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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4860337 No.4860337 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys insist on eating our fellow mammals?

>inb4 they taste good

A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.
—Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist (1828–1910)

Pic related. It's our basic anatomy. You can choose to fight. You can choose to carve up meat, cure, salt it, cook it, and use tools to eat it and call it "natural." You can choose to do all that, but it doesn't make it right.

>> No.4860341
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>> No.4860340

I don't believe there's any reason for me to care about the morality of killing an animal.

>> No.4860345


It's pretty easy to relate to our mammalian friends. It takes effort to ignore their basic potential. They fear death, they love their young, they show compassion towards humans.

Of course, there will be dozens of edgy replies to this comment about how tasty they are, but people know deep down that other mammals do show emotion.

>> No.4860353

But a lot of them also eat meat; why shouldn't humans too if other mammals are so relatable and similar to us?

>> No.4860359


Easy. Because we our intelligent and we have learned that meat is not necessary for a long, healthy human life. If it's not necessary, there's no reason to hold billions of them in slavery each year. Did you know that the United States kills 10 billion land mammals a year?

>> No.4860360


A. your image is vegetarian propaganda. I like how you people conveniently overlook canines.

B. Your bait is rotten.

C. I hope you die in your sleep you intolerable fuck.

>> No.4860361


whoops, I meant are

not our

>> No.4860366

How many freedom cows have you adopted?

>> No.4860369

Not this again... Without meat, we'd never have evolved brains the size of ours. Lack of canines and claws are irrelevant, we developed tools for that.

I know I'm being trolled, I'm fine with that.

>> No.4860370


>it's true so it must be propaganda

>our canines

lel. Our canines our fucking useless. Please, you can't be defending our sad, pathetic excuse canines.

>> No.4860372

I'm not trying to be edgy, and I am the person you replied to.

Most mammals do not have a concept of death. They feel fear but they do not know death. They do not "show compassion." Yes we've all seen shit like "wolf warms hiker lost in the snow" - that is newsworthy BECAUSE it is a freaking anomaly that the wolf didn't gut and consume him while rolling in the blood. The wolf probably had something mentally wrong with it.

As for loving their young, that level of love is a chemical instinct. As evidenced by animals loving their young but not each other (again, lifelong pair bonding is newsworthy BECAUSE it is so rare in the animal kingdom) I don't perceive it as related to our eating animals. It's like saying a rat shouldn't be killed because it can get addicted to meth.

>> No.4860377


I don't want any cows. I want them to be wild. Let nature take care of them. Let them go extinct. But stop forcing billions of them into factory farms their entire lives. It's cruel and it has to stop. It;s stop sustainable.

>> No.4860374


>I like how you people conveniently overlook canines.

Canines don't equal meat eater though. Lots of herbivores have them because they're useful teeth in general to have. Human canines are also probably the shittiest canines you'll see in any animal that has canines. Even deer have longer canines than us.

>> No.4860375

At the moment, the idea of mistreating or killing animals is generally accepted by society and doesn't weigh on our collective consciences, so it is very hard for you to make us feel bad about it. Maybe in a century or so there will be a shift, just like there was with race issues and homophobia etc. Unfortunately for you OP, you will just have to ease your own more compassionate concscience by not eating meat, and try not to pay much attention to what we do with our food.

>> No.4860379


>Without meat, we'd never have evolved brains the size of ours.

That was actually the development of amylase and a switch to a starch-based diet.

>> No.4860380


damn you and your reasoned argument. I was planning on trolling for about 100 comments, but you come in here all humble and shit.

Alright. Well played.

>> No.4860386

but you're fine with pescetarians?

>> No.4860388

>Human beings have the forward facing eyes of a predator.

>Our mouths have gone through an enormous amount of change since we started cooking our food thousands of years ago. Why do you think we have wisdom teeth that need to be surgically removed?

>Protein is fundamental to human physiology. It is by far the most important nutrient we consume.


