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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4851933 No.4851933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So... I made this (Even the bun) Brioche-Bun Burger, Sirloin and ribs patty seasoned with coriander seeds, Monterrey Jack Cheese, Sauteed mushrooms and onions, with green leaf lettuce, and Eva Purple Ball tomato.
What do /ck/ think?
How much will you pay for it?

>> No.4851940

Monterrey Jack seems like a poor choice and I'm not a fan of button mushrooms, but if I could exclude those toppings I would pay $10-12 for it.

>> No.4851936
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>> No.4851947

What cheese will be better?

>> No.4851958
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>> No.4851964

I'm not sure, but I find Monterrey Jack to be bland.

A nice blue cheese, goat cheese, or, in a completely different direction, buffalo mozzarella could be nice.

>> No.4851968

Just a heads up... /ck/ is a slow board, so bumping every few minutes is unnecessary and frowned upon.

>> No.4851976

Man i love goat cheese, but theres not too many people that likes it. Thanks Though.

I know, bro... Just uploading more Photo-angles.

>> No.4852194

That's a quality looking burger OP. Lose the mushrooms because they make burgers soggy and gross.

>> No.4852227

8 bucks and that's with fries and beverage

>> No.4852232

You're using real meat, as in steak meat, for the patty. So it should be worth more than $3. It's better quality meat than your average burger. I'd probably spend like $4 or $5 for it. $5 tops.

>> No.4852235

$12-15 including fries. In Canada.

>> No.4852238

Sharpen your knife.

>> No.4852236

I give you tree fiddy!

>> No.4852243


>> No.4852251

I'd pay $15-20 including fries and a soda. If it wasn't on Brioche I'd pay $10-15. I love Brioche.

I'm in Australia.

>> No.4852282

Blue is terrible, Monterrey Jack is perfectly fine OP but I prefer Provolone

>> No.4852288

>Blue is terrible, Monterrey Jack is perfectly fine OP but I prefer Provolone
>Blue is terrible
>I prefer Provolone
Your cheese opinions are revolked.

>> No.4852293


>> No.4852299


I would pay no more than $9 USD for this. Maybe up to $11 depending on size of the burger, the location of the restaurant, and whether or not it came with a couple sides.

>> No.4852302

7.99 i would pay

>> No.4852308

>How much will you pay for it?

Exactly zero dollars because it's a freely available image on the internet.

>> No.4852312


>> No.4852569

Do you really need that penny?

>> No.4852599
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Thanks, bros.
Well, you'll pay $5-20 for it... Yes, its brioche... And yes, its a quiality burger, thanks.

The bad part about this is that i live in mexico, so... The guys from here will only pay $2-4, maximum 8 :'(

>> No.4852615

>mfw I am Canadian and the penny is no longer being made or given out by stores

Feels... okay.

>> No.4852646

How much meat is in it?

>> No.4852803


The bun looks like it has blackheads

>> No.4852821

That's because you've never seen a bun that wasn't from BK

>> No.4852823

Put it on your dollar meal, subsidize the shit out of the ingredients and profit wisely.

>> No.4852825

looks great.

>> No.4852827


No, that's because they look like blackheads

>> No.4852837

5$ - 9$

>> No.4852873

One Kennedy half dollar.

>> No.4852890


Nigga, you gay. When you eat a good premier hamburger, you will open your eyes and say: Imma huge faggot.


Bro.... Les champignons are tasty as fuck, and dont make it soggy. Gross? well, maybe the shrooms are not for you, not big deal.

loch ness.

>> No.4853016

Lunch or dinner?

>> No.4853056

would pay 15€

>> No.4853179

Looks great, I love the homemade bun. I'd pay at least 10 Euros for it.

>> No.4853188

Wouldn't pay no more than $5.

>> No.4853191

Looks pretty tasty. Judging on looks alone I'd spend up to $10 once, and repeat visits would depend on the eating experience.

>> No.4853193
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Iwould pay $29 looks rather awesome

>> No.4853456

Second this.

