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4858029 No.4858029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]




>> No.4858045

If tipping is part of the culture where you're eating then tip. If it isn't, don't. If you're unsure ask someone what the local custom is. It isn't rocket science.

>> No.4858057

Don't tip in Scandinavia. You'll just confuse us.

I know at least that much

>> No.4858067
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>yfw tipping is mandatory in the US
>land of the free

>> No.4858072

In a restaurant? Yes. Any other occasion? Nope.

Exceptions there, horrible service in a restaurant doesn't get a tip, pizza couriers that deliver when it's raining like hell do get tipped.

>> No.4858134
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Yes. At least 20%, sometimes up to 40%. I'm a chef, and service industry people take care of each other. You get paid back in stiff free drinks and shit when you become a regular.
And to all these assholes who defiantly continue to not tip ever after expensive meals: Don't frequent places if you do that. Be aware of what may happen to your food. It doesn't go on in my kitchen, but plenty of my guys have worked in lower end places where they've seen it happen. Spit, rotten food, bug legs, dirt, meat blood, meat juice in vegetarian food.
Be afraid. Some people aren't as professional as I. Some don't live by a code of ethics with their cooking careers. Some motherfuckers just want a paycheck, and if you piss off his girlfriend waitress, he will wipe his ass with that lettuce leaf on your sandwich.
Other than that, tipping is the decent thing to do, it's expected.

>> No.4858150

no ofcourse not, i would only tip him if he played violin at the table,
i wish i would get tipped for being a cameraman after my study just like :

"hey how's it going! here's a buck get yourself a snicker!"

>> No.4858180
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>mfw britbottles and europoors complain about america's tipping custom
>mfw they already pay a mandatory 20% VAT to their gov'ts

At least we choose to add the 20%, chucklefuck.

>> No.4858230

>up to 40%

You can fuck right off Garcon. 20% always. But I do agree you -ALWAYS FUCKING TIP-. Seriously don't be a goddamn punk ass fuckwad. Tip your wait staff. Even if they do a bad job.

>> No.4858246

>Even if they do a bad job.

>> No.4858306


Fuck off, retard.

>> No.4858316


10% but if there's already a service charge nothing.

Here in the UK many restaurants nowadays sneakily put in the service charge on the bill, making it an opt out scenario as opposed to an opt in, so you got to be careful lest you pay extra money by tipping.

>> No.4858332

I was a food critic for a small town paper years ago, ate out 3 times a week. Rarely encountered bad service. Most servers are nice and try their best. A lot of uninformed servers at restaurants of all caliber, but not really much rude or incompetent 'bad job' material. It was the paper's money, so I ordered lots of food and tipped fat all the time.
Even when I had to report less than stellar service, I worded it carefully, usually giving the offending party the benefit of the doubt.
It's sad though, when they can't pronounce the food or know far less about the ingredients than the customer.

>> No.4858448
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i don't even eat at restaurants but this is such a big annoying issue that i want people to stop having wars over it.

i always feel like its unfair how waiters and other tippable-type jobs get paid, just because the boss thinks that these poor f****rs get enough and should earn the rest from people who just wanted to eat a sandwich, and are not expecting to give up even more money than the price of the food.

what a retarded paradoxical system.

waiters should get paid FULL wages, not a penny and "earn the rest if your so good" they are already working a job, they should get paid for it.

as for the people eating at a restaurant, they shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything other than the price of food, people go to restaurants to sit down and relax and pay the restaurant to prepare and cook the food and bring it to them, and they already pay much more than it would have costed them to buy all the ingredients and make it themselves at home, so for the pressure of needing to pay some poor kid tips to be there, it kind of screws everyone over, the waiter, the customer, etc.

imagine if you could just walk in, sit down, pay for your meal, eat it, go home.

imagine if you could go to work, get paid for working, and go home.

supposedly a study was done (I forget by who, you can probably find it on Google somewhere) which showed that if waiters and waitresses wages were changed to minimum wage that food prices at restaurants would go up by about ten cents at most. At restaurants the smallest expense which owners pay is the wages of their staff, and they are already so low that it won't make much difference. Additionally, there's this thing called balancing your budget and an owner could simply allocate a little money from one area and use it for wages, which would result in little or no change of food prices.