You got me to respond.

>> No.4860391

There are thousands of things in my everyday life (and presumably yours) that aren't neccessary. I don't know why you have classified "because they taste good" as being edgy, but I don't have any other answer to give you. The murder of animals just doesn't really enter into my morals the way it does for you. I know it must be shitty for you seeing people commit countless acts of what you perceive as murder, but I'm afraid that's just the way society is at the moment. Sorry our opinions differ, and sorry for all the shitty replies /ck/ is giving you.

>> No.4860394


>>Human beings have the forward facing eyes of a predator.

So paranha are herbivores and elephants are carnivores?

>>Our mouths have gone through an enormous amount of change since we started cooking our food thousands of years ago.

How does this relate to meat?

>>Protein is fundamental to human physiology. It is by far the most important nutrient we consume.

And is found in every food

>> No.4860393
File: 164 KB, 583x1891, Vegetables Highest in Protein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not op, but protein is abundant in most veggies. Here's a list.

>> No.4860397

The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined. If beef is your idea of “real food for real people,” you’d better live real close to a real good hospital.
—Neal D. Barnard, MD, President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

>> No.4860400

Life is life – whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man’s own advantage.
—Sri Aurobindo (1872–1950)

>> No.4860402


pfft, this guy is such a dumbass. what the fuck does he know?

It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.
—Albert Einstein (1879–1955)

>> No.4860409

>So paranha are herbivores and elephants are carnivores?

Pointing out anomalies doesn't strengthen your argument. Prey animals are wall eyed so they have a larger field of vision to watch out for predators. Conversely, predators have forward facing eyes to hunt and stalk their prey. Human beings evolved to hunt in groups. We are natural meat eaters.

>How does this relate to meat?

You implied that because we have "shitty" mouths we are not natural meat eaters.

>And is found in every food

There are complex proteins found in meat that you can't find naturally anywhere else.

You can take the moral high ground all you want, but I'm sure you wouldn't hesitate to kill an insect.

>> No.4860411
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every day until we accept it?

>> No.4860412

>>Why do you guys insist on eating our fellow mammals?
our brains evolved because eating meat allowed them to develop further complex structures that required the calories and nutrients found in them. This led to a large desire for meat in the homo genus. people did not need the large teeth anymore because humans began making their kills without a strong bite, canines develop sharply in many carnivores because they make kills with their teeth, monkeys and apes are omni vores, they have teeth much like ours but with larger canines, i noticed they where missing in your picture. As human jaw muscles began to weaken to allow our skull to balloon outward even larger, the teeth where no longer needed to be so sharp, and jaws accordingly got smaller.

>> No.4860414

Because it tastes good. Animals eat other animals, why can't we?

>> No.4860417


Cows would do it to us if they though they could get away with it.

>> No.4860419
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>Animals eat other animals, why can't we?

'Cause this happens.

>> No.4860416

I had a detailed reply all typed out , and then lost it when my screen freaked out a minute ago. I'm not going to bother typing it all again. Suffice it to say, you're an ignorant city kid vegan fucktard and get no say on livestock because you know NOTHING about it. If you really cared about cattle, you'd encourage people to eat beef that comes from well managed, free range farms, not preach meat abstinence. You're just like right wing nut job conservatives, but instead of banning abortion and preaching sexual abstinence and creationism, you're trying to ban raising animals for food and preaching meat abstinence when you are completely ignorant about it. Fuck off.

>> No.4860421


>b-b-but all the science and all the studies are flawed.

>meat is actually good for me

>I-I-I just know it

>> No.4860423

Firstly, I'm Australian.

Secondly, I see nothing on there about meat being primarily responsible for it.

>> No.4860425

Wow, that's fucked up.

>> No.4860427
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>> No.4860432

Wait, so is a bear an asshole because he ate me when I walked through the woods? Because they can get by on berries and shit, and I have feeluns.

