it. All I ever see is people buying Red Bull, 5 Hour Energy, iced coffee, soda, chips, candy, overpriced sandwiches... I nearly flipped out the one day after the guy spends $25 on 3 custom sandwiches on EBT and he's got a brand-new iPhone. I guess it's good for the economy and businesses, but I just hate to see my tax dollars going into that. It especially bothers me because my family has fallen on hard times, we desperately need help, and the state won't help. But they'll pay EBT for energy drinks and junk food.

I don't qualify for anything. I can't afford housing. I eat one meal per day. I'm on a phone that's 5 years old and on the most basic plan because I can't afford a smartphone. Pop out a few kids ("lol oopsie") by a few fathers and you're basically set for life. Try to be responsible with your life and you end up going to bed hungry every night.

>> No.4868627

>oops, someone is doing much worse than them might as well take away all personal responsibility from the act of stealing from other people

No dude. Just because some fucker is stealing billions doesn't make it okay for these cunts to steal several thousand.

>> No.4868633


More Americans mean more America. Get with the program.

>> No.4868641

some homeless people only buy chips candy and premade sandwiches because its hard to cook a hamburger behind a dumpster

>> No.4868648

>I guess it's good for the economy and businesses

It's not. The money is taken from you and given to others, no wealth is being generated, it's just a shell game.

>> No.4868650

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLTTX35LNJo I'm pleased to know this guy won't be joining the table tonight.

>> No.4868657

you must own to many cars and might be making payments on a house or must be paying alot in rent or something. do your kids have phones as well?

>> No.4868661

lol sounds like somebody who bitches about welfare people might have got their hours cut back and is now pissed because they cant get on welfare.

>> No.4868666

Looks like the guy wasn't taking care of his property. While I hate those kinds of neighbors, still no reason to use SWAT and seize his stuff.

>> No.4868670

They already fixed the EBT shit yesterday idiot.

>> No.4868671
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>Try to be responsible with your life and you end up going to bed hungry every night.
Only if you're really retarded with your money.
Thats not a dig on you, thats just against that sort of negative mentality in general.

I work at a job I actually sorta like, making a bit above minimum wage, and live by myself in a cozy little apartment knee-deep in vidya games and my computer shit.
I was lucky enough to come from a poor family who knew how to manage what little money they had, and it rubbed off on me.

If I really want something, I just save up for a few months and.. its mine.
No debts. No stress. No worries.
I'll always be an advocate for living on your own. Its a very empowering, awesome feeling.

>> No.4868677


>> No.4868675

Cut back? Try laid off.

Own one car, of course I'm paying rent, I have no children (I can't afford kids).

>> No.4868682

If they didn't deploy the APC, I'll be shocked. Shingles are serious.

>> No.4868683

he's just a faggot living off of the sweat of the working man's brow.
I hope he chokes alone in his garage.

>> No.4868687


I have awful taste in men...

>> No.4868698

Living off... what? I was just recently laid off. I'm looking for work but it can be really tough to get something that pays decently enough to live on.

>> No.4868699

No car here.
I ride my bike everywhere. Gets a bit cold in the winter, and it sucks when it rains, but it sure as hell beats paying for gas and insurance.
(Plus living literally right across the road from my work helps too. Its like a 10 minute bike ride from here to there.)

>> No.4868704

>No dude. Just because some fucker is stealing billions doesn't make it okay for these cunts to steal several thousand.
People get more butthurt about the NEET retards, despite them being less of an economic burden on the country.

Some people take advantage of welfare. That'll always happen. Solving the corporate welfare issue would be much easier, but vested interests prevent any serious discourse.

>> No.4868705

>inb4 basement dweller/undergrad tells you that getting laid off and not having a job means you are lazy and stupid

>> No.4868711

It's a fucking twisted system and people will be more angry by what they see so fucking often.
Government should just issue food like what the WIC program offered.
Fuckers dont like what they're given?
Get a job.

>> No.4868713

if you had a job for atleast 6 months and got laid off you should be able to get unemployment checks while you look for a job. thats the benefits of being a good worker

>> No.4868719

Seriously. It's why I don't usually talk about shit like this, and maybe I'll just continue doing so.

I thought the welfare system was designed to help people who are in trouble temporarily, but I've since learned that is not the case. It's for pregnant 16 year olds, drug addicts, and "lifers." I'm just a little bitter because I pay into a system that I receive zero return from. Meanwhile people who do NOT pay into the system receive full benefit + a nice income tax return [how you get income tax return when your income is all government money, I'll never know].

>> No.4868733

>Get a job.
Spoken like a true basement dweller.

Corporate profits, especially banks that were bailed out, increased during the current recession while employment decreased.

If you are more mad about some white trash buying beer while on welfare instead of the trillions of dollars of taxpayer money going to bank "bailouts" and other corporate subsidies you are missing the fucking point.

It doesn't excuse Shaniqua at Wal-Mart, but you are getting outraged over the wrong thing. This is why the media focuses on this issue instead of corporate subsidies - better to keep the population at a sustainable impotent rage over bullshit issues.

