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File: 105 KB, 1024x379, Moonshine-1024x379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4856846 No.4856846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Had my first taste of real unadulterated moonshine just now /ck/. Just wanted to make this thread to inform all of you that its a God-tier liquor. Usually I drink hard liquors mixed with water or some sort of mixer, I could easily sip this straight out of the mason jar all night. This stuff is 100 proof and is twice as smooth as liquors that are 80 proof.

Thank you based law changes that made this glorious drink legal again.

>> No.4856848

100 proof isn't moonshine.

190 proof is moonshine

>> No.4856860

Moonshine doesn't have a a designated proof.

Traditional moonshine is a corn whiskey that hasn't been aged in oak barrels and usually isn't aged at all.

Nice attempt at acting like a badass though.

>> No.4856870

>everclear is moonshine

Really though, who makes 190 proof moonshine? 100 is the highest I've seen. I live nowhere near the hillbilly mountains so I can't buy it from some small distiller on the DL.

>> No.4856876

Thats what it tastes like too. Its like corn whiskey without the smokey wood flavors from barrel aging, and it tastes sweeter and smoother. I'm not gonna jump the gun but I'll probably end up liking this better than whiskey and bourbon.

>> No.4856887

My uncle used to make about 170, but he had to quit because his brother (cop) kept threatening to book him

>> No.4856892

Your uncle sounds awesome. His brother is a dick.

>> No.4856893

i'm guessing this uncle is married into your family thereby making his brother not technically a relation, yes?
otherwise, you worded that strangely.

>> No.4856894

It's truly shit tier to god tier. It really depends on who's making it.

>> No.4856912

Mine is good, but its probably mid-tier. It was the priciest one at my store, $22 for a jar. The other ones were around $15 or $16. Any recommendations?

>> No.4856958

I have to use the good ol' boy netowrk, so the only advice I have is you're looking for people who can tell you if the still is copper and if the batch came from the middle of the pour.

>> No.4856985


Holy shit, twenty bucks a quart? It's twenty a gallon on the black market.

>> No.4857025

>This shit
>Real Moonshine

Lol, nice try. If it ain't Popcorn Suttons old shit, it ain't shine. That stuff is fucking amazing.

>> No.4857028

Isn't that guy dead?

>> No.4857040
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sorry man but REAL moonshine is like 180 - 190 proof. those hillbillies don't fucking mess.

>> No.4857051

Yeah, his family still has his recipe though. I had some of his Hot Toddies when I was in NC, and it was the most amazing thing ever.

If ever you can, look for a guy in Tennessee who makes Apple Pie Moonshine, or Peach Cobbler Shine. Fucking amazing. Not giving out his name, but if you're in Middle TN, that's the right area.

>> No.4857057

It's my blood uncle, the cop is my aunt's brother. I should have said the cop was his brother-in-law.

He's a cuntbucket that almost jailed my dad for letting me drink a few (shitty) budweisers with everybody one new year's (I was 18)

>> No.4857059

Are you Walt Jr

>> No.4857060

Is moonshine always so expensive? The cheapest one in a mason jar was $25. I live in Georgia, for Christ's sake.

>> No.4857065

I used to pay $15-20 for a big mason jar, so that sounds a bit pricey, but yeah, it's generally not the cheapest thing out there.

>> No.4857066

>mason jar

>> No.4857071

>Implying that's not the traditional vessel for Shine
It's so that you can cellar it and add whatever you want to it. Fruit, spices, etc.

>> No.4857080

Yea man stop being a dick.
People who label things all the time like you are the reason no one can enjoy anything anymore.

>> No.4857084

>100 proof


>> No.4857086

>hard liquors mixed with water

Oh god do yuropoors really do this?

>> No.4857090

>being this mad

Relax hipster.

>> No.4857107

Maybe. I live far from the Tennessee hillbillies and my liquor store sells name brand moonshine. Down here this is a new thing. I'm sure your 199 proof moonshine tastes fucking awesome, but I'm sipping on what we can get here.

>> No.4857111

That's nearly Ethanol. No, it doesn't taste awesome.

The 180-190 range is where to stay for maximum moonshine effect.

