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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4853471 No.4853471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw there's a container that's been at the back of the fridge for 6 weeks and you know its rotten inside but you're too afraid to look so you just leave it

typically i end up throwing it out rather than opening, but it sucks when its some tupperware you really like

>> No.4853479
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>tfw your roommate has some shit ass concoction in one of your pots in the back of the fridge for 2 months

>> No.4853484

I throw out perfectly good plastic containers because I don't want to expose myself to mold spores when cleaning

>> No.4853575


there's nothing in there that'll kill you.
where do you think the spores came from in the first place?

>> No.4853577

I clean with a bandanna over my mouth and nose for my dust allergy

you should try it some time, it makes it a lot easier to deal with revolting smells

>> No.4853583

This is why you clean your fucking fridge once in a while.

>> No.4853597

This is how allergies are acquired

>> No.4853604

I found a 30 year old can of chopped clams in the cupboard. I know fear now.

>> No.4853684

not necessarily (i'm the dust allergy guy)

i appreciate what you're /trying/ to say, which is that not being exposed to bacteria/mould/allergens ever is very bad for your immune system
and you're right

but i also have sickle cell, so you can go fuck yourself

>> No.4853692
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>sickle cell


>> No.4853694

>have sickle cell

At least you can better defend against malaria.

>eat pistachios for years, get sudden allergy to them

I hate that shit. I love pistachios, not I can't touch them. ;_;

>> No.4853704

Clean fridge night before trash day.

>> No.4853705

I just spoon it out into the compost.

>> No.4853712

>back when I was like 14
>at friend's house
>he finds container of something in the fridge
>look inside
>bleu cheese stuffed olives
>"Who the fuck would eat that?"
>his mom divorced Don about a month ago
>he opens the container and breathes near it, not even attempting to smell it
>I go to try to help the situation
>get near the container
>dry heaves

I don't remember how we ended up solving the problem of disposing of this thing. I assume we went in with our shirts over our mouths and threw it outside.

>> No.4853714

I use the plastic wrap or foil as a glove to push it into the trash, rinse + dishwasher. I don't want a sponge contaminated. Dishwasher has bleach in the detergent, so it'll be fine to use that Tupperware again.

>> No.4853722


put in the freezer

when it's frozen solid let warm water run over the container for a few second

dump the frozen block into the trash

>> No.4853738

Why am I such a dumbass that I've never thought of this?

>> No.4853742

not quite two months but i know this feel

>> No.4853743

My grandmother's sister used to do this. ...except she'd freeze all her garbage. And would keep it frozen in a spare freezer outside in the garage until trash day.

It made more sense when you realized she was an old lady who lived alone and got her trash picked up maybe twice a month.

>> No.4853822
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>mfw I drank a beer that expired in 1998 that was in my stepdad's fridge

>> No.4853889

Whenever I have something gross or rotten sitting in a container that I'd like to keep, I put it in the freezer for a day or two and then dump the frozen solid in a plastic bag (which I then put in the dumpster immediately).

No smell, no slime, easy to get rid of. I still wear gloves when washing the residue off the container, though.

>> No.4853896

>letting other people touch your cookware
>for any reason
You brought this on yourself.

>> No.4855980

that's actually a good idea

>> No.4856061



The guy who is currently pumping your mom full of cum.

>> No.4856063


>> No.4856072

i have a tupperware thingy in my fridge right now with feta cheese inside. For a few weeks now. I know its not that bad yet ... will wait a few more

>> No.4856085
File: 93 KB, 640x480, 2013-10-08 13.07.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using my fridge to store trash for a few months because I'm scared to take it out.

It's gotten to the point I can't open it all the way or shit will fall out.

>> No.4856091
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Picture's rotated wrong. Can't fix it because I'm on my phone.

Here's another shot

>> No.4856096
File: 94 KB, 640x480, 2013-10-08 13.09.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more. The freezer.

>> No.4856098
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>> No.4856112
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Why are you scared?

>> No.4856181
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alrighty then

>> No.4856192

I always recycle, but when there's a can of really old and probably rotten food I never finished using in the fridge I throw it in the trash because I'm scared to clean it out :(

>> No.4856442


Wait. I wanna know too. I need to know now. Why are you scared?

>> No.4856453


my guess is that he is a NEET autist who can't into social interaction.