>> No.4868739

This is what I think too. Give basics: bread, milk/baby formula, cheese, peanut butter, fruit, dry cereal. Don't like that it isn't name brand? That's why you work. It's a pain to get to the food bank? The rest of us drive to work and put in 8 hours a day.

I wouldn't care so much if I saw the benefits were going to people who look like they need it. Buying Red Bull and 5-Hour Energy on EBT is a little ridiculous, especially when you're using a brand-new iPhone and your girlfriend is dressed head to toe in expensive name-brand clothing.

>> No.4868742

I know a few highly qualified people (medical doctors, PhDs, engineers) that came to America and were unable to get work.

Most of them ended up doing volunteer work and would move back home if they had the money, but are basically stuck. They have all been told to "just go on welfare". It's easier for them to go on welfare than get accredited or find work at this point.

>> No.4868749


Even grocery cashiers in well-off areas see EBT dozens of times per day, they can't be bothered to give a shit about you in particular.

>> No.4868751

>Buying Red Bull and 5-Hour Energy on EBT is a little ridiculous, especially when you're using a brand-new iPhone and your girlfriend is dressed head to toe in expensive name-brand clothing.
Did your dad and Fox News tell you this is a common occurrence?

>> No.4868754

People have been saying this for god knows how long. It's the standard survivalist retard fantasy.

>> No.4868758

I had a lady buy gum for me on EBT, I gave her cash for the gum, she turned around and bought cigarettes. It's the system at work!

>> No.4868766


This. They'd much prefer you fighting each other for scraps while entire industries grow out of government subsidies.

>> No.4868768

>mfw I work with a chick who has a friend that sells her EBT card each month for half price.

She gets like $1000 a month, I need to get me some o dat

>> No.4868777

>tfw homeless people 200 dollar second hand shoes are dressed better then me

>> No.4868782

her friend gets money from someplace else either that or eats at homeless shelters with the kids

>> No.4868787


This mindset is the problem. If we were just all more self-reliant, grew crops raised animals and didn't take on massive debts, the world would be hella better off environmentally and economically.

We've all just been molded by the convenience and mindset that bigger is better.

>> No.4868814


Do you have any idea how ridiculously expensive it would be to set up a system like this? There's the land, the staffing, the procurement and distribution, not to mention the fact that the overwhelming majority of america's poorest live in isolated parts of the country far from major highways and transport lines.

EBT may be easier to exploit but the losses you take from corruption pale in comparison to the investment it would cost to make food welfare a completely public institution. Private companies already have the infrastructure to reach everyone, and government bargaining for large orders of staple foods would not bring food costs down much at all considering that the American food industry has spent decades mastering how to sell food at the lowest costs possible.

America's biggest expenditure on food security is not the EBT system - it's subsidization of those basics that you listed. Red bull is expensive, corn is not.

Your idea is the kind of shit you see in communist hellholes and countries ravaged by war and revolution. The private industry would have to be completely tanked to ever make rationing like this cost-effective whatsoever. Now put that food behind a maze of bureaucracy, and a hell of a lot more people will starve.

>> No.4868848

>tfw depressed about being a leech on society and need energy to go look for income but cant buy energy drinks with ebt. fuck it buy sugar some tea for nutrients and a lemon for citric acid and a pack of yeast and get drunk in a few days

>> No.4868855


>> No.4868888


I don't have a problem with most ebt leeches. But I just want to punch this guy in the face

>> No.4868904

ell, of course they had to find a living caricature to report on.

I'd withhold judgement until I'd seen actual statistics for who is employable yet has chosen to live off govt. support regardless.

The fact remains, however, that jobs will be permanently lost to automation; machines are more efficient than humans for menial tasks.
And not everyone has the skill set or aptitude to compete for a high power job unfortunately.

So we will of course have increasing dependance on welfare in society, because there just aren't going to be enough jobs to go around.

On one hand, this is a good thing; the same amount of productivity, with less human labor required, should be an overall positive development for society.

But modern economies aren't designed to spread the wealth to support those that don't work, even if the jobs don't exist to employ them; which means concentration of wealth.

>> No.4869066 [DELETED] 
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>check out reason
>it's because of this post

You lot really are a bunch of over sensitive fucking idiots. Since you're at it and wanna get technical with it you might as well ban>>4868196 for breaking global rule #3.

>> No.4869075 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4869078



>> No.4869091

what a prick

>> No.4869151

from my understanding, there was a power outage, and the limits placed on EBT cards was erased... the natives went crazy in South Carolina and were literally shopping like it was black friday. Then about 12 hours later the problem was corrected... and some people couldnt get pass the max put on the card.

>> No.4869164
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This. I work at a drugstore in southern California and some people come in and buy nothing but candy with EBT. Nothing pisses me off more than when someone who knows a grand total of three English words comes in and buys a basket full of Mexican candy with EBT.