>> No.4857124

>not drinking pure methanol
it's like you pussies want to live or something

seriously though, I have a few family members on this and the other side of the ocean who make their own alcohol, some of it is scary stuff

>> No.4857134

Hah, well I'm not sure I want or need that maximum moonshine effect. How is it different from Everclear? Because I've had that effect many times and it was shit. I'm more into the whiskey or tequila effect, but my jar of moonshine tastes better than those. I'm getting the feeling that what I have wouldn't be considered legitimate shine, because its branded, labeled, and 100 proof. But it tastes damn good, so what is it.

>> No.4857135

I mean I'm not mad. It doesn't really bother me that people can be ignorant and jump to conclusions so easily. And I'm not usually a target for these people's labeling in the first place.
It just seems so pathetic and childish to see people, even my own friends, so easily call something "hipster" without even knowing anything about it first. It's just as close minded as they love to call everyone else.

>> No.4857146

corn liquor. I don't drink everclear either because it is shit so I assume it's grain alcohol.

>> No.4857157


Oh deah lawd, I lost control of my sides. Moonshine's everywhere, from liquor stores to their back-doors, from Williamsburg hipsters to App-uh-latch-in' good ol' boys, from hippies at festivals to niggers with state jobs. Everyone who distills makes Apple Pie, it's a pretty straightforward cocktail.

> I know this guy in central Tennessee...

Fuckin' lol. And shut the fuck up about Popcorn Sutton, you needlessly postulant dum-dum.

>> No.4857186

Pigeon forge, Tennessee is the tourist spot for moonshine. They got all different kinds of moonshine and they even have free tastings.

>> No.4857510


You been watching too much Moonshiners. Just because you watch a t.v. show doesn't mean you are the all knowing source on moonshine. Pretentious fuck.

>> No.4857520
File: 185 KB, 960x1280, georgiamoon__35752.1348939997.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not moonshine

this is moonshine

>> No.4857553

Wait, guys what constitutes moonshine? I've always assumed it was 100 percent corn based alcohol. Am I wrong? The stuff op posted is nowhere near 100 percent. Why not just drink ever clear?

>> No.4857568

You are soooooooo stupid

>> No.4857571

moonshine is poor quality liquor distilled illegally.

>> No.4857579

You're just paying extra money for a gimmick.

Shine is just whiskey that hasn't been aged in a barrel.

Stupid fucks, all of you.

>> No.4858010

>poor quality
guys selling that don't live long, for various reasons
>distilled illegally
yes, and you save out the ass because of it.

>> No.4858015

>drinking commercial shine

pro tip : it isnt shine

>> No.4858033
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Sounds like you guys should stop inviting him over

>> No.4858046

>Everyone who distills makes Apple Pie
I fucking love Apple Pie. Last bit I had though only tasted of cinnamon.
>80 proof

>> No.4858053


if you are buying commercially produced liquor made in factories by a legitimate company from your liquor store it's hardly "moonshine"

>> No.4858071


Clearly it's not moonshine in the typical sense of the word (illegally produced liquor). However, the legally produced "moonshine" (if you want to call it that) is actually quite alike the real deal: it's un-aged, and it's made in many of the same flavors as the illegal stuff is. The only real difference between the two is that the commercially produced stuff is legal.

>> No.4858076

OP is clearly American, no one in Europe uses 'proof', we use a clear and precise percentage based scale. Are you amerifats all really so dumb?

>> No.4858080


I guess it's hard to divide by two in Euroland.

Protip: the "proof" scale was invented in England. US uses it because we were once a British colony and it stuck around.

>> No.4858084
File: 53 KB, 500x669, usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


100% this. The legal stuff is completely different.

About two weeks ago my buddy's mother's boyfriend brought some (real) moonshine from TN and it was the best I've ever had, so fucking clean. I went to school about 20 minutes from where he's from (now I live in SC) and never had any that was that good. Only problem was he didn't bring enough. Sadly here I don't know too many rural folk but one of my buddy's employees can hook me up.


>The only real difference between the two is that the commercially produced stuff is legal.

It's not, I've had both and there's a world of difference.

>> No.4858085

Yeah, and it was also common to believe the world was flat. The intelligent people move on from archaic and inefficient systems.

>> No.4858095


That's actually a myth. People in the Middle Ages understood that the Earth was round.

>> No.4858098

That's why I said 'common to believe' and not 'universally accepted'.