>> No.4860433


>Pointing out anomalies doesn't strengthen your argument

Elephants, rhinos, gorillas, cows, giraffes, koala, horses, etc. Forward-facing eyes does not indicate a predator. You keep confusing an all-around useful feature for a defining trait of one dietary group. A small, defenseless animal like a rabbit needs as much sight range as possible, but humans like us who use tools and can fend off predators would benefit more from the advantage of depth perception. It speaks nothing of dietary preference.

>You implied that because we have "shitty" mouths we are not natural meat eaters.

Just shitty canines, which obviously is true

>There are complex proteins found in meat that you can't find naturally anywhere else.

There's essential amino acids, which are all found in plant foods, and non-essential amino acids, which we synthesize in our bodies

>> No.4860435


it's probably a good idea to the fuck away from bears, retard. they don't know they don't need you. they just eat indiscriminately

>> No.4860438


How many berries would a bear need to eat to get enough calories every day?

>> No.4860439



>> No.4860440

If I could I'd just stick to eating fish. But chicken wings are just so damn delicious. So are chicken breasts.

>> No.4860442
File: 57 KB, 470x300, pacu-fish-teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more teeth

>> No.4860441


Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
-The Bible (beginning of Earth-Forever)

Check and mate, motherfucker.

>> No.4860443


People have seen Albert Einstein.

>> No.4860445

>Elephants, rhinos, gorillas, cows, giraffes, koala, horses, etc. Forward-facing eyes does not indicate a predator. You keep confusing an all-around useful feature for a defining trait of one dietary group. A small, defenseless animal like a rabbit needs as much sight range as possible, but humans like us who use tools and can fend off predators would benefit more from the advantage of depth perception. It speaks nothing of dietary preference.

LOL I'm out. Please educate yourself

>> No.4860446

Just by seeing the teeth of the horse in that picture and seeing that he takes 48 hours to digest reminds me that horses are so fucking stupid. God damnit horses. Fucking stupid. I hate them. Have you ever seen a horse "play"? It's so god damn dumb looking because it's so big and unlike a cat or dog, a horse is nowhere near as lanky so it's just some big, dumb, stiff looking animal rolling around, making those stupid horse noises. What kind of noise is that anyway? I mean, a cat is very expressive in its vocalizations. It can vary the pitch of its meows, it can chirp, it can purr, and any other number of vocalizations cats do. Dogs are similar. Barks, whining, ect. What does a horse do? It just neighs. Loud and obnoxiously, and always in the same manner. When you hear a horse neigh, you can't tell if it's happy, angry, sad, hungry, or just being stupid as fuck and neighing for no reason. You can't even train a horse. You can train cats and dogs to do cool tricks like backflips, getting you beer, jumping through flaming hoops, or watch your house, but what can you train a horse to do? The only trick you can teach a horse to do is smile. Even then, it's not even a smile, because horses are too stupid to actually smile like a person, dog, or cat.

I hate horses so much.

So fucking much.

And all of you as well!

>> No.4860447

Yeah, let me just outrun a bear I stumbled across. OH WAIT bears are fast as fuck and I'm a sickly weak vegan.

>> No.4860444
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>> No.4860449
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>> No.4860450


in the modern world, you don't just stumble upon bears. the bear areas are highly documented and there signs everywhere.

find another argument

>> No.4860452
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>> No.4860453

The only thing horses are useful for are as sexual objects. Their vaginas supposedly feel good enough for people to have sex with, and their penises obviously also get used by plenty of women as well. Also, tons of little girls really enjoy bumping up and down in a saddle on top of a horse for a reason.

>> No.4860454

>in the modern world, you don't just stumble upon bears

My argument was blatantly facetious, and yet somehow you managed to come up with an even worse one while being serious.

>> No.4860457
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>> No.4860462
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>> No.4860465
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>> No.4860467

>A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.