>> No.4869244

Yeah, between the USDA shutting down small farmers for not filling out paperwork, SWAT raids against gardeners whose neighbors get pissed off about MUH PROPPITY VALYOOS!!! and that shit, it's a wonder people aren't shooting the government workers yet.

>> No.4869248

>against gardeners whose neighbors get pissed off about MUH PROPPITY VALYOOS
You know, things that are against the law are against the law, period.

>> No.4869251

It was probably his experience waiting in line at Wal-Mart behind some shithead with an EBT card and six unruly crotchfruit running around screaming and hitting each other, who takes fifteen minutes to get her card out of her purse, then bitches that her cigarettes can't go on the EBT card, so she takes a huge roll of cash out of her purse. Meanwhile, her babydaddy #6 rolls in wit' his crew fresh outta da Escalade screaming SHANIQA WHY DA FUQ YOU TAKIN SO LONG HO? The fight breaks out, frozen pizzas and bags of potato chips go flying everywhere, and Wal-Mart is out another $600 in groceries that aren't getting sold and can't be restocked because they're smashed to shit. Oh, and a line of fifteen paying customers has been held up for twenty minutes for the stupid cow.

>> No.4869261


This kind of stupid shit is hardly rare, try working at a place that takes EBT to see for yourself.

>> No.4869280

What is EBT? Why can't you just pay with cash?

>> No.4869296

>I guess it's good for the economy and businesses,

It isn't. It is just a form of the broken window fallacy. What you have here is subsidized feeding. Everyone pays taxes, some of the taxes get used for EBT, and businesses get the money in the end.

>Pop out a few kids ("lol oopsie") by a few fathers and you're basically set for life. Try to be responsible with your life and you end up going to bed hungry every night.

Technically speaking, the kid shitters are doing better at spreading their genes than the upstanding citizens.

EBT is a government handout. It is free "money" people can use to buy food with instead of using their own food. It basically keeps people from wanting to get jobs so their cash is as low as possible so they can get more free money from the government. Welfare and EBT are the reason Americans don't want to work "shitty" jobs and companies are moving those jobs overseas or bringing in non-Americans to work.

>> No.4869298

Yeah, EBT doesn't make people smarter or eat healthier.

>> No.4869320

>be on EBT since childhood
>around 13
>go with my mom to the supermarket
>in checkout
>been here many times, and for some reason i notice a large woman in front of us
>obese as FUCK, little rollypolly kids running around knocking shit over and being loud
>cart filled to the brim with microwave shit
>thinking why the fuck is this lady doing this to her kids?
>she goes for her wallet
>EBT card
>audibly say what the fuck
>mom gives me a look and tells me to shut up
>Jabba is done paying and grabs her bagged shit
>utters some whale screech to call her children

I hate fat people.

>> No.4869357


Oh i didn't know, we don't have anything like that here.

>> No.4869362

>one person gets $200 a month
An outright lie. I get $38/mo, despite living on my own and only getting paid about $400/mo.

>> No.4869367

wut? I get $350 a month. I get less than $700 a month at my minimum wage job and currently enrolled in college. It probably differs from location to location, I think where I live (hawaii) gives out more ebt.

>> No.4869368

I can't hardly wait until this shit crashes and you worthless parasite starve.
Make no mistake, it will crash eventually.

>> No.4869378

I'm not an irresponsible fuck, so no.

>> No.4869380

I don't live in the US and I grew up in a upper middle class family, but I have friends which do live in the US and are currently living out of their car.
Government social security services like EBT sometimes look like the wrong people are receiving it, but the idea behind it is that you don't have to work your ass off to feed your family, so you can educate yourself further and eventually get a better paying job. There's a problem in america where it's possible to work yourself into a hole out of which you can't escape, and you'll be stuck in retail for the rest of your life. Not because you don't work hard enough, but because you can't get a better paying job without investing time into education, which you can't because you spend all your time working.
Of course, some people will abuse it or get the wrong idea of it, but I think it's wrong to paint everyone as such a person.

>> No.4869401

thats probably for a single person. I have a wife and two kids, was earning $3,520 and was still able to get $200/month

>> No.4869402


Wrong. Niggers gonna nig. These are an underclass who know no better in life and have no ambition.

>> No.4869404

Yeah, that's the problem. There should be some kind of mechanism that ensures that this won't happen.

>> No.4869405

>have 2 kids without the means to take care of them, merrika, fuckyeah!

>> No.4869406

Depends on the food. I would be fine with them doing that with the rotisserie chicken, as thats pretty healthy, tasty, and a decent amount of food for the price. The chicken wings, etc though, no.

>> No.4869408

I see your point, however I am trying to enact my small part of the greater Cloward Piven strategy, however I want a different outcome than what they wanted.

>> No.4869413

The worst part is that if you can make the equivalent of $15/hour on welfare, that any job that pays up to that is not worth it. Why work hard for $15/hour and get taxed on it, when I can just sit on my fat ass playing video games and earn the same, untaxed.