>> No.4856516

This week on Hoarders

>> No.4856518


No but seriously. What the fuck?!

>> No.4857008

>being either a stingy jerkass jew who can't share with his roommates and teach them to use cookware properly or being rich enough to live alone

I hate you, either way.

>> No.4857183

>not shit after 3 months

>> No.4857201


>being this american

>> No.4858140

>being rich enough to live alone

you mean making minimum wage?

>> No.4858151

>being able to live on minimum wage
You're so fucking...


>> No.4858220

Why should I have to let other people break my things just to not be considered "stingy"?

>> No.4858229

>depends on the beer

>> No.4858254
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>implying living on your own is hard
Granted the few months, or even the first year can be tough, but you start to find out how to make ends meet.
You very well can live on minimum wage quite comfortably, as long as you're smart with your money.
Which means-
Not buying brand name everything
Not going out to eat every day
Not wasting all your money on booze or lotto
Not spending $90 on a pair of shoes

I make just a bit above minimum wage, and I live comfortably on my own, surrounded by a mountain of vidya and the warm glow of my computer monitors. Bills are paid. No debts. No stress. No worries.
Its a simple life, but its been good to me.

>> No.4858260

Agreed. You forgot coupons, clearance and actually knowing how to cook though.

>> No.4858263

>Not wasting all your money on booze
This is my problem. I'd be king of the castle if it weren't for that damn nectar of the gods.

>> No.4858268
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where the fuck do you live that miminum wage is enough to live on?

I live in nyc and there is no way in hell i could live alone on minimum wage. I make over minimum wage and i still have to live with relatives.

>> No.4858293


>acting like it isn`t one of the most expensive places to live

>> No.4858294
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>i live in nyc and don't know why everything is expensive

>> No.4858296

>I live in nyc

That's your problem. Try moving to a place that isn't one of the highest costs of living in the world.

>> No.4858324
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>I live in nyc

>> No.4858370

Jesus christ. I can assure that you will not 'expose' yourself to mold spores if you just open a container. I work surveying & fixing moisture damage and only break out the protective suits & masks if I have to go into a crawlspace or something.

>> No.4858392

I'm pretty scares to mess with that stuff, it sits back there for a while. I'll wash it out once someone else goes outside and dumps the nasties, but I'm content to let it sit at the back of the fridge until it takes up too much room.
You're a a hoarder, seek help before the stench leads them to your dead body being eaten by cats 2 months after you die.

What about health insurance, you got health insurance? a car?
Thats because they live in the fly-over states. They gave up on their dreams. I could have a 5 bedroom house over 3k square feet for what I pay here, but I'd have to live in shitville. Not worth it.

>> No.4858429

>Thats because they live in the fly-over states. They gave up on their dreams. I could have a 5 bedroom house over 3k square feet for what I pay here, but I'd have to live in shitville. Not worth it.

Whatever you have to tell yourself bro. I live two blocks from the ocean. The choices aren't: a) Live in a big city or b) live in a cornfield

But hey, enjoy that awesome city you got there! I'm going kayaking and spear fishing this afternoon.

>> No.4858516

>hurrr you must live this ideal lifestyle dictated by societies standards to be happy
Angry manchild still living with his parents detected.

>> No.4858533

Its the same lie all major city dwelling people tell themselves to justify living in a cramped, overpriced, overpopulated, smog filled shithole and paying out the ass for basic needs and services that us 'flyover' people get for dirt cheap.

>> No.4859441

>people buttangry about living in the sticks

hey guys guess what, when 10 pm rolls around i can still leave my house and do whatever the fuck i want.

>> No.4859446

wow imagine that someone turned a thread about food on ck into a political shitpost fight about america

just like every other thread

it's almost as if

it's the same guy



>> No.4859501
File: 604 KB, 2048x1536, garden2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big city fags cant grow a garden like us tho

>> No.4861121 [DELETED] 
File: 278 KB, 576x432, vlcsnap-2010-12-06-02h08m50s232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, r u suggesting this guy >>4859501
is trolling about his backyard?

>> No.4861131

Wow. What a benefit. Great job. How will I ever survive after 10 pm on a Thursday night.

>> No.4861167

Dump it in the toilet.

>> No.4861182
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i will clean all of that out for $10
what the fuck is wrong with you