>> No.4858453

The whole "your food will become super expensive!" argument is perpetuated by the greedy chain-restaurants who want to get away with paying their staff next to nothing. They want customers to pay staff wages instead (which you do in the form of tips) and they have fixed the minimum wage for waiters and waitresses at a very low price.

"Former server here, you can get ****d. I would much rather work for tips than work for minimum wage and receive no tips" what if tips were not mandatory (as they seem to be) anymore, and optionally you could tip if you really felt a waiting employee did a really great job?

>> No.4858775

If they did a good job, I tip. If not? Better luck next time, nugget.

>> No.4858803

why don't you just eat at home so you can make the best meal to your standards?

don't you worry every single time you go to a restaurant that it might not be the way you like?

at home you can make it exactly the way you like every single time right?

>> No.4858813

Actually, chain restaurants pay servers the most, out of all restaurants, because they are corporate. It's the individually owned or privately owned restaurants that assrape the servers, pay-wise. Corporate owned restaurants are more thoroughly scrutinized, from a financial standpoint.

>> No.4858818

I wish waiter/waitresses would just get fucking paid for their work so we can just pay for the fucking food we eat.

That said, I do still tip when I eat out.

>> No.4859030

>Some people aren't as professional as I.
This. I've seen some shit working in restaurants, man. If you don't tip in a place, I would really, really advise you to not go there again for a while, and certainly not to go there regularly, because your food WILL be tampered with a lot of the time, by the servers if not by the cooks.

>> No.4859053


lying faggot

I've been a chef for 16 years, and never once seen a plate of food interfered with because of either no tip, or a complaint.

the only time i've ever seen this happen was at a big 350 cover wedding. one guest was harrassing/playing grabass with a waitress who told him a couple times to stop. a sous chef then rolled his skin back, and rubbed it around the bowl and all over a spoon before serving a consommé.

I've worked with hundreds of chefs, and not once seen this shit happen because of something minor like that.

>> No.4859067
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>mfw waiters actually spit in people's food if they didn't tip the last time they were there

are you 13 get the fuck over it or get a job where the majority of your pay isn't tips

>> No.4859115

I tip at american restaurants but not at ethnic restaurants. they don't do it in their country.

>> No.4859131

>be a pizza guy
>people don't tip me
>I know your name, address, and phone number
It's your call man.

>> No.4859143

As a pizza dude I will shake your soda, try to get your food cold, and put your number on the craigslist m4m section if you repeatedly do not tip me.

>> No.4859150

your life must be utter shit :)
Enjoy being the scum of the earth, cum guzzling cock muncher

>> No.4859152
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>> No.4859167

Nah, it's not that bad. Only when people don't tip. I love when they try to complain to me to corporate.

One time a dude wrote a 10 cent tip on his credit card receipt, so I took the copy he was supposed to keep and wrote "keep the change," and gave and taped that and a dime to his door. He writes up some whiny email to corporate about how rude I was to do that.

All I had to say was, "I didn't feel comfortable accepting any form of a tip from him since our service was so unsatisfactory."

>> No.4859200

obviously yes if the person was at least decent. i wouldnt only if they caused problems for me. if its a small mistake, i never mind if they apologize. im usually around 20 percent if they were very good. anything better than that ill go a little more. if they werent quick, not particularly caring, and i was only there for like 20 minutes, ill go as low at 5. i dont think i have ever done 0

>> No.4859206

I guess when you are a pizza deliverer you need to do these pretty things to feel like you have control over something in your life.

>> No.4859208

It's all I got, man. I will get your respect!

>> No.4859209

My pizza place adds $3.50 for a delivery fee AND $1 for debit, so I never tip the driver anymore.