It fucks with the employment market, as companies can't find decent people for any job unless they pay higher than $15/hour (or whatever the unemployment works out to be)

>> No.4869412

>Corporate profits, especially banks that were bailed out, increased during the current recession while employment decreased.
>If you are more mad about some white trash buying beer while on welfare instead of the trillions of dollars of taxpayer money going to bank "bailouts" and other corporate subsidies you are missing the fucking point.
>It doesn't excuse Shaniqua at Wal-Mart, but you are getting outraged over the wrong thing. This is why the media focuses on this issue instead of corporate subsidies - better to keep the population at a sustainable impotent rage over bullshit issues.

>> No.4869415
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What's wrong with the Thrift Store?

>> No.4869416

What is storing canned surplus from previous years. Or heck maybe selling some and keeping the money as in case of emergancies.

>> No.4869418

Is $15/hr considered a lot in America?

I am a TA in Canada and make just over $38/hr.

>> No.4869419

I work 30 hours a week and make $2 more than minimum wage. I have never been on foodstamps except when growing up my mom always had them or we wouldn't have ate.

But recently I said fuck it, the niggers get it and don't pay into the system, why not get back some of the money I pay in taxes back.

>mfw I only get 115 a month cause I don't have any niglets infecting the country.

>> No.4869422

Yeah, because a farmer who somehow had the means to can $1,000,000 worth of beans and tomatoes is going to be able to even sell that within a year.

>> No.4869424

>I'm poor white trash but black people are worse
lol pathetic. You are the exact same, don't justify your loser lifestyle.

>> No.4869425

well $15 an hour is double minimum wage. Use your brain and figure it out.

>> No.4869429

>buying clothes at the thrift store
What's wrong with that?

>> No.4869431

What job do you have?? I'm sure your daddy and his friends all made sure you had a job, where you could live a great easy life, and never know how it is to be a real American.

>how dose that silver spoon taste bro

>> No.4869435

>anyone more successful than me didn't earn it
Oh yeah. You're right.

>> No.4869440

$15/hour would have been great to start a good job with like 5 years ago, but now the prices on food and everything has gone up so much that its basically real minimum wage, whereas the actual minimum wage is $7.25/hour

>> No.4869446

fucking lmao

>> No.4869448

>how it is to be a real American.
Yet you insult poor people (AKA "real Americans") that are black.

The fact that you think anyone who is successful had their "daddy get them jobs" is hilarious.

Maybe if you worked your ass off you could have gotten a good scholarship straight out of high school. Then you could have worked hard as an undergrad while supplementing your income with a part-time job and summer employment, volunteered and pumped up your CV, got a stellar scholarship for grad school, and keep going from there.

That's what I did. But apparently you being unmotivated as a teenager is a stamp of being a "real American".

>> No.4869451
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>> No.4869452

During my days working for a gas station I would see this constantly. Some Somalians would come in pay for some hennessy using the big gob of twenties from there pocket (I've never seen one use a wallet) and buy redbull to mix it with on ebt.

>> No.4869453

Americans have no right to complain about food or gas prices. Just saying.

>> No.4869456

I see what you are saying, however, thats not the point. The point is that prices have risen and wages have not. Wages haven't risen because business hasn't grown (in any real sense). Whatever you earn, wouldn't it suck if everything you buy suddenly doubled or tripled in price? Would make your current income seem paltry. That's what has happened to Americans; it used to be for decades that a $50,000/year job was doing well. Well, it was until about 2005.

>> No.4869457

That's not a answer, you just dodged the fact that I'm right.

>tfw when your driving your daddiez car everywhere feeling kewl

>> No.4869458
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>> No.4869463

So you are white trash and have a weird defense mechanism that makes your "plight" a positive attribute? It's just you poor white folk against the terrible poor black hordes and evil rich people who don't have to lift a finger?

lol okay. Crabs in a bucket?

>> No.4869464

I'm not even the same poster, but I make around 85k a year doing a job that I got on my own with only a high school education. You're just worthless.

>> No.4869469

gee wish my daddy was a rich Illuminati reptilian banker too.


>> No.4869475

> that feel when I have to work 40hrs a week at minimum wage just to make the $10,000 dollars I need to survive the year.

30hrs a week to make 10k would be acceptable.

>> No.4869480
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>85k a year
>high school education
>"muh dadee didn't help me

confirmed troll

>> No.4869482

Wow you're a giant faggot. Some people don't wallow in poverty and nepotism isn't the only way to get ahead in life.

Actually you got to be trolling. No one is this much of a stereotype.

>> No.4869486

Business has grown. The stock market is at higher levels then before the crash. Profits on most fortune 500 companies is at record highs.
It just doesn't mean anything to a majority of us here in the US.

>> No.4869487

You sound like a very, very naive teenager with zero experience who bases their opinions on what they see in Hollywood movi3

>> No.4869492


>> No.4869503

>mfw so many Americans on /ck/ are on a form of welfare

Wow, Romney was right.

