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4851205 No.4851205[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>move to detroit
>soul food restaurants everywhere
>candied yams
>mac n cheese
>collared greens
>mashed potatoes
lordy lord i'm in heaven

>> No.4851208
File: 796 KB, 1303x2687, detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lordy lord i'm in heaven.

No. No you are not. Be careful out there.

>> No.4851220



>> No.4851223

I live in Detroit too. Yes, it is heaven here.

Good food, good people, etc.

>> No.4851298

lol, are you my mother? ALL BLAX R CRIMINALS AMIRITE?

>> No.4851508

speaking of soul food, i've recently come into a good volume of GRITS. does anyone know how i might employ GRITS?

>> No.4851669

wait you moved TO Detroit? who does that? Im trying to move AWAY from Detroit

>> No.4851694

OPs not coming back. He was killed in a drive by shooting. RIP in peace his dumb ass.

Soul food does taste great though. Too bad it's instant daibeetus on a plate.

>> No.4851696

I second this question, my mother just gifted me with 5 pounds of grits.

>> No.4851719

uh, idiot, Detroit is known for being the United States worst city crime/murder wise, its also fucking depressed as fuck economically

why would anyone move there is beyond me

>> No.4851726

>United States worst city crime/murder wise

I think Chicago is worse.

>> No.4851732

even if that were true, which is probably not, Detroit is fucked financially.I am sure Chicago is not that bad in the finance department

>> No.4851737

Detroiter here, welcome Op! You will soon find out that its not so bad here at all.

>> No.4851741


Just checked, you're right. Detroit homicide rate in 2011: 48.2 per 100,000. Far more than Chicago.

>> No.4851743

I live in the Metro and every gas station has bulletproof glass, most neighborhoods you don't want to stop at red lights, and there are biker gang members everywhere. Right before you enter the actual city there are a ton of chicken/black people restaurants in the ghetto where nobody even stops at red lights.

0/10 would not move to unless you're rich and can move to Grosse Point


>> No.4851745
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>you're right
I love seeing this

>> No.4851749

Grosse Pointe*

>> No.4851756

People I know from Detroit rave about their Indian food.

>> No.4851762

That's the same kind of unhealthy/super delicious shit we have down here in TN. When you're tired of the homicide/robbery rate, you can come down here. --Heads up: We're much fucking nicer here too.

>> No.4851764


What part are you from? I'm saying everything isn't all gravy but the whole city isnt all that bad

>> No.4851768


im so sorry

>> No.4851776

>mashed potatoes
>soul food


>> No.4851778
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>> No.4851782

Chicago is actually a world class city. Detroit is just a hellish shit hole. The only thing I've ever see comparable is maybe mogadishu

>> No.4851784

yes, and how can we solve that? by moving to detroit and 1) providing a larger tax base and 2) living a crime-free life. if everyone from the suburbs did what i've done detroit would be a great city once again. also, homes here are five grand a pop, i can't pass that up.

>> No.4851785

>people think Detroit is some sort of Fallout-style wasteland
Y'all whitebois ever been to Oakland?

>> No.4851791

wtf? theres only one indian restaurant in the city, and its technically in hamtramck

>> No.4851799


>> No.4851803
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>he wants others to make the same mistake he did

>> No.4851815

yes. i like hunters point more.

>> No.4851825

Chicago is savable. Cleveland might be savable. Detroit is Fallout-tier. At some point you just have abandon ship.

>> No.4851860

I'm in Warren and my neighborhood is above average and is still a shithole where everyone is a drug dealer and all of the little kids steal each others shit routinely

>> No.4851875

>most neighborhoods you don't want to stop at red lights
>there are biker gang members everywhere

What the hell are you talking about. I have lived in Detroit for the past 12 and have hardly ever encountered such things.

>> No.4851878

You must live in the actual city of Detroit then instead of the surrounding neighborhoods.

>> No.4851885

I live down the street from Benny Napoleon. There are some shit parts of this city, but it's no where as widespread or as bad as people make it out to be.

>> No.4851886

>Chicago is savable. Cleveland might be savable. Detroit is Fallout-tier. At some point you just have abandon ship.
lol America

>> No.4851903

I've lived here for a year and almost been shot once and seen more stolen hot property then I've seen anywhere else in my life as well as the uncountable number of heroin junkies that are snagging it all.