I'd rather give him the $4.50, but I'm not tipping him after those lame fees. His loss, he should work for a better company.

>> No.4859212

>I will get your respect!
lol no.

>> No.4859213
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>he should work for a better company.
it was all reasonable until you said that.

>> No.4859217

>tipping people who deliver pizzas
ahhahha oh wow america
I suppose you'll tell me now how they pay you below minimum wage or something?

>> No.4859221

it's gas money. delivery drivers have to pay for gas out of their own pocket.
if your friend gives you a ride, you give him a bit of gas money.
if the delivery driver brings pizza right to you door, you give him a bit of gas money.

>> No.4859228
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No I don't, since I live in a normal country.

>> No.4859229

there's nothing normal about a country that doesn't compensate gas money, especially when you've got even higher gas prices.

>> No.4859235

I agree, hiring someone to be a deliveryman and forcing him to pay his own gas is absurd.
But not the customers problem, tips are for excellent service not for your gas.

>> No.4859233

Why? I'm sure his tips have declined because of their practice.

I doubt it is THAT hard for a pizza delivery guy with "experience" to find a job at one of the other countless pizza places.

>> No.4859237

>if the delivery driver brings pizza right to you door, you give him a bit of gas money.
Do you get paid gas money to drive to your place of employment?

Do you give the McDonald's employee gas money or bus fare because they had to pay to get to work to serve you?

lol what weird fucking logic.

>> No.4859241

if you don't want to pay gas then order for pickup.

>> No.4859250

Nah, I'll just continue ordering delivery and not tipping.

>> No.4859367

did you ever stop to think that maybe servers like getting paid in tips?

on a good night, they can get $150

>> No.4859381

And they don't claim most of their tips in their income taxes.

Fuck em.

>> No.4859421

I went to a restaurant a week ago. The woman sat us right next to a cluster of noisy, shouting high school students. After they started swearing I wanted to move so my little brother and sister didn't have to hear it. The waitress said 'sorry all my other tables are full' I indicated another table at the other end of the place. 'That's so and so's table, If I sit you there she gets the tip.'

Well well well. Guess who worked super hard after that to get a tip.

She walked over and saw my sisters water empty, stared right at it, sighed and walked away. Not to go get water, but go get money she saw on the empty table next to us. She counts it, and gets out her iphone and calculates what the people left her in a percent. Then not pleased, she storms to the kitchen. It was 8 dollars and the guy had one plate brought to him and I'm almost sure it was the grilled chicken sandwich... which is only like 10 bucks with all the sides and shit. So she got about a 70% tip and was pissed.

No, fuck tipping always.

>> No.4859493

i dont go by what the bill was, i go by how difficult it was to bring the food out, how long i was there, how many times i was checked on by the waiter, and quality of the waiter. i understand im not the waiter so i cant be 100% sure of the difficulties but it usually isnt too hard to figure out

>> No.4859714
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>> No.4859770

If wait staff don't make min wage per hour (with tips) their employer must make up the difference. So no matter what, wait staff are making at least min wage. It's fine not to tip

>> No.4859895

i usually tip but hate it, just because it custom
I'm giving you extra money because you did a decent job as a waitress, you are paid to do this
Worse is at bars
tip for the chick to bring one beer, so fucking hard and if you dont she will take her sweet as time...

>> No.4859944

Are you retarded? They use their own car and out the take out sign on the outside. Therefore, they are using their own gas to deliver you pizza, not just to commute to and from work.

If he gets there within 30 minutes and the food is hot, I'll tip; less if there is a delivery fee. If there's a delivery fee and he got the food there in 55 minutes cold, I won't tip a dime.

>> No.4859996
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Servers get paid minimum wage in CA, so not that worried about tipping just because.

>> No.4860045

if you dont tip 20% or more then you are scum and deserve to have your food urinated in

>> No.4860047

>mfw when I tip 0%

>> No.4860051

>Are you retarded? They use their own car and out the take out sign on the outside.
They took the job, that's their problem.