>> No.4869500

I'm on ebt. Didn't notice any problems in the last few days. I don't plan to use my card anytime soon because I'm lazy. Hopefully shit blows over soon, I'm almost out of goat cheese and perrier.

>> No.4869519
File: 1.86 MB, 176x172, 1380765814813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is ck, post bout food or gtfo. Go to pol. But for people on ebt, gif related

>> No.4869543

It's very possible. You do know there are a few oil booms going on right now...

>> No.4869596
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Still think this bullshit happened because of a "glitch in the computer system"? This whole thing was planned all along. Man you Americans are so easy to lie to.


>> No.4869713

>be behind kids in lunch line
>realize almost all of them are getting free lunch because they qualify
>my turn, pay $2.50
>rich bitch behind me with a brand new tricked out car (eclipse at the time) gets free lunch

god, they drill this stuff into people from childhood I swear

>> No.4869719

worked at a gas station (caseys) right when they switched over from stamps to the card. I know in missouri, at least at the time, there was a lot of restrictions on what they could buy. Trying to buy candy and soda and stuff would make the machine reject the EBT payment

guess its state to state

>> No.4869725

>Government Shutdown Is Bad News For Women, Infants and Children Program

>Posted: 09/28/2013



>> No.4869730

same here, I swear everyone but me got free or reduced lunch in school. People who I know for a fact were well off. Kids are just being taught to use the system like mommy and daddy are.

I do see the need for the people that require it. And I see that to really clamp down on the fraud would require a lot of resources that just aren't there and would just hurt those that honestly need it.. but god damn.. this has got to have some kind of long term impact

>> No.4869746

thats how it works in my state too. there is alot of confusion though because there is alot of stuff that is not EBT that gets confused with it. Unemployment for example. That is just money, can be spent on anything just like a debit card, but in my state it comes on a card that looks like the welfare card. i think that is the source of alot of the beer and cigarettes claims.

The fucking wellfare rats around here like to buy this fancy local milk that comes in a old fashioned glass jug with a 1$ manufacture's deposit. they buy ten of them with foodstamps (for 40 bucks) at a "gourmet" grocery, dump them down the storm drain, get the deposit, and buy a pack of smokes and a 40. shameful.

>> No.4869751

>The fucking wellfare rats around here like to buy this fancy local milk that comes in a old fashioned glass jug with a 1$ manufacture's deposit. they buy ten of them with foodstamps (for 40 bucks) at a "gourmet" grocery, dump them down the storm drain, get the deposit, and buy a pack of smokes and a 40. shameful.
That's pretty clever.

>> No.4869769
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While you were watching Miley Cyrus stick out her tongue at the MTV Awards and shaking her scrawny little ass to distract you, they were too busy signing this bill to cut $40 Billion in food stamp aid in Washington.


>posted on September 19, 2013

>"computer glitch"

Lol. And you people actually believed that? Why the hell are you Amerilards so misinformed and easily distracted and easy to lie to? Do you even feel ashamed at all? You guys are about to get anal raped economically and they're giving you warning signs of it. But all you care about is Trayvon & Zimmerman, Miley Cyrus, the new PS4 and Xbox One, and other trite bullshit that's just an utter distraction to what's about to be in store for you.

>> No.4869774
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>computer glitch

>> No.4869790

it pisses me off when unskilled able body people who get supported by thier family get 200 a month for life in ebt just because they dont want to work a job for less then 15 dollars an hour but if you get seriously injured and apply for ebt you only get 100 dollars and threats of "if you dont get a job in 3 months we will cut you off and make you pay us back! it really pisses me off because ebt dosnt even requier able bodied people on ebt to get job training or anything

>> No.4869794

First stop, WIC and food stamps. Next stop, inflation and killing the dollar bill. After that, false flag attack and true removal of freedom. Then lastly, RFID microchipping. You've been warned.

>> No.4869797

Keep an eye out on October 17th when shit really hits the fan in the US

>> No.4869801

trick is to get unemployment and ebt.

Just get a job at a high turnover place like a burger joint, and then do something to get yourself fired. You can't quit, have to be fired. Then you get another 3 months or however the state has it set up.

And if you can convince your doctor to write you a script for something you can classify as a disability you can draw that too, to an extent. welfare+unemployment+disability=kaching

>> No.4869808

Yeah this whole EBT fiasco can't be a coincidence. The evidence is right there is front of us that this was intentional. The truth was hidden in plain sight but no one bothered to give a fuck about it besides the tin-foilers. I bet they're gonna purposely fuck up the US dollar bill so even the middle class will suffer the same blow the foodstamp users did yesterday.

>hungry and heck
>decide to go grocery shopping
>fill up cart with food I wanna cook that night
>go to checkout
>"sorry sir, your cart was declined"
>you know you have money in your account
>everyone's debit cards will be declined

>> No.4869912

Holy shit, they make you pay it back where you are? Jesus.

