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4858964 No.4858964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

marijuana recipe thread
heres one ive been perfecting the past couple of days while ive been home sick:

Marijuana Spiced Chai Tea
Makes 4 cups
1h 10m cook time

>1 tbsp dried whole cloves
>1 stick cinnamon
>ginger root
>olive oil
>1 bag Chai Tea
>marijuana (recipe for medium strength marijuana, i used guava kush for 10/g)

>fill a pot with water (adjust amount of water for how many cups you wish to make. i recommend 4 coffee cups full)
>add 1 tsp olive oil (any cooking oil will work)
>bring to boil
>turn heat off, add butter, add ground weed (i used about 2 small smoking bowls)
>cover and let sit for 30-40 minutes, stirring ocasionally
>go smoke a bowl while you wait, you earned it champ

>after you finish whatever stoned shenanigans you got into and realize its been about 40 minutes, bring pot near a boil
>dice about a 1.5" cube of ginger root while pot is heating up
>turn burner heat all the way down just as the water starts to boil
>add cubed ginger, 1 tsp whole dried cloves, and 1 stick cinnamon, let sit covered on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally

>after 20 more minutes of your shenanigans, turn the burner off, put the bag of chai tea in and let it steep for about 7-10 minutes, covered, then serve

>use lid to make sure plant chunks dont get in your cup while serving
>best served sweetened
>wait 10 minutes between each cup so you can know how strong it is, it will take longer to take effect when eaten than when smoked
>effects of weed that lasts 1-2 hours when smoked will last 2-3 hours when drank
>oil bubbles in final product is normal, they have the highest concentration of thc
>for my tea i have 2 cups after i make iot, and save 2 cups in the fridge for later
>used weed can be taken out of the pot and reused in the next tea, in conjunction with some un used weed

>> No.4858968

>Chai Tea

just leave.

>> No.4858990

eahhh yeah. fuck it i saved it.

>> No.4858997

it compliments the marijuana flavor vey well

>> No.4859002

you don't even know what you're talking about.

>> No.4859003

Why can't you smoke your weed like a goddamn grown up

>> No.4859007

>oil and butter
>not even leaching the THC right

>> No.4859025

the tea does actually take on a slight marijuana taste to it

>> No.4859029

that's beside the point.

>> No.4859039

would you recommend something better that doesnt require freezing a tub of green butter over night?

>> No.4859041


One of the best memories of my childhood is the smell that used to permeate the house whenever my Mother made weed cookies for cancer patients. So soothing and herbal.

>> No.4859042

>implying grown ups still smoke weed

Marijuana is a kids drug.

>> No.4859046

this recipe doesnt produce much weed scent, sorry

>> No.4859075

The thought of melted butter floating on top of my chai tea makes me shudder.

>> No.4859078

>chai tea
stop that.

>> No.4859081

>Chai tea
>Bagged tea
>Smoke a bowl

Underage please leave

>> No.4859080

Good luck with this thread, they banned me last time I made one.
God speed.

>> No.4859092


Well I don't know what recipe you were using, but my Mom's pot shortbread cookies had a fantastic scent. Buttery and herbal and oh so relaxing.

I like how you decide to be a pretentious fuck by putting "Sorry" on the end of it, as if somehow you know more than my own memories and experiences. Really adorable.

>> No.4859094

No. I'm well aware that chai means tea, but I feel a need to differentiate between a chai tea and a chai latte, when the latte is far more common here in America. So I say chai tea. Where I live, chai is no longer a general foreign word that means "tea", especially since we've broaded the word "tea" into meaning "steeped drink that's not coffee or alcohol". Chai is simply a particular blend of spices and leaves one can make tea out of, and once you've the made the tea and are drinking it, you're tea. What kind of tea? Chai tea. My apologies if it bothers you.

>> No.4859095
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>Marijuana is a kids drug.

>> No.4859098

i was using this recipe >>4858964
and i said sorry because you wont get to releive these experiences with this recipe

>> No.4859099

>Chai is simply a particular blend of spices and leaves one can make tea out of

that's already called masala chai you idiot.

>> No.4859103

thank you for being so ethnocentric to assume that words have the same meaning all over as they do where you live, but here "chai" refers to a certain flavor of tea

>> No.4859108

no, you idiot.
chai and tea are regional pronunciations of 茶.
they're literally the same word.

the flavour you're thinking of comes from the blend of spices used in masala chai,"spiced tea"

>> No.4859111

im with carl.

>> No.4859117

>no, you idiot
>this ethnocentrism

here in the US, "chai tea" refers specifically to the oriental masala chai

words arent only affected by regional dialect in the their country of origin

>> No.4859123

It's too strong for me to eat, I'm not a body high type of guy anyway.

Just make cannaoil and put it in spaghetti, glorious.

>> No.4859142

yeah thats why its being called chai tea. do you have a goal with all this faggotea?

>> No.4859146

So here's the thing, I like the taste of marijuana based food, but I don't want to be stoned all the time. Is there a way to just get the taste of weed without getting high?

>> No.4859147

to defend my grammar when saying "chai tea"

>> No.4859158

the flavor is more soluble in water than oil, if you made the tea without oil and butter, you should get the flavor without getting as much of the thc, and you would be able to reuse the weed anyway if you wanted to make a batch with thc, but this is just specualtion

>> No.4859159

Boil the leaves and use the water I guess? Chlorophyll is responsible for the flavor.

Or you could bake them into whatever.

>> No.4859160

>i'm too white to understand words from other languages
>people who correct me are ethnocentric

>> No.4859162
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ive been making this chai tea stuff lately, and kinda like the clovey cinnamon spicey thing. never though about it much. but now after reading you fucks i present you this label! what the fuck is natural chai??

>> No.4859165

well if i were saying "chai tea" in china, i would be wrong, but im saying it in the US, so im not wrong.

>> No.4859170

>wasting 10g of good pot to make fucking TEA

>> No.4859173

i doesn't matter where you are, you're still wrong.

>> No.4859179
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from http://www.englishteastore.com/chaitea.html:
Chai Tea is based on a black tea, and blended with cardamom, cloves, coriander, sweet cumin seeds, curry leaves, lemon grass, and rampe leaves

>> No.4859181

where the fuck are you getting 10 grams from? i barely used a quarter gram

>> No.4859203


>> No.4859207

Maybe you wouldn't be home sick so often if you weren't poisoning your body with that shit. Drink booze like a proper adult.

>> No.4859211

>implying im home sick often

>> No.4859219

/ck/ confirmed for taking the bait sooner or later