>> No.4858099

me and my brother used to get gallon jugs from retired army col for 20 bucks.

mix that shit with some strawberry-kiwi Hi-C. it will smell like bread and markers. and get you faced quickly, and if you have a weak stomach it makes your puke look like blood.

you make me think of that gay spurdo, talking about how tight close are awesome.

burn this heretic.

>> No.4858101

Also, good job dodging the actual point of my post.

>> No.4858105

You're missing out on having fancy words for everything. Also using gunpowder to test if liquor is at least 100 proof is awesome.

>not having superior enriched terminology
>not measuring alcohol by explosive properties

>> No.4858106


>It's not, I've had both and there's a world of difference.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that they tasted identical. Frankly that's silly to discuss flavor similarity at all because the taste of moonshine varies from maker to maker. I've had some really smooth stuff like you described and I've also had shite that tasted like getting a throat-fuck from a wire brush.

The point is that the STYLE is the same. It's un-aged, which is very unusual among spirits, and it's sold in similar flavors.

>> No.4858116


My main point is that for moonshine to actually be moonshine, it must be illegal, otherwise it's simply a high-proof liquor that isn't barrel aged. I've personally never had any good legal moonshine from the store and I've tried a bunch of them.

In the same vein, I'd make a distinction between bathtub gin and real gin, though with real gin being in this case the one with superior flavor (and won't kill you).

>> No.4858122

Well that's not how they test it anymore is it? We used the "awesome method" for hundreds of years, then switched to a more logical and efficient way of doing it. I can't think of anything that Americans are at the forefront of in terms of technological advancement.

>inb4 spaceships

>> No.4858128

>inb4 spaceships

We're starting to slip on that.

>> No.4858141

Yeah, I meant you were never at the forefront - just got lucky.

>> No.4858145

I did different sports (and still do) and with that comes buying different shoes every time. Tennis shoes, running shoes, cleats, chucks, hiking boots, ballet slippers, cycling clip-ons, chest waders, etc.

In the same way, I expect to have to learn weird terms for everything when I learn something new.

People will tell you having to do either is stupid when there are shoes/words that will cover most things. They are usually wrong, and when they are right, they bitch anyway because they don't know the fancy words to it in with the group.

While having universal terminology is a great thing, so is weird insular jargon.

>> No.4858163

>don't know the fancy words to fit in
fuck this keyboard.

Also using proof in America weeds out people who have no idea what they are talking about. Besides that, distillers use specific gravity and imply the %abv.

>> No.4858809
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OP has seen the light

I predict many more companies in the coming years will be making moonshine

>> No.4858923

I hope so. I checked 3 stores for that brand btw and nobody has it or has heard of it. I'd order a bottle but I don't order stuff through mail, everything that isn't tied down is stolen in my hood. Some faggot even stole my pumpkin off my porch, who does that? Maybe my liquor store will order a case or two.

>> No.4858945

it aint moonshine if there isnt a risk of going blind while drinking it

>> No.4858970

ask the guy to order you some

I bought the first case of the 1.75 bottles from my store but when I finished drinking them and returned to order another they had already started to stock them

>> No.4859022

How much did the whole case cost? I'd rather just buy the 1.75 for my first since I'm not sure if I'll like it as much as what I have right now. Pretty sure my store will be cool with ordering some, I'm not sure if they'll expect me to buy the whole case though or if I can just buy one and have them stock the rest on the shelves.

>> No.4859032

>This stuff is 100 proof
not real shine

>> No.4859038

Whatever, it tastes really good. And is 20 proof higher than what I usually drink.

>> No.4859247
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not very cheap, I think it was 37.99 per bottle

I was just checking their facebook page (lol) and all of the stores that sell the new apple version are in CT so not sure how far out of the state this stuff usually travels

>> No.4859313
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Checked the website, thats a local moonshine m8. They ship to all of three states in New England. Texan here, I doubt there's a bottle of that in my whole state. My liquor store MAY order a case of it, seeing that its a smaller distiller thats a big maybe though. I have no doubt its good stuff but I doubt theres enough demand here for it to sell, unless I love it and end up buying all of them. All the shines I've seen here have been the bigger name more popular brands alongside a few smaller label Texas moonshines that have popped up.

Does it have a following or anything? Like, are there moonshine aficionados all across the US that like to drink it? I'm wondering because there are a bunch of very fancy and pricey specialty liquor stores around here, if that stuff is known outside of that area then they might have some.