Here in Texas, the requirements are lax and you don't have to pay it back. Its like the easiest thing to get, ever.

>> No.4869937
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>> No.4869945

yeah i use my EBT card-at the gas station all the time, the only stuff you cant use it for where I'm at is alcohol and hot food

>> No.4869946


the majority of TAs and untenured professors in the states require food stamps to support their incomes

>> No.4869948

they only make certain people pay it back. but what i dont understand is why if you go apply for ebt while freshly sliced open from operations in the emergency room they only give you like 90 dollars and threats of having to get a job but if you just dont want to work and apply for ebt you get 200 dollars with no problem. although with legitimate medical problems you do get ebt and cash assistance which adds up to about 240 a month

>> No.4869949


>huffington post

>> No.4870044

>implying you can't get great deals at the thrift store.
100% Moroccan Cashmere overcoat, $25.

>> No.4870062

Complete with lice and cooties from the scumbag who used to wear it.

>> No.4870073

>not getting anything from the thrift store clean before you wear it
>not doing the same for any clothing you buy from any place ever

>> No.4870079

If by 'clean' you mean 'burn with severe prejudice', we're on the same page.

>> No.4870155

Most of the time stuff like that is donated to the store from someone who had a family member die or someone well-to-do has bought an entire new wardrobe.

>> No.4870189

WIC isn't EBT. Sorry.

>> No.4870302

pissed off worker mad at a customer on ebt who can save money to buy a better phone the the pissed off cashier who spends half of every days pay on eating out and cigarettes

>> No.4870319

This thread really brings out the pieces of shit.

Rationalization at it's worst.

>> No.4870459

>tfw treating ebt users like shit so often you get the eye for spotting trash as soon as they walk into the store

>tfw you get laid off for treating the liqueur license guy like shit everytime until you go to far

>tfw you never realize all rich people dont dress up in suits and 500 dollar shoes to go shopping at the shitty store you used to work at

>> No.4870467

Probably. I live/work in Connecticut and have had people flip out on me because energy drinks, five hour energy and candy that's in overly designed plastic containers aren't qualified for EBT.

>Middle aged woman walks in with two very young kids
>The kids are crying that they're hungry and want something to eat
>She picks up those candies (hello kitty with a little fan and hard sugar bits or something similar)
>Doesn't go through EBT, she flips and demands the supervisor
>We both explain they're not considered food
>Grabs a bunch of gum and candy bars for the kids on EBT and storms out

It's a shame because there's so many other items for cheaper in the store they can eat. We have bags of pretzels for $1 that are so big it'd take a week to eat one by myself.

>> No.4870499

thats like ripping off the owners personal employies bonus because he looks poor when wearing clothes he actually isnt scared of getting ruined by doing actual labor any time of day or night if needed and does 10 times the work in 1/8th the time

>> No.4870520


I used to work at a public hospital. They had a WIC office in the hospital. Almost daily, security had to be called to to break up fights, quell arguments, etc.

Anyone on WIC doesn't have business procreating in the first place.

In before the rape argument, these melanin enriched individuals had 3-4 kids in tow, ALWAYS.

>> No.4870541

blacks are way way overrepresented in welfare
they are also super shitty and uncivilized

they flip out if you ask them to pay for stuff they are shoplifitng

>> No.4870555

>It's like your friends and that one girl you like knowing your family buys all your clothes at the Thrift Store or Flea Market something.

as long as it's with money not stolen from joe taxpayer, who cares?

>> No.4870592

I'm surprised you can talk with that statist cock in your throat.

>> No.4870607

Mate, it's not statist to acknowledge that when you break a fucking law there are likely to be consequences. At no point did I agree or disagree with the laws in question because in truth, for this situation, the laws themselves are not germane to the discussion, just the fucking fact that they were broken.

>> No.4870614

>one of the few ethnic groups in america that actively insulates itself from the rest of the country
>the group with the highest crime rate
>50% of crime from 12% population
>98% of hate crimes

real americans


>> No.4870621

Keep telling us why white trash is great.

>> No.4870622

Only children have this delusion that any government control is bad.

>> No.4870624

>cites statistics about a cultural group
>bring up an entirely different group of people

Aaaand this is what is considered "discussion" these days.

>> No.4870628

>things are bad because they are illegal

only a child could come to that conclusion

>> No.4870630

Because Canada respects educational positions

>> No.4870639

>melanin enriched individuals
Classy my friend. Classy.

>> No.4870644

As the person who apparently has a statist cock in my throat, but not the one you replied to, let me say:
I wasn't taking the position what they were doing was bad, just that it was illegal. They were the ones dumb enough, under the law of their locality, to give LEOs an excuse to do what they did.

>> No.4871149


>> No.4871169

How did you get that from my only post in this thread (>>4870622)?

I bet you drink alcohol but refrain from Cannabis because of legal reasons.

>> No.4871989

Except that no laws were being broken, well, except by the police SWAT team. And they get "qualified immunity" because they were on an official call.