I order pizza because I want to eat pizza, not because I want to take part of a weird socially obligated act of charity.

>> No.4860057


Your broke ass shouldn't be ordering pizza.

>> No.4860073
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>yfw writing "$0.00"

>> No.4860074

You ordered pizza because you wanted pizza TO BE DELIVERED to your lazy ass.

>> No.4860077

>Hating on drivers because of the charge
The store takes all of that delivery charge you miser.

I will hand back the credit card receipt to people that just sign their name on it and say, "I need you to fill that out ALL the way." If you just put in the total after that I will say, "Do you want me to put zero for the tip?" If you're not going to tip me I'm going to make you acknowledge it to my face.

I really don't care if you hate tipping, man. I do too. I don't want to pay an extra $5 for my pizza, so you know what I do? I go fucking pick it up from the place.

>> No.4860081

ITT: Generalizations

>> No.4860094
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> mfw I piss, shit, cum, spit, blow snot, put pubes, etc in your food if you do not tip

I understand some people do not tip, and this is what they get. Yes, your pizza will always be delivered cold. No, you will not get a refund. No, I will never get fired. No, I will never get reprimanded at all. No, I will not face criminal charges. Yes we will put do not deliver on your address if you try and complain about your shit pizza.

>> No.4860096

If I feel like I received a good service, sure.
If not, fuck no.

>> No.4860112

My nigga'.

Somebody else understands the simple joys of a pizza man. That teeny tiny amount of power that I can wield over you so effortlessly.

>> No.4860113

> Paying 18 dollars for a grilled chicken sandwich

>> No.4860123

How do you know the guy just didn't leave 8 dollars for the entire check?

>> No.4860138

no one wants your shitty pizza except faggots. I buy my pizza from my college cafeteria when I'm a lazy fuck and it's delicious and handmade, or I simply make some at home or take one home and bake it from the local deli. As an inside pizza worker I never got tips and had to live on shittier wages than you, no one like you deserves tips, get fucked.

>> No.4860145

if someone said that to me I would look at her, stand up, and go sit at that table.

>> No.4860159

There's far more risk in delivering pizzas than making them. I'd say it's right that drivers make more.

>> No.4860285

Tipping is not common at my work place(Chuck E Cheese), and no one there really expects to receive a tip. We just do our job. No one? Whoops, I mean to say the party hostesses who work mainly on weekends expect, and sometimes demand tips. WTF

I had an employee once tell a customer how to tip her.

>in cash
>in secret
>"so my manager won't pocket it if you leave it in the check fold"

I was so embarrassed for that customer. I'm also thankful everyday that host no longer works with us. When I approached her about her behavior she saw no problem with it. No idea why a customer would be upset, why I would be so mad with my waitstaff behaving in such a way. Some (not all, not many even) waitresses just deserve to be denied tips all the time.

typing this out made me mad. WTF were you thinking bitch? Saying that to one of our guests?

>> No.4860299


sounds like you have been stealing the tips

>> No.4860315


months before this I forced the store to adhere to company policy on manager presents the bill to the party kid's mom, collects the payment, and returns the change. None of the other managers had been doing this, they would just let the hosts do the bill "because they like doing it." When I made them switch the frequency of tipping shot down drastically, and problem child here was the first to complain. And loudly. All the time.

>anon is just trying to keep us from making tips!
no bitch in your training manual we tell you don't expect a tip, don't ask, do your job because it is your job

This mainly makes me wonder which of the other 3 manages she is referring to / how long she has had this "my manager steals my tips" ruse going before someone told me

none of them seem like that kind of person to me, but I guess you never really can know a person...

>> No.4860320


so you steal tips

also, it sounds like she didnt tell the customer to tip, only how to do it given her manager steals the tips

>> No.4860333

If you shit on a pizza, you'll give people hep c.
They will definitely trace that back to your restaurant and you'll definitely face criminal charges.
I understand there's delivery boys who want to avenge their not getting tipped, and not even getting such a mediocre job is what they get.