>> No.4851908

Were you staying on the EAST side? That place is straight out of STALKER. Even Mexicantown is nicer.

>> No.4851913

bad citizen detected

>> No.4851915

so hey. about those GRITS. how can i GRITS?

>> No.4851924

I live in north of Detroit and I have met few people who weren't involved in some kind of criminal activity. This involves mostly selling stolen electronics and slinging hardcore dope (or buying it and ODing on it, forcing me to call 911 to prevent their death). I live with people who attract those sorts, but there is no shortness of them, either.

I have definitely been in some STALKER tier neighborhoods where all I can see is broken glass and shady motherfuckers where I actually felt like I was about to be robbed at any moment.

>> No.4851932

I suggest you stop by Corktown and check out Slows. They have excellent mac n cheese.

>> No.4851934

As a Canadian, I find these kinds of descriptions unbelievable and actually want to go to Detroit and witness this.

I've been to really sketchy native reserves in northern parts of the country, but I can't imagine cities like this. I feel like people must be exaggerating.

>> No.4851941

have you heard of the bankruptcy detriot went through? its one of the poorest cities if not the poorest in the USA. The movie of Robocop was not exaggerating how bad the crime was at the time.

>> No.4851943

>north of Detroit
>north of

That's not Detroit. It's the problem of whatever outlying city you're in.

They are exaggerated.

>> No.4851957

I've said that I live in Metro 2 or 3 times already

>> No.4851970

>The movie of Robocop was not exaggerating how bad the crime was at the time.
Now I know you are full of shit.

>> No.4851971

theres also alot of good greek food downtown. i just hope youre not one of those little hipster kids who moves down there just to say theyre in the city, cause lol, u finna get raped

>> No.4851979

If op is really a hipster he should go to the Eastern Market. They have loads of fresh produce on the weekends brought from farmers in Michigan. There is also a hipster Detroit store there the I forget the name of.

>> No.4851990


Yeah, I'm not going to turn tail and run when proven wrong. Too many people on here like that.

>> No.4852254

not gonna lie, i'm pretty hip. a hip cat, you might say.

>> No.4852260

its not soul food though

>> No.4852271


> RIP in peace his dumb ass.

Fuckin' lol'ed, anon. Kindly return to me my sides?

>> No.4852272



>> No.4852275



>> No.4852349

so...about those GRITS.

>> No.4852984

>Y'all whitebois ever been to Oakland?
Yep, Rockridge all the time. Some other parts of Oakland are really fucked up though.

>> No.4853115

Why bother to call? If they croak, crime will decrease.

>> No.4853121

I saw the asian woman and read soul food as Seoul food.

>> No.4853145

Well I suppose if you could scrounge up an 80k job for me with full health benefits, 2 weeks vacation a year and transfer over my 300+ days of sick leave sure.

>Jobs in Detroit

>> No.4853157

yup i live there
rather take that risk and commute to SF for school then live in hunters point or something

>> No.4853171
File: 42 KB, 425x282, Oxtail_Stew-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me some oxtail

>> No.4853177

does she have horrible dandruff or is something else going on here?

>> No.4853178


>trying to gentrify

>> No.4853195
File: 519 KB, 643x752, truck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gentrification isn't a pure evil. the more people value city life, the sooner we can ban cars. and what better place to begin than the city that showed how unsustainable cager culture really is.

>> No.4853213


>collared greens


>> No.4853250

Hey man, no reason to drag Chiraq into this.

>> No.4853256

snow, you dim-wit.

>> No.4853293

>everyone being in cities will make the world a better place

>> No.4853314

>muh fortress
>muh last man on earth fantasy

spoiler: the ladies still won't let you have them. they'd rather die.

>> No.4853333

Fuck off, some people like actually having land.
>hurr everyone should live in cramped apartments or lily white suburbs
Go outside once in a while.

>> No.4853342

My father almost laughed himself hoarse after selling our home in the city which he bought for what would be considered a pittance today for a substantial amount of money. He then took that money and bought himself a home three times the size in another state with lower property taxes and cost of living.

>Morons in New York willing to pay 1.3 million for a house on a subway line 4 stops from the city

>> No.4853796

I go outside every day. being able to see another human being doesn't make me magically "not outside"