What happened was that some neighbors were pissed off about someone's gardening and landscaping because it didn't look up to their standards of "totally professional landscaping", and so they called the city (Austin, TX) to bitch incessantly about it. The neighbors had friends on the city council, so the city decided to involve the cops. The cops raided the place claiming "ZOMFG THOSE TOMATO PLANTS MIGHT BE MARIJUANA!!!" and bulldozed the gardens.


>> No.4872457

2 more days till the US stock market crashes

>> No.4872889

Rumors are flying high that the US government my shutdown EBT for the long run.

>> No.4872898

>i have never heard of zoning laws, beatification laws, or restrictive covenants which are legally binding.

>> No.4872979

would never happen.

>say goodbye to the liberal voter base
>political actions are only to maintain job security

>> No.4872982

Two more days till they have to come up with a debt solution. Or it's bad news for the US.

>> No.4873048

Britbongfag looking on with mirth here.

>Hurrdurr we R best cuntry must delivur freedums to durkastan muh oils all others are inferior OH SHIT WE'VE RUN OUT OF MONEY

>> No.4873109

>tfw american and you've literally never met anyone who thinks this way

>> No.4873120

>tfw getting disrespected when buying some retard food with that retards ebt card even though that retard is from the cattle ranch that supplies the store with beef

>> No.4873124

Maybe people should refrain from having kids if they can't afford to feed kids

>> No.4873134

>maybe poor/disabled people shouldn't be alive if they can't afford to eat

>> No.4873136


Maybe they should have thought about that before getting disabled.

>> No.4873143

>equating disabled people with poor people

Jesus man, thats harsh. Disabled people can't control that shit

>> No.4873148
File: 74 KB, 580x402, obesity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell do disabled people have to do with my post?

Also, americas poorest people (southerners) are by far the fattest, they are doing just fine at the not starving thing, not being able to get food for a couple days might do them some good

>> No.4873181
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Us city folk'll get right on that after someone irrigates all the world's deserts and cuts down all the forests so there's enough land for all of us to grow our own tiny Iowa.

Capcha: plains onechan

>> No.4873188


One thing I'm gleaning from this map is that states generate their own obesity statistics, and their methods are not uniform. (and that Colorado and Vermont didn't participate)

>> No.4873224

And black don't forget how fucking black they are.

>> No.4873244

America is fucking hilarious.

>> No.4873313

It is just a shitty map:


>> No.4873320
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Jesus. Watching the map go from 1985 to 2010 is kind of sobering.

>> No.4873395

The locusts.

>> No.4873416

Um no it's nowhere near that amount. I was unemployed with absolutely no money at all, and all they gave me was 300.

>> No.4873435

The limit is specially determined by household, not the individual person. It's odd, but there's a chart online you can use to figure it up, but I think it is down right now due to gov shutdown (Due to the lapse in federal government funding, this website is not available.)

>> No.4873512

I'm disabled, it was just a critique of the common complaint about EBT, that the only people who need it are people who can't use birth control, people taking advantage of the system, etc. It does happen, but it doesn't mean there aren't people who need help.
You're just being rude and negative, and thinking there can't possibly be a situation where someone needs help.

>> No.4873536

So thats why every stereotype ever tells us Wisconsin is really fat, because we lead the way decades ago before most of the rest of the country passed us up

>> No.4873545

are you new here? According to /ck/ the only fat Americans are in the south. And they are white. All of them.

>> No.4873553

>it was just a critique of the common complaint about EBT, that the only people who need it are people who can't use birth control, people taking advantage of the system, etc. It does happen, but it doesn't mean there aren't people who need help.
Just because a small portion of the people who use a system are in legitimate need does not suggest it is a good system to have. We could easily meet the needs of that small subsection without such a massive amount of waste

>> No.4873556

I don't mean /ck/, just in general. We always have the stereotype of being extremely fat even though we are below the national average. But in the 70s Wisconsin was actually one of the fattest states so it had a basis in reality at one point

>> No.4873603

I understand, I'm not going to say the system is perfect and anyone pointing out its flaws is just bad. How do you think the system could work better?

I have morals and try to be a good person, so I don't abuse the system or have a problem with it. I know you can't depend on everyone for this, though. That person saying people spend $40 from EBT on milk just to buy a pack of cigarettes is disgusting.

>> No.4873605

not that none but it was already stated. Switch it to something similar to the WIC program.
Exceptionally limit the amounts given, exceptionally limit the food options given to those necessary for life and nothing else.

If you want choices about your food, do it on your own dime.

>> No.4873655

>a small portion of the people who use a system are in legitimate need
Please cite legitimate statistics to support your assertion that only a small amount of EBT recipients have a legitimate need.

>> No.4873703

WIC is only meant to be a supplement, to keep people in good health. Some items in stores I see that are labeled for the WIC program are more expensive than alternatives.

Yeah, you should limit the amount of money given so there is just enough to get by each month. That's obvious.

"Necessary for life and nothing else". Beans and corn? People should be given enough just to "stay alive" and not thrive?