>> No.4860343


I already responded to that debunked talking point. There are no criminal charges incoming ever. It never happens.

>> No.4860348


I was slightly off topic for these, so to now re-rail the de-rail

I generally tip at any sit down restaurant , the percentage varies depending on friendliness/helpfulness of staff, quality of the meal, and if at the end of the meal I feel like returning to that establishment sometime in the future. I have not tipped at sit down restaurants maybe 2 or 3 times that I can recall.

>Once for forgetting my order and never checking on me when a large group of my ex-co-workers and I went out for dinner (everyone else in a party of about 18 received their food except for me, we had 2 waiters for the table to help speed things along, my side's waiter forgot about me I guess, I got my food delivered as to-go containers were beginning to be handed out to people at the table after pointing out I had never received my food. No apology, no drink refill, no anything, plate thrown down on table from the other side by my now inconvenienced waiter. No tip. then later they tried the "you were in a large group you need to re-pay bs" NOPE.

>the other time was for a waiter who disappeared when I went out to eat with my partner on his lunch break. We never got that ketchup we had asked for, drink refills, and 35 minutes later we had to pay and leave or he would be late back to work. A nice bartender printed the bill for me since we still could not locate our waiter, nor had he sent someone to check on us or help us or anything. No tip for the non-existent waiter

I have usually tipped for delivery because my house is hard to find and in an unsafe but semi-rural neighborhood, and there is no parking so I feel bad having people with the 30 mins or less delivery services go there, but the percentage I tip by is usually much less than that of a sit-down event
I don't tip on pick-up/take-out.

tl;dr if you didn't walk/drive the food to me, or clean up the messy table I left behind, I don't tip you

>> No.4860349

Okay, well fuck it. Shit on people's pizzas.
Who cares what you do? You deliver fucking pizzas, for fuck's sakes.

>> No.4860351


great job for unifags

stay mad

>> No.4860356

I usually tip people who treated me appropriately. No special treatment, just the fucking service without bullshit. You know, do your fucking job as if someone's paying you to do it. Do it better and I'll pay you better.
Usually the people that ask for tips are the ones who I want to tip the least.

>> No.4860364
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Stay mad at what exactly?You deliver pizzas. You're the one who's got people's money on ransom.
You're so low on the social echelon that... fuck, that I don't even have to care if you get it or not.

>> No.4860472

For waitresses I do 20% rounded up to the nearest dollar for good service, 30% percent for great to excellent. If you forget about me, take years to get my order, or are otherwise rude, then a penny will suffice.

Delivery guys, I do $5 flat rate and may go up to $10 if the order was big or he got it to me quickly or was otherwise nice/personable.

>> No.4860854


people eat my waste, that makes me quite a bit higher ranked

>> No.4860872
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My stance on tipping:

Tipping is a means of leverage that the customer has when it comes to the quality of the service. As the waiter, you are the person the customer deals with. You are the front of house and the face of the restaurant. Your attitude and willingness to accommodate can sometimes be the difference between a good dining experience and a terrible one. Tipping is there to make sure the waitstaff are doing their job of providing good service. If you're doing a bad job, your tip will be much less. Simple as that.

>> No.4860882

I never tip no body because im like they should be happy just to do buisness with me i mean like if i order and you deliver you should be happy to just be at my crib for a minutte its like a job that is all fun and shit

>> No.4860929

>Work in retail for low pay
>Go to restaurant
>Waiter is on low pay
>both of us earn a wage for attending to customers needs and cleaning up messes that may occur
>Waiter gets pissy if i don't give him extra cash just for not being a massive dick

>> No.4860976
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Mfw reading this.

>> No.4860978

>If you're doing a bad job, your tip will be much less.

>still tipping bad job, at all.

you are a tool.

>> No.4861483

Why is it that us people in the medical industry should not accept tips in any way that it may cause our license to be revoked?

Why is it that when we do a good job and patients want to tip us, we can get fired for that?

Are we being discriminated? Why should we tip waiters if we can't be tipped because of legal reasons? There's inequality in the service industry and it fucking sucks.