Morals are for pussies, i live for decadence.

>> No.4860471


enjoy coronary artery disease

>> No.4860479

Yes, because every person alive who eats meat suffers from that. Nobody in my family has, my grandpa is 80, strong as an ox, and ate meat his whole life....enjoy your weak genetics.

>> No.4860487


meat then is a lot different than meat now.

>> No.4860490

Why do you eat sweets?
>Because they taste good
Why do you eat pastries?
>Because they taste good
Why do you eat ice cream?
>Because they taste good
Why do you eat chips?
>Because they taste good

Why do you eat meat?
>Because they taste good

Seriously, what other reasons i need? If it tastes good, i'll eat it
It's really that simple

>> No.4860502
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>> No.4860516

how many times do you have to post that BULLSHIT tolstoy quote that is NOT even come from tolstoy!

also because i work a hard job and like to keep my muscles strong instead of withered

>> No.4860521


>believing the meat lie

>> No.4860522




>> No.4860570

>Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist

Get back to me when he's a medical professional or accredited nutritionist.

>> No.4860586
File: 86 KB, 265x355, 1377110367555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit again. Do you know how nice /ck/ while you didn't spam it with all of your bullshit. Why is it that you cannot take a hint? We don't fucking care about animal suffering. Get over your moral high horse and accept that. You can't change a damn thing.

>> No.4860596
File: 5 KB, 241x209, IDTIMWYTIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related.
it's a bullshit accreditation that realistically amounts to nothing. you're looking for 'board certified dietitian,' a doctor who studied dietetics. nutritionists are usually just snakeoil salesman, sometimes even literally. it's a bunch of alternative medical woo woo magic.

>> No.4860621

Thanks. Thats pretty much what I meant. My point was that Tolstoy was speaking outside his field and OP quoting him is retarded. Picturing Zombie Tolstoy studying for exams.

>> No.4860623

Fuck yeah Gilbert's syndrome!

'associated with 1/3 the risk for both coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease as compared to those with the (TA)6/(TA)6 genotype (i.e. a normal, non-mutated gene locus)'

5-10% of the worlds population has it, and I'm one of them, I fear not the threat of heart problems.

>> No.4860647
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Doesn't make it wrong either. Tolstoy had only a cursory understanding of life science, and has no claim to be the moral authority on my dietary and nutritional choices.

Humans have evolved to eat a number of different things, hence why we see lactase persistence and why a variety of diets (vegetarianism/veganism, paleo/keto) can sustain us.

>> No.4860657

>eating our fellow mammals
>our fellow mammals
>fellow mammals
>Birds/fowls aren't mammals
>Continues eating them

>> No.4860660
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>> No.4860662

The chimps you have in your OP pic eat both their own young and any source of meat they can stumble upon. It's also thought that the only reason humans developed such large brains and capability to use tools as well as they can is due to the fact that we/our ancestors ate the fatty, nutrient rich marrow/fat and meat.
As for why /I/ eat meat it is the cheapest, most sustainable, healthy diet for me in my area. But it's not like I only eat meat either.

Anyway, just eat a healthy sustainable diet in your area and shut the fuck up about everyone else's.

>> No.4860680


>taking nutritional advice from a guy who lived in the 1800s

Come talk to me about basic anatomy when we're unable to digest meat, since your chart conveniently leaves out the fact that we're capable of consuming large amounts of meat without issue.

inb4 muh health, you're dumb, see: Eskimo and Masaai who have diets that are 75% meat or animal products and live relatively long lives for pre-modern societies that lack regular access to shit like modern medicine.

Enjoy your incomplete, inefficient diet, unhealthy diet, I guess. I'll be over here, omnivorous as fuck and far and away more healthy than you ever will or could be.

>> No.4860681


I can eat all the birds, fish and reptiles I want? fantastic!

>> No.4860683

Because I want to.

That's it. That is the end of the argument. You have lost.