It's also obvious that people who exploit the system need to be taken off of the program. I don't think anyone is wanting to eat steak and caviar while they're on EBT. I still shop at the cheapest markets I can find. I buy stuff that's on sale. I buy discounted fruits and vegetables. I don't buy a lot of processed food and unnecessary things.

People on the program should be educated about food. Educated on how to cook and the best way to get the most for their dollar. The abusers need to be kicked off.

It's not right to say people should just be given corn and beans and told to fuck off.

>> No.4873746

I work commission, never finished college, and make between $14 and $17 an hour. I work full time (38-40 hours), and here are my expenses;

+$2200/mo income.
$410 for a room (all ulities and internet included)
$200 month for groceries. (I eat well)
$50/month prepaid T-Mobile plan.
$30/month total bus fare.
$20/month gym.
$20/month on toiletries.

Afterwards, I have about $1,470/month to spent on NOTHING. I blow every single other dollar, alchohol, eating out, hanging with guys or girlfriend. I live in a big city, too.

What do I give up? Well, I wish I could afford health insurance. I probably should get a car, but I don't really need one. The goal is to live above your needs, but below some of your wants.

I still have a $1,400 gaming laptop, $300 pair of eye glasses, and a $300 Nexus 4. I can't really complain.

In summary, I despise food stamps, I absolutely hate government handouts. I live a comfortable, albeit it simple, life, and have never had to stoop that low.

>> No.4873760

>It's not right to say people should just be given corn and beans and told to fuck off.

Explain why it is not right. Please.
As far as I am concerned no one should starve but to see these people obese and purchasing food that is well beyond their necessities is infuriating.
And the post says 'something similar to the WIC program'. Limit the options, limit the amount.
I will agree with you about this though educating the people about food, food choices and stretching their money should be necessary to qualify for the program.

>> No.4873761

Warning about the health insurance dude, if you don't have SOMETHING by the end of the year, you pay a fee at tax return time. Do you want the link to the obamacare info site?

>> No.4873790

>big city
>$400 room

What big city is this? I survived on that salary in Los Angeles paying $800 for a room in a shared apartment.

>> No.4873807

>$410 for a room (all ulities and internet included)

Bullshit. Pure bullshit. Especially if you live in a "big" city. You must live at home and help on the bills. I live in LA and I would kill to pay $410 for a room WITH utilities. If you don't want to live in a slum out here you'll probably need to spend around 1k without utilities or internet.

>> No.4873817

this person person probably pas 3dollars more per pound for chicken because it is organically controlled in a cage instead of 3 dollars cheaper because its raised on some food

>> No.4873827

>tfw paying over 1000 a month rent in a shitty neighborhood surrounded by people who think paying over 1000 a month in rent makes it a great neighborhood to live in. have fun with all your dick neighbors you dick

>> No.4873832

$1000 after utilities and all bills (net, tv, etc. etc.) nets me a 2 bedroom 1/ba house with attached garage.

Not big city though, pretty much flyover land. EBT covers more than the food I buy, so everything else I make goes straight to fun cash

>> No.4873834

To add to this most people don't make 2200 a month. Many barely make a few hundred. Some cities like LA require a car because it is so big and spread out and gas isn't cheap.

>> No.4874210

Allegedly the food stamp EBT program will permanently shut down on the 1st of November. Hope you fools that are on this program have a plan B as to how you're gonna eat from now on when and if this report is true.

>> No.4874336

Wait that doesn't make any sens-
OH. Lol. Well good for you, come to the US and see if you can pull that off with a TA spot.

>> No.4874345

I don't live in LA and most places around here rent out at around $400/mo with utilities including net.

>> No.4874391

>living in a high cost of living city when making little to no money

The stupidity of poor people continue to amaze me.

>> No.4874392

This. Unless you are in a big city (which, if you are making little money you have no reason to be), rent isn't that much. Shit, I live less than 10 minutes from the beach and my rent is $450

>> No.4874397

Dog of justice.

>> No.4874444

i like how he goes super saiyan as the argument goes on in his favor

>> No.4874455

mmm tasty quads

>> No.4874575

I just think you should want people to be as healthy as they can be, realistically. This is what the WIC program does. You shouldn't be going to one extreme or the other, giving them just beans and corn or grass-fed filet mignon 3 times a week.

I will agree though that certain things should be limited or not available from EBT. Microwave frozen dinners, organic grass-fed beef, expensive name brand items when generic items are just as good and cheaper, etc. Cheaper stores should also have some kind of reward program, people shouldn't be going to Whole Foods when they're on EBT.

I like how he says he can do all these things and benefit from other people having jobs and benefiting from their money, but says having a job is the worst thing in the world.

>> No.4874589

The poor aren't stupid. It's simply very expensive to be poor. The inexpensive options are reserved for the wealthy that can afford to plan well ahead and get credit.

>> No.4877135

>I blow every single other dollar
You really ought to think about long term saving.