>> No.4861487

Congratulations on being what's wrong in America.

>> No.4861771

Depends on quality of service and and maybe food if the food is absolutely horrible

>> No.4861776


Mouth breather welfare queen detected.

>> No.4861802

No, unless I order something not on the menu, ask to change something about an existing item on the menu, or I feel that I've been inadvertently testing the patience of the server.

You want a tip? Get a better job if you are not employed there. If you are employed there, your boss will pay whatever you are not getting so it'll add up to minimum wage. So, get a better job. If you are employed and have a normal wage, fuck you for thinking you need extra money for doing your job.

>I lol at those betas that try to use tips as a way to try to get female servers to like that

>> No.4861852

ok. i get it. it is unseemly. most MD's i know would be afronted by the offer of a tip. as would cops, or emt, paramedic. apparently that doesnot extend to lawyers or politicians. it depends on where you are. conventions are different. for example... postal workers are expressly forbidden from taking monetary gifts but it might be ok to place a gift certificate on top of the fruit cake. but you don't have to. use a little sense. kinda like shkespere said umteen years ago. first thing, lets kill all the lawyers. no. some of my dr.s kept me alive. just a card would be nice. wait staff in resturaunts... I tip 15 if good 20 if great. 10 if merely ok. if worse than that 0. and not a penny. an insult. you should tell them why. and I like '70s or even '50s shows. but a dollar tip, unless stuck in the 60's, don't cut it. I dislike the tipping system, but the fact is many people get 40-80% off tips. and if I see 18% added I am unlikely to add more. and if you don't like it, go work someplace else. nobody tipps me....

>> No.4861913

If I can afford to.
Servers usually make insane amounts of cash if they whore themselves out properly so if I'm not flush with cash they are shit outta luck.
Sometimes I just want takeout and can't be assed to sit in and be looked at while eating.
The restaurant in the hotel I stayed in last summer expected a tip for takeout and even had three possible percentages of tip to leave printed on the receipt.

>> No.4862058


manager of pizza joint reporting in: delivery fee does not go to the driver at all in any amount, it's for insurance of having 5-10+ teenage fucktwats driving a million miles an hour to get your pizza in less than 30 minutes. Our store policy is 80% of our deliveries need to be dispatched in less than 20 minutes, and the driver having returned from delivery less than 40 minutes.

never heard of the $1 debit charge, can't add my input there.

Also, When not dispatched, drivers are paid min. wage, when they are on delivery (and therefore eligible for tips) they get server wage (somewhere around $4.77/hr). Most drivers make more than i do, working fewer hours at the lowest position (since drivers bus tables and do dishes as well).

I would only tip a driver 3$ to make their min. wage for that particular hour, same for servers. For fucks sake all you did was walk your happy ass from the kitchen to my table with my food. If anything the COOK should be tipped for making your food good, not a server who had absolutely nothing to do with the food preparation.


>> No.4862061


what >>4859237 said.

Managar fag again: Delivery drivers get something called a "starting bank" to both make change and depending on how many deliveries they made or miles driven, they keep a portion of that for gas.

>> No.4862124

>Yes, your pizza will always be delivered cold. No, you will not get a refund.
Since when are delivery flunkies in charge of deciding who gets a refund?

If you come late I get the pizza for free. If you come with a cold pizza, I complain and you have to come back with a hot pizza and still don't get a tip.

It's win-win. You are a pizza delivery flunky, so you ALWAYS lose in life.

>> No.4862127

And I pay the delivery fee. Problem?

>> No.4862133
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>In my shitty life, this is all the power I think I have.

Pizza delivery guys are always lulz.

>> No.4862137

>implying your regional manager won't get rid of your ass if someone so much as whispers a complaint about you or your restaurant at them
face it kiddo, you're completely expendable and people would rather not deal with complaints then let you keep your job

>> No.4862163

This is why I'd rather have people over and make the food.
Fucking hell. It's a job, be professional.