>> No.4853482
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That doesn't look like jack cheese to me.
Is jack cheese orange in mexico?

>> No.4853517

Add bacon, fries and a drink - I'd give you 30 dollars for it.
(rich eurofag here)

>> No.4853527


>> No.4853535

Probably around $10 USD. I don't like how you seasoned the patty with coriander though, because then I'll taste mostly coriander and less beef flavor.

>> No.4853556

That is one of the most perfect looking burgers I've ever seen. I'd probably go up to 10$

>> No.4853565



>> No.4853573

Between $15 - $25 if served with chips and salad in a cafe. Up to $15 with chips and drink if takeaway.

>> No.4853623

Mexican here bro, honest to good I'd pay $150MXN If served with sides.

>> No.4853629

$6 including the beer and bullet for after when I hate hate myself

>> No.4853634

Probably something like 15-20€ with fries, salad, and a beer. 10€ on its own if that's takeaway.

>> No.4853932

Lol, is yellowish fuck yeah!

Matt Damon.

Coriander seeds, Salt and white-Black Pepper. How u like it?

Im 18yo, my mom dont give me money, so this is some Street-gourmet food. lol

What beer?

>> No.4853941

Te amo, Lamentablemente, las personas que viven por mi localidad no pagarían más de $90 :'(

>> No.4854014

Just salt and pepper would be good for me. I don't want too much going on in the patty. Even adding onion powder or garlic powder to it detracts from the rich beefy flavor in my opinion.

>> No.4854024


>> No.4854041



this wasn't funny in the least

it was a gay tripfag being a smartass pedant

stop laughing at your own attempts at snark, faggot

>> No.4854045


yeah well come open your restaurant in America then. We have a dearth of Mexicans working in our food industry, I am sure you will be able to earn a lot of money here like most Mexican restaurant workers.

>> No.4854445
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you sound mad

>> No.4854466

You wouldn't be able to get away with selling a burger for 15-20 dollars.
I'd pay 8-10 dollars for this and some sweet potato chips

>> No.4854469

sweet potato chips or fries*

>> No.4854485

>what is sarcasm

>> No.4854768

I want $6 for it :)

>> No.4854780

I don't think you'd have any problem selling that burger for that price.
It looks like it would be good with slices of avocado too.

>> No.4854786

Have you ever been to a major city?

>> No.4854791

>muh tourist traps and overpriced/overhyped food
Yea I have been, and I don't see any caviar or kobe beef on that burger.

>> No.4854802

Kobe is the region of Japan, its Wagyū beef.

>> No.4854804


It's both.

>> No.4854807

Calm down weeb, the retard was just trying to make a point or something.

>> No.4854914

You got a point. lel

>> No.4854942

If I had my own price I'd pay $5 for it. But in Los Angeles where I am, you could command $9-10. Just for the burger.

>> No.4855187

Doubtful. Kobe beef isn't exported out of Japan. If you see Kobe beef in the US or elsewhere it's actually copyright infringement and a knockoff product.

>> No.4855191

Wagyu, hopefully.

>In the United States, Japanese Wagyu cattle were bred with Angus cattle. This crossbreed has been named American Style Kobe Beef.

>> No.4855972

waht is your recipe for bun? looks superb.

>> No.4855981

8 dollars max, 10 including fries and soda. It looks like a very nice burger, although I'd skip the shrooms; I like them, just not in a burger for some reason.

>> No.4856292

Thanks, it is.
Well, its a hybrid, Between Michelle Roux, and Bruno Albouze Brioche recipe, Refrigerated overnight, and no mixer of course.

Why no champignons?

>> No.4856311

If you were here in the states I would pay about $12 with fries and drink. Too bad you're in Mexico.

I'm Mexican so I know your feels about getting payed shit for a quality looking burger.

>> No.4856545
File: 52 KB, 403x403, All+the+damn+feels+_ce64be8739c62ff389a285fad8a3e9a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn man, i want to go to the US.