>> No.4859347

OP, if you like that brand then you should look up the Dark Corner Distillery. They're really good. I live in the same city, Greenville, SC. They are a micro distillery, however, so I'm not sure how far spreading their products are. But some stores in my area carry them.

>> No.4859383

>Does it have a following or anything?
I'm not really sure but I think this was the official drink of the 2012 grammy's or something like that

we just had a great gatsby mooonshine ball a couple weeks ago


I know my local restaurants are adding a whole onyx menu and I know of one place serving it on tap like jager

just send them an email through the website and tell them where you are and see if they are able to ship out to your liquor store

>> No.4859388


>> No.4859503

Just sent them an email asking if they were currently shipping to anywhere in my area and asking if they were willing to ship to my area if they weren't already. Made it sound all professional and shit, if this thread is still up by the time they respond I'll let ya'll know what they say.

Noted. I haven't seen it, but if I do I'll pick some up. Like I said everything I've seen has been the bigger and more popular brands, alongside some local Texas stuff.

>> No.4860017

you also potentially go blind if the jackhole doesn't know what he's doing/is very greedy. The dangers of unregulated booze. Not saying that home distilling is bad, but just trust that the guy you're buying from knows what methanol is.

>> No.4860037

190 proof is the highest concentration that you can achieve via distillation. Water and ethanol become azeotropic, so they can't be fully separated by physical means.

>> No.4860089


Alright, now to explain why moonshine produced illegally is so good (and much cheaper). In turn, it will explain why most commercial liquors are less than 100 proof.

In the United States, we have something called an excise tax on alcohol. Any alcohol that can be consumed (i.e ethanol) is taxed. This includes everything that contains alcohol, including beer, wine, wine coolers on up to USP Ethanol (100% pure). The tax is based on the PROOF of the liquor, so the higher the proof, the more tax you will pay. This is why most commercial liquors are lower proofs, keeps the price down for the consumer to keep demand up.Not to mention, some liquors come out at a lesser proof as a matter of manufacture, but things like vodka are literally grain alcohol that has been skillfully watered down.

Moonshine is cheaper because you are NOT paying the tax.
It's the same reason that diesel fuel is always more than gasoline, MUCH more tax attached to it.

Moonshine is "better" or "smoother" (depends on producer) because there is a much higher amount of quality control possible. If Billy Bob is making shine even at 50 gallons per batch, he is going to have better quality than a commercial producer making 1000 gallons a batch.

>> No.4861324

Then why is Everclear so cheap, relatively? Is it really that much cheaper for them to produce it than say an OK 180 proof moonshine?

>> No.4861373


Everclear is just plain 'ol grain alcohol. It is cheap to produce because it isn't aged or flavored or packaged in fancy bottles.

Theoretically it should cost the same to produce as "legal moonshine" since both of them lack aging. But, "moonshine" is a hot new product and thus it's marked up to a higher price.

Same reason why a "Nike" T-shirt costs more than a plain unbranded T-shirt of similar construction. They might both be made of the same cotton at the same factory but you pay more for the nike name, the same way you pay more for "moonshine".

Of course, illegal moonshine has no tax at all.

>> No.4861422

Moonshine tastes awesome though, at least the 100 proof stuff I've been buying legally. Everclear is shit and makes me feel like shit.

So, can I distill some tax free shine in a small apartment?

>> No.4861435


Well, 100 proof moonshine contains approximately half of the alcohol content of the Everclear so that could have something to do with it. Everclear is nothing but alcohol and a tiny bit of water; 100 proof moonshine would be half alcohol, half water (approx.) plus whatever flavor may be in there, depending on what exactly the distillery did.

>>So, can I distill some tax free shine in a small apartment?

First off, that may or may not be illegal depending on where you live.

The process of distillation is simple enough so there's no technical hurdle to cross. However the quality of your moonshine would depend on your skill and care put into the process. There's also a safety concern as well. I certainly would not do it in an apartment, it's going to smell like crazy and it's also a major fire hazard. Do it in a well ventilated area.

>> No.4861538

>now to explain why moonshine produced illegally is so good
Don't forget it also has a good chance of killing you

>> No.4861550

Yea, bad idea then. My apartment is almost tiny and I have a gas stove. Not really concerned about legality, but I don't care to blow up my complex with alcohol fumes. Oh well, I'm happy with my 100 proof premade shine. Or white whiskey, for you purists.

>> No.4861554


Authentic moonshine is pretty terrible. I know people from rural Kentucky who have been making the stuff for the better part of a century now.

>> No.4861559

>mixing your liquor with water

What are you, homeless?

>> No.4861565

I thought it was fine to produce distilled liquor, just illegal to *sell* without a license.

>> No.4861575

>Be from WV

Ive been laughing my ass off at this whole thread. OP, you dont buy moonshine from a store, you buy it from a good old boy that's preferably missing a few teeth. All this shit tier 'moonshine' is watered down corn whiskey. As previously said, moonshine has no proof.

>> No.4861588

>Be from WV

Just to clear up a few more things. You're not going to go blind if you test your shine first. Set a small amount on fire in a silver spoon. Look at the flame.
>Red you're dead, Blue is true

Mixing whiskey with water is perfectly ok! Ever hear of Three Dog Night?
>You put some whiskey in your water.

If you want to try and make your own shine, know some one who works with metal and likes moonshine, you pay them off with a case or whatever and pick up the Foxfire guide book.
>Learn traditional rural and forgotten arts.

>> No.4861589

>First off, that may or may not be illegal depending on where you live.
If in the US, it's illegal. Period.

>> No.4861657

>Real unadulterated moonshine.

Lel, if it was real moonshine itd burn all the way down and back up city slicker.

>> No.4861662

Absolutely not. Homebrewing was made legal under Carter, but distilling has been illegal since prohibition.

>> No.4861678

not everyone lives in murica

>> No.4861690

>derp I have not a single fucking clue what a conditional statement is, and I love showing my ignorance to the entire world.

>> No.4861694

Shout out to that nigga OPIATE, the Onyx dude sent me an email earlier. They are only selling the stuff in four states, nothing is shipped to Texas. I don't think they are interested in stocking the shelves here with their shine, its a smaller distiller and I'm sure they have many markets that are closer.

They did sent me a link where I can order a bottle of it online. I'd like to but like I said everything that isn't bolted down is stolen in my neighborhood so I'd have to be home for the delivery. Just the thought of some cracked out nig walking around drinking my hard earned shine is making my blood boil. Those faggots steal my plants, bikes, and even the pumpkin.

>> No.4861695
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ITT: redneck defense force

why would I want to buy my moonshine from some toothless bastard who doesn't follow fda guidelines?

and to top it off moonshine should make my throat burn?

>> No.4861698

sorry it didn't work out but maybe onyx will ship nation wide in the future

>> No.4861701

well, that's good. tickle and all that. andy griffith, otis and all that. popcorn and others. at state fairs. bonded (taxed) licquor. if you don't know where it came from, what it was made from, I would not chance it. a round here a gallon sells for 60 bucks, and to be honest, i'd just as soon not pay that much for something that might have been run off in an cleaned out 55 gal oil drum, old frezzer copper tubing, and might make you go blind make no mistake, I enjoy a drink or 5. but I know where it comes from. once past a certain point, unbonded.. they don't give a shit about you. it's pure profit. and you are kinda low on the food chain. also, at 70 bucks a gallon. I might be ok ok if certified. but not in plastic milk jugs or two liter soda bottles. use some common sense. thats what God gave it to you for.

>> No.4861709

as far as I have known real moonshine is only illegally produced and sold hard alcohol

>all these fedoras arguing over what type of whiskey is moonshine

>> No.4861716

Its gonna work out. If I still remember when the time comes I'm just having my parents order a bottle as a christmas gift.. Until then I'll be trying the Texas moonshines I've been seeing.

>> No.4861717


You of all people complaining about toothless rednecks?

>> No.4861719

you guys should watch this


>> No.4861729

not sure if the whole thing is on the pbs site but it might still be on usenet in 720

>> No.4861741

Only moonshine I ever tried was some apple pie flavored shit that a friend of mine made, it was truly god tier. We all passed around a jar of it and it went quickly.

>> No.4861834

My grandfather was a moonshiner. He started during Prohibition and stopped when he dropped dead. His only problem was that he was the biggest fan of his moonshine, so that "dropping dead" part was about 20 years after the starting part.